biomedicina slovenica

ct=1.01 : 15.967-16.066

  1. Brodnik andrej; Miltersen Peter Bro; Munro Ian J
    Trans-dichotomous algorithms without multiplication - some upper and lower bounds
  2. Anderson A; Brodnik Andrej
    Comment of self-indexed sort
  3. Spataro Vito J; Litman Heather; Viale Giuseppe; Maffini Fausto; Masullo Michele; Golouh Rastko; Lindtner Jurij
    Decreased immunoreactivity for p27 protein in patients with early-stage breast carcinoma is correlated with HER-2/neu overexpression and with benefit from one course of perioperative chemotherapy in patients with negative lymph node status: results from international breast cancer study group trial V
  4. Plevel Srečo; Javornik Tomaž; Ozimek Igor; Trobec Roman; Kandus Gorazd
    Viterbijev algoritem za DSP procesorje
    [Viterbi algorithm for DSP processors]
  5. Trobec Roman; Šterk Marjan; Praprotnik Matej; Janežič Dušanka
    Implementation and evaluation of MPI-based parallel MD program
  6. Crivellari Diana; Price Karren; Gelber Richard D; Castiglione-Gertsch Monika; Rudenstam Carl-Magnus; Lindtner Jurij
    Adjuvant endocrine therapy compared with no systemic therapy for elderly women with early breast cancer: 21-year results of International breast cancer study group trial IV
  7. Trobec Roman
    Two-dimenstional regular d-meshes
  8. Brodnik Andrej; Munro James Ian
    Neighbours on a grid
  9. Hanyaloglu Aylin C; Vrecl Milka; Kroeger Karen M; Miles Lauren EC; Qian Hongwei; Thomas Walter G; Eidne Karin A
    Casein kinase II sites intracellular C-terminal domain of the thyrotropin-releasing hormone receptor and chimeric gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptors contribute to beta-arrestin-dependent internalization
  10. Lamovec J; Šinkovec J
    Multilocular peritoneal inclusion cyst (multicystic mesothelioma) with hyaline globules
  11. Trobec Roman
    Optimal diagnostic examination for local diagnosis
  12. Trebše Polonca; Arčon Iztok
    Degradation of organophosphorus compounds by x-ray irradiation
  13. Mozetič Branka; Trebše Polonca; Simčič Marijan; Hribar Janez
    Anthocyanins and hydroxycinnamic acids affecting the skin colour during maturation of sweet cherries (Prunus avium L.)
  14. Trebše Polonca; Polanc Slovenko; Kočevar Marijan
    A direct conversion of 5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-2H-1-benzopyran-2,5-diones into substituted 1-amino-5,6,7,8-tetrahydroquinoline-2,5-diones
  15. Bavcon Mojca; Trebše Polonca; Zupančič-Kralj Lucija
    Investigations of the determination and transformations of diazinon and malathion under environmental conditions using gas chromatography coupled with a flame ionisation detector
  16. Mozetič Branka; Trebše Polonca; Hribar Janez
    Determination and quantitation of anthocyanins and hydroxycinnamic acids in different cultivars of sweet cherries (Prunus avium L.) from Nova Gorica region (Slovenia)
  17. Kafka Stanislav; Trebše Polonca; Polanc Slovenko; Kočevar Marijan
    A new transformation of 2H-pyran-2-one ring: first synthesis of pyridazino[4,3-c]azepines and their oxidation with thallium(III) nitrate or copper(II) acetate
  18. Trebše Polonca; Vraničar Lidija; Mušič Irena; Polanc Slovenko; Stevens William S; Kočevar Marijan
    Transformation of 5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-2H-1-benzopyran-2,8-diones with hydrazoic acid: synthesis of 8-hydrazono-5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-2-oxo-2H-1-benzopyrans, pyrano[2,3-c]azepines and pyrido[2,3-c]azepines
  19. Trebše Polonca; Recelj Boris; Kočevar Marijan; Polanc Slovenko
    Selective synthesis of some 5-hydrazono-5,6,7,8,-tetrahydro-2H-1-benzopyran-2-ones
  20. Nečemer Marijan; Kump Peter; Rajčevič Marija; Jaćimović Radojko; Budič Bojan; Ponikvar Maja
    Determination of sulfur and chlorine in fodder by X-ray fluorescence spectral analysis and comparison with other analytical methods
  21. Kiipli T; Kump Peter
    Seven sedimentary rock reference samples from Estonia
  22. Bernik Janez; Drnovšek Roman; Košir Tomaž; Omladič Matjaž; Radjavi Heydar
    Irreducible semigroups of matrices with eigenvalue one
  23. Vilfan Mojca; Čopič Martin
    Azimuthal and zenithal anchoring of nematic liquid crystals
  24. Drnovšek Roman; Radjavi Heydar; Rosenthal Peter
    A characterization of commutators of idempotents
  25. Mertelj Alenka; Vilfan Mojca; Čopič Martin
    Thermal fluctuations of disclination lines in a thin nematic film
  26. Vilfan Marija; Zalar Boštjan; Fontecchio Adam K; Vilfan Mojca; Escuti Michael J; Crawford Gregory P; Žumer Slobodan
    Deuteron NMR study of molecular ordering in a holographic-polymer-dispersed liquid crystal
  27. Vilfan Mojca; Martelj Alenka; Čopič Martin
    Dynamic light scattering measurements of azimuthal and zenithal anchoring of nematic liquid crystals
  28. Sever Nataša; Filipič Metka; Brzin Jože; Lah Tamara T
    Effect of cysteine proteinase inhibitors on murine B16 melanoma cell invasion in vitro
  29. Premzl Aleš; Puizdar Vida; Zavašnik-Bergant Valentina; Kopitar-Jerala Nataša; Lah Tamara; Katunuma N; Sloane BF; Turk Vito; Kos Janko
    Invasion of ras-transformed breast epithelial cells depends on the proteolytic activity of cysteine and aspartic proteinases
  30. Vilfan Mojca; Drevenšek-Olenik Irena; Mertelj Alenka; Čopič Martin
    Aging of surface anchoring and surface viscosity of a nematic liquid crystal on photoaligning poly-(vinyl-cinnamate)
  31. Strlič Matija; Kolar Jana; Šelih Vid Simon; Marinček Marko
    Surface modification during Nd:YAG (1064 nm) pulsed laser cleaning of organic fibrous materials
  32. Legat Andraž
    Influence of electrolyte movement on measured electrochemical noise
  33. Legat Andraž; Doleček Valter
    Chaotic analysis of electrochemical noise measured on stainless steel
  34. Kolar Jana; Strlič Matija; Marinček Marko
    IR pulsed laser light interaction with soiled cellulose and paper
  35. Majaron Boris; Milner Thomas E; Nelson J Stuart
    Determination of parameter beta for dual-wavelength pulsed photothermal profiling of human skin
  36. Svaasand LO; Randeberg LL; Aguilar G; Majaron Boris; Kimel S; Lavernia EJ; Nelson JS
    Cooling efficiency of cryogen spray during laser therapy of skin
  37. Kao Brunsho; Kelly Kristen M; Majaron Boris; Nelson J Stuart
    Novel model for evaluation of epidermal preservation and dermal collagen remodeling following photorejuvenation of human skin
  38. Legat Andraž; Doleček Valter
    Corrosion monitoring system based on measurement and analysis of electrochemical noise
  39. Aguilar Guillermo; Majaron Boris; Karapetian Emil; Lavernia Enrique J; Nelson J Stuart
    Experimental study of cryogen spray properties for application in dermatologic laser surgery
  40. Majaron Boris; Svaasand Lars O; Aguilar Guillermo; Nelson J Stuart
    Intermittent cryogen spray cooling for optimal heat extraction during dermatologic laser treatment
  41. Legat Andraž; Govekar Edvard
    Detection of corrosion by analysis of electrochemical noise
  42. Majaron Boris; Verkruysse Wim; Tanenbaum B Samuel; Milner Thomas E; Nelson J Stuart
    Spectral variation of the infrared absorption coefficient in pulsed photothermal profiling of biological samples
  43. Legat Andraž; Zevnik Ciril
    The electrochemical noise of mild and stainless steel in various water solutions
  44. Leban Mirjam; Legat Andraž; Doleček Valter
    Electrochemical noise during non-stationary corrosion processes
  45. Ebihara A; Majaron Boris; Liaw L-H L; Krasieva TB; Wilder-Smith P
    Er:YAG laser modification of root canal dentine: influence of pulse duration, repetitive irradiation and water spray
  46. Majaron Boris; Kimel Sol; Verkruysse Wim; Aguilar Guillermo; Pope Karl; Svaasand Lars O; Lavernia Enrique J; Nelson J Stuart
    Cryogen spray cooling in laser dermatology: effects of ambient humidity and frost formation
  47. Leban Mirjam; Legat Andraž; Kuhar Viljem
    Comparative analysis of electrochemical noise generated during stress corrosion cracking of AISI 304 stainless steel
  48. Legat Andraž; Osredkar Jurij; Kuhar Viljem; Leban Mirjam
    Detection of various types of corrosion processes by the chaotic analysis of electrochemical noise
  49. Leban Mirjam; Legat Andraž; Doleček Valter; Kuhar Viljem
    Electrochemical noise as a possible method for detecting stress-corrosion cracking
  50. Uršič Matjaž; Bavdek Srdan; Zabavnik-Piano Jelka
    The number of cells expressing dopamine D2 receptor mRNA in rat brain caudate putamen is higher in oestrus
  51. Frieze-Hanson Irene; Ferligoj Anuška; Kogovšek Tina; Rener Tanja; Horvat jasna; Šarlija Nataša
    Gender-role attitudes in university students in the United States, Slovenia, and Croatia
  52. Kogovšek Tina; Ferligoj Anuška; Saris Willem S; Coenders Germa
    Estimating the reliability and validity of personal support measures: full information ML estimation with planned incomplete data
  53. Meng Baozhong; Credi Rino; Petrovič Nataša; Tomažič Irma; Gonsalves Dennis
    Antiserum to recombinant virus coat protein detects Rupestris stem pitting associated virus in grapevines
  54. Tomažič Irma; Korošec-Koruza Zora
    Validity of phyllometric parameters used to differentiate local Vitis vinifera L. cultivars
  55. Fazarinc Gregor; Čandek-Potokar Marjeta; Uršič Matjaž; Vrecl Milka; Pogačnik Azra
    Giant muscle fibres in pigs with different Ryr1 genotype
  56. Vrecl Milka; Heding Anders; Hanyaloglu Aylin; Eidne Karin
    Internalization kinetics of the gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) receptor
  57. Heding Anders; Vrecl Milka; Hanyaloglu Aylin C; Sellar Robin; Tylor Philip L; Eidne Karin
    The rat gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor internalizes via beta-arrestin-independant, but dynamin-dependent, pathway: addition of a carboxyl-terminal tail confers beta-arrestin dependency
  58. Willars Gary S; Heding Anders; Vrecl Milka; Sellar Robin; Blomenroehr Marion; Nahorski Stefan R; Eidne Karin A
    Lack of a C-terminal tail in the mammalian gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptors confers resistance to agonist-dependent phosphorylation and rapid desensitization
  59. Vrecl Milka; Anderson Lorraine; Hanyaloglu Aylin; McGregor Alison M; Groarke Alex D; Milligan Graeme; Taylor Philip L; Eidne Karin A
    Agonist-induced endocytosis and recycling of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor effect of beta-arrestin on internalisation kinetics
  60. Heding Anders; Vrecl Milka; Bogerd Jan; McGregor Alison; Sellar Robin; Taylor Philip L; Eidne Karin A
    Gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptors with intercellular carboxyl-terminal tails undergo acute desensitization of total inositol phosphate production and exhibit accelerated internalization kinetics
  61. Majaron Boris; Verkruysse Wim; Kelly Kristen M; Nelson J Stuart
    Er:YAG laser skin resurfacing using repetitive long-pulse exposure and cryogen spray cooling: 2. theoretical analysis
  62. Williams Peter A; Shaw Linda M; Pitt Christopher; Vrecl Milka
    XyIUW, two genes at the start of the upper pathway operon of TOL plasmid pWWO, appear to play no essential part in determing its catabolic phenotype
  63. Majaron Boris; Kelly Kristen M; Hyle B Park; Verkruysse Wim; Nelson J Stuart
    Er:YAG laser skin resurfacing using repetitive long-pulse exposure and cryogen spray cooling: 1. histological study
  64. Aguilar Guillermo; Majaron Boris; Pope Karl; Svaasand Lars O; Lavernia Enrique; Nelson J Stuart
    Influence of nozzle-to-skin distance in cryogen spray cooling for dermatological laser surgery
  65. Meunier FA; Frangež Robert; Benoit E; Ouanounou G; Rouzaire-Dubois B; Šuput D; Molgo J
    Ca(2+) and Na(+) contribute to the swelling of differentiated neuroblastom cells induced by equinatoxin-II
  66. Beravs Katarina; Frangež Robert; Gerkis Anthony N; Demšar Franci
    Radiofrequency current density imaging of kainate-evoked depolarization
  67. Aguilar G; Majaron Boris; Verkruysse W; Zhou Y; Nelson J Stuart
    Theoretical and experimental analysis of droplet diameter, temperature, and evaporation rate evolution in cryogenic sprays
  68. Aguilar Guillermo; Verkruysse Wim; Majaron Boris; Svaasand Lars O; Lavernia Enrique J; Nelson J Stuart
    Measurement of heat flux and heat transfer coefficient during continuous cryogen spray cooling for laser dermatologic surgery
  69. Majaron Boris; Verkkruysse Wim; Tanenbaum B Samuel; Milner Thomas E; Telenkov Sergey A; Goodman Dennis M; Nelson J Stuart
    Combining two excitation wavelengths for pulsed photothermal profiling of hypervascular lesions in human skin
  70. Verkruysse Wim; Majaron Boris; Tanenbaum B Samuel; Nelson J Stuart
    Optimal cryogen spray cooling parameters for pulsed laser treatment of port wine stains
  71. Cerkvenik Vesna; Grabnar Iztok; Skubic Valentin; Doganoc Darinka Z; Beek Wim MJ; Keukens Henk J; Drobnič-Košorok Marinka; Pogačnik Milan
    Ivermectin pharmacokinetics in lactating sheep
  72. Tišljar M; Grabarević Ž; Artuković B; Šimec Z; Džaja P; Vranešić Ð; Bauer A; Tudja M; Herak-Perković V; Juntes P; Pogačnik M
    Gizzerosine-induced histopathological lesions in broiler chicks
  73. Majaron Boris; Srinivas Shyam M; Huang Huai-en L; Nelson J Stuart
    Deep coagulation of dermal collagen with repetitive Er:YAG laser irradiation
  74. Pinter Ljiljana; Anthony RM; Glumac Nada; Hajsig D; Pogačnik Milan; Drobnič-Košorok Marinka
    Apparent cross-infection with a single strain of Malassezia pachydermatis on a pig farm
  75. Majaron Boris; Lukač Matjaž
    Calculation of crater shape in pulsed laser ablation of hard tissues
  76. Herak-Perković V; Grabarevuć Ž; Banuć M; Anić B; Novosel V; Pogačnik M
    Effects of dopaminergic drugs on inflammatory bowel disease induced with 2,4-dinitrofluorbenzene in BALB/c mice
  77. Majaron Boris; Plestenjak P; Lukač Matjaž
    Termo-mechanical laser ablation of soft biological tissue: modeling the micro-explosions
  78. Grad Ladislav; Možina Janez
    Laser pulse shape influence on optically induced dynamic processes
  79. Grad Ladislav; Možina Janez
    Optodynamic studies of Er:YAG laser interaction with wood
  80. Pastevšek U; Juntes P; Pogačnik M; Doganoc D
    Use of recultivated electrofilter ash dumping areas for sheep breeding
  81. Horvat Andrej; Grad Ladislav; Možina Janez
    Surface roughness in pulsed Nd:YAG laser caving of alumina ceramic
  82. Juntes Polona; Pogačnik Milan
    Morphometric analysis of AgNORs in tubular and papillary parts of canine mammary gland tumors
  83. Ragland WL; Mazija H; Cvetlić-Čabrilo V; Savić V; Novak R; Pogačnik M
    Immune suppression of commercial broilers in Croatia, Slovenia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1981-1991
  84. Pavlica Zlatko; Juntes Polona; Pogačnik Milan
    Defence reaction in a dental pulp after pulp capping partial pulpectomy in dogs
  85. Drevenšek P; Turel I; Poklar N
    Influence of copper(II) and magnesium(II) ions on the ciprofloxacin binding to DNA
  86. Grad Ladislav; Možina Janez
    Optodynamic studies of Er:Yag laser induced microexplosions in dentin
  87. Vilfan i; Drevenšek P; Turel I; Poklar N
    Characterization of ciprofloxacin binding to the linear single- and double-stranded DNA
  88. Poklar N; Voelker J; Anderluh G; Maček P; Chalikian Tigran
    Acid- and base-induced conformational transitions of equinatoxin II
  89. Grad Ladislav; Možina Janez
    Optodynamic monitoring of excimer laser drilling of ceramics
  90. Pašić Lejla; Sepčić Kristina; Turk Tom; Maček Peter; Poklar Nataša
    Characterization of parazoanthoxanthin A binding to a series of natural and synthetic host DNA duplexes
  91. Grad Ladislav; Diaci Janez; Možina Janez
    Optoacoustic monitoring of laser beam focusing
  92. Poklar N; Vesnaver G
    Thermal denaturation of proteins studied by UV spectroscopy
  93. Poklar N; Lah N; Oblak M; Vesnaver G
    Thermodynamic stability of ribonuclease A in alkylurea solutions and preferential solvation changes accompanying its thermal denaturation: a calorimetric and spectroscopic study
  94. Grad Ladislav; Možina Janez
    Acoustic in situ monitoring of excimer lase ablation of different ceramics
  95. Pilch Daniel S; Poklar N; Baird E; Dervan PB; Breslauer KJ
    The thermodynamics of polyamide-DNA recognition: hairpin polyamide binding in the minor groove of duplex DNA
  96. Šostar-Turk Sonja; Fijan Sabina; Ploj Milena
    Utjecaj postupaka njege pri odstranjivanju mrlja kod tkanina s elastinima
  97. Poklar N; Fritz J; Maček P; Vesnaver G
    Equinatoxin II interactions with zwitterionic phospholipids at pH 3.0: calorimetric and spectroscopic study
  98. Petrinić Irena; Šostar-Turk Sonja; Simonič Marjana
    Upotreba naprednih tehnologija za pročišćavanje otpadnih voda u praonicama rublja
  99. Poklar N; Lah N; Oblak M; Vesnaver G
    Thermodynamic stability of ribonuclease A at 25degrees C in aqueous solutions of guanidine hydrochloride, urea and alkylureas: a calorimetric and spectroscopic study
  100. Oblonšek Marija; Šostar-Turk Sonja; Lapasin Romano
    Rheological studies of concentrated guar gum

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