biomedicina slovenica

ct=2.25 : 2.701-2.800

  1. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik sažetaka 22 kongres anatoma Jugoslavije; 1990 lis 4-6; Opatija
  2. Anonymous ;
    Program Book of the 86th General Session and Exhibition of the IADR, 32nd Annual Meeting of the CADR; 2008 Jul 2-5; Toronto
  3. Itov Dragoslav
    Zbornik rezimea 22. seminar anestezista, reanimatora i transfuzista Srbije; 2009 maj 3-17; Vrnjačka Banja
  4. Anonymous ;
    Knjiga sažetaka 1. međunarodni kongres HDMSARIST-a; 2008 tra 21-24; Šibenik
    [Book of abstracts of the 1st international congress of CNARICT; 2008 Apr 21-24; Šibenik]
  5. Diel Friedhelm; Kalus Jasmin; Mages Jennifer
    Programme and abstracts of the 38th meeting European histamine research society; 2009 May 13-16; Fulda
  6. Anonymous ;
    Prevention. Programme and abstracts of the 10th international Jena symposium on tick-borne diseases (formerly IPS); 2009 Mar 19-21; Weimar
  7. Rijavec Irma
    Zbornik predavanj Celosten pogled kirurške zdravstvene nege na stroko in kakovost - proces trajnega izboljševanja kakovosti v SB Celje; 2009 apr 3-4; Celje
  8. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik 1. mednarodni kongres medicinskih izvedencev; 2009 apr 16-18; Maribor
    [1st international congress of medical assessors; 2009 Apr 16-18; Maribor]
  9. Anonymous ;
    Abstrackte 8. Workshop der Differentialdiagnosen der Multiplen Sklerose; 2009 Apr 18; Graz
  10. Leskovar Jurij
    Prekomerno aktivni sečni mehur
  11. Anonymous ;
    Maribor Spine. The 2nd International symposium and hands-on course on cervical spine instrumentation; 2009 Apr 23-25; Maribor
  12. Anonymous ;
    Making Europe a safer place. Programme and Abstract Book of the 2nd Europeam Conference on Injury Prevention and Saftey Promotion; 2008 Oct 9-10; Paris
  13. Anonymous ;
    Old and new dopamine agonists in Parkinson's disease: a reapprasial. Final program and abstracts of te LIMPE seminar; 2009 Feb 26-28; Pisa
  14. Anonymous ;
    Reconciling Differences: Can Family Therapy Help Heal the World? Program and Abstracts of the 17th World IFTA Congress; 2009 Mar 4-7; Portorož
  15. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 23rd meeting of the Adriatic society of pathology; 2008 jun 27-29; Dubrovnik
  16. Anonymous ;
    37th Meeting of the European Histamine Research Society; 2008 May 7-10; Stockholm
  17. Anonymous ;
    Building capacity for action. European Alcohol Policy Conference; 2008 Apr 3-5; Barcelona
  18. Triller Nadja; Lainščak Mitja
    Book of abstracts of the meeting of three respiratory societies: Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary; 2009 May 8-9; Portorož
  19. Anonymous ;
    IET BioSysBio. IET Conference on Synthetic Biology, Systems Biology and Bioinformatics 2009; 2009 Mar 23-25; Cambridge
  20. Anonymous ;
    Programme and abstracts from 29th international congress of the European association of poisons centres and clinical toxicologists (EAPCCT); 2009 May 12-15; Stockholm
  21. Fokter Samo K
    Celje meetings; 2008 Nov 28-29; Celje
  22. Anonymous ;
    Programme and abstract book of the 6th European conference on Ecological restoration; 2008 Sep 8-12; Ghent
  23. Anonymous ;
    Redke bolezni v Sloveniji. Povzetki predavanj 1. simpozij slovenske medicinske genetike; 2008 sep 19; ljubljana
    [Rare diseases in Slovenia. Abstracts of the 1st Slovene medical genetics symposium; 2008 Sep 19; Ljubljana]
  24. Anonymous ;
    Workshop on steroid analytics; 2009 May 6-7; Munich
  25. Anonymous ;
    Biodiversity in Toxins: Tools for Biological Research and Drug Development. Scientific Programme of the 16th World Congress of the International Society on Toxinology, 10th Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Toxinologia; 2009 Mar 15-20; Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil
  26. Anonymous ;
    Prevention of honeybee COlony LOSSes. Proceedings of the 4th COLOSS conference. Cost Action FA0803; 2009 Mar 3-4; Zagreb
  27. Maček Jože
    Izvlečki referatov 9. slovensko posvetovanje o varstvu rastlin z mednarodno udeležbo; 2009 mar 4-5; Nova Gorica
    [Abstract volume of the 9th Slovenian conference on plant protection with international participation; 2009 Mar 4-5; Nova Gorica]
  28. Brancelj Anton; Muri Gregor; Koeck Guenter
    The Alps of the Next Generation. Proceedings of the AlpWeek 2004; 2004 Sep 22-25; Kranjska Gora
  29. Devetak Dušan; Klenovšek Tina
    Abstract book of the 10th international symposium on neuropterology; 2008 Jun 22-25; Piran
  30. Anonymous ;
    Conference proceedings of the MicroRNAs Europe 2008 meeting: microRNAs: biology to development and disease; 2008 Nov 3-4; Cambridge
  31. Komidar Luka; Podlesek Anja
    Abstracts of the 2nd Balkan vision science meeting; 2008 Sep 20-21; Brdo pri Lukovici
  32. Anonymous ;
    Final programme of the 5th forum of the Respiratory tract infections; 2009 Feb 5-7; Barcelona
  33. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of congress lectures of the 8th dental progress; 2007 Nov 30 - Dec 1; Sarajevo
  34. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book 4th SICOT/SIROT annual international conference; 2006 Aug 23-26; Buenos Aires
  35. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 7th EFORT congress; 2005 Jun 4-7; Lisbon
  36. Strelec Ivica; Glavaš-Obrovac Ljubica
    Book of abstracts from the Congress of the Croatian Society of biochemistry and molecular biology; 2008 Sep 17-20; Osijek
  37. Vogrič Zdenka
    Zbornik predavanj strokovno srečanje Kako učiti zdravstveno nego za jutri; 2008 apr 12; Ljubljana
  38. Anonymous ;
    Conference program and abstracts of the International society for environmental epidemiology and international society of exposure analysis ISEE; 2008 Oct 12-16; Pasadena
  39. Anonymous ;
    97th AACR Annual Meeting; 2006 Apr 1-5; Washington
  40. Lenošek Melita
    Varstvo pred ionizirajočimi sevanji: učno gradivo
  41. Anonymous ;
    Improving clinical skills in early breast cancer. European school of oncology; 2003 Feb 3-7; Ljubljana
  42. Omladič Luka
    Bioetika. Zbornik povzetkov Simpozij Slovenskega filozofskega društva; 2008 dec 4-5; Ljubljana
  43. Anonymous ;
    Challenges for western, central and eastern Europe. Book of abstracts of the EACOME conference; 2008 Sep 25-27; Prague
  44. Anonymous ;
    Course book, program and abstracts of the 3rd FEBS advanced lecture course on System biology from molecules to function; 2009 Mar 7-13; Alpbach
  45. Pfaffl Michael VV
    qPCR 2009 event: diagnostics and molecular markers. Proceedings of the 4th international qPCR symposium industrial exhibition and application workshops; 2009 Mar 9-13: Munich, Freising
  46. Anonymous ;
    Proteinases and Their Inhibitors - Recent Developments. Abstracts of the 26th Winter School; 2009 Feb 25-Mar 1; Tiers, Italy
  47. Anonymous ;
    Lynx ... Le grand retour? Programme des Interventions, Resumes des Communications Symposium International; 2008 oct 17-19; Orleans
  48. Teal Jennifer; Osborne Juliet L; Paxton Robert J
    EurBee3. Proceedings of the 3rd European conference of apidology; 2008 Sep 8-11; Belfast
  49. Anonymous ;
    4th International E.coli Alliance; 2008 Sep 24-27; Hinxton, UK
  50. Anonymous ;
    IMED 2009. Final Program od the 2nd International Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillance; 2009 Feb 13-16; Vienna
  51. Kofol-Bric Tatjana
    Poškodbe pri delu: metodološka navodila, ver. 1,0
  52. Renault J; Hausman J-F; Hoffmann L
    Proteomlux 2008. Programme - Abstracts of the International Conference on Proteomics in Plants, Microorganisms and Environment; 2008 Oct 22-24; Luxembourg
  53. Noč-Razinger Mojca; Panič Boris; Urbas Marina
    Medgeneracijska solidarnost - izziv za sodobne družbe. Zbornik povzetkov 18. statistični dnevi; 2008 nov 10-12; Radenci
    [Intergenerational solidarity - the challenge facing modern societies. Book of abstracts of the 18th statistical days; 2008 Nov 10-12; Radenci]
  54. Tanik A; Oeztuerk I; Guerel M; Yazgan M; Pehlivanoglu-Mantas E
    IWA DipCon 2006. Book of Abstracts of the 10th Specialised Conference on Diffuse Pollution and Sustainable Basin Management; 2006 Sep 18-22; Istanbul
  55. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstracts of the International neurorehabilitation symposium 2009; 2009 Feb 12-14; Zurich
  56. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts and program of the 5th International Meeting on Plant Litter Processing in Freshwaters; 2008 Jul 23-26; Coimbra
  57. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 53th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society; 2009 Feb 28-Mar 4; Boston
  58. Renault J; Hausman J-F; Hoffmann L
    Proteomlux 2006: Bridging the Gap Between Gene Expression and Biological Function. Programme, Abstracts, List of participants of the International Conference on Proteomics; 2006 Oct 11-14; Luxembourg
  59. Anonymous ;
    16th European Section Meeting of the International Society on Toxinology; 2008 Sep 7-10; Leuven, Belgium
  60. Anonymous ;
    Conference Book of the Ciguatera and Related Biotoxins Workshop; 2008 Oct 27-31; Noumea, New Caledonia
  61. Marabotti Anna; Facchiano Angelo; Romano Paolo
    Abstracts' book of the 3rd international workshop on Bioinformatics for management, analysis and interpretation of microarray data; 2003 Nov 27-28;
  62. Anonymous ;
    Basic immunology on allergy and clinical immunology. Final program and abstacts of the 7th EAACI-GA2LEN-winter school; 2009 Feb 5-8; Davos, Switzerland
  63. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the Food allergy training course: sections pediatrics and dermatology and food allergy interest group; 2008 Nov 13-15; Castelbrando, Treviso, Italy
  64. Bratož Saša; Kobe Modrica-Jasna; Krhin Blaž; Meško-Brguljan Pika; Možina Barbara; Pungertnik Darja
    Končni program 3. slovenski kongres klinične kemije z mednarodno udeležbo, 3. slovenski kongres tehnikov laboratorijske medicine, 18. mednarodni simpozij Slovenskega združenja za klinično kemijo in Hrvatskog društva medicinskih biokemičara; 2008 nov 13-15; Ljubljana
    [Final programme of the 3rd Slovenian congress of clinical chemistry with international participation, 3rd Slovenian congress of laboratory medicine technicians, 18th international symposium of Slovenian association for clinical chemistry and Croatian society of medical biochemists; 2008 Nov 13-15; Ljubljana]
  65. Prešern Janez
    Knjiga povzetkov 2. slovenski entomološki simpozij; 2009 feb 7-8; Ljubljana
    [Book of abstracts of the 2nd Slovenian entomological symposium; 2008 Feb 7-8; Ljubljana]
  66. Krevl Igor
    Zbornik 8. festival za tretje življenjsko obdobje; 2008 sep 30 - okt 2; Ljubljana
  67. Grošičar Janja; Vidic Nuša; Furlan Matej; Branc Dejan
    Seminar Stres in zdravje; 2005 maj 18; Ljubljana
  68. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstract book of the 1st international conference of family medicine - Best core for all; 2009 Jan 18-21; Muscat
  69. Bueyuekgebiz A
    ESPE 2008. Abstracts of the 47th annual meeting of the European society for paediatric endocrinology; 2008 Sep 20-23; Istanbul
  70. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the AChemS 29th annual meeting; 2007 Apr 25-29; Sarasota, Florida
  71. Anonymous ;
    ECRO 2008. Program book and book of abstracts of the 18th congress of European chemoreception research organisation; 2008 Sep 3-7; Portorož
  72. Anonymous ;
    ELSO 2008. Frontiers of cellular, developmental and molecular biology. Proceedings of the 7th annual ELSO meeting; 2008 Aug 30-Sep 2; Nice
  73. Anonymous ;
    "Overcoming the distance": family doctor, bringing the art of medicine to the patient. Abstract book of the 14th Wonca Europe regional conference; 2008 Sep 4-7; Istanbul
  74. Anonymous ;
    Onsite addendum and late abstract poster listings of the 47th annual meeting of the American society for cell biology (ASCB); 2007 Dec 1-5; Washington
  75. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 3rd Slovenian congress of clinical chemistry with international participation and 18th international symposium of Slovenian association for clinical chemistry and Croatian society of medical biochemists; 2008 Nov 13-15; Ljubljana
  76. Anonymous ;
    Conference program and abstract book of the 5th international Cleft Lip and palate foundation; 2008 Sep 22-26; Dallas
  77. Lovrečič Mercedes; Lovrečič Barbara; Cerar Marko; Šelb-Šemerl Jožica; Klavs Irena; Skerbiš Peter
    Report on the drug situation 2008 of the Republic of Slovenia: 2008 national report (2007 data) to the EMCDDA by the Reitox national focal point: "Slovenia" new development, trends and in-depth information on selected Issues
  78. Anonymous ;
    Globalna varnost: vodnik po konferenci
  79. Anonymous ;
    France 2008. Abstract booklet Biacore interaction days; 2008 Nov 20-21; Bordeaux
  80. Anonymous ;
    VIPSI-2008. Book of abstracts of the Iiternational conference on advances in the internet, processing, systems, and interdisciplinary research; 2008; Belgrade
  81. Anonymous ;
    Programme of the 4th European congress for medical and biomedical engineering; 2008 Nov 23-27; Antwerp
  82. Cegnar Tanja
    Responding to environmental change: from words to deeds
  83. Petaros Anja
    Zbornik sažetaka 9. znanstveni skup Rijeka i Riječani u medicinskoj povjesnici; 2008 stu 7-8; Rijeka
  84. Anonymous ;
    International symposium on extremophiles and their applications; 2005 Nov 29-Dec 2; Tokyo
  85. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 27 Annual ESRA congress; 2008 Sep 24-27; Genoa
  86. Anonymous ;
    Food production, nutrition, healthy consumers. Delegate manual of the 1st European food congress; 2008 Nov 4-9; Ljubljana
  87. Anonymous ;
    Membrane trafficking in global cellular responses. Book of abstracts of the 2008 Golgi meeting; 2008 Sep 4-9; Pavia, Italy
  88. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book Child neurology meets in Sarajevo; 2008 Oct 17-18; Sarajevo
  89. Canki-Klain Nina; Kovačić Sanja
    What's new in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of cystic fibrosis? Programme and abstracts of the 1st eastern European CF conference; 2008 Nov 28-30; Zagreb
  90. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts from the 8th European congress on epileptology; 2008 Sep 21-25; Berlin
  91. Kocijančič Igor; Kuhelj Dimitrij
    Knjiga abstraktov 4. kongres radiologov Slovenije; 2008 okt 9-11; Ptuj
    [Abstract book 4th Congress of Slovenian radiologists; 2008 Oct 9-11; Ptuj]
  92. Anonymous ;
    Final program Neuroscience 2008; 2008 Nopv 15-19; Washington
  93. Hawlina Markož; Stirn-Kranjc Branka
    Program in zbornik povzetkov 7. slovenski oftalmološki kongres z mednarodno udeležbo; 2008 nov 27-29; Ljubljana, 30. simpozij oftalmologov Slovenije in Hrvaške; 2008 nov 28-29; Ljubljana, 31. mednarodni kongres oftalmologov Združenje Alpe-Adria; 2008 nov 28-29; Ljubljana
    [Programme and book of abstracts of the 7th Slovenian congess of ophthalmology with international participation; 2008 Nov 27-29; Ljubljana, 30th symposium of ophthalmology of Slovenia and Croatia; 2008 Nov 28-29; Ljubljana, 31st international symposium of ophthalmology Alpe Adria association; 2008 Nov 28-29; Ljubljana]
  94. Anonymous ;
    Knjiga sažetaka 1. međunarodni kongres Era nove ekonomije i novih zanimanja - stres i mobbing; 2008 Nov 7-9; Split
  95. Anonymous ;
    Abstrakty Smrdacke dni; 2008 Dec 12-13; Smrdaky
  96. Anonymous ;
    Programme and abstract book of the 14th Alpe-Danube-Adria symposium on sexually transmitted diseases and infections of the skin; 2008 Nov 14-15; Zagreb
  97. Marinček Črt; Burger Helena
    Book of abstracts 7th Mediterranean congress of physical and rehabilitation medicine; 2008 Sep 18-21; Portorož
  98. Bavdek Srdjan V; Jurca Jože; Vodopivec Peter
    Ob 200-letnici rojstva dr. Janeza Bleiweisa
  99. Cankar Ksenija
    Motorični procesi v ustni votlini
  100. Cankar Ksenija
    Senzori ni procesi v ustni votlini

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