biomedicina slovenica

ct=1.12 : 4.701-4.800

  1. Lokar Lidija; Urlep-Šalinović Veronika; Bizjak Bojana; Majcen-Vivod Božislava; Maračić Irena; Tomažič Tomaž; Kramberger Slavko
    Autologous blood transfusion in orthopedic patients with knee replacement - yes or no?
  2. Urlep-Šalinović Veronika
    Preoperative autologous blood transfusion in Slovenia in the period 2000-2006
  3. Urlep-Šalinović Veronika; Lokar Lidija
    Transufion of red cells and fresh frozen plasma in neonatology: our experiences
  4. Kubale Valentina; Kledal Thomas N.; Vrecl Milka; Lyngaa Rikke; Rosenklide Mette Marie
    Epstein-Barr virus encoded BILF1 receptor and its porcine homologs
  5. Matela Jože; Jevšek Marko; Breznik Silva; Friedrich Tomaž; Slanič Aleš
    Precizna TACE: nove možnosti v boju z jetrnim rakom
    [Precision TACE: improved possibilities in fighting liver cancer]
  6. Matela Jože; Breznik Silva; Rupreht Mitja; Slanič Aleš; Jevšek Marko
    Zdravljenje miomov maternice s selektivno embolizacijo arterije uterine - naši rezultati
    [Selective uterine artery embolization for uterine myoma - our results]
  7. Vadnjal Sabina; Blinc Aleš; Matela Jože; Flis Vojko
    Ultrazvočna ocena kalciniranih leh v karotidnih arterijah
    [Multi-angle carotid ultrasound of calcified atherosclerotic plaques]
  8. Rupreht Mitja; Jevšek Marko; Slanič Aleš; Breznik Silva; Friedrich Tomaž; Ekart Robert; Čižek-Sajko Mojca; Matela Jože
    Endovaskularno zdravljenje dializnih fistul - 3 letne izkušnje v UKC Maribor
    [Endovascular treatment of hemodialysis fistulas - a 3 year experience in university clinical center Maribor]
  9. Šalinovič Domagoj; Naji Jamal; Tomažič Dušan
    Katetrska balonska dilatacija požiralnika pri benignih stenozah
    [Balloon dilatation of the esophagus in benign stenosis]
  10. Popović Peter; Kuhelj Dimitrij; Breznik Silva
    Radiofrekvenčna ablacija ledvičnih tumorjev
    [Radiofrequency ablation of renal masses]
  11. Friedrich Tomaž; Pirnat Maja; Kljajić Milka; Jevšek Marko; Vogrin Matjaž; Matela Jože; Rupreht Mitja
    Slikovna diagnostika pri poškodbah v nogometu
    [Imaging of football injuries]
  12. Rupreht Mitja; Pirnat Maja; Friedrich Tomaž; Jevšek Marko; Slanič Aleš; Kljajić Milka; Matela Jože
    Bolečina v kolku - pregled najpogostejših vzrokov in ustreznih radioloških metod
    [Hip pain - common causes and the role of different imaging methods]
  13. Zalar Jurij; Vadnjal Sabina; Rudolf Saša; Breznik Silva
    Pljučni embolizem - radiološka diagnostika v UKC Maribor
    [Radiological work-up of pulmonary embolism at the university clinical centre Maribor]
  14. Martelanc Mitja; Radovanović Tatjana; Liu Mingqiang; Likar Polona; Žiberna Lovro; Klemenc Matjaž; Passamonti Sabina; Franko Mladen
    Assessing biomarkers in biological fluids by thermal lens spectroscopy coupled with HPLC or microfluidic lab-on-chip technologies
  15. Zupančič Vinko; Smrkolj Matej; Benkič Primož; Simonič Igor; Ritlop Gregor; Kristl Albin; Vrečer Franc
    Characterization of different clopidogrel addition salts
  16. Kovačič Borut; Vlaisavljević Veljko; Reljič Milan; Gavrić-Lovrec Vida; Čižek-Sajko Mojca
    Defects of meiotic spindles and clinical usefulness of in vitro matured prophase-I and metaphase-I human oocytes from stimulated cycles
  17. Reljič Milan; Vlaisavljević Veljko; Gavrić-Lovrec Vida; Kovačič Borut; Čižek-Sajko Mojca
    Serum oestradiol level on the day of HCG injection and on the day after in predicting the outcome of natural IVF/ICSI cycles
  18. Križančić Bombek Lidija; Vlaisavljević Veljko; Kovačič Borut
    Aneuploidy analysis of germinal vesicle stage oocytes from stimulated cycles matured in vitro for 24 or 36 hours
  19. Čižek-Sajko Mojca; Kovačič Borut; Kovač Vilma; Hojnik Nina; Vlaisavljević Veljko
    Pronuclear morphology of zygotes from in vitro-matured oocytes
  20. Vrbinc Miha; Mežnar Klavdija; German Tamara; Preskar Maja; Vrečer Franc
    Comparative study of physical performance of formulation containing antihypertensive drug alone and in combination with diuretic
  21. Mori-Lukančič Majda; Vidmar Martina; Pongrac Barlovič Draženka; Zaletel Jelka
    Weight reducing national program in Slovenia
  22. Injac Rade; Jerala-Štrukelj Zdenka
    Nonaqueous moisture activated dry granulation in a high shear mixer
  23. Kos Janko
    Analytics of biopharmaceutics in multiparticulate systems
  24. Hudovornik Grega; Zajc Natalija; Vrečer Franc
    Effect of plasticizer content and degree of neutralization on gasstro-resistance of HPMCAS coated pellets
  25. Bukovec Polona; Krošelj Vesna; Turk Sandra; Vrečer Franc
    Optimization of melt pelletization in a high-shear mixer
  26. Zupančič-Božič Damjana; Vrbanec Tomislav; Vrečer Franc
    Near infrared spectroscopy (NIR) as a method for tablet crushing strength determination
  27. Kovačič Borut; Dreu Rok; Planinšek Odon
    The influence of plasticizer addition on wetting properties of polymer coating dispersion
  28. Vovk Tomaž
    Determination of biogenic amines in human plasma with HPLC method and electrochemical detector
  29. Uršič Darko; Kristl Albin
    Influence of luminal monosaccharides on permeability of glutathione conjugatesacross rat small intestine in vitro
  30. Kotta Martina; Grošelj Jožica; Srčič Stanko
    Risk assessment approach for optimizing the equipment cleaning in penicillin dedicated production plant
  31. Rozman Branka; Falson F.; Gašperlin Mirjana
    Topical delivery of vitamins C and E from lipophilic microemulsions
  32. Pavli Matej; Vrečer Franc; Baumgartner Saša
    The investigation of matrix tablets based on carrageenans for sustained release of doxazosin mesylate
  33. Baumgartner Saša; Lahajnar Gojmir; Sepe Ana; Kristl Julijana
    Swollen matrix tablet gel structure regulates the drug release rate
  34. Prelog Dušan; Rajtman Zdenka; Srčič Stanko
    The investigation of the sugar hot melts
  35. Kristl Julijana; Teskač Karmen; Hudournik Natalija; Marinšek-Logar Romana
    Formulation of tablets with probiotics
  36. Janković Biljana; Injac Rade; Srčič Stanko; Radić Nataša
    Effect of different types of paracetamol on tablet characteristics and dissolution rates
  37. Luštrik Matevž; Dreu Rok; Srčič Stanko
    Development and manufacture of pellets containing dry emulsions with application of fluid-bed technology
  38. Ilić Ilija; Dreu Rok; Hanželič Marko; Burjak Mateja; Homar Miha; Kerč Janez; Srčič Stanko
    The influence of atomizing pressure and feeding rate on the particle size ina spray congealing process
  39. Locatelli Igor; Rostohar Vesna; Voinovich Dario; Bogataj Marija; Mrhar Aleš
    Evaluation of disolution profiles by the aid of a model of gastric emptying of tablets under fasting conditions
  40. Vovk Tomaž; Jakovljević M.B.; Kerec Kos Mojca; Janković S.M.; Mrhar Aleš; Grabnar Iztok
    Population pharmacokinetic model of topiramate in patients with epilepsy
  41. Žakelj Simon; Kristl Albin
    The research of the fluorquinolone - metal cation interactions
  42. Kerec Kos Mojca; Bogataj Marija; Mrhar Aleš
    Concentration and time dependent effect of poly-L-arginine on the permeability of pig urinary bladder wall
  43. Rihtaršič Bojana; Srčič Stanko; Kerč Janez
    Assessment of blend homogeneity with tablet content uniformity testing as an alternative evaluation of granulation process capability
  44. Gosenca Mirjam; Obreza Aleš; Gašperlin Mirjana
    Stability of ascorbyl palmitate in microemulsions with additional antioxidant
  45. Lavrič Z.; Pirnat Janez; Lužnik Janko; Seliger Janez; Žagar Veselko; Trontelj Zvonko; Srčič Stanko
    Utilization of 14N nuclear quadropole resonance for qualitative and quantitative study of polymorphism
  46. Zvonar Pobirk Alenka; Gašperlin Mirjana
    Influence of temperature on stability of celecoxib-loaded microemulsions
  47. Roškar Robert; Kmetec Vojko
    Use of isothermal microcalorimetry for evaluation of methionine stability
  48. Kovačič Borut; Vrečer Franc; Planinšek Odon
    Solubility determination of a drug by laser diffraction method
  49. Locatelli Igor; Mrhar Aleš; Grabnar Iztok
    Determination of risperidone and its active metabolites (9-hydroxy-risperidone enantiomers) in human blood plasma
  50. Homar Miha; Dreu Rok; Burjak Mateja; Gašperlin Mirjana; Kerč Janez; Srčič Stanko
    Preparation and evaluation of immediate release microparticles using hot-melt fluid bed technique
  51. Obermajer Nataša; Kocbek Petra; Repnik Urška; Cegnar Mateja; Kristl Julijana; Kos Janko
    The use of immunoparticles for impairement of intracellular tumor associated proteolytic activity in invasive breast tumor cells
  52. Teskač Karmen; Kristl Julijana; Milek Miha; Mlinarič-Raščan Irena
    Safety of potential cytotoxicity of solid lipid nanoparticles
  53. Teskač Karmen; Caddeo Carla; Abramović Zrinka; Šentjurc Marjeta; Kristl Julijana
    Importance of resveratrol loaded in liposomes for cell survival under stress conditions
  54. Ahlin Grabnar Pegi; Zvonar Pobirk Alenka; Kerč Janez; Kristl Julijana
    High celecoxib-loaded nanoparticles prepared by vibrating nozzle device
  55. Dolenc Andrej; Kristl Julijana
    Tablets compressed from spray dried celecoxib nanosuspension
  56. Maver Uroš; Godec Aljaž; Planinšek Odon; Srčič Stanko; Jamnik Janko; Gaberšček Miran
    Novel nanocomposite silica based materials for stabilization and controlled release of drug
  57. Planinšek Odon
    Tablets for subsequent filling with nanoparticle suspensions using ultrasound
  58. Bogataj Marija; Bevc Alenka; Locatelli Igor; Mrhar Aleš
    Development of release testing procedure for diclofenac sodium slow-release tablets
  59. Ambrus Rita; Kocbek Petra; Šibanc Rok; Kristl Julijana; Szabó-Révész Piroska
    Nanosuspension formualtion to improve the dissolution rate of meloxicam
  60. Trontelj Jurij; Bogataj Marija; Žakelj Simon; Mrhar Aleš
    Raloxifene pre-systemic metabolic clearence in the intestinal wall and in the liver
  61. Šibanc Rok; Dreu Rok; Perpar Matjaž; Žun Iztok; Srčič Stanko
    CFD simulation of two-phase flow in Wurster chamber and its experimental validation
  62. Kocbek Petra; Brožič Petra; Teskač Karmen; Lanišnik-Rižner Tea; Gobec Stanislav; Kristl Julijana
    Formulation and evaluation of new drug candidates in a nanodelivery system
  63. Gole Boris; Duran Alonso Maria Beatriz; Lah Turnšek Tamara
    Protease invasiveness markers in GBM cells, U87 and CD133+ cells
  64. Schollmayer Petra; Atanasovska-Velkovska Makedonka; Jeverica Samo
    Infekcijska kristalna keratopatija
    [Infectious crystalline keratopathy]
  65. Burnik Papler Tanja; Jančar Nina; Devjak Rok; Vrtačnik-Bokal Eda
    Predictive role of Anti-Müllerian hormone, Bone Morphogenetic Proteins and transforming growth factor ß1 concentrations in follicular fluid for embryo quality in natural and stimulated cycles
  66. Burnik Papler Tanja; Breznik Barbara; Lovrečić Luca; Maver Aleš; Kopitar Andreja Nataša; Vrtačnik-Bokal Eda
    Significant differences in gene expression and ontology profile exist between human granulosa and cumulus cells surrounding mature oocytes
  67. Reif P.; Kavšek Gorazd
    Does knowledge of fetal outcome influence retrospective interpretation of intrapartum cardiotocography?
  68. Pavičić Baldani Dinka; Skrgatić Lana; Zlopasa G.; Kralik Oguic Sasa; Geršak Ksenija; Šimunić Velimir
    Disturbed serum adipokines levels in normal-weight, normoinsulinemic four phenotypes of polycystic ovary syndrome
  69. Černe Jasmina Živa; Novaković Srdjan; Geršak Ksenija
    Combined effect of some estrogen metabolism genotypes and risk of postmenopausal breast cancer
  70. Jeverica Samo; Levanič Andrej; Gangl Žvikart Ljuba; Dolinar Urška; Homan Matjaž
    Helicobacter pylori eradication rate in Slovenian paediatric population, 2011-2012
  71. Tomažič Aleš
    Surgical treatment of chronic pancreatitis
  72. Lotrič-Furlan Stanka; Bogovič Petra; Meglič-Volkar Jelka; Rojko Tereza
    Candida arthritis: report of two cases
  73. Pavšič Miha; Gunčar Gregor; Djinović Carugo Kristina; Lenarčič Brigita
    EpCAM adhesion unit explored by x-ray crystallography and molecular dynamics
  74. Gavella Mirjana; Lipovac Vaskresenija; Rakoš Romina; Kveder Marina; Pifat-Mrzljak Greta; Pečar Slavko; Schara Milan Valter
    Oxidation of humanspermatoza
  75. Alikadič Nadja; Jeverica Samo; Rajter Mojca; Pompe Borut; Smrke Dragica; Zupanc Oskar
    Use of negative pressure wound therapy in the treatment of suppurative hip joint infection in an adult- clinical case
  76. Taneska Pepita; Jakopič Katja; Drusany Starič Kristina
    Three cases of extrauterine migration of a mirena intrauterine device
  77. Začesta Vita; Drusany Starič Kristina
    Surface multichannel electromiography investigation of external anal sphincter innervation before and after childbirth: proposal of a clinical protocol
  78. Rajič Mišo; Vrhkar Nataša; Šajina-Stritar Barbara; Tul Nataša
    Prekinitev nosečnosti z mifepristonom in misoprostolom v drugem trimesečju nosečnosti
    [Termination of second trimester pregnancies woth mifepristone and misoprostol]
  79. Pinter Bojana; Čeh Fani; Srnovršnik Tinkara; Grebenc Mojca; Verdenik Ivan
    Spolno vedenje slovenskih srednješolcev, 2012
    [Sexual behaviour of secondary school students in Slovenia, 2012]
  80. Pečlin Polona; Trojner-Bregar Andreja
    Hitro rastoči tumor jajčnika v nosečnosti: prikaz primera
    [Rapid growth of ovarian tumor during pregnancy: case report]
  81. Jakopič Katja; Kenda Nataša; Kobal Borut
    Ali lahko z minimalno invazivno histeroskopijo odstranimo placentarne polipe šest tednov in več po porodu?
    [Can we remove retained trophoblastic tissue with minimally invasive hysteroscopy six weeks or more after delivery?]
  82. Grulovič Bojan; Ribič-Pucelj Martina
    Vpliv prostaglandina F2 alfa in dejavnika tumorske nekroze alfa na bolečino pri odstranitvi endometrija s toplotnim balonom
    [Impact pf prostaglandin F2 aplha and tumor necrosis factor alpha on pain in patients undergoing endometrial ablation with termal baloon]
  83. Virant-Klun Irma
    Izbira semenčic za postopek zunajtelesne oploditve
    [Semen selection for in vitro fertilization procedure]
  84. Drobnič Sašo
    Referenčne vrednosti semena plodnega moškega-priporočila Svetovne zdravstvene organizacije 2010
    [Fertile men's reference semen values-World Health Organization 2010 guidelines]
  85. Kolbezen-Simoniti Mojca
    Temeljna analiza semena
    [Basic semen analysis]
  86. Lukanovič Adolf; Blaganje Mija; Verdenik Ivan
    Laser thermotherapy in the treatment of pelvic floor dysfunction
  87. Bržan Šimenc Gabrijela; Verdenik Ivan; Tomažič Marjeta; Steblovnik Lili
    Comparison of perinatal outcomes for induction versus spontaneous onset of labour in uncomplicated singleton pregnancies with gestational diabetes in Slovenia
  88. Tonin Irena; Kavšek Gorazd; Trošt Darja
    Cesarean section wound infiltration with local anaestretic-any benefit?
  89. Cvjetičanin Branko; Kobal Borut; Vidmar Šimic Marijana; Cegedin B.; Zobec Logar Helena-Barbara
    Neoadjuvant laparoscopic lymph node staging ande debulking for in advanced cervical cancer
  90. Jakopič Katja; Vidmar Šimic Marijana; Drusany Starič Kristina; Blaganje Mija; Kobal Borut
    Role of office hysteroscopy in removing residual trophoblastic tissue 6 weeks and more after delivery
  91. Tonin Irena; Lukanovič Adolf; Kobal Borut; Drusany Starič Kristina
    IUD in the uterine wall (case report)
  92. Lučovnik Miha; Trojner-Bregar Andreja; Verdenik Ivan; Premru-Sršen Tanja; Jager Franc; Garfield Robert
    Use of uterine electomyography for diagnosing true labor at term and preterm
  93. Vogler Andrej
    Ulipristal acetate: a really new option or deja vu in uterine myoma treatment?
  94. Vidmar Šimic Marijana; Kavšek Gorazd; Verdenik Ivan
    External cephalic version in University medical center Ljubljana, Slovenia
  95. Kobal Borut
    Potentials of laparoscopy in ovarian cancer; from staging in early OC to evaluation of optimal resectability in advanced OC
  96. Zorn Branko; Golob Barbara
    Human papillomavirus infection in men from infertile couples
  97. Vrtačnik-Bokal Eda
    Increased nuchal translucency and normal karyotype
  98. Vrtačnik-Bokal Eda; Požlep Barbara
    Safe ovarian stimulation in inVitro fertilization programme
  99. Meglič Leon
    Fertility sparing surgery for early cervical cancer; the impact of abdominal cerclage
  100. Kobal Borut
    sVCAM as potential biomarker in advance in ovarian cancer

   4.201 4.301 4.401 4.501 4.601 4.701 4.801 4.901 5.001 5.101  

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