biomedicina slovenica

ct=2.25 : 3.301-3.400

  1. Perharič Lucija
    Toksikovigilanca povzročiteljev endokrinih motenj. Predlog za izvedbo biomonitoringa polikloriranih bifenilov (PCB) v občini Semič z namenom izdelave ocene tveganja za zdravje ljudi
  2. Zorec-Karlovšek Majda
    Programme and abstracts of the Iternational association of forensic toxicologists (TIAFT) 44th international meeting; 2006 Aug 26 - Sep 1; Ljubljana
  3. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 24th annual meeting European society for paediatric infectious diseases - ESPID; 2006 May 3-5; Basel, Switzerland
  4. Anonymous ;
    Current developments in transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE); 2004 Sep 21-24; Portorož
    [Nova spoznanja na področju prenosljivih spongiformnih encefalopatij (TSE); 2004 sep 21-24; Portorož]
  5. Hren Irena; Širca-Čampa Andreja
    Vloga in pomen vitamina D in kalcija pri otrocih in mladostnikih
  6. Frey Manfred; Giovanoli Pietro; Aszmann Oskar
    Abstracts of the 10th congress ESPRAS 2005 (European society of plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery); 2005 Aug 30 - Sep 3; Vienna
  7. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 7th Macedonian congress of gastroenterology and hepatology with international participation; 2004 Sep 15-18, Ohrid
  8. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the Australian statistical conference / New Zeland statistical conference Statistical connections; 2006 Jul 3-6; Auckland
  9. Bricelj Mihael
    Monitoring kakovosti jezer v letu 2005 - biološki parametri: poročilo za tisk
  10. Hotujac Ljubomir
    Zbotnik sažetaka 3. hrvatski psihijatrijski dani, 2006 apr 6-9; Opatija
  11. Gričar Jože; Podbregar Iztok; Pucihar Andreja
    Povezljivost informacijskih sistemov organizacij v procesu odpravljanja posledic večjih nesreč v e-regiji: pobuda vzpostavitve projekta v Sloveniji
    [Information systems interoperability of organizations in disaster relief management process in eRegion: Slovenia's project proposal iniative]
  12. Anonymous ;
    Final program of the 6th international meeting on microbial epidemiological markers; 2003 Avg 27-30; Les Diablerets
  13. Anonymous ;
    Programa 6 nacionalen kongres po svelitet, kontracepcija i homonozamestitelna terapija s meždurodna učastoje; 2005 mar 13-16; Borovetz
    [Program 6th national congress of infertility, contraception and hormone replacement therapy with international participation]
  14. Anonymous ;
    7 nacionalen kongres po svelitet, kontracepcija i hormonozamestitelna terapija s meždunarodna učastije; 2006 mar 19-22; Borovetz
    [7th national congress on sterility, contraception and hormone replacement therapy with international participation; 2006 Mar 19-22; Borovetz]
  15. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstracts of the 9th international dental congress on modern pain control. A new millennium in analgesia, sedation and anesthesia; 2000 May 2-5; Jerusalem
  16. Anonymous ;
    Midwifery: pathways to healthy nations. 27th triennial congress, International confederation of midwives; 2005 Jul 24-28; Brisbane
  17. Anonymous ;
    Povzetek predavanj 2. mednarodna delavnica otroške nevrologije; 1989 maj 8-13; Ljubljana
    [Abstracts of the invited lectures of the 2nd international workshop in child neurology; 1989 May 8-13, Ljubljana]
  18. Anonymous ;
    Summary volume of the Alpe-Adria meeting. 17th international ophthalmology symposium; 1993 Sep 24-25; Poertschach am Woerthersee
  19. Podkrajšek Damjana
    Motnje hranjenja pri najstnikih: učitelji lahko pomagamo, če smo dovolj seznanjeni. Zbornik referatov na 16-urnem izobraževanju za učitelje, profesorje in šolske svetovalne delavce osnovnih ter srednjih šol in dijaških domov; 2005 sep 21-22; Celje
  20. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik predavanj 14. slovenski paradontološki dnevi; 2006 apr 7-8; Bled
  21. Anonymous ;
    State-of-the-art and perspectives for the 3rd millennium. Scientific program and abstracts of the world conference on pediatric neurosurgery; 1999 Nov 27 - Dec 4; Martinique
  22. Anonymous ;
    Povzetki 1. simpozij Slovenske lige proti epilepsiji; 1993 sep 25; Ljubljana
    [Abstracts of the 1st symposium of the Slovenian chapter of international league against epilepsy; 1993 Sep 25; Ljubljana]
  23. Davidovič Biserka
    Zdravstveno varstvo ogroženih skupin prebivalstva
  24. Anonymous ;
    Rational pharmacotherapy in general practice. Scientific and social program of the European general practice research network; 2005 May 5-8; Goettingen
  25. Žagar Dušan
    Prestopništvo mladih. 8. seminar forenzične psihiatrije; 1995 dec; Ljubljana
  26. Žagar Dušan
    Zbornik 11. seminarja forenzične psihiatrije. Psihiatrično izvedenstvo in obravnava osebnostno motenih; 1999 jan 21-22; Ljubljana
  27. Ravnik Igor M; Zupan Marko; Škorja Jože
    Zbornik povzetkov Dnevi lige proti epilepsiji Slovenije ob 30 letnici Nevrološkega oddelka Splošne bolnišnice Celje; 2005 nov 25-26; Laško
    [Abstracts of the Slovenian ILAE chapter's days, 30 years of Neurological department in Celje; 2005 Nov 25-26; Laško]
  28. Tabas Ira; Nabel Elizabeth
    The cellular biology of atherosclerosis. Abstract book. Our 34th year organizing meeting on biomedical and life sciences that catalyze inromation exchange and networking for the benefit of society; 2005 Jan 22-27; Keystone, Colorado, USA
  29. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 10th ESCRS winter refractive surgery meeting; 2006 Feb 10-12; Monte Carlo
  30. Evrard Philippe; Nguyen Gerard; Draon Lionel; Zribi Leila; Richelme Christian; Tardieu Marc
    Children with disabilities, progress for the quality of their life. EACD 2005 Monaco, 17th annual EACD conference; 2005 Nov 19-22; Monaco
  31. Anonymous ;
    Scientific and social programme, abstract book of the E.S.O.P.R.S. full member winter meeting; 2006 Jan 23-29; Cortina
  32. Anonymous ;
    Sažetci simpozija epidemiološki aspekti influence u ljudi i životinja; 2005 tu 10; Zagreb
  33. Anonymous ;
    Endoskopie na dlani. Program 14th konference sekce gynekologicke endoscopie ČGPS ČLS JEP 2005 s mezinarodni učasti; 2005 zar 22-24; Hradec Kralove, Konani
  34. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book 2005. 16th European student's conference promising medical scientists willing to look beyond; 2005 Oct 19-23; Berlin
  35. Anonymous ;
    Campus 2004. 2nd symposium on data collection and art monitoring; 2004 Sep 23; Thessaloniki, Greece
  36. Radaković Branko; Šimunić Velimir
    Indukcija ovulacije - od anovulacije do metoda pomognute oplodnje (MPO). Knjiga predavanja Poslijediplomski tečaj stalnog medicinskog usavršavanja 1. kategorije; 2005 feb 25-26; Zagreb
  37. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik radova Međunarodni poslijediplomski tečaj stalnog usavršavanja liječnika, 6. hrvatski poslijediplomski tečaj ginekološke endoskopije s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem. "Kurt Semm" tečaj 1. kategorije; 2005 nov 14-18; Dubrovnik
    [Proceeding of the International postgraduate course of continuous medical education, 6th Croatian postgraduate course on gynecological endoscopy with international participation. "Kurt Semm" 1st category course; 2005 Nov 14-18; Dubrovnik]
  38. Svirtlih Laslo
    Proceedings of the 4th ISPO central and eastern European conference and 5th congress of Serbia and Montenegro physiatrists; 2005 Sep 28 - Oct 1; Belgrade
  39. Tršek Jadranka
    Življenje stanovalca z boleznijo pljuč v socialnem zavodu. Zbornik predavanj 18. strokovno srečanje; 2005 okt 11-12; Bled
  40. Čas Dragica
    Supervizija in različni nivoji komunikacije v socialnih zavodih. Zbornik predavanj 14. strokovno srečanje; 2003 okt 21-22; Zreče
  41. Repše Stane; Tonin Martin; Tomažič Aleš; Kristan Anže
    Zbornik predavanj 41. podiplomskega tečaja kirurgije; 2006 feb 10-11; Ljubljana
  42. Koprivšek Jure
    Zbornik prispevkov Strokovno srečanje z učnimi delavnicami Zgodnja diagnostika bipolarne motnje; 2005 nov 11; Maribor
  43. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the State-of-the-art treatment of breast cancer; 2005 Jun 25; Vienna
  44. Gligorijević Slobodan; Paver-Eržen Vesna; Ravnik Dejan
    Neural blockades on cadavers. Lecture book of the 3rd ESRA (European society of regional anaesthesia and pain tehrapy) workshop; 2005 Sep 30 - Oct 1; Ljubljana
  45. Anonymous ;
    2nd intercontinental congress of pathology; 2004 Jun 9-13; Iguassu Falls, Brazil
  46. Anonymous ;
    20th congress of the ISB (International society of biomechanics), 29th annual meeting of the ASB (American Society of Biomechanics); 2005 Jul 31-Aug 5; Cleveland
  47. Anonymous ;
    Scientific program and abstracts conference handbook of the 12 international symposium on cholinergic mechanisms; 2005 Oct 1-5; Alicante
  48. Djurić Dragan M; Jakovljević Vladimir Lj
    Molecular, cellular and integrative basis of health, disease and therapy. The1st congress of physiologiocal sciences of Serbia and Montenegro with international participation; 2005 Nov 9-12; Belgrade
  49. Anonymous ;
    Bioelectrochemistry-2005. Scientific programme and book of abstracts of the 18th International symposium on bioelectrochemistry and bioenergetics of the bioelectrochemical society (BES) and 3rd spring meeting bioelectrochemistry of the International society of electrochemistry (ISE); 2005 Jun 19-24; Coimbra, Portugal
  50. Dietrich Marc
    Signal transduction pathways as therapeutic targets. Proceedings and program of the cell signaling World 2006: ; 2006 Jan 25-28; Kirchberg, Luxembourg
  51. Anonymous ;
    IACR 2005. Final program and abstracts of the 27th annual meeting of the International association of cancer registries: Theme: cancer in low-resource population; 2005 Sep 13-15; Entebbe, Uganda
  52. Anonymous ;
    Programme and poster abstracts of the 20th international workshop on surfactant replacement; 2005 Jun 2-5; Belfast
  53. Matela Jože; Brvar Mirjana; Dvoršak-Erker Andreja; Vadnjal Sabina
    Knjiga izvlečkov Slovensko-madžarsko-hrvaški radiološki simpozij; 2005 okt 14-15; Maribor
    [Abstract book Slovenian-Hungarian-Croatian radiological symposium; 2005 Oct 14-15; Maribor]
  54. Anonymous ;
    Knjiga sažetaka 1. kongres Udruženja plastično-rekonstruktivnih i maksilofacijalnih hirurga u Bosni i Hercegovini s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem; 2003 sep 24-27; Sarajevo
    [Book of abstracts of the 1st congress Association of plastic-reconstructive and maxillofacial surgeons of Bosnia and Herzegovina with international participation; 2003 Sep 24-27; Sarajevo]
  55. Stanec Sandra; Vlajčić Zlatko; Martič Krešimir; Rudman Franjo
    Abstract book of the 5th Croatian congress for plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery, E.S.P.R.A.S appointed congress for 2004; 2004 Oct 15-20; Dubrovnik
  56. Anonymous ;
    Final program and abstract book of the pain international forum on pain medicine; 2005 May 5-8; Sofia
  57. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of an international congress of the Neuropathic pain, changing paradigms in diagnosis and treatment; 2004 May 13-16; Madrid
  58. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 45th interscience conference on antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, ASM's annual meeting of infectious diseases; 2005 Dec 16-19; Washington
  59. Anonymous ;
    Functional genomics and disease. Final programme of the 2nd ESF functional genomics conference; 2005 Sep 6-10; Oslo
  60. Anonymous ;
    International forum on birth; 2005 Jun 8-11; Rome
  61. Sužnik Zvezdana
    Obravnava brazgotin na roki. Zbornik predavanj interdisciplinarno strokovno srečanje in učna delavnica; 2005 okt 25; Maribor
  62. Anonymous ;
    ENTOG 2004. Proceedings of the 14th European meeting and exchange programme of trainees in obstetrics and gynaecology; 2004 Nov 22-28; Ljubljana
  63. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik radova 4. hrvatski kongres hitne medicine s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem; 2005 lis 17-18; Zagreb
    [Proceedings of the 4rd Croatian congress on emergency medicine with international participation; 2005 Oct 17-18; Zagreb]
  64. Mešić Enisa
    Zbornik radova 2. nefrološkog kongresa Bosne i Hercegovine; 2005 apr 6-9; Tuzla
    [Proceedings of the 2nd nephrology congress of Bosnia and Herzegovina; 2005 Apr 6-9; Tuzla]
  65. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik predavanj Strokovno srečanje Sodoben pristop k oskrbi novorojenčka; 2005 mar 18; Portorož
  66. Anonymous ;
    Neurological disorders, operative delivery. Proceedings of the 27th Alpe Adria meeting of perinatal medicine (19th congress); 2005 Oct 7-8; Bassano del Grappa, Italy
  67. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 21st annual meeting of the European society for paediatric infectious disease; 2003 Apr 9-11; Taormina, Sicily
  68. Anonymous ;
    11th International conference on ulcer research; 2003 Sep 15-20; Dubrovnik
  69. Anonymous ;
    Free paper abstracts of the 7th International symposium on coeliac disease: all on coeliac disease; 1996 Sep 5-7; Tampere, Finland
  70. Anonymous ;
    Final programme and abstracts of the 35th congress of the European society of pediatric radiology (E.S.P.R.) and 21st post graduate course; 1998 May 18-23; Rhodes, Greece
  71. Anonymous ;
    Bolezni ustne votline in prebavil, prepoznavanje psihoz, veščine komuniciranja. Simpozij Sekcije farmacevtskih tehnikov ob občnem zboru; 2005 maj 27-28; Rogla na Pohorju
  72. Topić Elizabeta
    New trends in diagnosis, monitoring and management of tumor disease. Handbook of the 4th FESCC continuous postgraduate course in clinical chemistry under the auspices of IFCC; 2000 Oct 23-24; Dubrovnik
  73. Božjak Marjana
    Zbornik predavanj, strokovni seminar Okužbe pri bolnikih s hematološkimi obolenji; 2005 okt 14-15; Radenci
  74. Anonymous ;
    Bilten Mednarodna konferenca Delovna mesta brez tobaka; 2005 sep 30; Ljubljana
    [Bulletin Smoke free workplaces; 2005 Sep 30; Ljubljana]
  75. Anonymous ;
    Program permanentnega izpopolnjevanja; 2005 nov 11-12; Rogaška Slatina
  76. Juntes Polona
    Prenosljive spongiformne encefalopatije (TSE): programi permanentnega izobraževanja; 2002 maj 23; Poljče
  77. Anonymous ;
    Annual meeting of the Croatian immunological society 2005; 2005 sep 29 - oct 2; Božava - Dugi otok
  78. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik predavanj Vizija pediatrične zdravstvene nege in novosti na področju besežiranja; 2005 mar 10-11; Portorož
  79. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the European commision supported scientific workshop Early nutrition and its later consequences: new opportunities; 2004 Jul 2-3; Paris
  80. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik 11. simpozij zobnih bolezni in endodontije; 2005 apr 15-16; Bled
  81. Regvar Marjana
    Zbornik prispevkov katedra za fiziologijo rastlin: letna delavnica; 2005 mar 21
  82. Tepeš Bojan
    Zbornik predavanj Metode in uspešnost zahtevnejše medicinske rehabilitacije v naravnih zdraviliščih - 1; 2005 jun 10-11; Laško
  83. Kodele-Krašna Irena
    Biološko raziskovalni tabor "LIG 2004"; 2004 jul 5-10; Ljubljana
  84. Anonymous ;
    Final programme and abstracts of the European conference on chronic disease prevention; 2005 Dec 8-10; Helsinki
  85. Anonymous ;
    Program with abstracts of the 2nd Pannonic ophthalmology meeting and 1st conference on prevention of blindness vision 2020; 2005 Nov 18-20; Novi Sad
  86. Lojza J; Vaclavik L; Čajka T
    Book of abstracts of the 2nd international symposium on recent advances in food analysis; 2005 Nov 2-4; Prague
  87. Anonymous ;
    18th symposium international colour vision society; 2005 July 8-12; Lyon
  88. Anonymous ;
    Final programme and book of abstracts of the 12th European symposium on radiopharmacy and radiopharmaceuticals; 2004 Sep 9-12; Sopot
  89. Anonymous ;
    Book of extended synopses of the international symposium on trends in radiopharmaceuticals (ISTR-2005); 2005 Nov 14-18; Vienna
  90. Anonymous ;
    Neuroscience 2005. SFN 35th annual meeting ; 2005 Nov 12-16; Washington
  91. Anonymous ;
    Programme and abstracts of the 34th annual meeting of the european society for radiation biology (ESRB) and the annual scientific meeting of the Association for radiation research (ARR): European radiation research; 2005 Sep 5-8; Leicester
  92. Anonymous ;
    Abstract and student posters and presentation of the 1st international NorStruct workshop in structual biology: theoretical modeling of ligand binding and enzyme catalysis; 2005 Oct 16-21; Tromso
  93. Anonymous ;
    Final program and abstract book of the 16th ESPNIC medical and nursing annual congress; 2005 Sep 15-17; Antwerp
  94. Anonymous ;
    International symposium Update and management of DR and ARMD; 2005 Nov 17; Ljubljana
    [Mednarodni simpozij Novosti in zdravljenje DR in ARMD; 2005 nov 17; Ljubljana]
  95. Anonymous ;
    Knjiga sažetaka 3. Hrvatski kongres patologije i sudske medicine, 3. Hrvatski kongres kliničke citologije, 1. Hrvatski simpozij citotehnologije s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem; 2005 svi 8-11; Opatija
    [Book of abstracts of the 3rd Croatian of pathology and forensic medicine, 3rd Croatian congress of clinical cytology, 1st Croatian symposium of cytotechology with international participation; 2005 May 8-11; Opatija]
  96. Boiron Michel; Marty Michel
    Eurocancer 2005. compte rendu du 18e congres; 2005 Jun 21-23; Paris
  97. Anonymous ;
    Programme and abstracts of the 5th conference of the Czech neurosciene society held jointly with the annual meeting of the network of European neuroscience institutes; 2005 Nov 19-21; Prague
  98. Anonymous ;
    Knjiga sažetaka 5. kongres neurologa Jugoslavije i 3. kongres jugoslovenskog društva za neuronauke i 1. jugoslovenski kongres o epileptologiji; 2000 maj 31 - jun 3; Zlatibor
  99. Voga G; Pernat A
    Selected topics of the 14th international symposium of intensive care medicine; 2005 May 16-17; Bled
  100. Horvat Dean
    Zbornik predavanj in posterjev 1. strokovnega sestanka z mednarodno udeležbo Vzpostavitev partnerskega odnosa med visokimi šolami za zdravstvo in učnimi bazami; 2005 sep 27; Izola

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