biomedicina slovenica

ct=2.25 : 1.801-1.900

  1. Meeuden R; Duchateau J; Roelands B; Klass M; De Geus B; Baudry S; Tsolakidis E
    Book of Abstracts of the 17th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science; 2012 Jul 4-7; Bruges
  2. Lah-Turnšek Tamara
    Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo
    [National institute of biology]
  3. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 3rd Banff Conference on Plant Metabolism; 2012 Jun 28-Jul 2; Banff, Alberta, Canada
  4. Anonymous ;
    Programme, delegate list and abstracts Advanced in Plant Virology; 2012 Mar 28-30; Dublin
  5. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 6th SETAC World Congress / SETAC Europe 22nd Annual Meeting; 2012 May 20-24; Berlin
  6. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik Seminar za zavarovalne detektive; 2012 maj 9; Ljubljana
  7. Anonymous ;
    Applications in biochromatography, bioconversion and solid phase synthesis. MSS2012: book of abstracts of the 5th monolith summer school and symposium; 2012 Jun 1-6; Ajdovščina, Portorož
  8. Anonymous ;
    International congress on transposable elements; 2012 Apr 21-24; Saint Malo
  9. Anonymous ;
    The art & science of general practice. Abstracts of the 18th WONCA Europe conference; 2012 Jul 4-7; Vienna
  10. Lovrečić Luca; Maver Aleš
    Nove tehnologije v medicinski genetski diagnostiki. Zbornik povzetkov 4. simpozij slovenske medicinske genetike; 2012 apr 6; Ljubljana
    [New technologies in medical genetic diagnostics. 4th Slovene medical genetics symposium; 2012 Apr 6; Ljubljana]
  11. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the Crustacean Society Summer Meeting (TCSSM), 10th Colloqium Crustacea Decapoda Mediterranea (CCDM); 2012 Jun 3-7; Athens
  12. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the European Human Genetics Conference in Conjunction with the European Meeting on Psychosocial Aspects of Genetics and the German Society of Human Genetics; 2012 Jun 23-26; Nuernberg
  13. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the Vth Congress of The Macedonian society of nephrology, dialysis, transplantation and artificial organs (MSNDTAO) with international participation & IVth Southeastern European pediatric nephrology working group (SEPNWG) meeting and first teaching course; 2012 Jun 21-24; Ohrid
  14. Anonymous ;
    Meeting IADR general session; 2012 Jun 20-23; Iguacu falls
  15. Anonymous ;
    Nanotoxicology 2012. Scientific program and abstracts of the 6th international conference on nanotoxicology; 2012 Sep 4-7; Beijing
  16. Anonymous ;
    Imaging neuronal functions: from molecules to circuits; 2012 Jun 30 - Jul 4; Roscoff
    [Imagerie des fonctions neuronales: des molecules aux circuits; 2012 juin 30 - juil 4; Roscoff]
  17. Jovanovič K; Velkov A
    37. srečanje stomatologov Slovenije: iz prakse za prakso; 2012 jun 1-2; Portorož
  18. Šimnic Ladislav
    Program in knjiga izvlečkov 3. slovenski ortopedski kongres z mednarodno udeležbo; 2012 jun 22-23; Portorož
  19. Šimnic Ladislav
    Final programme and book of abstracts of the 9th Central European orthopaedic congress together with ARTOF; 2012 Jun 21-23; Portorož
  20. Skvarč Miha
    Novosti v medicinski parazitologiji. Zbornik izročkov 3. likarjev simpozij; 2012 jun 14; Ljubljana
    [Trends in medical parasitology. 3rd Likar's symposium; 2012 Jun 14; Ljubljana]
  21. Anonymous ;
    19th International poxvirus, asfarvirus and iridovirus conference; 2012 June 24-28; Salamanca
  22. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstract of the 14th World congress of gynecological endocrinology; 2012 Mar 7-10; Firenze
  23. Dumić Jerka; Kovarik Zrinka; Varljen Jadranka
    From molecules to life and back. Book of abstracts of the FEBS3+meeting; 2012 Jun 13-16; Opatija
  24. Hudler Petra; Videtič-Paska Alja
    Molekularna medicina in biotehnologija. Simpozij z mednarodno udeležbo ob 40. obletnici Inštituta za biokemijo in 20. obletnici Medicinskega centra za molekularno biologijo; 2012 jun 27-29; Ljubljana
    [Molecular medicine and biotechnology. Book of abstracts of the International symposium at 40th Anniversary of Institute of Biochemistry and 20th Anniversary of Medical Centre for Molecular Biology; 2012 Jun 27-29; Ljubljana]
  25. Manios Thrassyvoulos; Kalogerakis Nikolaos; Papamattheakis Charilaos
    Book of abstracts of the IWA regional conference on wastewater purification and reuse; 2012 Mar 28-30; Heraklion
  26. Kramarič Martina; Pogorelec Andrej; Kolenc Artiček Majda; Jerala Milena
    Prenos inovacij, znanj in izkušenj v vsakdanjo rabo. Zbornik izvlečkov 1. znanstvena konferenca z mednarodno udeležbo s področja kmetijstva, naravovarstva in hortikulture; 2012 apr 19-20; Naklo
  27. Miljković Jovan
    Zbornik predavanj 8. dermatološki dnevi; 2011 nov 11-12; Maribor
  28. Anonymous ;
    Ko izgine bolečina se pojavijo barve: razširjeni povzetki predavanj 4. šola mišično-skeletnih bolezni; 2012 jun 1-2; Portorož
  29. Anonymous ;
    Abstract Book of the 88th EOS Congress; 2012 Jun 18-23; Santiago de Compostela
  30. Bregar Branko; Sotler Robert
    Lastnosti in kakovost medicinskih sester / zdravstvenih tehnikov, ki opravljajo delo z odvisnimi od prepovedanih drog: zbornik izvlečkov. Seminar Sekcije medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov v psihiatriji; 2011 nov 9; Ljubljana
    [Properties and quality of nurses working with drug-addicted patients: abstracts; 2011 Nov 9; Ljubljana]
  31. Pretnar Zvonka; Kikel Alice
    50 let Zdravstvenega doma Tržič
  32. Anonymous ;
    Scientific and social programme EGPRN. European general practice research network. Theme: Quality improvement in the care of chronic disease in family practice: the contribution of education and research: pre-conference, theme papers, freestanding papers one slide/five minutes presentations, posters; 2012 May 10-13; Ljubljana
  33. Kraigher Alenka
    Zbornik predstavitev Strokovno srečanje Sekcije za preventivno medicino; 2012 maj 25-26; Portorož
  34. Anonymous ;
    7th Symposium and Workshop on the Conservation of Saproxylic Beetles; 2012 May 12-14; Granada, Spain
  35. Verdaguer D; Llorens L
    Plant responses to UV radiation: from individuals to ecosystems. Abstracts of the WG4 mini-conference of COST action FA0906 UV4growth; 2012 Apr 25-26; Girona, Spain
  36. Anonymous ;
    Molekularna genetika v patologiji. Zv 1: teoretične osnove in metode molekularne patologije; 2012 maj 23'25; Ljubljana
  37. Špelič Miran
    Program and abstracts International Conference Spirituality and health; 2012 Jun 1; Ljubljana
    [Program in povzetki Mednarodna konferenca Duhovnost in zdravje; 2012 jun 1; Ljubljana]
  38. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the European conference Tobacco or health; 2011 Mar 28-30; Amsterdam
  39. Bregant Paola; De Denaro Mario; Fornasier Maria Rosa
    Proceedings of 5th Alpe-Adria medical physics meeting; 2012 May 3-5; Trieste
  40. Anonymous ;
    Winning the Race for Antibody R and D. BIT's 4th Annual International Congress of Antibodies-2012; 2012 Mar 26-28; Beijing
  41. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik sažetaka 9. hrvatski psihijatrijski dani; 2012 tra 12-15; Opatija
  42. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik radova 2. kongres ortopedskih hirurga i traumatologa Srbije; 2010 okt 14-16; Novi Sad
    [Book of abstracts of the 2nd congress of Serbian orthopedic surgeons and traumatologists; 2010 Oct 14-16; Novi Sad]
  43. Anonymous ;
    Standardizacija na področju zdravstva; 2011 sep 28; Ljubljana
  44. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts and manuscripts The biomedical basis of elite performance; 2012 Mar 19-21; London
  45. Anonymous ;
    8th International congress on autoimmunity; 2012 May 9-13; Granada
  46. Anonymous ;
    Učne delavnice za zdravnike družinske medicine Medicinsko nepojasnjena stanja v ambulanti družinske medicine; 2012 mar, Novo mesto
  47. Anonymous ;
    23. zbor zasebnih zdravnikov in zobozdravnikov Slovenije; 2012 apr 20-21; Otočec
  48. Anonymous ;
    Poster book of the EGFR Advisors' network (EAN) for metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC); 2012 Mar 9-10; Copenhagen
  49. Anonymous ;
    Final programme and proceedings 2nd Congress of the Mediterranean multidisciplinary oncology forum; 2011 Nov 17-19; Istanbul
  50. Anonymous ;
    Knjiga sažetaka 6. hrvatski onkološki kongres s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, simpozij Onkološko-hematološkog društva Hrvatske udruge medicinskih sestara s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, 5. simpozij inženjera medicinske radiologije s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem; 2012 mar 29-31; Dubrovnik
  51. Anonymous ;
    Breast school of the 5th international school of breast imaging; 2012 Mar 29-31; Ljubljana
  52. Borko Špela
    Ekosistemi Jadrana: Makedonija 2010
  53. Anonymous ;
    Conference program and proceedings of the 2nd Prato conference on pore forming proteins; 2012 Apr 17-20; Prato
  54. Sivec Nataša; Šantl-Temkiv Tina
    Raziskovalni tabor študentov biologije, Vransko 2007
  55. Anonymous ;
    Knjiga povzetkov 4. kongres hematologov in transfuziologov Slovenije z mednarodno udeležbo, 4. slovenski kongres medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov v hemato-onkologiji, 4. hematološki in transfuziološki kongres laboratorijskih tehnikov; 2012 apr 12-14; Podčetrtek
  56. Anonymous ;
    SICOT 2011. 25th Triennial world congress; 2011 Sep 6-9; Prague
  57. Anonymous ;
    General Information Program, Abstracts of the 6th International Meeting on Plant Litter Processing in Freshwaters (PLPF); 2011 Jul 26-30; Cracow
  58. Majić-Skrbinšek Aleksandra; Kereži Vesna; Marinko Urška; McKee Annie
    Upravljanje z rjavim medvedom v severnih Dinaridih - metoda scenarijev: poročilo delavnice, 2011 nov 8; Dolenjske
  59. Anonymous ;
    Congress abstracts of the 18th WFN World congress on Parkinson's disease and related disorders; 2009 Dec 13-16; Miami Beach
  60. Anonymous ;
    Final program - abstract book of the 5th Congress of the International society for vascular behavioural and cognitive disorders (VAS-COG); 2011 Sep 11-14; Lille
  61. Anonymous ;
    Final program, abstract book of the 4th Congress of the International society for vascular behavioural and cognitive disorders (VAS-COG); 2009 Jan 14-16; Singapore
  62. Hoemberg V; Binder H
    Book of abstracts of the 6th World congress for neurorehabilitation; 2010 Mar 21-25; Vienna
  63. Jagodic Danielle
    Zbornik izvlečkov 1. konferenca o dolgotrajni pomoči osebam po pridobljenih možganskih poškodbah - Izzivi dolgotrajne pomoči; 2010 Mar 19; Ljubljana
    [Abstract volume of the 1st Conference on long-term support for persons with and acquired brain injury - Challenges of long-term support]
  64. Anonymous ;
    Lifelong perspective: rehabilitation for MS patients with completx needs. Final programme - abstract book of the 16th RIMS conference; 2011 May 13-14; Turku
  65. Anonymous ;
    Biochemistry, biophysics and structure. 17th international conference on cytochrome P450 (ICCP450); 2011 Jun 26-30; Manchester
  66. Anonymous ;
    Phytosanitary measures against grapevine flavescence doree phytoplasma. Follow up meeting Grapevine flavescence doree and Scaphoideus titanus 2012; 2012 Mar 13; Maribor
  67. Anonymous ;
    Programme and abstracts of the 11 international Jena symposium on tick-borne diseases; 2011 Mar 24-26; Jena
  68. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the Congress of the International pediatric sleep association joint meeting with Pediatric sleep medicine conference; 2010 Dec 3-5; Rome
  69. Anonymous ;
    Talks and Posters of the Student Conference on Conservation Science; 2012 Mar 20-22; Cambridge
  70. Anonymous ;
    Conference book of the European conference of national strategies for chlamydia trachomatis and human papillomavirus; 2011 May 25-27; Jurmala
  71. Avguštin Vladimir; Kandolf Andreja; Senič Lidija; Kozmus Peter
    Zbornik ApiSlovenija: 35. dnevi čebelarstva; 2012 mar 16-18; Celje
    [Book of abstracts of the ApiSlovenia: 35th Beekeeping days; 2012 Mar 16-18; Celje]
  72. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik sažetaka 2. kongres Srpskog anatomskog društva; 2008 sep 18-20; Vrnjačka Banja
    [Abstract book of the 2nd congress of Serbian anatomical society; 2008 Sep 18-20; Vrnjačka Banja]
  73. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 10th Congress of the Serbian society for plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery; 2010 May 19-22; Belgrade
  74. Štrus Jasna; Taiti Stefano; Sfenthourakis Spyros
    Advances in Terrestrial Isopod Biology
  75. Milavec Mojca; Batič Martin; Rupreht Ruth; Perko renara; Šuštar-Vozlič Jelka; Javornik Branka
    Znanstveni odbor za namerno sproščanje gensko spremenjenih organizmov v okolje in dajanje izdelkov na trg: letno poročilo 2007
  76. Milavec Mojca; Batič Martin; Rupreht Ruth; Perko Renata; Šuštar-Vozlič Jelka; Javornik Branka
    Znanstveni odbor za namerno sproščanje gensko spremenjenih organizmov v okolje in dajanje izdelkov na trg: letno poročilo 2008
  77. Milavec Mojca; Rupreht Ruth; Batič Martin; Perko Renata; Komel Radovan; Dovč Peter
    Znanstveni odbor za delo z gensko spremenjenimi organizmi v zaprtem sistemu: letno poročilo 2008
  78. Milavec Mojca; Rupreht Ruth; Batič Martin; Komel Radovan; Dovč Peter
    Znanstveni odbor za delo z gensko spremenjenimi organizmi v zaprtem sistemu: letno poročilo 2007
  79. Milavec Mojca; Rupreht Ruth; Batič Martin; Komel Radovan; Dovč Peter
    Znanstveni odbor za delo z gensko spremenjenimi organizmi v zaprtem sistemu: letno poročilo 2006
  80. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts issue of the 56th Annual meeting of the Biophysical society; 2012 Feb 25-29; San Diego
  81. Anonymous ;
    43rd Annual meeting Transactions of the American society for neurochemistry; 2012 Mar 3-7; Baltimore
  82. Anonymous ;
    Knjiga sažetaka 12. Hrvatski simpozij o aritmijama i elektrostimulaciji srca; 2011 ožu 18; Zagreb
    [Abstract book of the 12th Croatian symposium on arrhythmias and cardiac pacing; 2011 Mar 18; Zagreb]
  83. Anonymous ;
    Program in zbornik prispevkov Aritmije, pacing; 2009 okt 10; Brdo pri Kranju
    [Programme and book of abstracts Arrhythmias, pacing; 2009 Okt 10; Brdo pri Kranju]
  84. Habersack Helmut; Schober Bernard; Walling Desmond Eric
    Conference abstract book of the International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers; 2011 Apr 11-14; Vienna
  85. Brus Robert
    Predstavitve raziskovalnih projektov programa Konkurenčnost Slovenije 2006-2013 in aplikativnih raziskovalnih projektov
  86. Anonymous ;
    Končni program i zbornik sažetaka 3. Hrvatski kongres o nuspojavama psihofarmaka; 2011 Ožu 23-27; Rovinj
    [Final program and book of abstracts of the 3rd Croatian congress on side effects of psychopharmacs; 2011 Mar 23-27; Rovinj]
  87. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book. Prvi intersekcijski sastanak radiologa Srbije i Slovenije; 2010 maj 7-8; Beograd
  88. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik sažetaka Kongres radiologa Srbije; 2011 nov 13-16; Zlatibor
    [Abstract book of the Serbian congress of radiology; 2011 Nov 13-16; Zlatibor]
  89. Anonymous ;
    Hungrian - Croatian - Slovenian radiological symposium; 2009 Nov 13-14; Kehidakustany
  90. Anonymous ;
    Knjiga sažetaka 5. kongres Hrvatskog društva radiologa; 2010 lis 13-16; Rijeka/Opatija
    [Abstract book of the 5. Congress of the Croatian society of radiology; 2010 Oct 13-16; Rijeka/Opatija]
  91. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book Moderna imunosupresivna terapija; 2011 dec 2; Kranjska Gora
  92. Anonymous ;
    Tumori kože. Abstrakti predavanja 1. Simpozijum udruženja dermatovenerologa Republike Srpske; 2012 mar 2-3; Banjaluka
  93. Anonymous ;
    L'instabilita patellare, Le discinesie nella spalla dolorosa. 2 Convegno di aggiornamento ortopedico; 2006 Set 22; Riva del Garda
    [Pattellar instability, Dyskynesias in painful shoulder. Book of abstracts of the 2nd orthopaedics updating meeting; 2006 Sep 22; Riva del Garda]
  94. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 22nd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID); 2012 Mar 31-Apr 3; London
  95. Kelnar Chris
    50 ESPE 2011: from developmental endocrinology to clinical research. Abstracts of the 50th annual meeting of the European society for paediatric endocrinology; 2011 Sep 25-28; Glasgow
  96. Anonymous ;
    Congress brochure of the International congress on research of rare and orphan diseases - RE(ACT); 2012 Feb 29-Mar 2; Basel
  97. Anonymous ;
    Final program and abstracts of the international conference on Heart and brain; 2012 Mar 1-3; Paris
  98. Klemenc-Ketiš Zalika; Drešček Marko
    Huda osteoporoza, Funkcionalna dispepsija - nov pristop s fitoterapijo, Ali je zdravljenje bolečine res tako enostavno, Angina pektoris: nova možnost v zdravljenju starega problema, Artroze, KOPB, Pristop k zdravljenju kronične bolečine pri starejših, ogroženih bolnikih, Demenca, Praktične veščine. Zbornik predavanj 12. Kokaljevi dnevi; 2012 apr 13-14; Laško
  99. Kostnapfel-Rihtar Tatja; Zorec-Karlovšek Majda; Kolšek Marko
    Delovno mesto brez alkohola: promocija zdravja na delovnem mestu
  100. Gostinčar Cene
    Uravnavanje izražanja genov pri evkariontih: interferenčna RNA: seminarska naloga pri predmetu Molekulska biologija evkariontov, študijska smer: Biotehnologija

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