biomedicina slovenica

ct=2.25 : 4.101-4.200

  1. Burja Silva
    Nutrition: scientific basis, nutritional strategies, nutrition and disease; 2004 May 13-15; Maribor
  2. Bešić N; Anderluh F; Benedik J; Frković-Grazio S; Gašljević G; Marolt F; Novaković S; Oblak-Biček I; Strojan P; Petrič P; Zakotnik B; Žgajnar J
    Novosti v onkologiji in smernice za obravnavo bolnic z rakom dojk in bolnikov z malignim melanomom. Zbornik 17. onkološki vikend; 2004 jun 4-5; Laško
  3. Gullo A
    Anesthesia, pain, intensive care and emergency medicine - A.P.I.C.E. Vol 2. Proceedings of the 18th postgraduate course in critical care medicine; 2003 Nov 14-17; Trieste
  4. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 1st B and H symposium "Morphology in science and practice" with international participation; 2003 Sep 25-27; Sarajevo
  5. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstracts of the 22nd annual meeting of the European society of ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery; 2004 Jun 17-19; Leuven
  6. Kržan Mojca; Bresjanac Mara
    Program in knjiga povzetkov Simpozij o spominu; 2004 jul 17; Ljubljana
    [Programme and book of abstracts of the Symposium on memory; 2004 Jul 17; Ljubljana]
  7. Anonymous ;
    Programme and abstracts of the Bioscience 2004 - from molecules to organisms; 2004 Jul 18-22; Glasgow
  8. Azueta Izaskun; Katila-Nurkka Ulla; Lehtinen Ville
    Mental health in Europe - new challenges, new opportunities: report from a European conference; 2003 Oct 9-11; Bilbao
  9. Mondelo Pedro R
    ORP'2004. Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on occupational risk prevention; 2004 Jun 2.4; Santiago de Compostela
  10. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of lectures and poster presentations of the 16th international symposium of the Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology; 2004 Jun 5-8; Seefeld
  11. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik radova 12 kongres psihijatara Srbije i Crne gore u duhu saradnje i tolerancije; 2004 jun 13-17; Herceg Novi
  12. Anonymous ;
    12th international meeting of the Enzymology and molecular biology of carbonyl metabolism; 2004 Jul 6-10; Burlington
  13. Anonymous ;
    Quality in practice. Book of abstracts of the wonca Europe regional conference; 2004 Jun 1-4; Amsterdam
  14. Anonymous ;
    ICOLD 72nd annual meeting; 2004 May 16-22; Seoul. Proceedings of the Symposium on environmental considerations for sustainable dam projects (abstracts); 2004 May 22; Seoul
  15. Anonymous ;
    ICOLD 72nd annual meeting; 2004 May 16-22; Seoul. Proceedings of the Symposium on environmental considerations for sustainable dam projects; 2004 May 22; Seoul
  16. Anonymous ;
    Joint OSH strategy for the enlarged Europe. ETUC (European trade union confederation) - TUTB (European trade union technical bureau for health and safety) conference; 2004 Jan 30-31; Brussels
  17. Ravter Staš
    Živeti s težavami v duševnem zdravju: Ozarinih deset let
  18. Glonar Ljerka
    Zdravniški utrinki: sto in več pogovorov ali pripovedi
  19. Anonymous ;
    Seminar Pravni položaj medicinskih sester v EU; 2004 jun 10-14; Portorož
  20. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 2nd World union of wound healing societies' meeting; 2004 Jul 8-13; Paris
  21. Anonymous ;
    Hernia recurrences. Book of abstracts of the 26th international congress of the European hernia society; 2004 Apr 29-May 1; Prague
  22. Anonymous ;
    Seminarsko gradivo Ravnanje z odpadki v zdravstvu: novi predpisi in tolmačenja na področju ravnanja z odpadki v zdravstvu; 2004 jun 18; Ljubljana
  23. Anonymous ;
    Strokovno srečanje z učnimi delavnicami "Izobraževalni program iz javnega zdravja 2"; 2004 mar 23-25; Pekre
  24. Anonymous ;
    Spremembe v sistemu zdravstvenega varstva. 11. strokovno srečanje ekonomistov in poslovodnih delavcev v zdravstvu; 2004 apr 22-23; Maribor
  25. Trampuž Renata; Kofol Tamara
    Zbornik predavanj strokovnega seminarja Duševno zdravje - bistvo zdrave osebnosti; 2003 nov 8; Nova Gorica
  26. Jones William K; Culver David C; Herman Janet S
    Proceedings of the symposium held of the Epikarst: Karst waters institute special publication 9; 2003 Oct 1-4; Shepherdstown
  27. Bodzsar Eva B; Sussane Charles
    Physique and body composition: variability and sources of variations. Biennal books of European anthropological association: volume 3; 2004; Budapest
  28. Naji Majda
    Zbornik seminarjev Naravoslovje v šestem in sedmem razredu devetletne osnovne šole, Naravoslovje v strokovnih in poklicnih in poklicnih šolah, Naravoslovje za otroke s posebnumi potrebami; 2004 mar 20-22; Rogaška Slatina
  29. Anonymous ;
    Final programme and book of abstracts of the 18th European congress of obstetrics and gynaecology; 2004 May 12-15; Athens
  30. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 2nd world botanic gardens congress: botanic gardens: a world of resources and heritage for humankind; 2004 Apr 17-22; Barcelona
  31. Anonymous ;
    Plant evolution in Mediterranean climate zones. 9th IOPB meeting; 2004 May 16-19; Valencia
  32. Dolinar Marko; Križaj Igor; Maček Peter
    15th European symposium on animal, plant and microbial toxins; 2004 Jun 19-23; 2004
  33. Anonymous ;
    Commercial potential of toxins: developing toxins for applications in drug discovery and diagnostics; 2004 Jun 17-19; Brdo
  34. Anonymous ;
    CROTOX 2004. Final program and abstract book of the 3rd Croatian congress of toxicology; 2004 May 26-29; Plitvice Lakes
  35. Anonymous ;
    Programme, abstracts and list of participation of the EPPO conference on quality of diagnosis and new diagnostic methods for plant pests; 2004 Apr 19-22; Noordwijkerhout
  36. Anonymous ;
    Program, abstracts of the 4th national congress of sterility, contraception and hormone replacement therapy; 2003 Mar 9-12; Borovetz
  37. Anonymous ;
    Program, abstracts of the 5th national congress of infertility, contraception and hormone replacement therapy with international participation; 2004 Mar 14-17; Borovetz
  38. Anonymous ;
    Programme and abstracts of the 13th international workshop on the development and function of the reproductive organs; 2004 Jun 12-15; Copenhagen
  39. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 2nd international meeting on bacterial vaginosis; 1998 Sep 17-19; Aspen
  40. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the NATO medical conference incorporating 7th NATO blood conference: civil-military cooperation; 2003 Sep 1-4; Ljubljana
  41. Anonymous ;
    Endoscopic surgery its subsidiaries and alternatives. Abstract bok of the 12th annual congress of the European society for gynaecological endoscopy; 2003 Nov 26-29; Luxemburg
  42. Anonymous ;
    World physical therapy. Abstracts of the 14th international congress of WCPT congress; 2003 Jun 7-12; Barcelona
  43. van Wijk Roy Gerth; Frew Anthony J; de Groot Hans; Kapsenberg Matien; de Monchy Jan; van Ufford Adriaan Quarles; van Ree Ronald
    Abstract book of the 23 EAACI congress: the young investigator at the frontiers of allergy; 2004 June 12-16; Amsterdam
  44. Anonymous ;
    80th EOS (European orthodontic society) congress; 2004 Jun 7-11; Aarhus, Denmark
  45. Trampuž Renata; Kofol Tamara
    Zbornik prispevkov Poskrbimo za svoje zdravje; 2004 maj 22; Ajdovščina
  46. Tratnjek Martina
    Raznolikost okrog nas. 2. mednarodni raziskovalni tabor; 2003 jun 30-jul 4; Razkrižje
  47. Anonymous ;
    EPDA. Knjiga izvlečkov 10. konference o Parkinsonovi bolezni; 2002 Maj 30-31; Ljubljana
    [EPDA. Abstracts of the 10th anniversary celebration of working in harmony; 2002 May 30-31; Ljubljana]
  48. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the scientific workshop embryo culture media; 2003 Jun 29; Madrid
  49. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 35th international Danube symposium for neurological sciences and continuing education: collaborating society of the European federation of neurological societies; 2003 Sep 11-14; Belgrade
  50. Anonymous ;
    Program, book of abstracts of the international conference on newborn hearing screening diagnosis and intervention; 2004 May 27-29; Como
  51. Anonymous ;
    EAPCCT. Programme and abstracts of the 24 international congress of the European association of poisons centres and clinical toxicologist; 2004 Jun 1-4; Strasbourg
  52. Anonymous ;
    EAPCCT. Programme and abstracts of the 22 international congress of the European association of poisons centres and clinical toxicologist; 2002 May 22-25; Lisbon
  53. Markulin-Grgić L; Šantek F
    Symposium programme and book of abstracts of the 3rd international Anglo-Croatian symposiumo on clinical oncology in collaboration with "51 radiotherapy club" (UK) meeting; 2002 Jun 20-23; Dubrovnik
  54. Anonymous ;
    ESCP. Final programme, abstract book of the 4th spring conference on clinical pharmacy; 2003 May 14-17; Lisboa
  55. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 12th reach to recovery international conference; 2003 May 21-24; Lisbon
  56. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik predavanj Zdravstvena nega kirurškega bolnika v Splošni bolnišnici Izola - vloga in pomen skozi čas in prostor; 2004 sep 23-24; Portorož
  57. Vlahović Predrag
    Proceeding book of the congress of nuclear medicine Serbia and Montenegro; 2003 Sep 24-27; Vrnjačka Banja
  58. Anonymous ;
    5. kongres radiologa Srbije i Crne Gore: deset godina udruženja radiologa Srbije i Crne Gore 1994 - 2004 ; 2004 jun 2-5; Vrnjačka Banja
  59. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of invited lectures and poster abstracts of the falk symposium No 140 Inflammatory bowel disease: translation from basic research to clinical practice; 2004 May 7 - 8; Dubrovnik
  60. Anonymous ;
    Zrak. Zbornik seminarja Kemija v okolju; 2004 maj 13-15; Velenje
  61. Švab Vesna
    Izobraževanje za spremembo. Zbornik Mednarodna konferenca o izobraževanju in preventivi na področju duševnega zdravja; 2004 maj 27-29; Nova Gorica
    [Education for change. Proceedings of the International conference on mental health education and prevention; 2004 May 27th-29th; Nova Gorica]
  62. Trampuž Renata
    Zbornik prispevkov Kakovost zdravstvene nege: kako jo prenesti v prakso; 2004 apr 3; Nova Gorica
  63. Anonymous ;
    14th anesthesia symposium Alpe Adria; 2002 May 10-12; Pula
  64. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 5th international symposium on Womwn's health and menopause: new findings, new strategies, improved quality of life; 2004 Apr 21-24; Florence
  65. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 11th international symposium on coeliac disease; 2004 Apr 28-30; Belfast
  66. Anonymous ;
    1.kongres radiologa Bosne i Hercegovine i 100 godina radiologije u Sarajevu; 1999 okt 14-16, Sarajevo
    [Book of abstract of the 1st congress of radiology of Bosnia and Herzegovina and 100 years of radiology in Sarajevo, 1999 Okt 14-16, Sarajevo]
  67. Rebernik-Milić Manica
    Zbornik 17: perioperativna zdravstvena nega; 2004 maj 21-22; Terme Rogaška
  68. Novak-Antolič Živa
    Bakterijske okužbe v perinatologiji. 12. Novakovi dnevi z mednarodno udeležbo; 2004 maj 14-15; Laško
  69. Bohak Janko; Možina Miran
    Kompetentni psihoterapevt. Zbornik prispevkov 3. študijski dnevi Slovenske krovne zveze za psihoterapijo; 2003 jun 6-7; Rogla
  70. Ribič-Pucelj Martina; Tomaževič Tomaž; Kobal Borut
    Book of proceedings of the 11th basic and advanced course on gynecological endoscopic surgery; 2004 Jun 7-11; Ljubljana
  71. Voga Gorazd; Pernat Andrej
    Invited lectures and free papers of the 2nd central European congress of intensive care medicine; 2004 May 27-29; Portorož
  72. Fras Zlatko
    Slovenski forum za preventivo bolezni srca in žilja. Zbornik prispevkov 5. redno letno plenarno srečanje; 2004 mar 27; Ljubljana
  73. Rebernik-Milić Manica
    Zbornik 16: management v operacijski zdravstveni negi (kadrovski management); 2003 nov 7; Terme Dobrna
  74. Zwarts Machiel J; Stegeman Dick F
    Conference proceedings of the International SFEMG course and 7th quantitative EMG congress; 2004 Jun 7-11; Nijmegen
  75. Anonymous ;
    European general practice research network - EGPRN. Scientific and social program: culture and illness in general practice; 2004 May 13-16; Antwerp
  76. Hollender LF; de Manzini N
    Rapports et communications presentes au 9e congres international de chirurgie d'urgence. Tome 2; 1989 jui; Strasbourg
  77. Materljan Eris
    Zbornik Hrvatski dani primarne zdravstvene zaštite; 2002; Labin
  78. Hawlina Marko; Stirn-Kranjc Branka
    Končni program in zbornik povzetkov 5. slovenski oftalmološki kongres z mednarodno udeležbo, 28. mednarodni simpozij oftalmologov Slovenije in Hrvaške; 2004 jun 3-5; Ljubljana
    [Final programme and book of abstracts of the 5th Slovenian congress of ophthalmology with international participation and 28th symposium of ophthalmology of Slovenia and Croatia; 3-5 Jun 2004; Ljubljana]
  79. Anonymous ;
    Final program schedule and book of abstracts of the ACL study group; 2004 May 29 - Jun 4; Sardinia
  80. Skalerič Uroš; Moritz Andreas; Grad Ladislav
    Laser in dentistry 2004: book of abstracts of the Alpe Adria laser congress; 2004 May 7-8; Bled
  81. Anonymous ;
    Popoln nadzor - nov mejnik v zdravljenju astme; 2004 mar 2; Ljubljana
  82. Finderle Žarko; Cankar Ksenija; Kirn Borut
    Book of abstracts of the 8th congress on aviation medicine of the Alps-Adria community; 2003; Bled
  83. Zorko Maja; Roškar Saška
    Suicide as premature mortality. Abstract book of the 3rd international meeting "Suicide: interplay of genes and environment"; 2004 may 13-15; Portorož
  84. Turčin Arijana; Groleger Urban; Marušič Andrej
    Mental health in the region of former Yugoslavia: abstract book; 2004 May 15-17; Portorož
  85. Anonymous ;
    Strokovna doktrina stomatološke klinike. Zbornik 17. republiškega strokovnega seminarja DZDS; 2003 nov 6-8; Rogaška Slatina
  86. Anonymous ;
    useR! Abstracts of the R user conference; 2004 May 20-22; Vienna
  87. Anonymous ;
    Symposium abstracts - poster presentations of the 1st international qPCR symposium and application workshop; 2004 Mar 3-6; Freising-Weihenstephan
  88. Anonymous ;
    "Glia-neuron crosstalk in neuroinflammation, neurodegeneration and neuroprotection". Abstracts of invited lectures and free contributions of the 1st international OASI workshop and satellite symposium; 2004 May 13-17; Troina
  89. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 4th international central European vascular forum congress; 2004 Apr 28 - May 2; Dubrovnik/Cavcat
  90. Tomc-Šalamun Dragica; Batas Renata
    Zbornik predavanj s strokovnega srečanja Celostna obravnava stomista; 2004 apr 19-20; Škofja Loka
  91. Anonymous ;
    Final programme and abstracts of the 14th European congress of physical and rehabilitation medicine "Advances in PMR - traditional and modern concepts"; 2004 May 12-15 Vienna
  92. Anonymous ;
    6th Hungarian - Croatian - Slovenian radiological symposium; 2004 May 13-15; Heviz
  93. Anonymous ;
    ESSR. Abstracts of the 8th Annual meeting [of the] European society of musculoskeletal radiology; 2001 Oct 5-6; Budapest
  94. Anonymous ;
    Knjiga povzetkov 2. kongres hematologov in transfuziologov Slovenije z mednarodno udeležbo, 2. slovenski kongres medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov v hemato-onkologiji z mednarodno udeležbo, 2. kongres Hematološkega društva laboratorijskih tehnikov z mednarodno udeležbo; 2004 apr 23-24; Portorož
  95. Bratuš Dejan
    Zbornik predavanj Seminar o nujnih stanjih v urologiji; 2004 maj 21; Maribor
  96. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 41 congress of the European renal association, European dialysis and transplant association; 2004 May 15-18; Lisbon
  97. Anonymous ;
    Programe and abstracts of the 15th symposium of the international association of astacology; 2004 Mar 29 - Apr 2; London
  98. Anonymous ;
    International symposium Genotoxicity and immunotoxicity: unwelcome effects in aquatic systems; 2004 Apr 22-24; Koblenz
  99. Rupnik Maja
    Abstract book of FICDS 1st international Clostridium difficile symposium; 2004 May 5-7; Krajnska Gora
  100. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of SETAC 24th annual meeting in North America; 2003 Nov 9-13; Austin

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