biomedicina slovenica

ct=1.12 : 2.701-2.800

  1. Pahole Goličnik Jana; Červek Jožica
    Prehrana bolnika v zadnjem obdobju življenja
  2. Mlakar-Mastnak Denis
    Parenteralna prehrana na domu
  3. Mlakar-Mastnak Denis
    Prehranski pregled bolnika
  4. Zavratnik Boštjan; Mehle Maria Gloria
    Prehranska podpora bolnika z neozdravljivim rakom
  5. Ebert Moltara Maja; Rotovnik-Kozjek Nada
  6. Čavka Luka; Oražem Miha; Rotovnik-Kozjek Nada
    Osnovni principi in splošna načela pri spremljanju stanja prehranjenosti bolnika z neozdravljivim rakom
  7. Lahajnar Slavica; Ebert Moltara Maja; Uštar Tanja
    [Pot vnosa zdravil za zdravljenje bolečine
  8. Stražišar Branka
    Zdravila proti bolečinam
  9. Pekle-Golež Ana
    Osnovni principi zdravljenja bolečine
  10. Lahajnar Slavica; Ebert Moltara Maja
    Zdravljenje bolečine pri bolniku z rakom
  11. Ibragimov Bulat; Pernuš Franjo; Strojan Primož; Xing Lei
    Development of a novel deep learning algorithm for autosegmentation of clinical tumor volume and organs at risk in head and neck radiation therapy planning
  12. Rosenblatt Eduardo; Strojan Primož
    Radiation therapy utilization in middle-income countries
  13. Eberl Andreja
    Patient counselling at dispensing of oral anticancer drugs in European countries from the pharmacists¼ perspective
  14. Kranjc Simona; Serša Gregor; Čemažar Maja
    Gene electrotransfer in tumor spheroids
  15. Dolinšek Tanja; Serša Gregor; Razboršek Urška; Čemažar Maja
    The effect of endoglin silencing with gene electrotransfer of plasmid encoding shRNA against endoglin on the formation, growth and migration of melanoma spheroids
  16. Lampreht Tratar Urša; Loiacono Luisa; Kamenšek Urška; Serša Gregor; Signori Emanuella; Bošnjak Maša; Čemažar Maja
    Antibiotic resistance gene free plasmid encoding IL-12 induces potent antitumor effect in B16F10 melanomas
  17. Bošnjak Maša; Žnidar Katarina; Heller Loree C.; Čemažar Maja
    Triggering local immune response by electrotransfer of non-therapeutic plasmid DNA
  18. Uršič Katja; Kos Špela; Kamenšek Urška; Čemažar Maja; Serša Gregor
    Peritumoral gene electrotransfer of IL-12 as adjuvant immunotherapy to intratumoral electrochemotherapy with cisplatin for treatment of murine B16F10 melanoma
  19. Žnidar Katarina; Bošnjak Maša; Semenova Nina; Heller Loree C.; Čemažar Maja
    The effect of gene electrotransfer of blank pDNA on tumor cells' survival and expression of cytosolic DNA sensors
  20. Beović Bojana; Kerin-Povšič Milena
    Infections after colorectal cancer surgery and patient survival
  21. Méndez Carot Ignasi; Šljivić Željko; Hudej Rihard; Jenko Aljaša; Casar Božidar
    The repeatability of the scanner in radiochromic film dosimetry
  22. Casar Božidar; Méndez Carot Ignasi; Peterlin Primož
    Beam hardening and attenuation of photon beams using integral quality monitor in radiotherapy
  23. Kranjc Simona; Štimac Monika; Kamenšek Urška; Cör Andrej; Čemažar Maja; Serša Gregor
    Radiosensitization of tumors by combined modality approach of gene electrotransfer of plasmid encoding shRNA for silencing endoglin and tumor irradiation
  24. Grošelj Aleš; Kosjek Tina; Kržan Matevž; Čemažar Maja; Bošnjak Maša; Kranjc Simona; Serša Gregor
    Bleomycin pharmacokinetic in in head and neck cancer patients treated with electrochemotherapy
  25. Dolinšek Tanja; Starešinič Barbara; Čemažar Maja
    Effect of calcium electroporation on different types of cells
  26. Žnidar Katarina; Bošnjak Maša; Čemažar Maja; Heller Loree C.
    Gene electrotransfer affects expression of cytosolic DNA sensors in tumor cells in vitro
  27. Grčar-Kuzmanov Biljana; Gazić Barbara; Jančar Janez; Gašljević Gorana; Gjidera Mojca
    Hystiocytic sarcoma of spleen with bone marrow involvement and synchronous mediastinal mixed germ cell tumor
  28. Podlipnik B.; Ribič Helena; Dermota Urška
    Uvajanje identifikacije mikroorganizmov s tehnologijo MALDI-TOF MS
    [Introduction of identification of microorganisms by MALDI-TOF MS technology]
  29. Korva Miša
    Tularemia in Slovenia
  30. Avšič-Županc Tatjana
    Zika virus
  31. Strle Franc
    Lyme Boreliosis - global emerging zoonosis
  32. Popovič Milan
    Controversion at the head injury
  33. Žigon Polona; Podovšovnik Anuška; Ambrožič Aleš; Tomšič Matija; Hočevar Alojzija; Gašperšič Nataša; Rotar Žiga; Praprotnik Sonja; Sodin-Šemrl Snežna; Čučnik Saša
    Thrombotic risk factors and global antiphospholipid syndrome score (gapss) as determined in 585 slovenian patients with systemic autoimmune diseases
  34. Žigon Polona; Podovšovnik Anuška; Ambrožič Aleš; Tomšič Matija; Hočevar Alojzija; Gašperšič Nataša; Rotar Žiga; Praprotnik Sonja; Sodin-Šemrl Snežna; Čučnik Saša
    Added value of anti-phosphatidylserine/prothrombin antibodies for antiphospholipid syndome
  35. Pavlič Klemen
    Using pseudo observations for estimation of net survival
  36. Šilar Mira; Koren Anja; Vesel Tina; Avčin Tadej; Korošec Peter
    Basophil activation test and cow's milk or egg clinical tolerance
  37. Kocijančič Saša; Lenasi Helena; Djordjević Srdjan
    Primerjava dominantne in nedominantne mišice biceps brachii s tenziometrijo
  38. Kocijančič Saša; Lenasi Helena; Djordjević Srdjan
    Comparison of the dominant and non-dominant biceps brachii muscle with tensiomyography
  39. Fašalek Ksenija
    Vzroki in primeri za rentgensko slikanje mrtvorojenih plodov
    [Reasons and examples of x-ray imaging of stillborn fetuses]
  40. Marič Nives; Bakan Leja
    Projekcije klasičnega rentgenskega slikanja pri poškodbi čolniča v zapestju
    [Projections of conventional x-ray imaging of navicular wrist bone]
  41. Smrekar Klavdija
    Prikaz hiatusne kile z rentgenskim slikanjem
    [X-ray examination of hiatus hernia]
  42. Podobnik Janez; Hribar Dejan
    Magnetno resonančno slikanje pacienta s Kohlearnim vsadkom
    [Magnetic resonance imaging in patients with a Cochlear implant]
  43. Muhič Vesna; Povše Marija
    Lega materničnega vložka na klasični rentgenski sliki ledvene hrbtenice
    [Location of IUD on a lumbar spine x-ray]
  44. Šabič Igor; Sirnik Andrej; Lesjak Irena; Muhar Polona; Klavs Dejan; Belšak Simon; Ključevšek Damjana
    Funkcijska MR urografija
    [Functional MR urography]
  45. Lenassi Andrej; Paladin Elvis; Sabadin Aljoša
    Diagnostika malpozicije totalne kolenske endoproteze z računalniško tomografijo, po Bergerjevem protokolu
    [CT evaluation of malposition of a total knee prosthesis according to the Berger protocol]
  46. Romarić Katja; Zupan Gašper
    Diagnosticiranje možganskih kavernomov z magnetno resonanco
    [Diagnostic evaluation of cerebral cavernoma with magnetic resonance imaging]
  47. Pintarič Robert
    Uporabnost magnetno resonančne difuzije pri mehkotkivnih organih
    [The use of magnetic resonance diffusion in soft tissue organs]
  48. Djurić Nina; Podobnik Janez; Žontar Dejan
    Preverjanje kakovosti magnetno resonančnega tomografa
    [Quality control of a magnetic resonance image scanner]
  49. Mekiš Nejc; Zdešar Urban; Golja Anja; Iskra Aljaž; Žibert Janez
    Avtomatizacija procesov dnevne kontrole kakovosti na mamografski diagnostiki
    [Automation od daily quality control in mammography]
  50. Cankar Ksenija; Blokar Elizabeta; Čepar Metka; Melik Živa; Ambrožič Aleš
    The role of cloroquine treatment on vasodilation capability of cutaneous microvasculature
  51. Čepar Metka; Blokar Elizabeta; Melik Živa; Cankar Ksenija; Ambrožič Aleš
    Endothelium-dependent and endothelium-independent vasodilation in patients with antiphospholipid syndrome
  52. Blokar Elizabeta; Čepar Metka; Cankar Ksenija; Melik Živa; Ambrožič Aleš
    Vasodilation response to local heating in patients with antiphospholipid syndrome
  53. Melik Živa; Cankar Ksenija; Čepar Metka; Blokar Elizabeta
    The role of aging on vasodilation capacity of cutaneous microvasculature
  54. Krneta Bojana; Ovsenik Maja; Zhurov Alexei; Richmond Stephen; Ihan Hren Nataša
    Three - dimensional evaluation of facial asymmetry in an adult female orthognathic patient
  55. Rajković Vinka; Primožič Jasmina; Richmond Stephen; Farčnik Franc; Ovsenik Maja
    Early treatment of a unilateral posterior crossbite - a three - dimensional evaluation
  56. Primožič Jasmina; Perinetti Giuseppe; Contardo Luca; Ovsenik Maja
    Facial soft tissue changes during the pre - pubertal and pubertal growth phase
  57. Lah Kravanja Sanda; Marolt-Mušič Maja; Hočevar-Boltežar Irena; Ovsenik Maja
    Anterior open bite in association with ear - nose - throat and speech disorders - a three - dimensional ultrasound evaluation of tongue posture
  58. Jovchevska Ivana; Zupanec Neja; Urlep Žiga; Vranič Andrej; Matos Boštjan; Limbäck-Stokin Clara; Muyldermans Serge; Myres Michael P.; Buzdin Anton A.; Petrov Ivan; Komel Radovan
    Nanobody-based approach for the selection of novel differentially expressed proteins in glioblastoma multiforme and their potential use as biomarkers for class prediction
  59. Otorepec Peter; Perčič Simona; Kukec Andreja
    Association between PM10 and PM2.5 exposures and their effects on asthma and other respiratory diseases at the municipalities' level in Slovenia
  60. Kokalj Anja; Radež Jerica; Ucman Saša; Lainščak Mitja; Novak Šarotar Brigita
    Validacija kardiološke lestvice depresivnosti na vzorcu slovenskih bolnikov
  61. Ucman Saša; Malešič Urša; Žerovc Mitja; Novak Šarotar Brigita
    Krizne intervencije pri odvisnosti od alkohola
  62. Malešič Urša; Ucman Saša; Žerovc Mitja; Novak Šarotar Brigita
    Zdravljenje kriznih stanj
  63. Radež Jerica; Kokalj Anja; Rampre Mirjana; Ucman Saša; Lainščak Mitja; Novak Šarotar Brigita
    Screening for depression in Slovenian patients with coronary heart disease
  64. Graaf Pim de; Ajduković Dean; Dowrick Christopher; Dückers Michel; Hoffmann Kathryn; Muijsenbergh Maria; Rotar-Pavlič Danica; Rurik Imre; Salvadori Piero; Drogendijk Annelieke; Lionis Christos
    Addressing health care needs of refugees/migrant and designing primary care based intervention in selected European settings
  65. Rotar-Pavlič Danica
    Palliative care in primary care
  66. Klemenc-Ketiš Zalika; Petek Davorina; Vidič Hudobivnik Polona; Jančar Viktorija; Petek Barbara
    Regional coordinators as a new teaching method for family medicine trainees
  67. Klemenc-Ketiš Zalika
    Using movies to teach family medicine
  68. Čavka Ana; Rašić Lidija; Ćosić Anita; Lenasi Helena; Jukić Ivana; Drenjančević Ines
    Short - term high salt diet impairs microvascular endothelial function without significant changes in blood pressure and body fluid status in young healthy women
  69. Lenasi Helena
    Thyroid (dys)function and skin microcirculation
  70. Stupin A.; Cosic A.; Rasic Ljerka; Stupin M.; Jukic I.; Lenasi Helena
    Endothelium-dependet and endothelium-independent vasodilation of skin microcirculation during high salt loading in young healthy women
  71. Rozman Damjana; Urlep Žiga; Lorbek Gregor; Perše Martina; Jeruc Jera; Juvan Peter; Matz-Soja Madlen; Gebhards Rolf; Bjorkhem Ingemar; Hall Jason A.
    Disrupting hepatocyte Cyp51 from cholesterol synthesis decreases RORC signalling and leads to progressive liver injury in the developing mouse
  72. Jevšnik Monika; Toplak Ivan; Petrovec Miroslav
    Molecular characterisation of human coronaviruses from patients with respiratory disease in Slovenia
  73. Kocijančič Saša; Lenasi Helena; Djordjević Srdjan
    Testing the sensitivity of tensiomyography by comparing the left anf right biceps brachii muscle
  74. Lenasi Helena; Potočnik Nejka; Girina Marina; Skedina M.; Petrishchev N.
    Comparative assessment of methods high - frequency ultrasound Doppler and laser Doppler flowmetry in the study of microcirculation during load test
  75. Lenasi Helena
    Assessing the evidence
  76. Srednik Damjana; Lenasi Helena
    The impact of some manoeuvres on postocclusive reactive hyperaemia in the cutaneous microcirculation
  77. Eržen Renato; Šilar Mira; Bajrović Nisera; Rijavec Matija; Zidarn Mihaela; Korošec Peter
    Alternate regulation of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) MRNA expression may predispose patients to aspirin-induced exacerbations
  78. Šilar Mira; Zidarn Mihaela; Rupnik Helena; Korošec Peter
    In vitro release of IL-2, IL-5 and IL-13 in diagnosis of patients with delayed-type nickel hypersensitivity
  79. Kejžar Nataša; Stare Janez
    Generalizations of the c-index for survival data
  80. Broeke Rianne; Lusa Lara
    The impact of rare outcomes on statistical power and correctness of the interpretation of results
  81. Lusa Lara; Ahlin Črt
    Restricted cubic splines for cyclic data
  82. Blagus Rok; Goeman Jelle J.
    Rare events bias of logistic regression
  83. Pavlič Klemen; Pohar Perme Maja
    Estimation of net survival with pseudo observations
  84. Ilovar Saša; Križnar Tomaž; Battelino Saba
    Presejalno testiranje sluha pri novorojenčkih v Porodnišnici Ljubljana in zgodnje zdravljenje okvar sluha
    [Hearing screening of neonates in Ljubljana Maternity Hospital and early management of hearing impairment]
  85. Lazović Bojana; Horvat Anemari; Zorec Robert; Vardjan Nina
    On intracellular CAMP concentration in cultured astrocytes
  86. Ferdin Jana; Goričar Katja; Dolžan Vita; Plemenitaš Ana; Deeks Steven G; Peterlin Matija Boris; Lenassi Metka
    Detection of Nef-exosomes in plasma of aviremic HIV-1 infected patients
  87. Pužar Dominkuš Pia; Loboda Jure; Kejžar Anja; Resnik Nataša; Sitar Simona; Veranič Peter; Žagar Ema; Plemenitaš Ana; Peterlin Matija Boris; Lenassi Metka
    Human microglia release distinct populations of extracellular vesicles, depending on the stimulus
  88. Hudoklin Samo; Kostevšek Nina; Romih Rok; Žužek Rožman Kristina; Šturm Sašo; Erdani-Kreft Mateja
    Optically and magnetically active hybrid FePt/SiO2/Au nanoparticles are internalized into normal and cancer urothelial cells
  89. Dragin Jerman Urška; Veranič Peter; Cirman Tina; Erdani-Kreft Mateja
    Amniotic membrane scaffold enriched with bladder fibroblasts promotes establishment of highly differentiated urothelium
  90. Stojković Biljana; Poberaj Igor; Osterman Natan
    One- and two-particle microrheology with optical tweezers
  91. Stojković Biljana; Sretenović Simon; Dogša Iztok; Poberaj Igor; Stopar David
    Micro and macro-rheology study of DNA-levan mixtures
  92. Stojković Biljana; Sretenović Simon; Teuble Birgit; Dogša Iztok; Zemljič Jokhadar Špela; Poberaj Igor; Stopar David; Robbelg Eva
    Study of viscoelastic properties of different biological systems with optical tweezers
  93. Emeršič Tadej; Tkalec Uroš
    Optical manipulation of liquid crystals in microfluidic environment
  94. Jan Vid; Miš Katarina; Matkovič Urška; Grubič Zoran; Podbregar Matej; Pirkmajer Sergej; Marš Tomaž
    Človeške mišične celice kot model za sodobne biomolekularne raziskave živčno-mišičnih obolenj
  95. Škorja Nives; Rajh Maruša; Dolinar Klemen; Miš Katarina; Pavlin Mojca; Pirkmajer Sergej
    Vpliv metformina na energijsko presnovo v celicah raka dojke in raka prostate
  96. Rajh Maruša; Dolinar Klemen; Miš Katarina; Pavlin Mojca; Pirkmajer Sergej
    Učinek metformina na celice raka dojke v razmerah in vitro je odvisen od koncentracije glukoze v gojišču
  97. Vočanec Danijela; Prijatelj Tinkara; Debeljak Nataša; Kunej Tanja
    Mutacijska analiza genov za EPO in EPOR pri družinski eritrocitozi
  98. Dolinar Klemen; Pavlin Mojca; Chibalin Alexander V.; Pirkmajer Sergej
    Vpliv sestave medija na delovanje aktivatorjev AMPK v celičnih kulturah
  99. Knific Tamara; Lanišnik-Rižner Tea; Osredkar Joško; Smrkolj Špela; Frković-Grazio Snježana; Fabjan Teja
    Diagnostic potential of CA-125 and HE4 tumor markers in endometrial cancer
  100. Azmank J.; Stopar Pintarič Tatjana; Cvetko Erika; Vlassakov Kamen
    A novel technique for ultrasound-guided glossopharyngeal nerve block - a proof of concept cadaver and sonoanatomy study

   2.201 2.301 2.401 2.501 2.601 2.701 2.801 2.901 3.001 3.101  

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