biomedicina slovenica

ct=2.25 : 3.501-3.600

  1. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik predavanj 4. golniški simpozij; 2005 okt 10-15; Golnik, Brdo pri Kranju
  2. Bratanič Borut
    Zbornik prispevkov 4. simpozij z mednarodno udeležbo Dojenje, več kot hranjenje; 2005 sept 30 - okt 1; Laško
    [Proceedings of symposium Breastfeeding more than feeding; 2005 Sep 30-Oct 1; Laško]
  3. Kadivec Saša
    Zbornik predavanj 4. golniški simpozij: program za medicinske sestre in zdravstvene tehnike; 2005 okt 14-15; Golnik, Brdo pri Kranju
  4. Pirtošek Zvezdan
    Book of abstracts of the 37th international Danube symposium for neurological sciences and continuing education combined with a satellite 'stroke symposium' and the 21st dr. Janez Faganel memorial lecture; 2005 Oct 5-8; Ljubljana
  5. Lionis Christos
    Book of abstracts of the 11th conference of the European society of general practice / family medicine; 2005 Sep 3-7; Kos island
  6. Grmec Štefek; Kupnik Dejan
    Akutna stanja: znamenja, simptomi, sindromi, diferencialna diagnoza in ukrepanje. Zbornik predavanj in algoritmov ukrepanja 2. strokovni seminar z mednarodno udeležbo; 2005 okt 6-8; Maribor
  7. Trampuž Renata
    Zbornik prispevkov Komunicirajmo med seboj; 2005 okt 15-22; Ajdovščina
  8. Anonymous ;
    HeadWater 2005. Conference abstracts of the international conference on headwater control 6: hydrology, ecology and water resources in headwaters; 2005 Jun 20-23; Bergen
  9. Anonymous ;
    Alternatives 2005. International workshop on promotion of the three Rs (redustion, refinement, replacement) concept in realtion to animal experimentation in Croatia, Turkey and Western Balkan countries; 2005 Sep 18-20; Ljubljana
  10. Oezkan Sedat
    Supplementary abstract book of the 8th annual scientific meeting of the European association of consultation liaison psychiatry and psychosomatics (EACLPP) and the 8th Turkish national congress od consultation liaison psyshiatry; 2005 Sep 21-24; Istanbul
  11. Šošolčeva Mirjana
    Book of abstracts of the 3th congress of the Macedonian anaesthesiologists with international participation; 2005 Sep 14-18; Ohrid
  12. Gregorič Matej; Fajdiga-Turk Vida
    Svetovni dan hrane 2005. Zbornik povzetkov Strokovno srečanje Lokalno trajnostna oskrba z živili; 2005 okt 14; Ljubljana
  13. Anonymous ;
    Final program of the 1st European course on clinical cytometry, 5th Euroconference on clinical cell analysis and 8th workshop "controversies in clinical cell analysis"; 2005 Sep 22-24; Athens
  14. Podgoršek Jože
    Vrtnarstvo: kako do zdrave hrane in okolja? Zbornik referatov Slovenski vrtnarski posvet; 2005 jan 28-29; Sevno
  15. Ferfila Nevenka; Jevšnik Mojca
    Zbornik seminarja Obvladovanje higienskih procesov v vrtcih in domovih za starejše; 2004 maj 26; Ljubljana
  16. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings of the European forum on Eating at school - making healthy choices; 2003 Nov 20-21; Strasbourg
  17. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 22nd international papillomavirus conference and clinical workshop; 2005 Apr-May, 30-6; Vancouver
  18. Dovč Alenka
    2. slovensko-hrvaški kongres o ljubiteljskih-eksotičnih in prostoživečih vrstah živali; 2005 sep 26-28; Ljubljana
    [2. slovensko-hrvatski kongres o egzotičnim i divljim životinjama]
  19. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts 2004. 40. jahrestagung Das trauma im fortgeschrittenen lebensalter; 2004 Okt 7-9; Salzburg
  20. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts and programme of the IBRO school "confocal microscopy in neurosciences"; 2005 Sep 17-24; Belgrade
  21. Bric Špela; Elezovič Alma
    Casemix in a patient-oriented health care system. Abstracts of the 21st PCS/I conference; 2005 Oct 5-8; Ljubljana
  22. Friedl Herwing; Hoermann Siegfried
    Programme - abstracts - participation of the 10th young statisticians meeting YSM10; 2005 Nov 4-6; Seggau
  23. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik predavanj 13. strokovni sestanek Hematološkega društva laboratorijskih tehnikov; 2005 okt 14-15; Radenci
  24. Pokorny J
    Abstract book of the Froehlich centenary international symposium coherence and electroagnetic fields in biological systems; 2005 Jul 1-4; Prague
  25. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 7th international congress on aerobiology; 2002 Avg 5-9; Quebec
  26. Anonymous ;
    Program of the 52nd annual scientific meeting AANEM; 2005 Sep 21-24; Monterey
  27. Anonymous ;
    Drug addition - bi-national conference (strokovni posvet); 2005 sep 28; Ljubljana
  28. Okruszko Tomasz; Jarecka Magdalena; Kosinski Konrad
    Programme & abstracts of W3M conference for wetlands: monitoring, modelling, management; 2005 Sep 22-25; Wierzba
  29. Martinčič Andrej; Wraber Tone; Zupančič Mitja
    Zbornik prispevkov in izvlečkov simpozija Flora in vegetacija Slovenije ter sosednjih območij 2005; 2005 sep 16-18; Ljubljana
    [Contributions and abstracts of symposium Flora and vegetation of Slovenia and neighbouring countries 2005; 2005 Sep 16-18; Ljubljana]
  30. Anonymous ;
    Final programme, abstracts and working groups of the international workshop on invasive plants in Mediterranean type of the world; 2005 May 25-27; Meze (Herault)
  31. Trilar Tomi
    Knjiga povzetkov 20. kongres mednarodnega bioakustičnega združenja (IBAC); 2005 Sep 15-19; Portorož
    [Book of abstracts of the 20th congress of international bioacoustic council (IBAC); 2005 Sep 15-19; Portorož]
  32. Pfaffl Michael W
    Proceedings of the 2nd international qPCR symposium industrial exhibition TATAA application workshop & qPCR matrix workshop; 2005 Sep 5-9; Munchen
  33. Anonymous ;
    Programme and abstracts of the 3rd international symposium on food packaging: ensuring the safety, quality and traceability of foods; 2004 Nov 17-19; Barcelona
  34. Anonymous ;
    Final programme and abstracts of the 79th congress of the European orthodontic society; 2003 Jun 10-14; Prague
  35. Anonymous ;
    Program and book of abstracts of the 16th biennial meeting of the international society for sexually transmitted diseases research; 2005 Jul 10-13; Amsterdam
  36. Anonymous ;
    Final programme and abstracts of the 23rd meeting of the European society of ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery; 2005 Sep 15-17; Island of Crete
  37. Anonymous ;
    Colorectal disease: techniques in coloproctology. Abstract book of 2nd joint meeting of the European council of coloproctology, European association of coloproctology and 1st national congress of the Italian society of colo-rectal surgery; 2005 Sep15-17; Bologna
  38. Vlahović Predrag
    Proceeding book of the congress of nuclear medicine Serbia and Montenegro; 2005 Sep 7-10; Zlatibor
  39. Barber Colin; Bradnam Michael; Keating David; McCulloch Daphne; Shahani Uma
    ISCEV. Programme and abstract book of the 43th symposium of international society for clinical electrophysiology of vision; 2005 Avg 23-27; Glasgow
  40. Anonymous ;
    Final program and abstract book of the European society for photodynamic therapy 2005 annual congress; 2005 Mar 4-5; Brescia
  41. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 65th scientific sessions of the American diabetes association meeting; 2005 Jun 10-14; San Diego
  42. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 15th international conference rabies in the Americas; 2004 Oct 31-Nov 4; Santo Domingo
  43. Anonymous ;
    Program & summary book of the ARVO 2005 global networking; 2005 May 1-5; Fort Lauderdale
  44. Fras Zlatko; Kenda Miran F
    Book of abstracts of the 17th annual meeting of the Mediterranean association of cardiology and cardiovascular surgery; 2005 Sep 22-24; Portorož
  45. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 9th international conference on environmental mutagens and 36th annual meeting of the environmental mutagen society; 2005 Sep 3-8; San Francisco
  46. Roš Milenko
    Zbornik referatov Simpozij z mednarodno udeležbo Vodni dnevi 2005; 2005 okt 12-13; Portorož
  47. Anonymous ;
    Povzetki strokovnega sestanka Združenja otorinolaringologov SZD ob 55-letnici ustanovitve; 2005 maj 5-6; Ljubljana
  48. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 2nd international Goettingen meeting on Protein and membrane transport in the secreatory pathway; 2002 Dec 4-6; Goettingen
  49. Kos Janko; Cimerman Nina; Drobnič-Košorok Marinka
    6th meeting of the Slovenian biochemical society with international participation; 2005 Sep 21-25; Lipica
    [6. srečanje Slovenskega biokemijskega društva z mednarodno udeležbo; 2005 sep 21-25; Lipica]
  50. Čuk Vesna
    Teorija in praksa zdravstvene nege. Zbornik posvetovanj o teoriji in praksi zdravstvene nege 2001-2004; okt 2004; Ljubljana
  51. Anonymous ;
    Informatics 2005. Breaking the barriers of healthcare informatics: people, process & technology
  52. Anonymous ;
    ACE 2005: expanding endocrinology. Abstract book of the European congress of endocrinology; 2005 Sep 3-7; Goeteborg
  53. Anonymous ;
    Povzetki predavanj Kdaj bolnika napotiti na ultrazvočni pregled žilja; 2005 maj 19; Otočec ob Krki
  54. Anonymous ;
    Svetovni dan zdravja 2005. Strokovni posvet Za vsako mamo in vsakega otroka; 2005 apr 7; Ljubljana
  55. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 10th international conference on Lyme borreliosis and other tick-borne diseases; 2005 Sep 11-15; Vienna
  56. Anonymous ;
    Final programme and abstract book of annual congress of the european association of addiction therapy, 2005 Jul 6-8; Budapest
  57. Anonymous ;
    Environment and human genetic disease - causes, mechanisms and effects. Abstracts and participant list of the 35th annual meeting of the european environmental mutagen society, 2005 Jul 3-7; Kos Island
  58. Anonymous ;
    Final programme and abstracts lectures of the 78th european ortodontic society; 2002 Jun 4-8; Sorrento
  59. Cvetko Erika
    Jubilejni zbornik ob 60-letnici Društva zobozdravstvenih delavcev Slovenije, Zobozdravstvenega vestnika, Stomatološke klinike in Zobotehnične šole
  60. Rechberger Tomasz
    Nowe trendy w uroginekologii. Ogolnopolskie sympozjum naukowe sekcij uroginekologii polskiego towarzystwa ginekologicznego; 2005 may 12-14; Lublin
  61. Anonymous ;
    Tagungsband 8 NO-forum; 2002 Okt 3-5; Frankfurt
  62. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 1st Ohrid meeting of gynecologists and perinatologists; 2005 Jun 23-26; Ohrid
  63. Anonymous ;
    International symposium on buckwheat and the dietary culture; 2005 Aug 8-12; Xichang, China
  64. Kersnik Janko
    Kronična bolečina, hiperlipidemije, menopavza, hipertenzija, podporno zdravljenje rakavih bolnikov, erektilne motnje. Zbornik predavanj 7. Fajdigovi dnevi; 2005 okt 14-15; Kranjska Gora
  65. Berger Tatjana; Dobeic Martin; Vudrag Marko
    Preventiva pred širjenjem zoonoz in drugih nalezljivih bolezni v okolju. Zbornik referatov 2. interdisciplinarni simpozij DDD, zdravje in okolje z mednarodno udeležbo; 2004 okt 22; Ljubljana
    [Prevention from spreading zoonosis and other communicable diseases in the environment. Proceedings of the 2nd interdisciplinary symposium DDD, health and evironment with international participation; 2004 Oct 22; Ljubljana]
  66. Rijavec Irma
    Zbornik predavanj Kakovost zdravstvene nege kirurškega bolnika v Splošni bolnišnici Novo mesto; 2005 sep 22-23; Novo mesto
  67. Pavlič Franja
    Zbornik predavanj 16. strokovno srečanje Sladkorna bolezen in negovalne diagnoze; 2004 okt 19-20; Terme Čatež
  68. Kocina Livio
    Teorija in praksa zdravstvene nege. Zbornik posvetovanj o teoriji in praksi zdravstvene nege; 1997; Ljubljana
  69. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik predavanj 13. strokovno srečanje Zdravstvena nega starostnika v socialno varstvenih ustanovah; 2003 mar 17-18; Terme Olimia, Podčetrtek
  70. Štromajer Draga; Cotič-Anderle Majda; Brvar Maruša; Bračko Vida; Žnidaršič Damjana; Okrožnik Miha
    Zbornik predavanj Strokovni seminar Življenjsko ogrožen pacient - nujni ukrepi; 2005 okt 6-7; Terme Čatež
  71. Anonymous ;
    Protetična oskrba pacientov s prizadetimi obzobnimi tkivi. Zbornik 16. strokovni simpozij Sekcije za stomatološko protetiko; 2005 okt 7-8; Bled
  72. Habermehl G; Mebs D
    Proceedings of the 3rd symposium on plant animal and microbial toxins; 1978 Sep 13-15; London
  73. Oud Nico; Sermeus Walter; Ehnfors Margareta
    ACENDIO 2005. Documenting nursing care - enhancing patient care through nursing documentation: new directions for novices and experts. Proceedings of the 5th biennial European conference of the Association for common Europeanm nursing diagnoses, interventions and outcomes; 2005 Apr; Bled
  74. Bračko Matej
    Book of abstracts from the 20th international meeting of the Adriatic society of pathology; 2005 Jun 25-26, Strunjan
  75. Anonymous ;
    Volume degli abstract 4 congresso nazionale del gruppo Italiano per lo studio della malattia di lyme; 2004 nov 12-13; Grado
  76. Anonymous ;
    The role of macrolides in the treatment of RTI. Abstract book of the 14th European congress of clinical microbiology and infectious diseases; 2004 May 1-4; Prague
  77. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the Workshop on 11beta- and 17beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases: role in human disease: 2005 May 8-11; Elmau Castle
  78. Anonymous ;
    12th annual meeting of the European society of thoracic imaging; 2004 Jun 13-15; Bordeaux
  79. Anonymous ;
    Modular protein domains: from functional plasticity to protein linguistics. Programme, abstracts, addresses of the FEBS workshop; 2005 Sep 10-15; Seefeld
  80. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 7th international congress on Drug therapy in HIV infection; 2004 Nov 14-18; Glasgow
  81. Vymazal Jan
    Natural and constructed wetlands - nutrients, metals and management
  82. Meglič Bernard
    Program and abstracts of the 7th European federation of autonomic societies (EFAS) meeting; 2005 May 18-21; Bled
  83. Babnik-Peskar Darja
    ESUR 05. Emergency urogenital radiology. 12th European symposium on urogenital radiology; 2005 Sep 8-11; Ljubljana
  84. Stevanović Zoran; Milanović Petar
    Water resources and environmental problems in Karst. Proceedings of the International conference and field seminars; 2005 Sep 13-19; Belgrade, Kotor
  85. Anonymous ;
    TIAFT 2005. "East meets west in forensic toxicology": abstracts book . The national institute os scientific investigation (NISI) symposium on forensic toxicology and 43rd international meeting of the international association of forensic toxicologists (TIAFT); 2005 Aug 29 -Sep 2; Seul
  86. Anonymous ;
    Cartilage weekend. 3rd symposium of recent advances in cartilage repair and tissue engineering; 2005 May 6-7; Portorož
  87. Anonymous ;
    ROeS seminar 2005; Sep 25-29; Graz
  88. Anonymous ;
    Conference report of Retinal degeneration: from bench to bedside: an interdisciplinary dialogue; 2005 Apr 8-9; Potsdam
  89. Anonymous ;
    Programme and abstracts of the 4th symposium for European freshwater sciences; Krakow 22-26 August 2005
  90. Anonymous ;
    COST action 859: phytotechnologies to promote sustainable land use and improve food safety. Abstract book of the 1st scientific workshop and management committee meeting; 2005 Jun 14-16; Pisa
  91. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 17th international botanical congress; 2005 Jul 17-23; Vienna
  92. Anonymous ;
    Programme and delegate handbook of the international symposium on Assessing the ecological status of rivers, lakes and transitional waters; 2005 Jul 12-15;
  93. Filej Bojana; Kvas Andreja; Kersnič Petra
    Skrb za človeka. Zbornik predavanj in posterjev 5. kongres zdravstvene in babiške nege; 2005 maj 12-14; Ljubljana
  94. Anonymous ;
    Cost action 8.38. Management comitte and final meeting on "Achivements and future landscape for arbuscular mycorrhiza research", 2005 Jun 2-4, Dijon
  95. Anonymous ;
    Agenda and abstracts of the Biacore UK protein interactions meeting; 2005 Jun 7-8, Cambridge
  96. Anonymous ;
    Program, abstracts of the 19 IERASG biennial symposium; 2005 Jun 12-16; Havana
  97. Anonymous ;
    Final programme of the 5th international congress of the Croatian society of nuclear medicine; 2005 May 15-18; Opatija
  98. Anonymous ;
    Programme and abstracts of BioScience: from genes to systems; 2005 Jul 17-21; Glasgow
  99. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 6th international crustacean congress; 2005 Jul 18-22; Glasgow
  100. Oblak Ciril; Smrkolj Tomaž
    Zbornik povzetkov 3. slovenski urološki kongres z mednarodno udeležbo in 4. simpozij urološke zdravstvene nege; 2005 jun 16-18; Čatež
    [Book of abstracts of the 3rd Slovenian congress of urology with international participation and 4th symposium of nurses and medical technicians; 2005 Jun 16-18; Čatež]

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