biomedicina slovenica |
"GREAT BRITAIN" : 101-116
Zupanič-Slavec Zvonka
Zgodovina medicine med Britanci
[Medical history in Great Britain]
1996 ►
Kralj J; Žurga G
Organizacijski sistem informiranja in odločanja na področju zdravstva
[An organizational informing and decision making in medicine]
1995 ►
Gautam V
A brief introduction to the British emergency medical service
[Kratek uvod v britansko urgentno medicinsko službo]
1995 ►
Doll R; Peto R; Wheatley K; Grey R; Sutherland I
Umrljivost v povezavi s kajenjem: 40 let opazovanj britanskih zdravnikov-kadilcev
[Smoking related mortality: 40 years of observations of British physicians-smokers]
1995 ►
Primanšek L
Notranje tržišče v zdravstvenem sistemu Velike Britanije, osnovano na delitvi fonda splošnim zdravnikom
[Internal market in health care system based on by foundholding system in Great Britain]
1995 ►
Drinovec J
Pogovor uredništva ZV s prof. dr. H. J. Glanvillom
1995 ►
Vendramin V; Vrbič V
Uporaba opne v konservativnem zobozdravstvu
[The use of a rubber dam in conservative dentistry]
1993 ►
Vratanar K
Predstavitev hospica Sv. Krištofa v Londonu
1994 ►
Bradley KA; Donovan DM; Larson EB
Koliko je preveč: svetovanje bolnikom glede nenevarnih količin zauživanja alkohola
[How much is too much?]
1994 ►
Uršič C
Comparative study of employment policies for people with disabilities within Germany, the United Kindom and Slovenia
1993 ►
Poldrugo F; Zorzut G
Factors relatet to alcohol relapse in an Italian population
1991 ►
Truden P; Prodan M; Obersnel-Kveder D; Kožuh-Novak M
Organizacija zdravstvenega varstva otrok v Evropi in perspektiva Slovenije
[The organisation of the child health care in Europe and its perspectives in Slovenia]
1991 ►
Tržan-Herman N
Inteligentna knjižnica - pogoj za uspešno delo malih enot, kot so specialne knjižnice
[Intelligent library - an option for a successful work of small units, as there are special libraries]
1990 ►
Krstić N
Proizvodnja in potrošnja cigaret v državah EGS v letih 1980-1987
[Production and consumption of cigarettes in the countries of the European community in the years 1980-1987]
1990 ►
Zalokar J
Angloameriška reforma psihiatrije
[The Anglo-American reform of psychiatry]
1989 ►
Keber D; Sketelj J
Skupne značilnosti študija medicine v Evropi (2. del)
1986 ►
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