biomedicina slovenica

ct=2.25 : 2.101-2.200

  1. Fras Zlatko; Kenda Miran F
    Program in zbornik prispevkov 29. Radenski dnevi; 2011 maj 13-14; Radenci
  2. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 63th American Academy of neurology, 2011 Apr 9-16; Hawaii
  3. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the Joint congress of SOE/AAO; 2011 Jun 4-7; Geneva
  4. Gaberšček Simona; Zaletel Katja
    Bolezni ščitnice: podiplomska šola za zdravnike; 2011 maj 20-21; Logarska dolina
  5. Canki Nina
    Izvlečki 3. kongres genetikov Jugoslavije z mednarodno udeležbo; 1987 maj 31 - jun 4; Ljubljana
    [Abstracts of the 3rd Congress of Yugoslav geneticists with international participation; 1987 May 31 - Jun 4; Ljubljana]
  6. Anonymous ;
    Book of Abstracts of the 4th Conference of the International Working Group on Legume and Vegetable Viruses (IWGLVV); 2011 May 17-20; Antequera, Malaga, Spain
  7. Žagar Anamarija; Krofel Miha; Černe Rok; Marinko Urša; Majič-Skrbinšek Aleksandra
    Volk v Sloveniji: brošura o volku izdelana v okviru projekta SloWolf
  8. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts book of the 25rd Annual meeting of the European environmental mutagen society; 1995 Jun 18-23; Noordwijkerhout
  9. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 23rd Annual meeting of the European environmental mutagen society; 1993 Sep 27 - Oct 2; Barcelona
  10. Anonymous ;
    Povzetki 1. slovenski simpozij iz biofizike in 12. okrogla miza DBS; 1992 okt 1-3; Gozd Martuljek
    [Abstracts of the 1st Slovenian symposium on biophysics and 12th Round table discussion; 1992 Okt 1-3; Gozd Martuljek]
  11. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts book of the 21st Annual meeting of EEMS on environmental mutagens - carcinogens; 1991 Aug 25-31; Prague
  12. Anonymous ;
    Forest plants and forest protection: division 2 (vol.II). 18th IUFRO world congress; 1986 Sep 7-21; Ljubljana
  13. Paradiž Jasna
    Rastlinska citogenetika: uporaba v okoljevarstvu
  14. Kržišnik Nina; Muratovič Sajda
    Izbira rastlinskih indikatorjev onesnaženosti s citogenetskimi kazalci analize
  15. Juvan Peter; Debeljak Nataša
    From arrays to understanding diseases and pharmacogenomics of individual drug therapy. 6th CFGBC symposium and fighting drug failure; 2011 Jun 8-9, Ljubljana
  16. Anonymous ;
    Sejem priložnosti: kaj bom, ko bom .... ???; 2011 apr 4-6
  17. Anonymous ;
    Hospital pharmacists in a changing world - opportunities and challenges. Abstract book of the 16th Congress of EAHP; 2011 Mar 30 - Apr 1; Vienna
  18. Bregar Branko; Peterka-Novak Jožica
    Skupnostna psihiatrična obravnava. Zbornik predavanj z recenzijo Seminar Sekcije medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov v psihiatriji; 2011 mar 16; Ljubljana
    [Community mental health care. Proceedings of lectures with peer review]
  19. Košnik Mitja
    Zbornik sestanka Aktualne teme v alergologiji; 2011 apr 16; Ljubljana
  20. Kastelic Andrej; Ivančić Ante
    5th Adriatic drug addiction treatment conference, 7th SEEA symposium on addictive behaviors; 2010 Sep 30-Oct 2; Ohrid
  21. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik sestanka 16. redni posvet o obravnavi in spremljanju bolnikov s tuberkulozo (TB) v Sloveniji; 2011 mar 24; Ljubljana
  22. Rožman Primož; Kregar Nevenka
    Preskrba s tkivi in celicami v Sloveniji - obstoječe stanje in zakonski okvirji, Matične celice, popkovnična kri in posteljica v regenerativni medicini. Zbornik povzetkov DCTIS simpozijev; 2011 maj 27; Ljubljana
    [Stem cells, umbilical cord blood and placenta in regenerative medicine: international scientific symposium; 200 May 27; Ljubljana]
  23. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 7th International congress of the Croatian society of nuclear medicine and 7th Alpe-Adria nuclear medicine symposium and 6th annual meeting of the Croatian society of nuclear medicine technologists; 2011 May 15-18; Opatija
  24. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts and scientific program of the 24th International Jerusalem symposium on sports medicine: in memory of prof. Haim Weinberg; 2008 Feb 1-4; Jerusalem
  25. Anonymous ;
    33rd International Congress of Ophthalmology; 2011 May 13-14; Trieste
  26. Anonymous ;
    Program and Abstract Book of the AAPOS Annual Meeting; 2011 Mar 30-Apr 3; San Diego
  27. Klemenc-Ketiš Zalika; Drešček Marko
    Kronično vensko popuščanje - novi pristopi s fitoterapijo, Depresija - od receptorjev do remisije, Posledice pospešenega bitja srca, Uporaba betablokatorjev pri srčno-žilnih boleznih, Erektilna disfunkcija, Upočasnjevanje biološkega staranja žil, Diabetična polinevropatija. Zbornik predavanj 11. Kokaljevi dnevi; 2011 apr 8-9; Kranjska Gora
  28. Anonymous ;
    Odkrivanje sprememb in celostna obravnava bolezni dojk. Zbornik Strokovno srečanje fizioterapevtov; 2011 apr; Maribor
  29. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 11th international congress of shoulder and elbow surgery, 3rd International congress of shoulder and elbow therapists; 2010 Sep 5-8; Edinburg
  30. Anonymous ;
    Final program and abstract book of the 9th World congress for microcirculation in conjuction with the 19th EuroChap European Chapter Meeting of the international union of angiology; 2010 Sep 26-28; Paris
  31. Anonymous ;
    21st European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), 27th International Congress of Chemotherapy (ICC); 2011 May 7-10; Milan
  32. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 21st Congress of the European society for surgery of the shoulder and the elbow (SECEC - ESSSE); 2008 Sep 17-20; Brugge
  33. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings of the 10th International congress of shoulder and elbow surgery; 2007 Sep 17-20; Bahia
  34. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 25th Styrian-Slovenian conference on traumatology and 22nd Borderland meeting; 2006 Oct 13-16; Graz
  35. Anonymous ;
    Final program & book of abstracts of the 20th SECEC/ESSSE congress; 2006 Sep 20-23; Athens
  36. Lovrečič Barbara; Velič Renata; Palčič Cvetka; Krota Rado
    Zdravstveni statistični letopis 2002: zdravstvena regija Koper
  37. Lovrečič Barbara
    Dejavniki tveganja in možnosti preprečevanja raka dojk: seminarska naloga
  38. Lovrečič Barbara
    Prehrana kot dejavnik tveganja pri nastanku socialnih bolezni: seminarska naloga
  39. Anonymous ;
    The apparatus of life & death. Skopje electronic arts fair - SEAFair 2010; 2010 Oct 4-20, Skopje
  40. Anonymous ;
    Poster session abstracts of the ISSCR 7th annual meeting; 2009 Jul 8-11; Barcelona
  41. Anonymous ;
    La dolce vita - the other side of the coin. Abstract book of the Conference on Sexually Transmitted Infection and HIV/AIDS; 2008 Sep 4-6; Milan
  42. Anonymous ;
    Achieving ecological outcomes: aquatic ecological responses to catchment management. Book of abstract, oral papers, posters of the 2nd Freshwater biology summit; 2010 Apr 12-15
  43. Anonymous ;
    Vision in flies. Janelia Farm Conference; 2011 Mar 13-16; Ashburn, Virginia
  44. Pfaffl Michael W
    qPCR 2011 Event Proceedings: Molecular Diagnostics: from single cells to Next Generation Sequencing. 5th International qPCR Symposium Industrial Exhibition and Application Workshops; 2011 Mar 28-Apr 1; Freising-Weihenstephan
  45. Anonymous ;
    DGaaE. Abstracts of Entomologentagung; 2011 Maer 21-24; Berlin
  46. Anonymous ;
    Evolutionary and plastic responses of animal growth to different temperatures: adaptation and constraints. Thermadapt science meeting; 2011 Apr 28-30; Tartu, Estonia
  47. Zschocke Johannes; Gibson K Michael
    Screening Newborns: Current State and Future Challenges. Abstracts of the International Congress on Prevention of Congenital Diseases; 2011 May 13-14; Vienna
  48. Anonymous ;
    Seminar iz socialne medicine, higiene, epidemiologije in zdravstvene ekonomike za pripravnike zdravnike in zobozdravnike; 2008 apr 7-11; Ljubljana
  49. Anonymous ;
    Global dermatology or a globalized world. Book one of Abstracts of the 21st World Congress of Dermatology; 2007 Sep 30-Oct 5; Buenos Aires
  50. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts and posters of the 16th ECCMID - European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases; 2006 Apr 1-4; Nice
  51. Anonymous ;
    13th World Congress on the Menopause; 2011 Jun 8-11; Roma
  52. Sikirić P
    Book of abstracts of the 13th international conference on gastrointestinal research, 13th international conference ob ulcer research; 2009 Sep 10-16; Split
  53. Anonymous ;
    Seminar iz socialne medicine, higiene, epidemiologije in zdravstvene ekonomike za pripravnike zdravnike in zobozdravnike; 2009 okt 5-9; Ljubljana
  54. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 42nd annual meeting of the European society for paediatric gastroenterology hepatology and nutrition; 2009 June 3-6; Budapest
  55. Anonymous ;
    Programme and book of abstracts of the International conference Image optimisation in nuclear medicine; 2011 Mar 23-26; Ayia Napa
  56. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 3rd international congress of medical sciences for students and young doctors; 2004 May 13-16; Sofia
  57. Anonymous ;
    Kazalniki zdravstvenega stanja prebivalcev v Mestni občini Ljubljana
  58. Anonymous ;
    System Biology: From Molecules to Function. Program and Abstracts of the Jointt 4th FEBS and System X Advanced Lecture Course; 2011 Feb 26-Mar 4; Innsbruck
  59. Anonymous ;
    Abstract CD of the 6th SICOT/SIROT annual international conference combined with the Royal college of orthopaedic surgeons of Thailand (RCOST), 2009 Oct 29 - Nov 1; Pattaya
  60. Požun Peter; Sima Ðurđa
    Povzetki predavanj Zakonodaja s področja zdravstva: obvezne vsebine za podaljšanje licence za samostojno delo v zdravstveni in babiški negi po 10. členu Pravilnika o licencah izvajalcev v dejavnosti zdravstvene in babiške nege
  61. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 10th European platelet and granulocyte immunobiology symposium; 2008 May 15-18; Thun
  62. Ferjan Marko; Kljajić-Borštnar Mirjana; Pucihar Andreja
    Organizacija prihodnosti. Zbornik povzetkov referatov 30. mednarodne konference o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti; 2011 mar 23-25; Portorož
    [Future organization. Book of abstracts of the 30th International conference on Organizational science development; 2011 Mar 23-25; Portorož]
  63. Luštrik Roman; Vinko Damjan
    Ekosistemi Jadrana: Črna Gora 2005, Pelješac 2006. Spomladanski biološki dnevi Jovsi 2006; Ljubljana
  64. Anonymous ;
    15th European Congress of Herpetology and SEH Ordinary General Meeting; 2009 Sep 29-Oct 2; Kusadasi-Aydin, Turkey
  65. Anonymous ;
    UV4growth. Abstracts of the COST-Action FA0906 1st Annual Network Meeting; 2011 Feb 7-9; Szeged
  66. Marn-Pernat Andreja; Gubenšek Jakob; Buturović-Ponikvar Jadranka
    Končni program in knjiga izvlečkov 40-letnica kronične hemodialize in transplantacije ledvic v Sloveniji; 2010 nov 4-5; Bled
    [Final program and book of abstracts of the 40th anniversary of chronic hemodialysis and kidney transplantation in Slovenia; 2010 Nov 4-5; Bled]
  67. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 2nd European bois noir workshop 2011; 2011 Feb 27-Mar 1; Castelbrando, Cison di Valmarino, Italy
  68. Bahr Roald; Burger Helena; Reeser Jonathan
    Book of abstracts of the FIVB Volleyball medicine congress; 2011 Jan 13-15; Bled
  69. Anonymous ;
    COPHy. Program and abstracts of the 2nd world congress on Controversies in ophthalmology; 2011 Mar 3-6; Barcelona
  70. Anonymous ;
    International summer school on multimodal approaches in neuroscience; 2010 Jul 19-21; Leipzig
  71. Anonymous ;
    From molecular structure to functions. BIT's 1st annual tetra-congress of MolMed; 2010 Nov 10-12; Shanghai
  72. Pečar-Čad Silva
    Register zdravil Republike Slovenije 12
  73. Anonymous ;
    Programme and abstracts of the Winter meeting of the European society for clinical virology; 2011 Jan 13-15; London
  74. Kopinč Rok
    Priporočila za mikrobiološko varnost plastičnih sestavnih delov vodovodnih armatur
  75. Anonymous ;
    Posvet in delavnica Stres v medicini dela - 2; 2010 dec 3-4; Strunjan
  76. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik radova 34 kongres studenata medicine i stomatologije; 1992 apr 14-18; Niš
  77. Anonymous ;
    Programme and abstracts of the BriSCEV conference; 2010 Sep 13-14; Belfast
  78. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 1st Congress of neurological surgeons of Republic of Macedonia; 1998 Aug 26-30; Ohrid
  79. Anonymous ;
    Biophysics 2010: celebrating 50 years of the BBS; 2010 Jul 16-18; Cambridge
  80. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik radova 33. kongres studenata medicine i stomatologije Jugoslavije; 1991 apr 1-5; Sarajevo
  81. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik sažetaka 2. kongres Jugoslovensko društvo za neuronauke; 1995 jun 1-3; Sveti Stefan
  82. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 7th international medical sciences student congress; 1991 May 23-25; Istanbul
  83. Mandić Miodrag
    Zbornik radova 7 SNIRS, 1992; Beograd
  84. Slavinec Mitja; Lainščak Mitja
    Pomurska akademija Pomurju
  85. Kozjek-Rotovnik Nada; Mrevlje Živa
    Zbornik povzetkov predavanj simpozija Kaheksija - izziv sodobne medicine; 2011 Jan 11, Ljubljana
    [Cachexia - the challenge of modern medicine]
  86. Slavinec Mitja
    Inovativni ukrepi pri upravljanju Pomurske krajine. Zbornik povzetkov 8. znanstvena konferenca PAZU; 2010 dec 3-4; Murska Sobota
  87. Hrast Ana; Kojc Sabina; Fištravec Andrej; Mulej Matjaž; Naterer Andrej
    Mladi v presečišču svetovnih sprememb. Zbornik povzetkov prispevkov 6. mednarodna konferenca Držbena odgovornost in izzivi časa 2011; 2011 mar 10-12; Maribor
    [Youth in focus of world changes. Conference proceedings abstracts of the 6th international conference Social responsibility and current challenges 2011; 2011 Mar 10-12; Maribor]
  88. Anonymous ;
    Programme and abstracts of the 27th Congress of the ESCRS; 2009 Sep 12-16; Barcelona
  89. Anonymous ;
    10. Kongres Hrvatskog oftalmološkog društva s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem; 2010 svi 14-16; Vodice
    [10th Congress of Croatian Ophthalmological Society with international participation; 2010 May 14-16; Vodice]
  90. Pribošič Irena; Kristoffer Krnel
    Program in povzetki 5. dan mladih raziskovalcev; 2011 feb 17; Ljubljana
  91. Buzjak Nenad; Paar Dalibor
    Zbornik sažetaka Stručni seminar o speleološkom katastru; 2011 sij 29-30; Perušić
  92. Anonymous ;
    Seminar Nižje izobraženi delavci na poti k zdravju - izzivi za zdravstveno vzgojo (LEECH): gradivo; 2011 jan 13-14; Ljubljana
  93. Anonymous ;
    17th Pediatric Rheumatology European Society Congress, 8o Congreso de la Sociedad Espanola de Rheumatologia Pediatrica; 2010 Sep 9-12; Valencia
  94. Perenič Irena
    Zbornik povzetkov 8. kongresa Evolucija človeka in biodiverziteta v teoriji in praksi; 2010 sep 24-25; Ljubljana
  95. Anonymous ;
    EVER 2009. Abstract book of the European association for vision and eye research conference; 2009 Sep 30 - Oct 3; Portorož
  96. Hawlina Marko; Stirn-Kranjc Branka
    Končni program in zbornik povzetkov 8. slovenski oftalmološki kongres z mednarodno udeležbo in Simpozij ob 120-letnici Očesne klinike Univerzitetnega kliničnega centra Ljubljana; 2010 dec 9-11; Ljubljana
    [Final programme and book of abstracts of the 8th Slovenian congress of ophthalmology with international participation and Symposium on the occasion of the 120th anniversary of the University Medical Centre Ljubljana Eye Hospital: 2010 dec 9-11; Ljubljana]
  97. Anonymous ;
    Maribor spine. 3rd International symposium and hands-on course on lumbar spine instrumentation; 2010 Oct 14-16; Maribor
  98. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the World forum for Spine research; 2010 Jul 5-8; Montreal
  99. Pernarčič Radharani; Klaus Simona; Lipovec-Čebron Uršula
    Beyond essentialisms: challenges of anthropology in the 21st century. Book of abstracts of the international conference on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Department of ethnology and cultural anthropology, Faculty of arts; 2010 Nov 25-27; Ljubljana
    [Onkraj esencializmov: izzivi antropologije v 21. stoletju. Zbornik povzetkov mednarodne konference v počastitev 70. obletnice Oddelka za etnologijo in kulturno antropologijo Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani, 2010 nov 25-27; Ljubljana]
  100. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts book of the 7th Congress of the European academy of paediatric dentistry; 2004 Jun 10-13; Barcelona

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