biomedicina slovenica

ct=2.25 : 3.001-3.100

  1. Planinšek-Ručigaj Tanja; Rogl-Butina Mirjam
    Programme and book ob abstracts of the 2nd international congress on anti aging and preventive medicine; 2008 Apr 10-12; Portorož
  2. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 3rd international meeting on Congenital central hypoventilation syndrome (CCHS); 2007 Nov 8-11; Genoa
  3. Jakelj Andraž; Eržen Damijan
    Zbornik predavanj 13. redni letni posvet o obravnavi in spremljanju bolnikov s tuberkulozo (TB) v Sloveniji; 2008 mar 28; Ljubljana
  4. Anonymous ;
    A common language for the health of children and youth. Abstracts of the conference on children health, disability and ICF-CY; 2007 Oct 25-26; Venice
  5. Anonymous ;
    Artery 5. Final programme and abstracts of the 5th conference in a series of meetings to provide a forum for discussion on arterial structure and function; 2005 Sep 30-Oct 1; Paris
  6. Anonymous ;
    EAPR virology 2007. Abstracts of the 13th European association for potato research virology section meeting; 2007 Jun 17-22; Aviemore, Scotland, UK
  7. Anonymous ;
    Advances in virology. Programme, abstract and delegate list of a two day conference; 2007 Sep 11-12; Greenwich
  8. Serša Gregor; Kos Janko; Lah-Turnšek Tamara; Kranjc Simona; Jevnikar Zala; Obermajer Nataša
    Book of abstracts of the 5th conference of experimental and translational oncology; 2008 Mar 26-30; Kranjska gora
  9. Rotar-Pavlič Danica
    The international conference Quality of primary health care, the perspective of patients; 2008 Mar 28-29; Ljubljana
  10. Anonymous ;
    Periodontal therapy: defining predictability through science. Final program and abstracts of the 10th international biennial congress; 2005 Oct 26-29; Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
  11. Anonymous ;
    Neuroscience 2007. Abstracts of the 37th annual neuroscience meeting; 2007 Nov 3-7; San Diego
  12. Anonymous ;
    Programme and abstracts of the 27th world congress of the international association of logopedics and phoniatrics; 2007 Aug 5-9
  13. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 4th European meeting on hypertension; 1989 Jun 18-21; Milan
  14. Anonymous ;
    Final program & abstract book of the 26th Politzer society meeting, 2007 Oct 13-16; Ohio
  15. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts book of the 5th international conference on vestibular schwannoma and other CPA lesion; 2007 Jun 5-9; Barcelona
  16. Anonymous ;
    International conference on fetal programming and developmental toxicity; 2007 May 20-24;Torshavn
  17. Anonymous ;
    Strokovna doktrina Stomatološke klinike. Zbornik 21. republiškega strokovnega seminarja DZDS; 2007 nov 8-10; Rogaška Slatina
  18. Kocjan Tomaž
    Razširjeni povzetki predavanj Šola za osteoporozo, 2007 jan 19-20; Velenje
  19. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 7th Osijek urological days; 2007 lis 11-13; Osijek
  20. Brecelj Janez; Drobnič Matej
    Zbornik prispevkov 2. slovenski ortopedski kongres z mednarodno udeležbo; 2008 mar 14-15; Rogaška Slatina
    [Proceedings of the 2nd Slovenian orthopaedic congress with international participation; 2008 Mar 14-15; Rogaška Slatina]
  21. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of papers presented at the 2007 meeting on Eukaryotic mRNA processing; 2007 Aug 22-26; New York
  22. Košak Ivan; Papež Danilo; Ribaš Slavko; Tomšič Marija
    Društvo laringektomiranih Slovenije: 25 let
  23. Anonymous ;
    Riassunti dei contributi 14 CIO (Convegno Italiano di Ornitologia); 2007 set 26-30; Trieste
  24. Anonymous ;
    Programma finale riassunti dei contributi scientifici 24 riunione annuale Associazione Italiana di epidemiologia; 2000 Ott 18-21; Roma
  25. Anonymous ;
    Programme and abstracts of the 22nd annual conference the International society for clinical biostatistics, ISCB, 2001 Aug 19-23, Stockholm
  26. Anonymous ;
    Phylogeography and conservation of postglacial relicts; 2007 Oct 18-20; Luxembourg
  27. Anonymous ;
    Workshop on correlated data modeling; 1999 Oct 22-23; Trieste
  28. Zupan Eva; Vinko Damjan; Javornik-Cregeen Sara Joan
    Life with science. Book of abstacts of the International life sciences Student's conference; 2007 Nov 7-11; Ljubljana
  29. Anonymous ;
    Tarptautine konferencija Antropologija ir medicinos praktika; 2007 rug 20-23; Vilnius
    [International conference Anthropology and medical practice; 2007 Sep 20-23; Vilnius]
  30. Anonymous ;
    The 1st congress on respiratorymedicine of Serbia / southeast Europe, 2007 Nov 2-4; Novi Sad
    [Prvi kongres respiratorne medicine Srbije / jugoistočne Evrope; 2007 nov 2-4; Novi Sad]
  31. Anonymous ;
    Fate of pollutants in the plant/thizosphere system: fundanmental aspects and their significance for field applications - prospects and research needs. Abstract book of the Workshop of WG2 and WG4 and Management committee meeting; 2007 May 30-Jun 1; Vilnius
  32. Anonymous ;
    Water for life: research priorities for sustaining fresheater biodiversity. EPBRS meeting; 2008 Jan 16-18; Brdo
    [Voda za življenje: raziskovalne prednosti za ohranjanje biotske raznovrstnosti celinskih voda. EPBRS srečanje; 2008 jan 16-18; Brdo]
  33. Anonymous ;
    Final programme, abstract of the 31st European strabismological association; 2007 May 20-23; Mykonos
  34. Hawlina Marko; Urbančič Mojca; Kraut Aleksandra; Sevšek Davorin; Jaki-Mekjavič Polona; Globočnik Mojca; Hashad Yehia; Vidovič Nataša; Stirn-Krajnc Branka
    Starostna degeneracija makule in uveitis. Izobraževalno-družabni sestanek Združenja oftalmologov Slovenije; 2007 mar 16; Ljubljana
  35. Ažman Monika
    Zdravje - vrednota vsake ženske. Zbornik predavanj Strokovno srečanje za medicinske sestre, babice in zdravstvene tehnike; 2007 nov 29; Bled
  36. Govedič Marijan
    Raziskovalni tabor študentov biologije Šempas '98
  37. Mahnič Mateja
    Ljubljana: where all of Europe meets
  38. Gunde-Cimerman Nina; Drobne Damjana
    Biodan 08; 2008 feb 11; Ljubljana
  39. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts for 5th International conference on circulating nucleic acids in plasma/serum; 2007 Aug 23-26; Moscow
  40. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 1st Pan-European conference on emergency medical services; 1992 Aug 30 - Sep 3; Budapest
  41. Anonymous ;
    Fate of pollutannts in the plant/rhizosphere system: fundamental aspects and their significance for field applications - prospects and research needs. Abstract book of the Workshop of WG2 and WG4 and management commitee meeting; 2007 May 30 - jun 1; Vilnius
  42. Anonymous ;
    EVER 2007. Programme book of the 10th anniversary congress; 2007 Oct 3-6; Portorož
  43. Anonymous ;
    Seminar Vaskularni pristupi za hemodijalizu - osnovni kurs; 2007 okt 19-20; Beograd
  44. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings of the Annual meetings of international council on alcohol, drugs, and traffic safety (ICADTS), The international association of forensic toxicologists (TIAFT), and the 8th Ignition interlock symposium (IIS); 2007 Aug 26-30; Washington
  45. Anonymous ;
    Changing world: challenges for society and for social psychiatry. Book of abstracts of the 19th world congress of world association for social psychiatry; 2007 Oct 21-24; Prague
  46. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 15th Nordic congress of general practice; 2007 June 13-16; Reykjavik
  47. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 15th World congress on psychiatric genetics; 2007 Oct 7-11; New York
  48. Anonymous ;
    Novi izzivi na področju socialnega vključevanja. Konferenčno gradivo zaključna mednarodna konferenca Razvojnega partnerstva Feniks pobude EQUAL, 2007 Maj 17-18; Celje
  49. Anonymous ;
    The 5th symposium on workplace drug testing; 2007 May 24-25; Stockholm
  50. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstracts book of the Mediaterranean academy of forensic sciences; 2004 Jun 10-13
  51. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts book of 2nd Egyptian international congress of medical and forensic sciences in collaboration with the Egyptian society of forensic sciences; 2007 February 13-15; Cairo
  52. Logan Barry K; Isenschmid Daniel S; Wals Michael J; Beirness Douglas; Morland Jorg
    Abstracts of the joint international meeting of TIAFT / ICADTS / IIS; 2007 Aug 26-30; Seattle
  53. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 4th Management committee and 3rd working groups meetings COST B30: neural regeneration and plasticity; 2007 Oct 5-6; Istanbul
  54. Plut Domen
    Zbornik 19. kongresa študentov raziskovalcev Medicinske fakultete v Ljubljani, Ljubljana, 13. december 2007
  55. Anonymous ;
    Book of extended synopses of the international conference on clinical PET and molecular nuclear medicine (IPET 2007); 2007 Nov 10-14; Bangkok
  56. Peterlin Borut
    Zbornik prispevkov Genetika v ginekologiji in porodništvu 3; 2007 maj 11; Ljubljana
  57. Zalar Jurij; Kajba Stanislav; Kocjančič Igor
    Zbornik predavanj 7. šola klinične radiologije; 2007 okt 26-27; Maribor
  58. Anonymous ;
    Depresivnost in psihoza. Zbornik predavanj 5. ISPS srečanje: 2007 sep; Bled
  59. Anonymous ;
    3. konferenca Od podatkov do informacij v zdravstvu; 2007 nov 22; Ljubljana
  60. Anonymous ;
    Preventing suicide across the lifespan: dreams and realities. 2rth World congress of the international association for suicide prevention (IASP); 2007 Aug 28 - Sep 1; Killarney
  61. Anonymous ;
    Strokovna doktrina Stomatološke klinike. Zbornik 20. republiškega strokovnega seminarja DZDS; 2006 nov 9-11; Rogaška Slatina
  62. Anonymous ;
    "Beden ve Ruh". Uluslararasi katilimli 4. ulusal aile hekimligi guenleri ve 2. Avrupa sistemik aile hekimligi konferansi; 2007 nis 25-29; Antalya
  63. Anonymous ;
    Knjiga sažetaka 4. Hrvatski kongres medicine rada s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem "Zdravlje i rad - ključ zdravlja" i 14. Međunarodni kongres o službama medicine rada "Službe medicine rada u tranziciji u istočnoj i zapadnoj Europi"; 2007 nov 8-11; Dubrovnik
    [Book of abstracts 4th Croatian congress on occupational health with international participation " Health and work - key of life" and 14th International congress on occupational health services "Occupational health services in transition in eastern and western Europe"; 2007 Nov 8-11; Dubrovnik]
  64. Kariž Stojan
    Zbornik 1. spominsko srečanje posvečeno mag. Lovru Korsiču, Portorož, 21. November 2007:
  65. Noč Razinger Mojca; Panič Boris
    Zmanjšanje administrativnih bremen zbiranja podatkov v statističnih raziskovanjih. Zbornik povzetkov 17. Statistični dnevi; 2007 nov 5-7; Radenci
    [Reducing administrative burdens of data collection in statistical surveys. Book of abstracts of the 17th Statistical days; 2007 Nov 5-7; Radenci]
  66. Krulec Aleš
    Varnost v vrtcih: zbornik 2. mednarodnega strokovnega posveta organizatorjev prehrane in zdravstveno higienskega režima, 8.-9. november 2007, Bled
  67. Rok-Simon Mateja; Martinez Guillermo
    Skiing accidents and siing injury prevention: national situation report for Slovenia
  68. Rok-Simon Mateja; Nadrag Petra
    Primerjalna analiza podatkov bolnišničnih obravnav iz ZISBO in SPP
  69. Rok-Simon Mateja
    Preprečevanje padcev starejših ljudi doma: seznam za preverjanje varnosti doma
  70. Rok-Simon Mateja; Nadrag Petra
    Poškodbe starejših ljudi zaradi padcev v Sloveniji
  71. Martinović Žarko
    Zbornik sažetaka Simpozijum kliničke neurofiziologije; 2007 okt 26; Beograd
    [Book of abstracts of the Clinical neurophysiology simposium; 2007 Okt 26; Beograd]
  72. Vuksanović Vineta
    Programme, abstracts book of the 5th Balkan congress for microbiology; 2007 Oct 24-27; Budva
  73. Falter Claudia; Regierer Babette; Selbig Joachim; Vingron Martin; Walther Dirk
    GCB 2007. Short papers and poster abstracts of the German conference on bioinformatics; 2007 Sep 26-28; Potsdam
  74. Anonymous ;
    110eme Anniversaire du Jardin Botanique Alpin Chanousia; 2007 Jul 12-13; La Thuile - Col du Petit-Saint-Bernard
  75. Mrvar Andrej; Ferligoj Anuška
    Program and abstracts of the 12th Austrian, Croatian, Hungarian, Italian, and Slovenian young statisticians meeting; 2007 Oct 19-21; Piran
  76. Hughes Joelene; Mercer Richard
    Programme and abstracts of the international conference Felid biology and conservation; 2007 Sep 17-10; Oxford
  77. Anonymous ;
    From grape to wine. Book of abstracts of the 1st international junior researchers' meeting; 2007 Jul 12-14; Ljubljana
  78. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik radova 1. kongres infektologa Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem; 2007 okt 4-7; Tara
  79. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the The 23rd IUSTI-Europe, Conference on sexually transmitted infections and HIV/AIDS; 2007 Oct 11-14; Cavtat
  80. Anonymous ;
    COST 859: phytotechnologies to promote sustainable land use and improve food safety. WG1 and WG3 workshop Nutrient biofortification and exclusion of pollutants in food plants; 2007 Oct 23-25; Sede-Boqer Campus, Israel
  81. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik sažetaka radova 1. jugoslovenski simpozijum o bolestima ekstrapiramidnog sistema i cerebeluma; 1987 maj 15-17; Arandjelovac
  82. Anonymous ;
    6th international symposium on uveitis: international uveitis study group; 2004 Sep 20-22, Venezia-Mestre
  83. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings of the 4th world owl conference; 2007 Oct 31-Nov 4; Groningen
  84. Bertaccini Assunta; Maini Stefano
    1st international phytoplasmologist working group meeting; 2007 Nov 12-15; Bologna
  85. Miliczek KD; Barber C
    Abstracts of the 34th symposium of the International society for clinical electrophysiology of vision; 1996 Jul 20-24; Tuebingen
  86. Anonymous ;
    Final programme of the 33th symposium international society for clinical electrophysiology of vision; 1995 Jun 16-20, Athens
  87. Anonymous ;
    EUNOS - European neuro-ophthalmological society: program, abstracts; 1995 May 25-27; Antwerp
  88. Anonymous ;
    Scientific programm and abstract book of the 32nd symposium of the international society for clinical electrophysiology of vision; 1994 Jun 19-23; Banff
  89. Anonymous ;
    35. Tagung der Österreichischen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft, 12. - 14. Mai 1994, Innsbruck
  90. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the international symposium on Neurophysiological evaluation of the visual system with the 9th Dr. Janez Faganel memorial lecture; 1993 Oct 7-8; Ljubljana
  91. Anonymous ;
    1st international meeting on advanced methods in visual psychophysiology and electrodiagnosis; 1993 Mar 23-25; Bristol
  92. Barac Boško; Lechner Helmut
    Proceedings of the postgraduate course and 32nd international neuropsychiatric symposium in Pula; 1992 Jun 14 - 20; Graz
  93. Kolar Gorazd
    Zbornik povzetkov 1. slovenski oftalmološki kongres; 1993 okt 22-23; Bled
  94. Anonymous ;
    Programme and abstracts of the 30th symposium international society for clinical electrophysiology of vision; 1992 May 17-22; Vienna
  95. Anonymous ;
    Programme and abstracts of the 29th symposium of the international society for clinical electroohysiology of vision; 1991 Jul 2-6; Oxford
  96. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 4th international evoked potentials symposium; 1990 Sep 30 - Okt 3; Toronto
  97. Anonymous ;
    31.Tagung der Oesterreichischen ophthalmologischen gesellschaft; 1990 Mai 24-26; Bregenz
  98. Žakelj Tone; Kogej Miloš; Zidar Ignac
    Book of abstracts of the International symposium on sensory encephalography and the 5th dr. Janez Faganel memorial lecture; 1989 Sep 28-30; Ljubljana
  99. Anonymous ;
    Abstract of the 27 symposium of the international society for clinical electrophysiology of vision; 1989 Jun 4-8; Dresden
  100. Anonymous ;
    Knjiga sažetaka 10. kongres Saveza društava fiziologa Jugoslavije; 1977; Novi Sad

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