biomedicina slovenica

ct=2.25 : 3.401-3.500

  1. Topić Elizabeta
    New trends in classification, monitoring and management of autoimmune disease. Handbook of the 5th FESCC continuous postgraduate course in clinical chemistry under the auspices of IFCC; 2005 Oct 15-16; Dubrovnik
  2. Anonymous ;
    5th meeting of the European forum on antiphospholipid antibodies; 2005 Dec 2-3; Barcelona
  3. Dolenc Primož
    Zbornik 14. strokovni sestanek Sekcije za arterijsko hipertenzijo; 2005 nov 24-26; Portorož
  4. Skalicky Marjan; Dajčman Davorin
    Zbornik predavanj 2. slovenski simpozij o endoskopskem ultrazvoku v gastroenterologiji; 2005 nov 18; Maribor
  5. Kortnik Jože; Bajželj Uroš; Vovk Marinka; Hrast Klementina; Grilc Viktor; Ivanc Marijan; Černec Franc; Ekart Janez; Podlipnik Bernarda; Marc Dušan
    Gospodarjenje z odpadki: tehnologije ravnanja z biorazgradljivimi odpadki. Zbornik 6. strokovnega posvetovanja z mednarodno udeležbo; 2005 sep 22; Ljubljana
  6. Anonymous ;
    Vloga laboratorijev v javnem zdravju. Strokovno srečanje 1. dnevi javnega zdravja s slavnostnim uvodom in podelitvijo Priznanj bratov Pirc; 2005 dec 8; Ljubljana
  7. Anonymous ;
    Transforming healthcare through research, education and technology. Proceedings of the 6th annual interdisciplinary research conference; 2005 Nov 2-4; Dublin
  8. Bešter Janez; Humar Iztok
    Pametne stavbe. Zbornik referatov 16. delavnica o telekomunikacijah; 2004 nov 22-23; Brdo pri Kranju
  9. Anonymous ;
    Mental health promotion and mental disorder prevention across European member states: a collection of country stories
  10. Slavinec Mitja
    Zbornik prispevkov 3. znanstvene konference Razvojne strategije Pomurja; 2005 dec 2-3; Murska Sobota
  11. Komac Milica
    Zbornik predavanj Kakovost pitne vode; 2005 nov 16-18; Ljubljana
  12. Kunc Pavel; Stošicki Slavko; Drev Darko; Štubelj Igor
    Seminar za sodne izvedence in sodne cenilce premičnin; 2005 okt 15; Ljubljana
  13. Anonymous ;
    1st EMCO workshop Ananlysis and removal of contaminants from wastewaters for the implementation of the water framework directive (WFD); 2005 Oct 20-21; Dubrovnik
  14. Anonymous ;
    Abstract volume of the 11th annual meeting of the Italian melanoma intergroup; 2005 November 3-5; Grado
  15. Erdem U; Nurlu RM; Caner N; Kaptan-Ayhan C; Yigiter S; Kara B; Deniz B; Yilmaz O
    Abstracts book of the 10th European ecological congress EURECO '05; 2005 Nov 8-13; Kusadasi
  16. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of conference papers. HYDRO 2005: policy into practice; 2005 Oct 17-20; Villach
  17. Holubowicz-Kliza Grazyna; Galazka Rafal
    Book of abstracts of the International workshop Current developments in remediation od contaminated lands; 2005 Oct 27-29; Pulawy
  18. Voga G; Pernat A
    Zbornik predavanj Šola intenzivne medicine. 1. letnik; 2005; Ljubljana
  19. Drnovšek-Olup Brigita
    115 let Očesne klinike; 2005; Ljubljana
  20. Štromajer Draga
    Zbornik predavanj strokovnega seminarja Zdravstvena nega maksilofacialnega in oralno-kirurškega pacienta; 2005 nov 26; Ljubljana
  21. Pavlica Zlatko
    Proceedings of the 14th European congress of veterinary dentistry; 2005 Sep 22-25; Ljubljana
  22. Anonymous ;
    Seminar za učitelje o sladkorni bolezni; 2004 sep 25; Ljubljana
  23. Anonymous ;
    Zdrava in dietna prehrana otrok v vrtcu in šoli; 2005 maj 11-13, okt 11-13, nov 10-12; Ljubljana
  24. Anonymous ;
    3rd Sarajevo breast cancer conference; 2005 apr 13-16; Sarajevo
  25. Anonymous ;
    FEBS-EMBO advanced lecture course Molecular mechanisms in signal transduction and cancer; 2005 Aug 15-26; Spetses
  26. Abrams Paul; Cardozo Linda; Khoury Saad; Wein Alan
    Incontinence. Vol 1: basics and evaluation. 3rd international consultation on incontinence; 2004 Jun 26-29; Monaco
  27. Bavcon Jože
    Botanični vrt - 195 let neprekinjenega delovanja: program delovanja botaničnega vrta
  28. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 5th international conference on metallothionein; 2005 Oct 8-12; Beijing
  29. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the symposium biology and conservation of the European wildcat (Felis silvestris silvestris); 2005 Jan 21-23; Germany
  30. Pohlmeyer Klaus
    Extended abstracts of the 27th congress of the international union of game bilogist; 2005 avg 28 - sep 3; Hannover
  31. Anonymous ;
    Final program and abstract book of the international meeting on respiratory endoscopy; 2005 May 2-4; Sitges
  32. Maček Jože
    Zbornik predavanj in referatov 7. slovensko posvetovanje o varstvu rastlin; 2005 mar 8-10; Zreče
    [Lectures and papers of the 7th Slovenian conference on plant protection; 2005 mar 8-10; Zreče]
  33. Yoshimura Hirokuni; Kida Akinori
    State of the art in the digital age. Program and abstracts of the 11th world congress for bronchology (WCB) and 11th world congress for bronchoesophagology (WCBE), 2000 Jun 7-10; Yokohama
  34. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 11th international congress of bacteriology and applied microbiology and joint meeting of the 3 division of the international union of microbiological societies and 11th international congress of mycology and 13th international congress of virology; 2005 Jul 23-27; San Francisco
  35. Anonymous ;
    Conference programme from the 8th EBSA scietific meeting and annual conference; 2005 Apr 28-29; Barcelona
  36. Anonymous ;
    Chip production and analysis and environmental monitoring. COST action 853: agricultural biomarkers for array-technology; 2005 Nov 29-30; Lyon
  37. Anonymous ;
    Plant GEMs. 4th plant genomics European meetings; 2005 Sep 20-23; Amsterdam
  38. Settele Josef; Kuehn Elisabeth; Thomas Jeremy A
    Conference proceedings of the Studies on the ecology and conservation of butterflies in Europe. Vol 2: Species ecology along a European gradient: maculinea butterflies as a model; 2005 dec; Leipzig
  39. Nagy Zoltan
    Bat monitoring workshop; 2003 26-30; Rimetea
  40. Zorman Tomaž
    Vodnik po učni poti Škocjan
  41. Hutson Anthony M; Lina Peter HC
    Abstracts of the 10th European bat research symposium; 2005 Aug 21-26; Galway
  42. Anonymous ;
    Programm zur 7. Fachtagung der BAG Fledermausschutz im NABU; 2005 apr 1-3; Tuebingen
  43. Frankič Darja
    Prepoznavanje in zdravljenje prebavnih motenj. Zbornik prispevkov izobraževanja magistrov farmacije; 2004; Ljubljana
  44. Anonymous ;
    Delovno gradivo seminarja z delavnico Prehrana predšolskih otrok; 2005 maj 10; Ljubljana
  45. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 13th world congress of psychiatry: 5000 years of science and care building the future of psychiatry; 2005 Sep 10-15; Cairo
  46. Zidarn Mihaela
    Allergens for diagnosis and treatment of allergic diseases; 2005 sep 12; Ljubljana
  47. Balažic Jože; Kornhauser Pavle
    Raba in zloraba drog. Medicinsko izvedenstvo 2001. 11. spominsko srečanje akademika Janeza Milčinskega; 2001 dec; Ljubljana
  48. Pinter Bojana; Grebenc Mojca
    Reproduktivno zdravje mladih. Zbornik 2. spominski sestanek prof. dr. Lidije Andolšek-Jeras; 2005 nov 19; Ljubljana
  49. Lipovšek Klemen
    Zbornik izbranih tem Delavnice urgentne medicine; 2005 nov; Ljubljana
  50. Kodrič N; Lopuh M
    Zbornik predavanj 4. slovenski kongres anesteziologov z mednarodno udeležbo; 2005 okt 6-8; Bled
  51. Omejc Mirko; Repše Stane
    Zbornik simpozija Kirurgija želodca - standardi in novosti; 2005 okt 13-15; Ljubljana
    [Proceedings of the symposium Gastric surgery - standards and novelties; 2005 Oct 13-15; Ljubljana]
  52. Štabuc Borut
    Zgodnje odkrivanje raka - izzivi za prihodnosti. 13. seminar "In memoriam dr. Dušana Reje"; 2005; Ljubljana
  53. Schalk HV; Trampitsch E
    Proceedings of the 18th Alpe Adria anaesthesia symposium; 2005 sep 9-11; Klagenfurt
  54. Žargi Darinka; Dolinšek Slavko; Lekić Zoran; Kiauta Marko; Malovrh Nada
    Inovativnost in spremembe - temelj dolgotrajnega uspeha. Zborniik referatov 14. letna konfereneca Slovenskega združenja za kakovost; 2005 nov 10-11; Bernardin (Portorož)
  55. Ambrožič Melita
    Informacijski viri in storitve knjižnic v elektronskem okolju. Zbornik referatov Strokovno posvetovanje Zveze bibliotekarskih društev Slovenije; 2005 okt 24-26; Portorož
    [Information resources and library services in electronic environment. Proceedings of the professional conference of Union of associations of Slovene librarians; 2006 Oct 24-25; Portorož]
  56. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik predavanj Strokovno srečanje Zdravstveno varstvo žensk; 2005 okt 21; Maribor
  57. Anonymous ;
    Nevladne in javne organizacije sooblikujejo in izvajajo programe nekajenja: UICC - dan s cigareto manj. 10. nacionalna konferenca o nekajenju; 2005 nov 17; Celje
  58. Ihan-Hren Nataša
    Zbornik predavanj 7. strokovni seminar Ustna in obrazna bolečina; 2005 nov 26; Ljubljana
  59. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 29th european congress of cytology; 2003 Oct 5-8; Prague
  60. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 9th conference and exhibition of the European ceramic society; 2005 Jun 19-23; Portorož
  61. Anonymous ;
    Brief case abstract presentation of the 4th biennial symposium; 2005 Jun 15-17; Annecy
  62. Anonymous ;
    What is new about Alzheimer's disease? Abstract book of the 37th international Danube symposium for neurological sciences and continuing education joined with satelite stroke symposium and the 21st dr. Janez Faganel memorial lecture; 2005 Oct 5-8; Ljubljana
  63. Vitezić Natalija; Drinovec Jože; Vukšinič-Kozoglav Mateja
    Zbornik povzetkov. 15. simpozij in 35. Krkine nagrade; 2005 okt 28; Novo mesto
  64. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book and final programme on appropriate use of antimicrobials in hospitals and in the community: why and how?; 2005 Oct 13-15; Bled
  65. Anonymous ;
    Scientific programme, abstracts and videos of the 15th SOE congress and 103rd DOG congress; 2005 Sep 25-29; Berlin
  66. Klemenčič Mija Marija
    Zbornik povzetkov 3. slovenskega kongresa socialne pedagogike z mednarodno udeležbo; 2005 okt 20-22; Rogla
  67. Anonymous ;
    Final programme and abstract book of the European federation of neuropsychiatry annual congress; 2005 Nov 16-18; Munich
  68. Anonymous ;
    Programe and abstract book of the 1st symposium of the central Eastern European behavioural medicine network; 2005 Oct 14-16; Targu-Mures
  69. Anonymous ;
    Modern aspects of fats and oils. Abstracts of the 26th world congress and exibition of the international society for fat research; 2005 Sep 25-28; Prague
  70. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings of the 8th international conference: emerging technologies in drug and gene-based therapeutics; 2005 Sep 3-10; Hersonissos, Crete
  71. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik radova 6. simpozijum vazduhoplovne medicine; 1985 nov 11-12; Zemun
  72. Anonymous ;
    ETRAN. Zbornik radova 40. konferencija za elektroniku, telekomunikacije, računarstvo, automatiku i nuklearnu tehniku. Sveska 4; 1996 jun 4-7; Budva
  73. Anonymous ;
    International proceedings of the 7th European meeting on Glial cell function in health and disease; 2005 may 17-21; Amsterdam
  74. Anonymous ;
    Hydrology, ecology and water resources in headwaters. Conference papers of the International conference on headwater control 6; 2005 Jun 20-23; Bergen
  75. Slavić Irena; Palčevski Goran; Peršić Mladen
    Simpozij Akutni proljev: trenutna saznanja i nepoznanice na početku tisućljeća; 2005 stu 4-5; Opatija
  76. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik predavanj Projekt SmS Srce moja skrb; 2005 nov; Ljubljana
  77. Lužnik-Bufon Tatjana
    Zbornik strokovnega srečanja Okužbe dihal in preprečevanje prenosa: svetovna zdravstvena organizacija opozorja - gripa grozi!; 2005; Ljubljana
  78. Miljković Jovan
    Strokovno srečanje z mednarodno udeležbo 3. dermatološki dnevi; 2005 nov 11-12; Maribor
  79. Sexton Sandra; Bieringer Stefan; Burger Helena; Ford Nerrolyn; Franke Jens; Henriksen Anne; Hughes John
    Conference proceedings and report of the European conference for education in prosthetics and orthotics. (Part 1); 2004 Apr; Dortmund
  80. Lainščak Mitja; Drobnič Matej; Fidler Aleš
    Zbornik predavanj Delavnica o pisanju medicinskih prispevkov; 2005 okt 22; Ljubljana
  81. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the symposium Perinatal asphyxia: diagnostic modalities and long-term outcome; 2005 Sep 15; Utrecht
  82. Lainščak Mitja; Božikov Krešimir; Bednarik Jurij
    Obravnava nekaterih pogostejših simptomov in znakov. Zbornik predavanj Srečanje mladih zdravnikov, 2005 okt 8; Ljubljana
  83. Anonymous ;
    Meeting report of the physical activity expert meeting "Agita Europe"; 2004 Jun 13-15; Magglingen
  84. Anonymous ;
    Conference proceedings of the 10th annual conference of the international functional electrical stimulation society; 2005 Jul 5-8; Montreal
  85. Osredkar Damjan; Koritnik Blaž; Bon Jure
    Abstract book of the Sinapsa neuroscience symposium '05; 2005 Nov 18-20; Ljubljana
  86. Gantchev N
    From basic motor control to functional recovery 4. MCC 2005: trends, theories and concepts of motor control
  87. Ivanišević Goran
    Knjiga izlaganja na znanstvenom skupu Zdravstveni i lječilišni turizam - metode i programi; 2005 ruj 9-11; Veli Lošinj
  88. Božič Borut; Meško-Brguljan Pika; Bratož Saša
    Pravilnik o pogojih, ki jih morajo izpolnjevati laboratoriji za izvajanje preiskav na področju laboratorijske medicine: priročnik; 2005 mar 25; 2005 apr 1; 2005 maj 24; Ljubljana
  89. Žagar Andreja
    Zbornik Standardi v procesiranju materiala; 2005 apr 21-22; Terme Radenci
  90. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik prispevkov 3. strokovnega srečanja izvajalcev nacionalnega programa primarne sreventive srčnožilnih bolezni; 2005 nov 18-19; Ljubljana
  91. Pifat-Mrzljak Greta; Ilakovac-Kveder Marina
    Book of abstracts of the 4th workshop COST D22 protein-lipid interactions; 2005 Oct 6-9; Dubrovnik
  92. Anonymous ;
    Abstractband Jahrestagung 2005 der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Limnologie e. V. (DGL) und der deutschen Sektion der Societas Internationalis Limnologiae (SIL) - ausgerichtet von der Abteilung Biologie der Paedagogischen Hochschule Karlsruhe; 2005 Sep 26-30; Karlsruhe
  93. Anonymous ;
    Poster and oral presentation of the 6th international conference on waste stabilisation ponds and 9th international conference on wetland system; 2004 26 Sep - 1 Oct; Avignon
  94. Anonymous ;
    4th general meeting of the international proteolysis society asociated with the international conference on protease inhibitors; 2005 Oct 15-19; Quebec
  95. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 6th symposium river bottom; 2005 Sep 19-23; Brno
  96. Anonymous ;
    Organic geochemistry: challengers for the 21st century. Vol 2. Book of abstracts of the communications presented to the 22nd international meeting on organic geochemistry; 2005 Sept 12-16; Seville
  97. Martinović Žarko
    Zbornik radova i sažetaka 8th kongresa kliničke neurofiziologije Srbije i Crne Gore sa međunarodnim učešćem; 2005 oct 15; Beograd
    [Proceedings and abstracts of the 8th congress for clinical neurophysiology of Serbia and Monte Negro with international participation; 2005 oct 15; Beograd]
  98. Anonymous ;
    Healthy youth investment for future. Abstract book of the 13th congress of European union for school and university health and medicine; 2005 Oct 12-15; Dubrovnik
  99. Pevec Teodor
    Distal radius fractures and wrist injuries. Operative treatment of paediatric fractures during growth. 24th Styrian - Slovenian conference on traumatology and 21st borderland meeting within 2nd Kuhar days; Ptuj
  100. Pfeifer Marija; Kocjan Tomaž
    Proceedings and abstract book of the 12th regional postgraduate course in clinical endocrinology; 2005 Oct 20-22; Bled

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