biomedicina slovenica

ct=2.25 : 3.201-3.300

  1. Ribič Helena; Ravnik Mateja; Hovnik-Keršmanc Marjetka; Hafner Alenka; Podlipnik Marjeta; Grmek-Košnik Irena
    Klamidijska okužba: bodimo osveščeni in jo preprečujmo
  2. Hafner Alenka; Torkar Tanja; Hovnik-Keršmanc Marjetka; Lesjak Katra
    Motnje hranjenja: hrana je moj najboljši prijatelj in največji sovražnik
  3. Anonymous ;
    Book of late abstracts of the 2nd world conference of stress, 3rd cell stress society international congress on stress responses in biology and medicine; 2007 Aug 23-26; Budapest
  4. Anonymous ;
    Halophiles-2007. Programme and abstract of the International congress Exploring life at high salinity; 2007 Sep 2-6; Colchester
  5. Zimanyi Laszlo; Kota Zoltan; Szalontai Balazs
    Book of abstract of the Regional biophysics conference; 2007 Aug 21-25; Balatonfuered
  6. Anonymous ;
    Final program and abstract book of the 5th central European oncology congress; 2007 Jun 20-23; Opatija
  7. Česen Marjan
    Reforma zdravstva v Sloveniji
  8. Lešničar Gorazd
    Kronika, razvoj in vizija Oddelka za infekcijske bolezni in vročinska stanja Splošne bolnišnice v Celju
  9. Valantič Božica
    Bolnišnica Stara Gora
  10. Anonymous ;
    Current developments in transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE); 2004 Sep 21-24; Portorož
    [Nova spoznanja na področju prenosljivih spongiformnih encefalopatij (TSE)]
  11. Kenward Mike; Touloumi Giota
    ISCB28. Book of abstracts of the 28th annual conference of the International society for clinical biostatistics; 2007 Jul 29-Aug 2; Alexandroupolis
  12. Anonymous ;
    Early developmental transformations. 6th Graz symposium on developmental neurology; 2007 May 3-5; Graz
  13. Anonymous ;
    ESM 2007. Abstract book of the 28th annual congress of the European society of mycobacteriology; 2007 Jul 1-4; Athens
  14. Jobse Gertjan
    Green cities: special report of the Training course "Green cities"
  15. Anonymous ;
    Program and abctracts of the 10th international riversymposium and environmental flows conference; 2007 Sep 3-6; Brisbane
  16. Anonymous ;
    Exploiting the tumor microenvironment for therapeutics. 2nd annual international tumor metabolism summit (TMS); 2005 Oct 7-8; Genova
  17. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 7th symposium on lactic acid bacteria - genetics, metabolism and applications; 2002 Sep 1-5; Egmond aan Zee
  18. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstracts of the 49th annual maize genetics conference; 2007 Mar 22-25; Pheasant Run, St. Charles, Illinois
  19. Anonymous ;
    Programme and book of abstracts of the EuroLAB conference; 2001 Jul 3-6; Cork
  20. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstracts of the 13th international congress on molecular plant-microbe interactions; 2007 Jul 21-27; Sorrento
  21. Anonymous ;
    Programe of the Imaging membrane dynamics: visualization of trafficking pathways; 2006 Sep 14-17; London
  22. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstracts of the 8th international congress of neuroethology; 2007 Jul 22-27; Vancouver
  23. Janeska Biljana; Stankov Aleksandar
    Book of abstracts of the 5th congress of the Balkan academy of forensic sciences; 2007 Jun 3-7; Ohrid
  24. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 4th international workshop on internventional radiology; 1997 Jun 12-4; Prague
  25. Lobnikar Branko
    Zbornik prispevkov 8. slovenski dnevi varstvoslovja Varnost v sodobni družbi groženj in tveganj; 2007 maj 30-jun 1; Bled
  26. Lobnikar Branko
    Varnost v sodobni družbi groženj in tveganj. Zbornik povzetkov 8. slovenski dnevi varstvoslovja; 2007 maj 30-jun 1; Bled
  27. Anonymous ;
    Life sciences 2007. Poster abstracts of a joint meeting of the Biochemical society, the British pharmacological society and the Physiological society; 2007 Jul 9-12; Glasgow
  28. Anonymous ;
    EOS: 100 years. 83rd congress of the European orthodontic society; 2007 Jun 20-24; Berlin
  29. Kramar Peter; Jarm Tomaž; Zupanič Anže; Miklavčič Damijan
    Medicon 2007. Conference programme and book of abstracts of the 11th Mediterranean conference on medical and biological engineering and computing; 2007 Jun 26-30; Ljubljana
  30. Tajovksy Karel
    Abstract book with programme and list of participants of the 9th central European workshop on soil zoology; 2007 Apr 17-20; Česke Budejovice
  31. Laiho Juha; Stahls-Maekelae Gunilla
    Programme and abstracts of the 4th international symposium on syrphidae; 2007 Jun 29-July 3; Siikaranta, Finland
  32. Pokorny Boštjan; Savinek Karin; Poličnik Helena
    Abstracts of the 8th European roe deer meeting; 2007 Jun 25-29; Velenje
    [Povzetki 8. evropski kongres o srnjadi; 2007 jun 25-29; Velenje]
  33. Anonymous ;
    ento07. International symsposium Aquatic insects: challenges to populations and national meeting; 2007 Jul 16-18; Edinburgh
  34. Anonymous ;
    Programme and abstracts of the sefs-5 - Symposium for European freshwater sciences; 2007 Jul 8-13; Palermo
  35. Anonymous ;
    History, evolution and future of Arctic ald Alpine flora. Symposium of Botanical society of Scotland; 2007 Jun 25-27; St Andrews
  36. Anonymous ;
    Conference proceedings of the 7th international comet assay workshop; 2007 Jun 24-27; Ulster, Northern Ireland
  37. Anonymous ;
    Plant biology and botany 2007. Poster, abstract book of the annual meeting of four professional scientific societies: American fern society, American society of plant biologists, American society of plant taxonomists, Botanical society of America; 2007 Jul 7-11; Chicago
  38. Kallio Jouni; Komi Paavo V; Komulainen Jyrki; Avela Janne
    Book of abstracts of the 12th annual congress of the European college of sport science; 2007 Jul 11-14; Jyvaeskyla
  39. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the CHEST conference; 2007 Jun 8-10; Athens
  40. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the final meeting of COST action 853: agricultural biomarkers for array-technology. Working group 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and Trans-COST array meeting: advanced research results using array technology: array; 2007 May 22-24; Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain
  41. Anonymous ;
    The value of biodiversity observatories and monitoring for science and society. Book of abstracts of the general assembly - science meeting Marine biodiversity and ecosystem functioning; 2007 May 14-16; Sopot and Gdynia, Poland
  42. Musko Ilona B
    Programme and abstracts of the 13th international colloquium on Aphipoda; 2007 May 20-25; Tihany, Hungary
  43. Anonymous ;
    3rd international conference on phospholipases A2 and lipid mediators; 2007 May 9-12; Sorrento
  44. Batič Franc; Kravanja Nika; Dobrilović Marko
    Zbornik izvlečkov Rastline v urbanem okolju; 2007 feb 16; Ljubljana
  45. Anonymous ;
    Multiple stressors for the environment and human health present and future challenges and perspectives. Abstract book of SETAC (Society of environmental toxicology and chemistry) Europe 17th annual meeting; 2007 May 20-24; Porto
  46. Kroepfelova Lenka
    Linking wetland science and scientists from eastern and western Europe. Book of abstracts of the 2nd annual meeting of the Society of wetland scientists - Europe; 2007 May 30-Jun 3; Trebon, Czech Republic
  47. Anonymous ;
    Bridging the gap between hydraulics and biology. Extended abstracts, posters of the 6th international symposium on ecohydraulics; 2007 Feb 18-23; Christchurch, New Zealand
  48. Spearman Paul; Telesnitsky Alice
    Abstracts of papers of the meeting Retroviruses; 2008 May 19-24; New York
  49. Anonymous ;
    Magyar Muelencse Implantacios es Refraktiv Sebeszeti Tarsasag Kongresszusa; 2007 mar 29-31; Keszthely
  50. Anonymous ;
    Final program of the Ophthalmologic school; 2007 Apr 13-15; Dubrovnik
  51. Anonymous ;
    Program with abstracts of the 3rd Pannonic ophthalmology meeting, 4th south eastern European ophthalmological congress, 2nd conference on prevention of blindness - vision 2020; 2007 Mar 23-25; Novi Sad
  52. Bavcon-Kralj Mojca; Trebše Polonca
    Book of abstracts of the 15th international symposium "Spectroscopy in theory and practice"; 2007 Apr 18-21; Nova Gorica
  53. Anonymous ;
    AERC 2007. Book of abstracts of the 4th Annual European rheologu conference; 2007 Apr 12-14; Napoli
  54. Anonymous ;
    Knjiga sažetaka simpozija Hemoragijska vrućica s bubrežnim sindromom u Hrvatskoj; 2003 ožu 28-29; Zagreb
  55. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the Meeting of the European systems biology centers; 2007 Mar 7-8; London
  56. Robida Andrej; Yazbeck Anne-Marie; Kociper Bernarda; Mate Tanja; Marušič Dorjan
    Nacionalne usmeritve za razvoj kakovosti v zdravstvu
  57. Perko Andrej
    Samopodoba ljudi v stiski
  58. Rozman Vinko
    Živeti in upati: zapiski obolelega z ALS
  59. Furlan Danijela
    Vzorci - od bolnika do laboratorija: vpliv predanalitskih dejavnikov na kakovost laboratorijskih rezultatov
  60. Bužan Valerija; Golob Alenka; Mercina Alenka; Ulaga Jan
    Odrasle osebe z zmernimi, težjimi in težkimi motnjami v duševnem razvoju: zbornik Naša pot
  61. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the Quarantine phytoplasmas on fruit crops; 2007 Feb 27-28; Prague
  62. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts volume od the 7th international symposium on the biology of terrestrial isopods; 2007 Mar 28-31; Tunis
  63. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the International symposium on assisted reproduction; 1994 Oct 16-19; Bled
  64. Pfaffl Michael W
    Proceedings of the 3rd international qPCR symposium: industrial exhibition and TATAA application workshop; 2007 Mar 26-30; Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany
  65. Arribalzaga Eduardo
    Abstracts book of the 14th world congress for bronchology (WCB) and 14th world congress for bronchoesophagology (WCBE); 2006 Jun 25-28; Buenos Aires
  66. Anonymous ;
    Scientific programme of the 10th international conference on bronchoalveolar lavage; 2006 Jun 17-19; Coimbra
  67. Anonymous ;
    International conference Uniti dal mare: a meeting between university surgeons from the two sides of the Adriatic and ionian seas; 2005 May 20-21; Chieti and Pescara
  68. Anonymous ;
    Koronarna bolezen: kaj lahko storimo bolje? Povzetki predavanj 3. Krkin simpozij; 2004 mar 26; Ljubljana
  69. Anonymous ;
    Tečaj avdiometrije z avdiološko elektroakustiko
  70. Marušič Dorjan; Kenda Rajko; Novak Milojka; Toth Matin; Ceglar Jakob; Cerkvenik Gregor
    Postopek ocenjevanja in vklju evanja novih ali spremenjenih zdravstvenih programov in drugih novosti pri metodah dela v programe zdravstvene dejavnosti v Republiki Sloveniji
    [Procedure for the assessment and inclusion of new or modified healthcare programmes and other novelties in work methods into healthcare programmes in the Republic of Slovenia]
  71. Smolar Nataša
    Program dela Inštituta za vode Republike Slovenije za leto 2006: poročilo o delu: spremembe in dopolnitve strokovnega predloga Qes, analiza podatkov o vrednosti Qes v povezavi z ostalimi hidrološkimi podatki, opredelitev vloge Qes glede na ekološko stanje po Vodni direktivi
  72. Anonymous ;
    ECCB 2006. Conference program of the 5th European conference on computational biology, 10th Israeli bioinformatics symposium; 2007 Jan 21-24; Eilat
  73. Anonymous ;
    Meslegimize ve saglik ocaklarimiza sahip cikiyoruz. Oezet Kitabi 9. Pratisyen hekimlik kongresi; 2004 ara 8-12
  74. Anonymous ;
    Kongre programu ve Oezet Kitabi 8. Pratisyen hekimlik kongresi; 2003 eki 15-19; Antalya
  75. Maček Jože
    Izvlečki referatov 8.slovensko posvetovanje o varstvu rastlin; 2007 mar 6-7; Radenci
    [Abstract volume of the 8th Slovenian conference on plant protection; 2007 Mar 6-7; Radenci]
  76. Anonymous ;
    Rapid methods Europe 2007. Final programme and abstracts of lectures and posters of the International conference for biological and chemical contaminants in food and feed; 2007 Jan 29-30; Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands
  77. Anonymous ;
    Strokovno gradivo Poslovna asistenca v zdravstvu
  78. Stergar Eva; Urdih-Lazar Tanja; Dodič-Fikfak Metoda; Franko Alenka; Gazvoda Tatjana; Kožuh Mitja; Molan Marija; Pelhan Bojan; Sabadin Alenka
    Zdravi delavci v zdravih organizacijah
  79. Bagante Barbara; Leone Analisa; Battistin Tiziana
    Abstracts book of the 3rd world congress in neurological rehabilitation; 2002 April 2-6; Venice
  80. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 12th cardiovascular biology and clinical implications meeting; 2006 Oct 5-6; Muntelier
  81. Anonymous ;
    Programme and abstracts of the 9th dsRNA virus symposium; 2006 Oct 21-26; Cape Town
  82. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 2nd B&H symposium "Morphology in science and practice"; 2006 Sep 27-30; Sarajevo
  83. Runkel Franz-Guenter
    FIGO 2006 congress newspaper. 18th world congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics; 2006 Nov 05-10; Kuala Lumpur
  84. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 5th Croatian congress on infectious diseases with international participation; 2006 Sep 23-27; Zadar
  85. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 18 FIGO world congress of gynecology and obstetrics; 2006 Nov 5-10; Kuala Lumpur
  86. Ambrožič Ivan; Bavcon Jože; Seljak Gabrijel
    Novaki: pestrost sveta: razgledna sprehajalna pot Kopa
  87. Poldini Livio
    Nuovo Atlante corologico delle piante vascolari nel Friuli Venezia Giulia
  88. Anonymous ;
    Scientific programme and abstracts of the 27th international congress on occupation health; 2003 Feb 23-28; Iguassu Falls
  89. Anonymous ;
    Programme and abstracts of the 4th European sports medicine congress; 2005 Oct 13-15; Lamesos
  90. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstract book of the 14th Balkan sports medicine congress; 2006 Sep 21-24; Albena Resort
  91. Vereczkey Laszlo
    MDO 2006. Programme and abstract book of the 16th international symposium on microsomes and drug oxidations, 2006 Sep 3-7; Budapest
  92. Pahor Dušica
    Knjiga izvlečkov 6. slovenski oftalmološki kongres z mednarodno udeležbo; 2006 okt 19-21; Maribor
    [Abstract book of the 6th congress of Slovenian Ophthalmological society; 2006 Oct 19-21; Maribor]
  93. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 40th international congress on the history of medicine; 2006 Aug 26-30; Budapest
  94. Ðikič I; Husnjak K
    Program and abstracts of the FEBS special meeting Cellular signaling; 2006 May 26 - Jun 1; Dubrovnik
  95. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 14 congress of the ESCRS; 2006 Sep 9-13; London
  96. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 46th interscience conference on antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy; 2006 Sep 27-30; San Francisco
  97. Querellou J; Lamy C
    Extremophiles 2006. Book of abstracts of the 6th international congress on extremophiles; 2006 Sep 17-21; Brest
  98. Aagaard Per; Madsen Klavs; Magnusson Peter; Bojsen-Moller Jens
    Strenghth training for sport, health, aging and rehabilitation. Abstracts of the 5th international conference on strenghth training; 2006 Oct 18-21
  99. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of European academy of paediatrics; 2006 Oct 7-10, Barcelona
  100. Dražančić Ante; Juretić Emilija
    Ethics and forensic problems in perinatology. Immune diseases in perinatal medicine. Abstracts of the 28th Alpe Adria meeting, 20th congress of perinatal medicine; 2006 Oct 6-7; Varaždin

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