biomedicina slovenica

ct=2.25 : 3.801-3.900

  1. Vajs Stanislav; Lešnik Mario
    Izvlečki referatov 7. slovensko posvetovanje o varstvu rastlin; 2005 mar 8-10; Zreče
    [Abstract volume 7th Slovenian conference on plant protection; 2005 Mar 8-10; Zreče]
  2. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik prispevkov Letna delavnica Katedra za fiziologijo rastlin; 2004 avg 17
  3. Vlahović Ksenija; Marinculić Hrvoje
    Zbornik radova 1. hrvatsko slovenski simpozij o egzotičnim i divljim životinjama; 2004 stu 25-27: Zagreb
    [1. hrvaško-slovenski simpozij o ljubiteljskih in prosto živečih vrstah živali]
  4. Anonymous ;
    Program of the 2nd international PhD student symposium Decoding nature: hierarchy of interactions; 2005 Mar 17-19: Goettingen
  5. Anonymous ;
    Final program, book of lecture and abstracts of the 14th LICAGE - meeting of the Liver intensive care group of Europe; 2004 May 13-15; Ljubljana
  6. Genazzani AR; Schenker J; Artini PG; Simoncini T
    12th world congress Human reproduction; 2005 Mar 10-13; Venice
  7. Kaplan-Pavlovčič Staša; Kovač Damjan; Lindič Jelka; Malovrh Marko
    Bolezni ledvic in arterijska hipertenzija. Zbornik predavanj 3: 5. podiplomska šola za zdravnike; 2004 mar 19-20; Ljubljana
  8. Anonymous ;
    Silabus predavanj 1. tečaj iz nefrologije: podiplomska šola za zdravnike; 1994 mar 11-12; Kranjska gora
  9. Doljak Bojan; Štrukelj Borut; Mlinarič Aleš
    Zdravila naravnega izvora in sodobna fizioterapija
  10. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the joint meeting of the "Tissue engineering society international" and the "European tissue engineering society"; 2004 Oct 10-13; Lausanne
  11. Anonymous ;
    Program syllabus volume 1 Clinical nutrition week: a scientific and clinical forum and exposition: 2005 Jan 29 - Feb 2: Orlando
  12. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik radova i sažetka predavanja 16 međunarodni simpozijum o fertilitetu i sterilitetu; 2004 dec 16-17; Beograd
    [Abstract and paper book of the 16th international symposium on fertility and sterility; 2004 Dec 16-17; Beograd]
  13. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings of the ELSO 2004 meeting together with the sbcf combining the 8th international world congress of cell; 2004 Sep 4-8; Nice
  14. Kralj Božo; Navinšek Slavica
    Babištvo skozi čas. Zbornik ob 250-letnici ustanovitve Babiške šole v Ljubljani; 2003 maj 30; Ljubljana
  15. Anonymous ;
    Final program of the Ophthalmologic school; 2005 Apr 1-3; Dubrovnik
  16. Anonymous ;
    From altamira until now: information transference ways. Abstracts and posters of the 9th European conference of medical and health libraries; 2004 Sep 20-25; Santader
  17. Gantar Marta
    Golenja razjeda od "A" do "Ž". Zbornik predavanj s strokovnega srečanja; 2002 mar 18-19; Radenci
  18. Radenović Aleksandar; Bošan-Kilibarda Ingrid; Čander Darko; Grba-Bujević Maja; Posavec Anton; Stokić Goran; Urumović Sonja
    "Otrovanja 2004". Knjiga radova Hrvatsko-slovenski simpozij; 2004 lis 23-24; TopTerme Topusko
  19. Rebernik Miroslav; Mulej Matjaž; Rus Matej; Krošlin Tadej
    Ustvarjanje okolja za prenos inovacij. Zbornik 25. konference PODIM (podjetništvo, inovacije, management); 2005 mar 10-11; Maribor
  20. Anonymous ;
    BioMicroWorld-2005. Book of abstracts of the 1st international conference on environmental, industrial and applied microbiology; 2005 Mar 15-18; Badajoz
  21. Žove Anton; Belina Linda
    Proceedings of the 1st international conference Environment and economy: the economic impact of environment protection environmental technologies - a link between Europe and China; 2005 Mar 21; Ljubljana
  22. Anonymous ;
    Neuroscience 2004. Press book part 2 of the 34th annual meeting Society for neuroscience; 2004 Oct 23-27; San Diego
  23. Rus-Makovec Maja
    Raba, škodljiva raba in odvisnost od zdravil 2. Medicina odvisnosti 2004 - 2
  24. Anonymous ;
    2. strokovni seminar Ogroženost in zaščita delavcev v zdravstvu; 1996 sep 28; Ljubljana
  25. Anonymous ;
    Seminar iz dezinfekcije; 2002 jun 4-5; Ljubljana
  26. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik simpozija Sodobni problemi nalezljivih bolezni; 1999 okt 19; Otočec ob Krki
  27. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik radova 5. simpozijuma Dezinfekcija, dezinsekcija i deratizacija u zaštiti zdravlja ljudi; 1987; Beograd
  28. Anzypase George
    1st Mediterranean congress on interventional diagnosis for thorax diseases; 1996 May 25-29; Rhodes
  29. Anonymous ;
    6th European conference on General thoracic surgery; 1998 Oct 22-24; Portorož
  30. Anonymous ;
    Enlarning Europe with/for women scientists. Enwise valorisation conference; 2004 Sep 9-10; Tallinn
  31. Anonymous ;
    Human growth in sickness and in health. Abstracts of the 10 international congress of auxology; 2004 Jul 4-7; Firenze
  32. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts issue of the 49th annual meeting of biophysical society; 2005 Feb 12-16; Long Beach
  33. Anonymous ;
    Conference La fitodepurazione: un nuovo strumento per la depurazione sostenibile delle acque; 2005 feb 24-25; Palermo
  34. Mihajlović Vukašin
    Zbornik radova 4. fizijatrijski dani Srbije i Crne Gore: 2005 feb 16-19: Igalo
  35. Pagon Milan
    Zbornik prispevkov 3. slovenski dnevi varstvoslovja; 2002 jun 6-8; Bled
  36. Anonymous ;
    Knjiga izvlečkov 4. jugoslovanski simpozij za kemijo in tehnologijo makromolekul; 1975 Jan 29-31; Ljubljana
  37. Mueller Klaus
    2. Symposium Akute Intoxikationen: Prophylaxe, Analytik, Diagnose, Therapie; 1976 feb 4-6; Reinhardsbrunn
  38. Likar M
    Katalogi znanja za medicince 3
  39. Modic S
    Simpozij "Vpliv psihoaktivnih snovi na varnost v cestnem prometu"; 1986 okt 27-28; Ljubljana
  40. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik 14 "Oktomvriski sredbi"; 1986 okt 7-9; Ohrid
  41. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstracts of the 13th meeting international association of forensic sciences; 1993 Aug 22-28; Duesseldorf
  42. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the international symposium on chromatographic and electrophoretic techniques; 1994 Oct 10-13; Bled
  43. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstracts of the 41st international meeting the international association of forensic toxicologists (TIAFT); 2003 Nov 16-20; Melbourne
  44. Anonymous ;
    Global partners for justice and health. Program and abstracts of the joint meeting of SOFT and TIAFT; 2004 30 Aug - Sep 3; Washington
  45. Mercier-Guyon C
    Alcohol, drugs and traffic saferty - T'97: volume 1. Proceedings of the 14th international conference on alcohol, drugs and traffic safety; 1997 Sep 21-26; Annecy
  46. Jacob B; Bonte W
    Advances in forensic sciences: forensic criminalistics 2 (vol 4). Proceedings of the 13th meeting of the international association of forensic sciences; 1993 Aug 22-28; Duesseldorf
  47. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik radova 3 naučni sastanak saobraćajne medicine; 1989 okt 27-28; Beograd
  48. Anonymous ;
    Varnost v cestnem prometu: zakonodaja, izvedenstvo, zdravstvo, zavarovalstvo. Zbornik referatov 2. strokovno posvetovanje "akcija -10%"; 1990 apr 2-4
  49. Jelčić Ivo
    Proceedings of the 11th world congress of international association for accident and traffic medicine; 1988 May 24-28; Dubrovnik
  50. Anonymous ;
    Seminar iz socialne medicine, higiene in epidemiologije za pripravnike zdravnike in zobozdravnike
  51. Braun Knut
    Bionic-workshop: Vortraege zur bionischen Endoprothese nach Copf/Holz und ATL-Endoprothese (anatomisches Tuebingen-Ljubljana System) und einer moeglichen technischen Anwendung; 2003 May 30-31; Bistra
  52. Gligorijević Slobodan; Paver-Eržen Vesna; Ravnik Dejan
    Neural blockades on cadavers. Lecture book of the 1st ESRA (European society of regional anaesthesia and pain therapy) workshop; 2003 Oct 3-4; Ljubljana
  53. Anonymous ;
    17. congresso nazionale Societa Italiana oncologia ginecologica; 2005 Gen 26-28; Roma
  54. Anonymous ;
    8th international symposium on the Biosafety of genetically modified organisms; 2004 Sep 26-30; Montpellier
  55. Skela-Savič Brigita; Logonder Mira; Lokar Katarina
    31. strokovni seminar "Ukrepajmo danes, da bomo živeli jutri"; 2004 sep 30-okt 10; Moravske toplice
  56. Anonymous ;
    Oncology for medical students; 2004 Sep 5-11; Ioannina, Greece
  57. Anonymous ;
    European radiation research 2004. The 33rd annual meeting of the European society for radiation biology; 2004 Aug 25-28; Budapest
  58. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstract book of the 4th central European oncology congress; 2004 Jun 23-26; Opatija
  59. Anonymous ;
    Final program of the Thyroid cancer 4th international symposium; 2004 Oct 13-16; Linz, ASSO (Austrian society of surgical oncology) symposium Schilddruese 2004. Austrian society of surgical oncology symposium; 2004 Oct 13-16; Styria
  60. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 4th European congress of paediatric anaesthesia; 1997 May 21-24; Paris
  61. Anonymous ;
    CEOC 2002. Program and abstract book of the 3rd central European oncology congress; 2002 Jun 19-22; Opatija
  62. Boiron Michel; Marty Michel
    Compte rendu du 17e congres Eurocancer 2004; 2004 jui 29-jul 1; Paris
  63. Anonymous ;
    ISAC. 22nd international congress of the International society for analytical cytology; 2004 May 22-27; Montpellier
  64. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 18th international meeting of the Adriatic society of pathology; 2004 Jun 26-27; Opicina-Trieste
  65. Trampuž Dubravka; Rus-Makovec Maja
    Upreti se zlorabi: od sramu do samorealizacije. Zbornik prispevkov Mednarodna konferenca o družinski medicini; 2003 maj 8-10; Bled
    [Resisting abuse: from shame to self-empowerment. Book of contributions of the International conference on family therapy; 2003 May 8-10; Bled]
  66. Anonymous ;
    ASCO. Proceedings of the 40th annual meeting of the American society of clinical oncology; 2004 Jun 5-8; New Orleans, Louisiana
  67. Anonymous ;
    Hellenike hetaireia geriatrikes onkologias GRC; 2004; Patra
  68. Inestrosa Nibaldo C; Campos Eliseo O
    Cholinesterases in the second millenium: biomolecular and pathological aspects. 7th international meeting on cholinesterases; 2004; Pucon, Chile
  69. Anonymous ;
    8th annual meeting Health research to achieve the millennium development goals; 2004 Nov 16-20; Mexico City
  70. Marolt-Meden Biserka; Stvarnik Meta
    Bivanje otrok in mladostnikov v bolnišnicah. Zbornik 2004, ob 50. letnici delovanja Pediatrične klinike v Ljubljani in 10. letnici organiziranih prizadevanj za gradnjo nove pediatrične klinike v Ljubljani
  71. Jovanovič K; Velkov A
    Iz prakse za prakso. 4. kongres stomatologov Slovenije; 2004 jun 4-5; Portorož
  72. Frantar-Čučkovič Nuša; Mitič-Petek Alojzija; Zajko-Valdhuber Zvonka; Žveplan-Ozvatič Mira
    Zbornik posveta Skupaj za otroke s posebnimi potrebami; 2003 apr 8; Maribor
  73. Anonymous ;
    Starost in njeni obrazi; 2004 nov 19-20; Logarska dolina
  74. Jassem Jacek
    9th central European lung cancer conference; 2004 Sep 23-25; Gdansk
  75. Anonymous ;
    IPGSA conference 2004. Conference handbook of the 18th international conference on plant growth substances; 2004 Sep 20-24; Canberra
  76. Anonymous ;
    ABIC 2004. Poster abstracts of the AgBiotech goes Europe; 2004 Sep 12-15; Cologne
  77. Anonymous ;
    Programme and abstracts of the Symposium on world subterranean biodiversity; 2004 Dec 8-10; Villeurbanne
  78. Žolgar Ivana
    Ekološko-raziskovalni tabor Cerkniško jezero '94
  79. Planinc Griša
    Raziskovalni tabor študentov biologije Žirovnica 2003
  80. Trček-Pečak Tamara
    Konserviranje in restavriranje umetnin Mojstra HCG; 2004 nov 25-2005 feb 27; Ljubljana
    [Conserving and restoring the works of art of Master HCG; 2004 Nov 25-2005 Feb 27; Ljubljana]
  81. Berčič Herman
    Zbornik 5. slovenskega kongresa športne rekreacije; 2004 nov 26-27; Laško
  82. Kristl Julijana
    Podiplomsko strokovno izobraževanje Koža - sonce - zdravje - lepota; 2004; Ljubljana
  83. Grabljevec Klemen
    Zbornik predavanj strokovnega posveta Posebnosti rehabilitacije bolnikov z boleznimi in poškodbami kolena; 2004 nov 19-20; Portorož
  84. Ihan-Hren Nataša
    Ciste v čeljustih. Zbornik predavanj 11. Čelešnikovi dnevi, 6. strokovni seminar; 2004 nov 27; Ljubljana
  85. Gullo Antonino
    A.P.I.C.E. 2001. Selected papers of the International symposium on critical care medicine, 16th annual meeting; 2001 Nov 16-20; Trieste
  86. Voga G; Pernat A
    Zbornik predavanj Šola intenzivne medicine; 2004; Ljubljana
  87. Homan Danica
    Zbornik 12. dnevi oralnega zdravja Slovenije; 2004 nov 19-20; Velenje
  88. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik radova 2. hrvatska konferencija o demencijama; 2004 ruj 17; Zagreb
  89. Pišot Rado; Štemberger Vesna; Krpač Franjo; Filipič Tjaša
    Otrok v gibanju. Zbornik prispevkov 2. mednarodni znanstveni in strokovni posvet; 2002 okt 10-12; Kranjska Gora
    [A child in motion. Proceedings of the 2nd international science and expert symposium]
  90. Drole Janja; Končan Tomaž; Tanko Mark; Žiberna Angelca
    Festival za tretje življenjsko obdobje 2002. Zbirka prispevkov okroglih miz in predavanj; 2002 sep 30-okt 1; Ljubljana
  91. Poles Janez; Rezar Leopold
    Jesenski sestanek Združenja pnevmologov Slovenije in 85 let Bolnišnice Topolšica; 2004 dec 10-11; Velenje
  92. Anonymous ;
    12th ICE - International congress of endocrinology; 2004 Aug 31-Sep 4; Lisbon
  93. Pišljar Marko
    Zbornik prispevkov Obravnava bolnikov z demenco in starostno depresijo; 2004 okt; Idrija
  94. Zaletel-Kragelj Lijana
    Textbook of the 2nd PH-SEE (Public health in south eastern Europe) summer school for public health professionals; 2002 Jul 21-27; Ljubljana
  95. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 23rd Styrian-Slovenian conference on traumatology and 20th Borderland meeting; 2004 Oct 15-16; Szombathely
  96. Anonymous ;
    Evidence-based Ophthalmology - Demands and Reality. Abstracts if the 102nd DOG annual meeting; 2004 Sep 23-26; Berlin
  97. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 22nd congress of the ESCRS; 2004 Sep 18-22; Paris
  98. Anonymous ;
    Final programme and book of abstracts of the 20th international working congference; 2004 Oct 27-30; Budapest
  99. Kosem Rok
    Prirojene in pridobljene okvare trdih zobnih tkiv. Zbornik 7. slovenski pedontološki dnevi; 2004 okt 8-9; Ljubljana
  100. Bohinjec Mateja; Vidan-Jeras Blanka
    Clinical immunogenetics and cell therapy. Book of abstracts of the 3rd international postgraduate school of immunogenetics in transfusion medicine; 2004 Jun 6-9; Ljubljana

   3.301 3.401 3.501 3.601 3.701 3.801 3.901 4.001 4.101 4.201  

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