biomedicina slovenica

ct=2.25 : 3.601-3.700

  1. Anonymous ;
    Global workforce development: defining, developing, and managing. 14th world conference on cooperative education; 2005 Jun 14-17; Massachusetts
  2. Kržan Mojca; Irman-Florjanc Tatjana; Lipnik-Štangelj Metoda; Stanovnik Lovro
    Programme and abstracts of the 34th meeting of European histamine research society; 2005 May 11-14; Bled
    [Program in povzetki 34. kongres Evropskega združenja za raziskave histamina; 2005 maj 11-14; Bled]
  3. Persoli-Gudelj Marijana
    Zbornik radova 9. simpozija o palijativnom liječenju maligne boli; 2005 tra 2; Karlovac
  4. Mesarič Julija; Krulec Aleš
    Zbornik predavanj Strokovni seminar 2004; 2004 nov 24; Otočec pri Krki
  5. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings of the International conference on industrial technology IEEE ICIT 2003; 2003 Dec 10-12; Maribor
  6. Akyuz Gulseren
    ISPRM 2004. Proceedings of the 5th Mediterranean congress of physical and rehabilitation medicine; 2004 Sep 30 - Oct 3; Antalya
  7. Anonymous ;
    The 3rd European symposium on paediatric nuclear medicine: 2000 May 12-13; Girona
  8. Anonymous ;
    ITHET 2004. Proceedings of the 5th international conference on information technology based higher education and training; 2004 may 31 - Jun 2; Istanbul
  9. Anonymous ;
    Priporočila za oskrbo razjede zaradi pritiska in golenje razjede; 2005 apr 14-15; Bled
  10. Neubauer David; Osredkar Damjan
    Nujna stanja v otroški nevrologiji: 50 let otroške nevrologije na slovenskem
  11. Zupan Blaž; Holmes John H
    Intelligent data analysis in medicine and pharmacology: workshop notes; 2004 Sep 6; Stanford
  12. Selič Polona
    Nasilje v družini - poti do rešitev: posebno poročilo; 2004 jun
  13. Anonymous ;
    Mejna stanja in odgovornost v zdravstvu. Zbornik 3. posvet Etika v belem; 2005 jun 16-17; Ljubljana
  14. Anonymous ;
    Strokovno srečanje Javno zdravje v Sloveniji od YU do EU: 81 let Inštituta za varovanje zdravja Republike Slovenije; 2004 sep 15; Ljubljana
  15. Vaupotič Mirko
    Evropska unija - priložnost tudi za starejše
  16. Anonymous ;
    3. Rantov dan; 2001 mar 17; Ljubljana
  17. Fokter Samo
    Zbornik predavanj 11. in 12. Ažmanovih dnevov zdravnikov Gorske reševalne službe; 2003 mar 14-15; Kranjska Gora, 2004 mar 19-20; Bled
  18. Eržen Mojca
    Book of proceedings of the symposium on methods of cervical cancer screening: experience from the LAMS study; 2005 Mar 11; Kranjska Gora
  19. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 13th world congress on in vitro fertilization assisted reproduction and genetic; 2005 May 26-29; Istanbul
  20. Anonymous ;
    Sensitivity, depression and suicide: mechanisms of vulnerability and resilience. Programme and abstracts of the 4th international meeting suicide: interplay of genes and environment; 2005 Jun 2-4; Ghent
  21. Anonymous ;
    "Homo sapiens past, present and future": paleoanthropology and modern human populations of eastern Mediterranean. Programme, abstracts of the international congress of anthropopogy under the auspices of the president of the Hellenic republic; 2003 Nov 21-23; Athens
  22. Trebše Polonca; Mozetič Branka
    Knjiga povzetkov 14. mednarodni simpozij Spektroskopija v teoriji in praksi; 2005 apr 10-13; Nova Gorica
    [Book of abstracts of the 14th international symposium Spectroscopy in theory and practice; 2005 Apr 10-13; Nova Gorica]
  23. Anonymous ;
    Regionalni stručni simpozij Depresija i anksiozni poremećaji - what's new?; 2005 maj 12-15; Tučepi'
  24. Kaluža Jindrich; Kljajić Miroljub; Leskovar Robert; Rajkovič Vladislav; Paape Bjoern
    Sinergija metodologij. Zbornik povzetkov referatov 24. mednarodne konference o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti; 2005 mar 16-18; Portorož
    [Synergy of methodologies. Book of abstracts of the 24th international conference on organizational science development; 2005 Mar 16-18; Portorož]
  25. Teofilovski-Parapid Gordana
    Abstract book of 18th international symposium on morphological sciences; 2005 Jun 5-8; Belgrade
  26. Anonymous ;
    Final programme and book of abstracts of the 2nd international symposium on sports injuries; 2005 May 20-21; Portorož
  27. Anonymous ;
    Tabellen, Abbildungen und Kurztexte vom 13. DOSCG Symposium: Sterilisation, Desinfektion, Krankenhaus-Reinigung; 1995 Mai 18-19; Wien
  28. Anonymous ;
    Programme and abstracts of the joint meeting infection control: new perspectives; 1993 Oct 7-9; Istanbul
  29. Gaberšček Simona; Zaletel Katja
    Bolezni ščitnice: podiplomska šola za zdravnike; 2005 13-14; Logarska dolina
  30. Harlander Matevž; Vrhnjak Blaž; Poglajen Gregor
    Zbornik 17. kongresa študentov raziskovalcev Medicinske fakultete v Ljubljani; 2005 mar 17; Ljubljana
  31. Singer Julia; Boda Krisztina; Schemper Michael
    ISCB26. Abstract book and final programme of the 26th annual conference international society for clinical biostatistic; Aug 21-25; Szeged
  32. Stirn-Kranjc Branka
    Programme and book of abstracts of 10th meeting of the child vision research society; 2005 Jun 23-25; Bled
    [Program in zbornik izvlečkov 10. srečanje Društva za raziskovanje otroškega vida; 2005 jun 23-25; Bled]
  33. Vegh Mihaly
    ECLSO2004. Program and abstracts of the 34th congress of the European contact lens society of ophthalmologists and Contact lens educational course; 2004 Ocz 14-17; Budapest
  34. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 1st symposium on plant neurobiology; 2005 May 17-20; Florence
  35. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the international symposium on the surgery of the lower cranial nerves; 1987 Maj 31 - Jun 3; Ljubljana
  36. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 9th international conference on Copepoda; 2005 Jul 11-15; Hammamet, Tunisia
  37. Hilker Monika; Meiners Torsten; Ruther Joachim
    SIP 12. Abstracts of the 12th symposium Insect-plant relationships; 2004 Aug 7-12; Berlin
  38. Štajnbaher Srečko
    Zbornik Mladinski raziskovalni tabor Mislinja 2004
  39. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik 25. intersekcijski sestanek kirurgov Hrvatske in Slovenije; 1986 okt 2-4, Novo mesto
  40. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstracts of the Jerusalem symposium on surgery of the skull base and adjacent midline region; 1993 Mar 21-26; Jerusalem
  41. Anonymous ;
    The Raison d'etre of environmental toxicology and chemistry. Abstract book of the SETAC Europe 15th annual meeting; 2005 May 22-26; Lille, France
  42. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstracts of the International conference on recent advances in neurotraumatology; 1992 Sep 23-26; Karuizawa
  43. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 16th Alps Adria meeting of anatomists; 1993 May 20-23; Zagreb
  44. Anonymous ;
    ICRAN 94. Handbook and abstracts of the International conference on recent advances in neurotraumatology and the neurosurgical society of Australasia annual scientific meeting; 1994 Sep 25-28; Queensland
  45. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik seminarja Okoljska vzgoja v šoli; 2005 maj 13-15; Rogaška Slatina
  46. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts book of the th federative international congress of anatomy; 1994 Jul 24-30; Lisbon
  47. Anonymous ;
    7th yeast lipid conference; 2005 May 12-14; Swansea
  48. Dolinar Marko; Turk Boris
    Book of abstracts of the 9th international symposium on Proteinase inhibitors and biological control; 2005 Jun 25-29; Brdo
  49. Ranđelović Novica
    Abstracts of the 8th symposium on the Flora of southeastern Serbia and neighbouring regions; 2005 Jun 20-24; Niš
  50. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the International phlebology congress; 2004 Oct 15-16; Ljubljana
    [Knjiga povzetkov Mednarodni flebološki kongres; 2004 oct 15-16; Ljubljana]
  51. Anonymous ;
    Programm of the Oesterreichische gesellschaft fuer dermatologie und venerologie: jahrestagung; 2001 Nov 23-25; Wien
  52. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik sažetaka 5 kongres endokrinologa Jugoslavije; 1993 okt 20-23; Beograd
  53. Anonymous ;
    Knjiga sažetaka 1. vanredni kongres lekara Srbije; 1993 jun 27-30; Beograd
  54. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik radova 10 godina nuklearne medicine: zajedni sastanak sekcije za nuklearno medicino; Kragujevac
  55. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik predavanj 11. strokovni sestanek Hematološkega društva laboratorijskih tehnikov; 2004 okt 22-23; Terme Čatež
  56. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik sažetaka 6. jugoslovenski simpozijum o štitastoj žlezdi; 1989 jun 1-3; Zlatibor
  57. Anonymous ;
    Kratki sadržaji radova 5 Jugoslovenski kongres nuklearne medicine; 1990 sep 26-29; Sarajevo
  58. Anonymous ;
    Program 22. jugoslovenski sastanak nuklearne medicine; 1988 jun 22-26; Mavrovo
  59. Anonymous ;
    Program 21. jugoslovenski sastanak nuklearne medicine; 1987 sep 22-26; Nova Gorica
  60. Anonymous ;
    Program i sažeci 23. jugoslovenski sastanak za nuklearnu medicinu; 1989 sep 27-30, Zadar
  61. Anonymous ;
    Program i zbornik sažetka 24. jugoslovenski sastanak nuklearne medicine; 1991 sep 25-28; Kopaonik
  62. Anonymous ;
    Sažeti radovi 28. jugoslovenski sastanak za nuklearnu medicinu; 1996 okt 24-26; Ćuprija
  63. Anonymous ;
    Programme and abstracts of the international workshop of Ten years of experience with MIBG applications and the potential of new radiolabeled peptides (particulary somatostatin analogs); 1994 Jun 3; Rome
  64. Roca I
    2nd European symposium on pediatric nuclear medicine; 1995 Mar 10-11; Barcelona
  65. Mehić Bakir
    Congress book of the 2nd congrees of respiratory society in Bosnia and Herzegovina; 2005 May 12-14; Sarajevo
  66. Košir Matej
    Zbornik 7. nacionalne konference lokalnih akcijskih skupin (LAS); 2004 nov 3; Novo mesto
  67. Anonymous ;
    Svetovni dan brez tobaka 2005. Strokovni posvet Zdravstveni delavci in nadzor nad tobakom; 2005 maj 31; Ljubljana
  68. Marinč Lidija; Mazi Metka
    Zbornik predavanj 14. strokovno srečanje Medicinska sestra ob bolniku s srčnim popuščanjem; 2004 nov 12-13; Velenje
  69. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik prednašok a abstraktov z 9. kongresu slovenskych anesteziologov s medzinarodnou učastu; 2002 maj 22-24; Pieštany
  70. Pasetto A; Busani S; Girardis M
    Proceedings book of the 7th international meeting of the Liver anaesthesia and intensive care; 2004 Mar 4-6; Modena
  71. Gullo A
    Proceedings book of the 13th anaesthesia symposium Alpe Adria; 2000 Sep 9-10; Trieste
  72. Bilban Marjan
    Cvahtetovi dnevi javnega zdravja 2005; 2005 jun; Ljubljana
  73. Guergan Timur; Demirol Aygul
    IVF 2005. 13th world congress on In vitro fertilization: assisted reproduction and genetics; 2005 May 26-29; Istanbul
  74. Anonymous ;
    Povzetki predavanj Strokovni smeinar Slovenskega ortodontskega društva; 1995 nov 24-25; Ljubljana
  75. Anonymous ;
    Final programme, abstract book of the 81st congress of the European orthodontic society; 2005 Jun 3-7; Amsterdam
  76. Kramer Franc
    Zbornik predavanj Strokovno srečanje ob 30. obletnici Oddelka za urologijo v Splošni bolnišnici Slovenj Gradec; 2004 maj 22; Slovenj Gradec
    [The book of lectures of the Symposium honour to 30th anniversary of Department of urology in General hospital Slovenj Gradec; 2004 May 22; Slovenj Gradec]
  77. Chraponski Jacek; Cwajna Jan; Wojnar Leszek
    Proceedings of the 9th European congress on stereology and image analysis and 7th international conference on stereology and image analysis in materials science STERMAT. Vol 2; 2005 May 10-13; Zakopane, Poland
  78. Novak-Antolič Živa; Mesec Anton; Tlaker-Žunter Vesna
    Nevrološke bolezni in nosečnost. Zbornik predavanj 6. Novakovi dnevi; 2005 maj 27-28; Portorož
  79. Mencej Meta
    Zdravila v domovih za starejše občane
  80. Potočnik Maja Marija
    Respiracijska in kardiovaskularna fizioterapija. Gradivo 22. podiplomskega strokovnega seminarja; 2003 nov; Ljubljana
    [Respiratory and cardiovascular physiotherapy. Proceedings of the 22nd professional postgraduate seminar; 2003 Nov; Ljubljana]
  81. Anonymous ;
    Učne delavnice: osnove klinične alergologije in astme, pouk bolnika z astmo; 2005; Kranjska Gora
  82. Pagon Milan
    Policing in central and eastern Europe: comparing firsthand knowledge with experience from the west
  83. Belič Igor
    Javna predstavitev mnenj o predlogu Zakona o tajnih podatkih
  84. Selič Polona
    Forenzična psihologija. Kriminalistični tečaj 2001: učni načrt predmeta
  85. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik radova Međunarodni seminar poligrafskih ispitivača; 2001 sep 26-28; Valbandon
  86. Posavec Anton
    Zbornik predavanj Strokovni seminar Tehnično reševanje v predbolnišničnem okolju - reševanje z višine in globine; 2004 apr 5-6 in 9-10; Bohinjska Bela
  87. Čeh Miran; Dražič Goran; Fidler Sanja
    MCM 2005. Proceedings of the 7th multinational congress on microscopy; 2005 Jun 26-30; Portorož
  88. Blinc Aleš; Kozak Matija; Šabovič Mišo
    Slikovne metode v odkrivanju in zdravljenju žilnih bolezni. Letno srečanje Združenja za žilne bolezni SZD; 2005 maj; Ljubljana
  89. Anonymous ;
    Strokovno posvetovanje Zdravniki kot managerji; 2003 apr 4-5; Portorož
  90. Voga G; Pernat A
    Zbornik predavanj 11. seminar iz intenzivne medicine za medicinske sestre in zdravstvene tehnike v okviru 14. mednarodnega simpozija intenzivne medicine; 2005 maj 16-17; Bled
  91. Anonymous ;
    Glavobol. Zbornik predavanj 5. srečanje Sekcije medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov v nevrologiji; 2005 jun 10; Ljubljana
  92. Čop Jana; Avguštin Adriana; Bobnar-Najžer Elizabeta
    4. konferenca slovenskih zdravnikov iz sveta in Slovenije; 2005 maj 19-21; Novo mesto
  93. Marjanović Borivoj
    26. tečaj Problemi u pedijatriji '94; 1994 feb, mar; Beograd
  94. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 2nd international congress on gynaecological malignancies; 2004 Nov 19-21; Larnaca
  95. Božjak Marjana
    Zbornik predavanj Strokovni seminar Kdaj je potrebno nujno ukrepanje pri bolniku s hemato-onkološkimi boleznimi? 2003 apr 4-5; Nova Gorica
  96. Anonymous ;
    Programme, abstracts of the 7th European meeting on glial cell function in health and disease; 2005 May 17-21; Amsterdam
  97. Anonymous ;
    Event programme and abstracts of the 4th symposium on workplace drug testing, 2005 Jun 16-17; Dublin
  98. Anonymous ;
    ICUR 2003. Book of abstracts of the 11th international conference on ulcer research; 2003 Sep 15-20; Dubrovnik
  99. Novaković S; Červek J; Anderluh F; Bešić N; Ebert M; Frković-Grazio S; Matos E; Petrič P; Rajer M; Šegedin B; Šeruga B; Zakotnik B
    Paliativna oskrba bolnikov z rakom. Zbornik 18. onkološki vikend; 2005 jun 10-11; Laško
  100. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstracts of the 8th international meeting on cholinesterases; 2004 Sep 26-30; Perugia

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