biomedicina slovenica

ct=1.12 : 4.801-4.900

  1. Blaganje Mija; Lukanovič Adolf
    Stem cell therapy for stress urinary incontinence: where we are?
  2. Lukanovič Adolf; Blaganje Mija; Verdenik Ivan
    Laser vaginal rejuvenation: myth or reality?
  3. Lučovnik Miha; Garfield Robert
    Cost of unnecesarry admissions and treatments for Threatened Preterm Labor
  4. Premru-Sršen Tanja; Verdenik Ivan
    Aberrant fetal growth early, late, and postneonatal mortality: a population-based study
  5. Markun Boštjan; Legen Igor
    Modelling dissolution of weakly basic drugs in physiological environment
  6. Starič Rok; Legen Igor; Jurkovič Polona; Kerč Janez
    Development and evaluation of new solid state microemulsion based drug delivery system
  7. Kerč Janez; Opara Jerneja
    Pharmacokinetic evaluation of different amoxicillin/clavulanate therapeutic systems
  8. Kerč Janez; Kobierski Szymon; Al Shaal Loaye; Keck Cornelia M.; Müller Rainer H.
    Ascorbyl palmitate nanosuspensions: factors affecting the physical stability
  9. Burjak Mateja; Horvat Matej
    Formulation optimization for compressing of coated pellets into orally disintegrating tablets by experimental design and mixture modeling
  10. Jančar Nina; Vrtačnik-Bokal Eda; Ban Helena; Drobnič Sašo; Korošec Sara; Požlep Barbara; Šalamun Vesna
    Position of gestational sac in uterine cavity after in vitro fertilization procedures and after spontaneous conception
  11. Jančar Nina; Vrtačnik-Bokal Eda; Ban Helena; Drobnič Sašo; Korošec Sara; Pinter Bojana; Požlep Barbara; Šalamun Vesna
    Lega gestacijske vrečke v maternični votlini pri nosečnicah po postopku oploditve z biomedicinsko pomočjo in po spontani zanositvi
    [Position of gestational sac in uterine cavity after in vitro fertilization procedures and after spontaneous conception]
  12. Novaković Srdjan; Cerkovnik Petra; Jezeršek Novaković Barbara; Stegel Vida
    Long-lasting antitumor immunity triggered by the vaccination with CpG ODNs and irradiated tumor cells
  13. Jezeršek Novaković Barbara; Horvat Mateja; Kloboves-Prevodnik Veronika; Novaković Srdjan
    The intensity of CD20 expression determines the outcome of rituximab treatment
  14. Malić Sladjana; Verdenik Ivan; Kolbezen-Simoniti Mojca; Zorn Branko
    Velika retrospektivna študija kakovosti semena med 8.500 slovenskimi moškimi, napotenimi na Ginekološko kliniko v Ljubljani, zaradi neplodnosti med letoma 2001 in 2010
    [Large retrospective cohort study of semen quality amog 8.500 Slovenians referred to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Ljubljana due to infertility between 2001 and 2010]
  15. Kavšek Gorazd
    Pozna poporodna krvavitev
  16. Vrhkar Nataša; Lasič Mateja; Tul Nataša
    Nožnični obroček za preprečevanje prezgodnjega poroda pri enoplodnih nosečnostih s povečanim tveganjem za prezgodnji porod
    [Vaginal pessary for preventing preterm birth in singleton pregnancies with higher risk of preterm delivery]
  17. Ocvirk Janja
    Anti-angiogenic therapy for malignant gliomas
  18. Jezeršek Novaković Barbara; Benigar Ana; Novaković Srdjan
    Single centre experience with rituximab treatment in NonHodgkin's lymphoma patients
  19. Novaković Srdjan; Cerkovnik Petra; Jezeršek Novaković Barbara
    Combination of CpG ODNs and radiotherapy efficiently delayed growth of subcutaneous B16F1 tumors
  20. Prijič Sara; Romih Rok; Žnidaršič Andrej; Čemažar Maja; Serša Gregor
    Enhanced in vitro uptake of noncytotoxic magnetic nanoparticles in the presence of external magnetic field
  21. Uršič-Vrščaj Marjetka
    Hormone replacement therapy in breat cancer survivors
  22. Bešić Nikola; Stražišar Branka
    Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma arising in a lymph node seven years after total thyroidectomy because of moderately differentiated papillary carcinoma
  23. Zwitter Matjaž
    Lung cancer as a social disease
  24. Marolt-Mušič Maja; Hertl Kristijana; Kadivec Maksimiljan
    Naše izkušnje z vakumsko biopsijo dojk
    [Our experience in vacuum-assisted breast biopsy]
  25. Jezeršek Novaković Barbara; Koković Ira; Novaković Srdjan
    Sensitivity and reproducibility of conventional qualitative and quantitative PCR assays for detection of the t(14;18)(q32;q21) chromosomal translocation
  26. Novaković Srdjan; Stegel Vida; Jezeršek Novaković Barbara
    Tumor vaccine composed of CpG ODN class C and irradiated tumor cells triggers preventive and therapeutic antitumor effect in vivo
  27. Jančar Nina; Vrtačnik-Bokal Eda; Oštrbenk Anja; Poljak Mario
    Does high-risk HPV infection affect IVF outcome
  28. Petrijevčanin Biserka; Avsec Helena; Istenič Ana; Mlakar-Mastnak Denis
    Effect of nursing nutritional support on hospitalised patients with head and neck cancer
  29. Grašič-Kuhar Cvetka; Zakotnik Branko; Bračko Matej; Pohar Perme Maja; Stare Jernej
    Time-dependence of hazard ratios for prognostic factors in patients with early breast cancer
  30. Perhavec Andraž; Pohar Perme Maja; Hočevar Marko; Bešić Nikola; Žgajnar Janez
    Predicting the likelihood of non-sentinel lymph node metastases in breast cancer patients by three nomograms suitable for different institutions
  31. Lokar Katarina
    Adherence to screening recommendations for breast and ovarian cancer
  32. Bernot Marjana
    Development and implementation of national extravasation guideline
  33. Rozman Sonja
    Return to working life with/after cancer
  34. Wilson B.; Molassiotis Alex; Brunton L.; Potrata Barbara
    Patients' symptom experience
  35. Krneta Bojana; Zhurov Alexei; Richmond Stephen; Ovsenik Maja
    Jaw morphology in children with class iii malocclusions in the primary dentition - a three-dimensional evaluation
  36. Košir-Pogačnik Renata; Meden-Vrtovec Helena; Novaković Srdjan; Rebolj Anamarija
    Comparison of serum concentrations of anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) with telomere length in premature ovarian insufficiency (POI)
  37. Kocjan Boštjan; Staheli JP; Chouhy D; Sagadin M; Giri A.; Rose TM; Poljak Mario
    Abundance of putatively novel HPV types identified in eyebrows using novel Codehop primers and a single tube nested hanging droplet PCR
  38. Oštrbenk Anja; Li Jingjing; Deng Qiuju; Hošnjak Lea; Kocjan Boštjan; Seme Katja; Poljak Mario
    Genomic characterization of a novel human gammapapillomavirus genotype HPV-199 isolated from nazopharynx
  39. Perdan-Pirkmajer Katja; Pirkmajer Sergej; Hočevar Alojzija; Rotar Žiga; Gašperšič Nataša; Praprotnik Sonja; Tomšič Matija; Ambrožič Aleš
    Methotrexate reduces the frequency of prediabetes in patients with rheumatoid arthritis or psoriatic arthritis
  40. Čebašek Vita
    Mišice ledveno medeničnega predela in bolečina v križu
  41. Jenko Barbara; Praprotnik Sonja; Logar Dušan; Tomšič Matija; Dolžan Vita
    The pharmacogenetic model of influence of transporters polymorphisms and clinical factors on methotrexate inefficacy in rheumatoid arthritis patients
  42. Jenko Barbara; Praprotnik Sonja; Logar Dušan; Tomšič Matija; Dolžan Vita
    Polymorphism in BIRC5 gene is associated with DAS28 in rheumatoid arthritis patients
  43. Goričar Katja; Kovač Viljem; Dolžan Vita
    Polymorphisms in translesion polymerase genes and outcome of malignant mesothelioma treatment
  44. Jenko Barbara; Lusa Lara; Tomšič Matija; Praprotnik Sonja; Logar Dušan; Dolžan Vita
    The influence of genetic variability in methotrexate transporters on toxicity in rheumatoid arthritis
  45. Goričar Katja; Kovač Viljem; Dolžan Vita
    The influence of polymorphisms in folate pathway genes on pemetrexed treatment outcome in malignant mesothelioma patients
  46. Jelen Mateja; Chen Zigui; Kocjan Boštjan; Burt Felicity J.; Hošnjak Lea; Oštrbenk Anja; Marinic K; Seme Katja; Židovec-Lepej Snježana; Poljak Mario
    Global genomic diversity of HPV& and HPV11
  47. Vrhovšek Danijel; Potokar Anja
    Ekoremedijacija za zaštitu okoline i razvoj Unsko-Sanskog kantona
  48. Sinkovič Andreja; Markota Andrej; Jalšovec Tadej; Sraka Denis
    Dejavniki nevrološkega izhoda zdravljenja bolnikov in preživetje po uspešnem oživljanju na terenu
  49. Jagrič Tomaž; Potrč Stojan; Ivanecz Arpad; Jagrič Timotej
    Morbidity, mortality, and survival of patients with proximal gastric adenocarcinoma after proximal subtotal gastrectomy - a comparative study
  50. Podkrajšek Maja; Vivoda Martina
    Dinamična magnetno resonančna preiskava medeničnega dna
    [Dynamic MR imaging of the pelvic floor]
  51. Bunič Matic; Fujs Komloš Kristina; Košorok Nina; Košorok Pavle
    Humani papiloma virusi kot povzročitelji analnega karcinoma
  52. Rus Tomaž; Košorok Pavle
    Outpatient surgical treatment of proctologic complications of Crohn's disease
  53. Košorok Pavle; Bunič Matic; Gačić Štotl M.; Košorok Nina
    Proktološka obravnava žensk z inkontinenco za blato
  54. Čerček Miha
    Bolniki z NSTEMI in dileme pri odločanju o antiagregacijski zaščiti
  55. Kopitar Natalija; Goljar Nika; Mlinarič Vesna
    Preprečevanje padcev pacientov na rehabilitaciji po možganski kapi
  56. Pahole Goličnik Jana; Ebert Moltara Maja; Ivanetič Maja; Žist Andrej; Červek Jožica; Šeruga Boštjan; Unk Mojca; Vidali Gaja C.; Saje Andreja
    Use of systemic anticancer therapy in the last month of life
  57. Ebert Moltara Maja; Pahole Goličnik Jana; Vidali Gaja C.; Saje Andreja; Ivanetič Maja; Žist Andrej; Červek Jožica
    Use of chemotherapy and target therapy in the last weeks of life
  58. Mehle Maria Gloria; Zavratnik Boštjan; Ebert Moltara Maja
    Role of Edmonton symptom assessment system (ESAS) in symptoms recognition
  59. Vodušek Ana Lina; Zadravec-Zaletel Lorna
    Second malignant neoplasms after treatment of Hodgkin's disease in childhood
  60. Grašič-Kuhar Cvetka
    Neinvazivni rak dojke
  61. Turnšek Nina; Kern Izidor; Sadikov Aleksander; Rot Mitja; Stanič Karmen; Zwitter Matjaž; Čufer Tanja
    Immunohistochemically determined EGFR mutations in NSCLC
  62. Vodušek Ana Lina; Rebolj Anamarija; Jereb Berta
    Treatment based risk factors for late somatic sequelae after treatment of childhood cancer in Slovenia
  63. Zwitter Matjaž; Kovač Viljem; Stanič Karmen; Rajer Mirjana; Vrankar Martina
    PET-CT confirms high rate of complete remissions among patients with advanced EGFR positive NSCLC treated with intercalated therapy
  64. Primic-Žakelj Maja; Žagar Tina; Zadnik Vesna; Škrlec Frančiška
    Linkage of the Slovenian Cancer Registry data to other state databases and to screening registries
  65. Cankar Ksenija; Finžgar Miha; Melik Živa
    The effect of transcutaneous carbon dioxide application on cutaneous microcirculation
  66. Melik Živa; Cankar Ksenija
    The effect of L-arginine on postocclusive reactive hyperaemia
  67. Geršak Ksenija; Geršak Blaž M.; Pavičić Baldani Dinka; Vrabič Dežman Lucija
    Postmenopausal overtreatment with bioidentical hormones in custom-compounded preparations: a case report
  68. Geršak Ksenija; geršak Živa Miriam; Veble Alenka
    Low-level X chromosome mosaicism in women with sporadic premature ovarian failure
  69. Ovčariček Tanja; Matos Erika; Ravnik Maja; Frković-Grazio Snježana; Možina Barbara; Borštnar Simona
    Prognostic factors and survival outcome in triple negative breast cancer patients in routine clinical practice in Slovenia
  70. Borštnar Simona; Strojnik Ksenija; Ovčariček Tanja; Grašič-Kuhar Cvetka; Červek Matej; Červek Jožica
    Possible predictive role of prior endocrine therapy on fulvestrant treatment outcome
  71. Ocvirk Janja; Reberšek Martina; Boc Marko
    A comparison of efficacy of first-line chemotherapy regimens for metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC)
  72. Strojan Primož; Jančar Boris; Hočevar Marko
    Melanoma metastases to the neck nodes
  73. Strojan Fležar Margareta; Srebotnik-Kirbiš Irena; Strojan Primož
    Radiosensitivity of neck metastases from squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck assessed by immunocytochemical profiling of fine-needle aspiration biopsy cell specimens
  74. Velenik Vaneja; Ocvirk Janja; Oblak Irena; Anderluh Franc
    Phase II XERT trial: neoadjuvant cetuximab, capecitabine and radiotherapy (RT) in locally advanced resectable rectal cancer
  75. Chuang Shu-Chun; Pompe-Kirn Vera
    Risk of second primary cancer among patients with head and neck cancers
  76. Ciuleanu Tudor; Ocvirk Janja
    A randomized, open-label phase II study evaluating the efficacy and safety of FOLFOX6 + Cetuximab versus FOLFIRI + Cetuximab as first-line therapy in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer
  77. Bešić Nikola; Pilko Gašper; Petrič Rok; Hočevar Marko; Žgajnar Janez
    Papillary thyroid microcarcinoma
  78. Golzio Muriel; Čemažar Maja; Escoffre Jean-Michel; Couderc Bettina; Serša Gregor; Teissie Justin
    In vivo imaging of tumor growth after electrochemotherapy with cisplatin
  79. Bürger-Lazar Martina
    Personality of childhood brain tumors survivors
  80. Kitanovski Lidija; Bürger-Lazar Martina
    Idiopathic intracranial pachyleptomeningitis in a child treated for atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor (ATRT)
  81. Kopitar Andreja Nataša; Ihan Alojz
    Commensal oral bacteria antigens prime human dendritic cells to induce TH1, TH2, or treg differentiation
  82. Smrdel Uroš; Šečerov Ermenc Ajra
    Treatment and survival of glioblastoma patients in Slovenia, 1997-2006
  83. Lavrenčak Jaka; Kloboves-Prevodnik Veronika; Pohar-Marinšek Živa
    ZAP-70 protein expression in FNA lymph node samples of CLL patients
  84. Vranič Andrej; Popović Mara; Pižem Jože; Cör Andrej; Prestor Borut
    KI67 proliferation index does not predict survival in patients with nonbenign meningiomas
  85. Kopitar Andreja Nataša; Skvarč Miha; Ihan Alojz; Tepeš Bojan; Kos Janko
    The mechanisms by which professional antigen-presenting cells recognize H. pylori
  86. Kaučič Boris Miha; Ovsenik Marija
    Identifikacija modela vođenja i vrijednosti vodećih medicinskih sestara u slovenskim bolnicama pomoću karijernih sidara
    [The identification models of the leadership and value of the leading nurses in the Slovene hospitals using carrier anchors]
  87. Železnik Danica; Kyngäs Helvi; Isola Arja
    Quality treatment for elderly based on integrational cooperation and knowledge of self care behaviour styles
    [Kvalitetno liječenje starijih temeljeno na međugeneracijskoj suradnji i znanju o osobnoj njezi]
  88. Andoljšek Matej
    Lisfranc joint injuries
  89. Fabjan Aleš; Andoljšek Matej; Hvalc Gregor; Carotta Robert; Rupar Petra; Rupel Andrej; Kovač Miha
    Ko se v regionalni bolnišnici soočimo s patološkim zlomom - retrospektivna analiza operativno zdravljenih patoloških zlomov (SB Jesenice 2005-2013)
  90. Zafošnik Uroš; Lavrenčič Zafošnik Petra
    The impact of introducing Manchaster riage system on the admission of patients in emergency departments
  91. Zafošnik Uroš; Benkovič Robertina
    Human medsebojni odnos in skrb za bolnika med izvajanjem zdravstvene nege v Zdravstvenem domu Ljubljana
    [A humane mutual relationship and care for the patient during nursing care in the Ljubljana Health Centre]
  92. Boštjančič Emanuela; Bandelj Eva; Luzar Boštjan; Poljak Mario; Glavač Damjan
    Heapatitis C infected patients and liver expression of miR-122, miR- 126, miR-136 and miR-181a
  93. Pšenica Janez
    15 let artroskopije zapestja v SB Jesenice
  94. Pšenica Janez; Kovač Miha; Rupar Petra
    Corrective osteotomy of malunited distal radius without spongioplasty or artificial bone substitute
  95. Vizjak Alenka; Lindič Jelka; Mraz Jerica; Ferluga Dušan
    Hypocomplementemic urticarial vasculitis syndrome - a case report
  96. Ogorevc Eva; Janša Rado; Štukelj Roman; Bedina Zavec Apolonija; Šuštar Vid; Kralj-Iglič Veronika
    Relation between total serum cholesterol and concentration of nanovesicles in blood isolates of patients with gastrointestinal diseases and of healthy subjects
  97. Štukelj Roman; Bedina Zavec Apolonija; Ogorevc Eva; Šuštar Vid; Janša Rado; Kralj-Iglič Veronika
    Effect of blood sampling on the number of nanovesicles in blood isolates
  98. Bedina Zavec Apolonija; Goczalik Iwona; Jehn Birgit; Štukelj Roman; Ogorevc Eva; Šuštar Vid; Dolenšek Tamara; Kralj-Iglič Veronika
    Cytometric measurements of blood nanovesicles
  99. Briggs S.; Stevenson K.; Verbovšek Urška; Yin L.H.; Pilkington Geoffrey J.; Lah Turnšek Tamara; Fillmore H.L.
    Cathepsin K in an in vitro model of glioma angiogenesis
  100. Podbregar Matej
    H2S in shock

   4.301 4.401 4.501 4.601 4.701 4.801 4.901 5.001 5.101 5.201  

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