biomedicina slovenica

ct=2.25 : 3.901-4.000

  1. Anonymous ;
    TraumaCare 2004. Final program and abstract book of the joint meeting between the Australasian trauma society (ATS) and trauma care international (ITACCS); 2004 Oct 15-17; Sydney
  2. Blaha Jasminka; Jakopović Nevenka; Pavelić Arijana
    Abstract book of the 4th Croatian congress on infectious diseases with international participation; 2004 Oct 2-6; Opatija
  3. Anonymous ;
    13th world congress od anaesthesiologists; 2004 Apr 18-23; Paris
  4. Štalc Jurij; Tominc Uroš; Poredoš Peter
    Zbornik povzetkov 16. raziskovalni kongres študentov Medicinske fakultete; 2004 feb 26; Ljubljana
  5. Anonymous ;
    Conference abstracts of the 13th conference of Czech society of gynaecological endoscopy; 2004 Sep 16-18; Pardubice
  6. Anonymous ;
    Strokovna doktrina stomatološke klinike. Zbornik 18. republiškega strokovnega seminarja DZDS; 2004 nov 11-13; Rogaška Slatina
  7. Anonymous ;
    Pogovori o prihodnosti Slovenije. O vlogi znanja in znanosti: 3. pogovor; 2003 dec 10; Ljubljana
  8. Dolenc Primož
    Zbornik 13. strokovni sestanek Sekcije za arterijsko hipertenzijo; 2004 nov 18-10; Portorož
  9. Anonymous ;
    Nosečnost in pasivno kajenje otrok. 8. nacionalna konfereneca o nekajenju, Dan UICC "Dan s cigareto manj"; 2004 nov 18; Ljubljana
  10. Frankič Darja
    Nenadzorovano uhajanje seča. Zbornik prispevkov Strokovno izpopolnjevanje magistrov farmacije; 2003; Ljubljana
  11. Della-Rocca G; Giordano F
    Proceedings of the 17th anesthesia and ICU symposium "Alpe Adria"; 2004 Sep 24-25: Udine
  12. Anonymous ;
    Perinatal bacterial infection: pregnancy and neonates after assisted reproductive techniques (ART). Abstracts of the 26 Alpe Adria meeting of perinatal medicine, 18 congress of perinatal medicine; 2004 Oct 22-23; Graz
  13. Anonymous ;
    2. strokovno srečanje izvajalcev programov svetovanja v zdravstvenovzgojnih centrih Slovenije; 2004 nov 17-18; Ljubljana
  14. Anonymous ;
    Programme and book of abstracts of the 22nd international biophysics symposium; 2004 Oct 9-14; Sveti Stefan/Belgrade
  15. Odom JV
    Programe and abstracts of the 42th ISCEV symposium; 2004 Nov 14-18; Puerto Rico
  16. Anonymous ;
    Final programme and abstracts of the 5th Mediterranean congress of physical and rehabilitation medicine; 2004 Sep 30 - Oct 4; Antalya
  17. Rasanen Ilpo
    Programme and abstracts of the 38th international meeting of the international association of forensic toxicologists: TIAFT 2000; 2000 Aug 13-17; Helsinki
  18. Anonymous ;
    Final program and abstracts of the 8th European symposium on plateled and granulocyte immunobiology; 2004 May 13-16; Rust
  19. Čebašek-Travnik Zdenka; Rus-Makovec Maja
    Osnove zdravljenja odvisnosti od alkohola: učbenik in smernice za delo
  20. Bricl Irena; Lampreht Natalija
    Transfuzijska medicina v porodništvu. Zbornik strokovnih prispevkov 6. podiplomski seminar Zdravljenje s krvjo; 2004 dec 3-4; Portorož
  21. Pragst Fritz; Aderjan Rolf
    Ausgewaehlte Aspekte der Forensischen Toxikologie. GTFCh - symposium 2003. Beitrage zum 13. Symposium der Gesellschaft fuer Toxikologische und Forensische Chemie; 2003 Apr 03-05; Mosbach (Baden)
  22. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings of the seminar Road traffic and psychoactive substances; 2003 Jun 18-20; Strasbourg
  23. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the Global forum for health research: forum 8; 2004 Nov 16-20; Mexico City
  24. Kersnik Janko
    Družinska medicina na stičišču kultur. 21. učne delavnice za zdravnike družinske medicine; 2004; Ljubljana
  25. Anonymous ;
    AdriaMed projects. GFCM-SAC working group on small pelagic species; 2004 May 6-7; Malaga
  26. Anonymous ;
    Program of the 1st international meeting on evolution, development and neurobiology of the leech - EDNL; 2004 Sep 29 - Oct 3; Villeneuve d'Ascq
  27. Anonymous ;
    Knjiga apstrakata 1. simpozijum ekologa Republike Crne Gore; 2004 okt 14-18; Tivat
    [Abstracts of the 1st symposium of ecologists of Republic of Montenegro; 2004 Oct 14-18; Tivat]
  28. Anonymous ;
    Crossing borders - molecular mechanisms and ecosystem processes. 2nd joint annual meeting of the Crossing borders - molecular mechanisms and ecosystem processes; 2004 Oct 6-8; Aachen
  29. Griffiths Huw I; Kryštufek Boris; Reed Jane M
    Balkan biodiversity: pattern and process in the European hotspot
  30. Anonymous ;
    Programme and abstracts of the 10th international workshop on fire blight; 2004 Jul 5-9; Bologna
  31. Mitić Božena; Šoštarić Renata
    Knjiga sažetaka 1. hrvatski botanički simpozij; 2004 ruj 30 - lis 2; Zagreb
    [Book of abstracts of the 1st Croatian botanical symposium; 2004 Sep 30 - Oct 2; Zagreb]
  32. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik predavanj; 2003 apr 4-5; Nova Gorica
  33. Uršič Cveto; Vidmar Janez; Wltavsky Zdenka
    Zbornik predavanj konference Učno podjetje v sistemu usposabljanja odraslih v Sloveniji; 2004 okt 22; Ljubljana
  34. Dolinar Marko; Turk Boris
    Book of abstracts of the 4th international conference on cysteine proteinases and their inhibitors; 2004 Sep 11-15; Portorož
  35. Kerzhner IM
    Abstracts of the 3rd European hemiptera congress; 2004 Jun 8-11; St. Petersburg
  36. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 5th workshop on pore-forming toxins; 2004 Oct 10-13; Mainz
  37. Otrin Andrej; Porenta Marijan
    Zbornik referatov Posvetovanje Vodni zadrževalniki: razvojna nuja ali nedopustni posegi v naravo; 2004 dec 1; Ljubljana
  38. Anonymous ;
    Progress against tumor progression. Program and abstracts of the 10th international congress of the Metastasis research society; 2004 Sep 17-20; Genoa
  39. Anonymous ;
    Plant Biology 2004. Final program and abstract of the annual meeting of the American society of plant biologists; 2004 Jul 24-28; Lake Buena Vista
  40. Anonymous ;
    5th international congress on chemistry and chemical engineering; 2004 Oct 18-22; Havana
  41. Smija Dagobert; Wittling Thomas
    Fachtagung Biologische Gewaesseruntersuchung und Bewertung: Taxonomie und Qualitaetssicherung. Symposium zur Feier des 70. Geburtstages von Dr. Erik Mauch; 2004 Okt 6; Augsburg
  42. Magni P; Malej A; Moncheva S; Vaden-Berghe E; Appeltans W; Cuvelier D; van Avesaath PH; Hummel H; Heip CHR; Mees J
    Marbena. Summary of discussions of the Electronic conference on "The southern and eastern Mediterranean sea and the Black sea: new challengers for marine biodiversity research and monitoring"; 2004 Sep 6-24; Oostende, Belgium
  43. Vilhar Matija
    Zbornik referatov 7. slovenski kongres o cestah in prometu: 2.del; 2004 okt 20-22; Portorož
  44. Janežič Igor; Kunc Pavel; Karpe Franc
    Seminar za sodne izvedence in sodne cenilce strojev in opreme (primeri izvedeniških mnenj in cenitev)
  45. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstracts of the 1st syposium of Kosova ophthalmologists; 2004 Dec 3-4; Priština
  46. Anonymous ;
    Programme and abstracts of the international giardia and cryptosporidium conference; 2004 Sep 20-24; Amsterdam
  47. Anonymous ;
    T 2000: alcohol, drugs and traffic safety. Abstracts of the 15th international conference on alcohol, drugs and traffic safety; 2000 May 22-26; Stockholm
  48. Anonymous ;
    Programme, list of participants, abstracts of the 1st workshop Emzyme technology and biocatalysis; 2004 Nov 25-26; Graz
  49. Anonymous ;
    Final program of the 10th Alp-Danube-Adria congress on STD and skin infections ADA 2004; 2004 Nov 26-28; Vienna
  50. Kobal Miloš František
    Psihopatologija za varnostno in pravno področje
  51. Anonymous ;
    E-zdravje v Sloveniji. Zbornik kongresa Slovenskega društva za medicinsko informatiko; 2004 dec 1; Bled
  52. Meško-Brguljan Pika
    Zbornik razširjenih povzetkov 2. slovenski kongres klinične kemije z mednarodno udeležbo, 16. mednarodni simpozij Slovenskega združenja za klinično kemijo in Hrvatskog društva medicinskih biokemičara, 2. slovenski kongres tehnikov laboratorijske medicine; 2004 okt; Ljubljana
    [Proceedings from the congress of the 2nd Slovenian congress of clinical chemistry with international participation, 16th international symposium of Slovenian association for clinical chemistry and Croatian society of medical biochemists, 2nd Slovenian congress of laboratory medicine technicians; 2004 Oct; Ljubljana]
  53. Anonymous ;
    Laser congress 2003: patient care - future perspectives. Abstracts of the 2nd congress of the European society for oral laser applications; 2003 May 15-18; Florence
  54. Berger Tatjana; Dobeic Martin; Vudrag Marko
    Zbornik povzetkov referatov 2. interdisciplinarni simpozij DDD, zdravje in okolje "Preventiva pred širjenjem zoonoz in drugih nalezljivih bolezni v okolju" z mednarodno udeležbo; 2004
  55. Rančigaj Jožica
    Program in povzetki 53. svetovni CIDESCO kongres in razstava; 2004 jun 3-6; Portorož
    [Programm and summaries of the 53rd world congress and exhibition; 2004 Jun 3-6; Portorož]
  56. Kern Izidor
    Citologija plevralnega izliva: skripta; 2004 nov 12; Golnik
  57. Žargi Darinka; Dolinšek Slavko; Lekić Zoran; Kiauta Marko; Malovrh Nada
    Zbornik referatov 13. letna konferenca Kakovost - različni pristopi, skupen cilj; 2004 nov 4-5; Bernardin
  58. Rožić-Hristovski Anamarija; Hacin-Ludvik Kristina
    Vloga specialnih in visokošolskih knjižnic v procesu evropske integracije. Zbornik referatov 10. strokovno posvetovanje specialnih knjižnic in 3. strokovno posvetovanje visokošolskih knjižnic z mednarodno udeležbo; 2004 nov 18-19; Ljubljana
    [The role of special and academic libraries in the process of European integration. Proceedings of the 10th Slovenian conference of special libraries and 3rd Slovenian conference of academic libraries with international attendance; 2004 Nov 18-19; Ljubljana]
  59. Maremmani Icro; Reisinger Marc
    Abstract book of the 6th European Europad conference; 2004 Nov 1-3; Paris
  60. Drobne Jelka; Mohar Pjerina
    Vzgoja za zdravje: učbenik za predmet Vzgoja za zdravje in socialna medicina s statistiko za 1. letnik srednjih zdravstvenih šol (izobraževalni program Tehnik zdravstvene nege)
  61. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings of the Pompidou group ministerial conference "New challenges for during policy in Europe"; 2003 Okt 16-17; Dublin
  62. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 6th world conference Injury prevention and control; 2002 May 12-15; Montreal
  63. Virag Mišo; Ratković Naranđa
    Zbornik sažetaka 6. kongres Hrvatskog društva za maksilofacijalnu, plastičnu i rekonstrukcijsku kirurgiju glave i vrata, 50. godišnjica Hrvatskog društva za maksilofacijalnu, plastičnu i rekonstrukcijsku kirurgiju glave i vrata i 65. godišnjica Klinike za kirurgiju lica, čeljusti i usta; 2004 stu 11-13; Zagreb
  64. Lineard Alain
    Wetland systems waste stabilisation ponds: communications of common interest. 6th international conference on waste stabilisation ponds and 9th international conference on wetland systems; 2004 Sep 26 - Oct 1; Avignon
  65. Anonymous ;
    Poster and oral presentations of the 6th international conference on waste stabilisation ponds and 9th international conference on wetland systems; 2004 Sep 26 - Oct 1; Avignon
  66. Jalon-Lastra Diego Garcia; Martinez Pilar Vizcaino
    Aquatic habitats: analysis and restoration. 5th international symposium on ecohydraulics; 2004 Sep 12-17; Madrid
  67. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik radova 22. memorijalni sastanak profesora Sergeja Saltykowa; 2004 stu 7; Zagreb
  68. Zupanič-Slavec Zvonka
    Patografija: vpliv bolezni na življenje in delo znamenitih osebnosti. Zbornik referatov 7. Pintarjevi dnevi; 2004 nov 18-19; Ljubljana
    [Pathography - influence of the diseases upon life and work of the famous perosns]
  69. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik povzetkov Seminar Celične kulture: kako jih gojiti in ravnati z njimi; 2004 okt 8; Ljubljana
  70. Štabuc Borut
    Kajenje in rak. 12. seminar "In memoriam dr. Dušana Reje"; 2004 okt; Ljubljana
  71. Tkačik Boris; Urbas Marina
    Statistično spremljanje pojavov globalizacije in storitev - izzivi in nujnost. Zbornik 14. statistični dnevi 2004; 2004 nov 8-10: Radenci
    [Statistical monitoring of globalization and services - challenge and necessity; Proceedings volume of the 14th statistical days 2004; 2004 Nov 8-10; Radenci]
  72. Affronti G; Baldoni A; Donati-Sarti C; Pomili G
    Atti del 1. corso di colposcopia e patologia cervico vaginale; 2004 Set 8-10; Spello (PG)
  73. Praper Peter; Korenjak Roman
    Agresivnost. Zbornik prispevkov 8. Bregantovi dnevi; 2004; Ljubljana
  74. Trampuž Renata; Kofol Tamara
    Zbornik prispevkov Stres - sprostitvene tehnike - skrb zase; 2004 okt; Ajdovščina
  75. Anonymous ;
    SLIC conference November 2004. SLIC thematic day "Supervising council directive 90/269/EEC of 29 May 1990 on minimum health and safety requirements for the manual handling of loads"; 2004 Nov 4; Maastricht
  76. Vitezić Natalija; Japelj Miha; Vukšinič-Kozoglav Mateja
    34. Krkine nagrade. Zbornik povzetkov 14. mednarodni simpozij; 2004 okt 28-29; Novo mesto
    [34th Krka prizes. Book of abstracts 14th international symposium; 2004 Okt 28-29; Novo mesto]
  77. Zidarn Mihael; Košnik Mitja; Zdolšek Saška
    Book of abstract of the 3rd Slovenian congress of pneumology and allergology and 1st Slovenian congress of respiratory nursing; 2004 Oct 20-22; Portorož
  78. Anonymous ;
    Neuroscience 2004. Abstract viewer and itinerary planer of the 34th annual meeting of the Society for neuroscience; 2004 Oct 23-27; San Diego
  79. Kotar Tadeja; Pikelj Franjo
    Potovalna medicina 3
  80. Kotnik Vladimir
    Tumorska imunologija in imunomodulacija
  81. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik predavanj Strokovni seminar Akutna stanja v urgentni zdravstveni negi; 2004 okt 21-22; Terme Čatež
  82. Kersnik Janko
    Ulkusna bolezen, hipertenzija, zaščitni dejavniki zdravil na mikrocirkulacijo, KOPB, astma, možganska kap. Zbornik predavanj 6. Fajdigovi dnevi; 2004 okt 8-9; Kranjska Gora
  83. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 17th world conference of family doctors; 2004 Oct 13-17; Orlando
  84. Šuligoj Ljubica
    Zbornik Splošne bolnišnice dr. Jožeta Potrča Ptuj: 1874-2004
  85. Boben-Bardutzky Darja; Užmah-Kučina Andrea
    Medicina odvisnosti, medicina sodelovanja. Zbornik 6. konference o medicini odvisnosti; 2004 okt; Vojnik
  86. Dolenc-Grošelj Leja
    Proceedings of the Symposium on sleep research with the 20th dr. Janez Faganel memorial lecture; 2004 Oct 22-23; Ljubljana
  87. Križman Igor
    Zbornik predavanj Interna medicina 2004: novosti in aktualnosti. Strokovni sestanek Združenja internistov SZD; 2004 okt 8-9; Ljubljana
  88. Anonymous ;
    Bolnik z epilepsijo. Zbornik predavanj 4. srečanje Nevrološke sekcije medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov; 2004 okt 14; Ljubljana
  89. Ule Andrej; Gams Matjaž; Repovš Gregor
    Informacijska družba IS 2004: kognitivna znanost. Zbornik A 7. mednarodne multikonference; 2004 okt 9-15; Ljubljana
    [Information society IS 2004: cognitive science. Proceedings A of the 7th international multiconference; 2004 Oct 9-15; Ljubljana]
  90. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik 2. posvet Etika v belem; 2004 okt 21-22; Portorož
  91. Glavič Peter; Brodnjak-Vončina Darinka
    Zbornik povzetkov s posvetovanja Slovenski kemijski dnevi 2004; 2004 sep 23-24; Maribor
  92. Jenko Monika
    Program in zbornik prispevkov 12. konferenca o materialih in tehnologijah, 57. posvetovanje o metalurgiji in kovinskih materialih in 12. posvetovanje o materialih; 2004 sep 27-29; Portorož
    [Program and book of abstract 12th conference on materials and technology, 57th symposium on metallurgy and metallic materials and 12th symposium on materials; 2004 Sep 27-29; Portorož]
  93. Anonymous ;
    Program of the 5th combined meeting of the orthopaedic research socisties of Canada, USA, Japan and Europe; 2004 Oct 10-13; Alberta
  94. Havelkova Marta
    Sbornik prednašek konference o mikrobiologii a epidemiologii tuberkulozy a nespecifickych plicnich infekci; 2004 okt 25-27; Jihlava
  95. Anonymous ;
    The world of microbes. Abstracts of the 12th international congress of virology; 2002 Jul 27 - Aug 1; Paris
  96. Anonymous ;
    Final program and abstracts of the 8th international symposium on double-stranded RNA viruses; 2003 Sep 13-18; Castelvecchio Pascoli
  97. Kimchi Asher
    Heart disease: pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment; 2003 Jul 12-15; Washington
  98. Lipovec Veronika
    Radiološka diagnostika in terapija bolezni prsnih organov. Zbornik predavanj in povzetkov posterjev strokovnega seminarja ob 50. obletnici Društva radioloških inženirjev Slovenije; 2004 okt 1-3; Rogla
  99. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstracts book Alpe Adria community ophthalmology 2004; 2004 Oct 8-10; Munich
  100. Meden-Vrtovec Helena
    Jubilejni zbornik ob 20-letnici rojstva prvih otrok, spočetih po postopku zunajtelesne oploditve na Ginekološki kliniki v Ljubljani; 2004 okt 8; Ljubljana

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