biomedicina slovenica

ct=2.25 : 4.201-4.300

  1. Mlezivova Romana M
    Floras, distribution atlases and vegetation surveys in Central Europe. Abstracts of the 9th congress of the Czech botanical society; 2002 Aug 19-23; Lednice
  2. Vogrin Milan
    Proceedings of the 1st Danube river basin ecological youth camp - Mura 2003; 2003 Aug 1-10; Srednja Bistrica
  3. Hudina Metka
    Zbornik referatov 1. slovenskega sadjarskega kongresa z mednarodno udeležbo. 1. in 2. del; 2004 mar 24-26; Krško
  4. Teodorović Ivana; Radulović Snežana; Bloesch Juerg
    Limnological reports. Vol 35. Proceedings of the 35th IAD conference; 2004; Novi Sad
  5. Raspor Peter
    Mikrobiologija in biotehnologija v proizvodnji živil
  6. Anonymous ;
    Varstvo pri delu, varstvo pred požari in medicina dela. Dvodnevni posvet z mednarodno udeležbo; 2004 maj 11-12; Portorož
  7. Berden-Zrimec Maja; Drobne Damjana; Milani Marziale; Zrimec Alexis
    Proceedings of the international workshop Weak photon emission from living tissues: origin, detection and application; 2003 Apr 25-26; Ljubljana
  8. Anonymous ;
    From traditional knowledge to modern biotechnology .Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on medicinal mushroom (InCoMM) 2003 and the International conference on biodiversity and bioactive compounds (InCoBB); 2003 Jul 17-19; Peach, Pattaya
  9. Heilberg Sylke; Ringeisen Udo
    Oncogenes and growth control. Abstracts of papers presented at the EMBL/Salk/EMBO conference; 2004 Apr 17-20; Heidelberg
  10. Smole Franc; Potočnik-Dajčman Nataša
    Zbornik predavanj 35 let psihiatrične in pedopsihiatrične dejavnosti ZD Maribor; 2004 maj 21; Maribor
  11. Anonymous ;
    Programme and abstracts of the 13th conference of the International society for environmental epidemiology; 2001 Sep 2-5; Garmisch-Partenkirchen
  12. Anonymous ;
    Integrating synoptic climatological and eco-epidemiological methods and data for climate and health research: workshop 2; 2000 Feb 18-21; Lisbon1007
  13. Anonymous ;
    SIAMOC 2003. Volume degli abstracts 4 congresso nazionalede Societá Italiana di analisi del movimento in clinica ; 2003 Ott 22 - 25; Catania
  14. Keuc Zdenka; Poberžnik Anita
    Odpadki - izziv sodobne šole: terensko delo pri pouku kemije. Seminar stalnega strokovnega spolnjevanja za učitelje kemije; 2003 maj 15-17; Svečina
  15. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts and presentations' hand outs of the 11th ESSKA congress and 4th world congress on sports trauma; 2004 May 5-8; Athens
  16. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 11th European student's conference at the Charite Berlin - for medical students and young doctors; 2000 Nov 22-26
  17. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 7th European congress of clinical microbiology and infectious diseases; 1995 Mar 26-30; Vienna,
  18. Lahe Milica; Kaučič Boris Miha
    Sodobni pristopi v zdravstveni negi. Zbornik predavanj s strokovnega srečanja Društva medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov Maribor; 2004 feb 25; Maribor
  19. Anonymous ;
    Final program of the 14th annual scientific meeting of the society for hearthcare epidemiology of America (SHEA); 2004 Apr 17-19; Philadelphia
  20. Goljar Nika; Štefančič Martin
    Novosti v rehabilitaciji po možganski kapi. Zbornik predavanj 15. dnevi rehabilitacijske medicine; 2004 mar 26-27; Ljubljana
  21. Anonymous ;
    Final program and abstracts of the 1st international south-east European congress of ophthalmology and 2nd conference on prevention of blindness, vision 2020; 2004 May 6-9; Sarajevo
  22. Kenda Miran F; Fras Zaltko
    Bolezni srca in žilja pri ženskah. 22. Radenski dnevi. Program in zbornik prispevkov Redno letno znanstveno-strokovno srečanje Združenja kardiologov Slovenije z mednarodno udeležbo; 2004 maj 7-8; Radenci
    [Programme and book of papers of the 22. Radenski dnevi: cardiovascular diseases in women. Annual scientific meeting of the Slovenian society of cardiology with international participation; 2004 May 7-8; Radenci]
  23. Timio Mario; Wizemann Volker; Venanzi Sandro
    Cardionephrology 8. 10th Assisi European meeting on cardionephrology; 2004 Apr 1-3; Assisi
  24. Lindič Jelka
    Okužbe sečil
  25. Zdešar Amalija; Štabuc Borut
    Zveza slovenskih društev in regijskih društev za boj proti raku: poročilo o delu ZDBPR za leto 2003
  26. Skela-Savič Brigita
    30. strokovni seminar Starost in rak; 2003 okt 9-10; Ljubljana
  27. Anonymous ;
    Lecture notes of the Regional workshop on scintimammography, sentinel lymph node detection and intraoperative surgical proble technology in the management of breast cancer; 2003 Jul 21-25; Windhoek, Namibia
  28. Tavassoli Fattaneh A; Devilee Peter
    Pathology and genetics of tumours of the breast and female genital organs
  29. Kramar Peter; Miklavčič Damijan
    Proceedings of the International scientific workshop and postgraduate course Electroporation based technologies and treatments; 2003 Nov 19-22; Ljubljana
  30. Ocepek Lidija; Pirtošek Zvezdan
    Celostna obravnava bolnika s Parkinsonovo boleznijo. Zbornik predavanj 3. srečanje Nevrološke sekcije medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov; 2004 apr 23; Ljubljana
  31. Anonymous ;
    Final program and book of abstracts of the 12th international congress of radiation research; 2003 Aug 17-22; Brisbane
  32. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik predavanj 13. slovenski parodontološki dnevi; 2004 apr 2-3; Bled
  33. Touchard Guy; Aucouturier Pierre; Hermine Oliver; Ronco Pierre
    Proceedings of the meeting Monoclonal gammopathies and the kidney
  34. Lovšin Boštjan
    Zbornik prispevkov 50 let Ginekološko-porodniškega oddelka Splošne bolnišnice Izola: zgodovina oddelka, diagnostika in zdravljenje cervikalnih intraepitelijski sprememb; 2004 apr 2; Portorož-Bernardin
  35. Anonymous ;
    Osteosinteza z zunanjim fiksatorjem tretje generacije. Podiplomska šola kirurških tehnik - Zunanji fiksator v sodobni travmatologiji; 2003 nov 28; Celje
  36. Lah Tamara; Serša Gregor; Kos Janko
    Book of abstracts of the 3rd conference on experimental and translational oncology; 2004 Mar 18-21; Kranjska Gora
  37. Anonymous ;
    Programme abstract book of the 7th European pressure ulcer advisory panel open meeting; 2003 Sep 3-6; Tampere
  38. Brown Melissa A; Austen Frank K; Galli Stephen J
    Abstract book of the Keystone symposia: connecting the scientific community. Mast cells in physiology, host defense and disease: beyond IgE. Meetings on biomedical and life sciences that catalyze information exchange and networking for the benefit of society; 2004 Feb 28 - Mar 4; Taos
  39. Drole Janja; Kristančič Azra; Koželj-Levičnik Irena; Tominšek Ana; Žiberna Angelca
    Zbirka prispevkov okroglih miz in predavanj Festival za tretje življenjsko obdobje; 2003 okt 6-7; Ljubljana
  40. Vombergar Blanka; Nidorfer Mirko
    Zbornik Strokovni seminar Prehrana mladostnikov - srednješolcev; 2004 jan 27; Maribor
  41. Anonymous ;
    Prometna varnost ni naključje. Svetovni dan zdravja 7. april 2004
  42. Giuliani Renzo; Galliani Eva
    7th European craniofacial congress; 2003 Nov 20-22; Bologna
  43. Anonymous ;
    Contraceptive practice in Europe: differences in availabilty and accessibility. Final scientific programme and book of abstracts of the 7th seminar of the European society of contraception; 2003 Sep 12-13; Budapest
  44. Debeljak Andrej; Turel Matjaž
    Zbornik predavanj Simpozij Bolezni plevre in Simpozij Presaditev pljuč; 2004 apr 1-3; Nova Gorica
  45. Anonymous ;
    Strokovno srečanje kozmetičark in kozmetikov; 2001 sep 29; Ljubljana
  46. Kern Izidor
    Respiratorna citopatologija. Zbornik predavanj 2. tečaj respiratorne citopatologije; 2004 apr 3; Golnik
  47. Anonymous ;
    "More than skin - deep". Proceedings of the 11th EADV (European academy of dermatology and venerology) congress Prague 2002; 2002 Oct 2-6; Prague
  48. Toth Martin
    Zdravje, zdravstveno varstvo, zdravstveno zavarovanje
  49. Anonymous ;
    New advancements in the management of arrhythmias and heart failure. Abstract book of the 6th symposium of the working group on arrhythmias of the Croatian cardiac society; 2004 Apr 2; Zagreb
  50. Anonymous ;
    Physiology of yeast and filamentous fungi. 121th event of the European federation of biotechnology - PYFF 2: 2nd meeting; 2004 Mar 24-28; Anglet
  51. Anonymous ;
    Evidence - based medicine in pediatric and neonatal intensive care. Abstract book of the 14th ESPNIC medical and nursing annual congress; 2003 Nov 20-23; Athens
  52. Kononenko I; Jerman I
    Kognitivna znanost. Zbornik 6. mednarodne multi-konference Informacijska družba IS 2003. Zvezek C; 2003 okt 13-17; Ljubljana
    [Cognitive science. Mind-body studies. Proceedings of the 6th international conference on cognitive science IS 2003. Vol C; 2003 Oct 13-17; Ljubljana]
  53. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 3rd European congres for operating room nurses; 2003 Apr 10-13; Athens
  54. Anonymous ;
    Nosocomial infections today. Abstract of the ESCMID 3rd international symposium: GIMMOC congressi meeting; 2000 Nov 5-8; Venice
  55. Anonymous ;
    ISFP. Abstracts of the 17th international congress on fibrinolysis and proteolysis; 2004 Mar 21-25; Melbourne
  56. Florjančič Jože; Jesenko Jože; Drakulič Mirjana; Paape Bjoern; Kaluža Jindrich; Ljubič Tone; Leskovar Robert
    Management, znanje in EU. Zbornik 23. mednarodne konference o razvoju organizacijskih ved; 2004 mar 24-26; Portorož
    [Management, knowledge and EU. Proceedings of the 23rd international scientific conference on organizational science development; 2004 Mar 24'26; Portorož]
  57. Vuk Florijan
    Lipidologija u svakoj ambulanti. Kontinuirana medicinska postdiplomska edukacija Nezarazne epidemije savremenog sveta: 2004 mar 2-7; Igalo
  58. Mikec Jožica
    Sodobni vidiki zdravstvene nege in zdravljenje otrok s hematoonkološkimi obolenji. Zbornik predavanj Strokovni seminar Pediatrične sekcije Zveze društev medicinskih sester in zdravstenih tehnikov Slovenije; 2004 mar 18-19; Moravske Toplice
  59. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik predavanj projekta Skupnostna skrb za uporabnike psihiatričnih služb na Krasu
    [Raccolta di tutte le conferenze del progetto l'interessamento del comune per le persone che frequentano le cliniche psihiatriche nel Carso]
  60. Tkačik Boris
    Statistika kot orodje in vir za kreiranje znanja uporabnikov. Zbornik 13. statistični dnevi; 2003 nov 24-26; Radenci
    [Statistics as a tool and source for users' knowledge creation. Proceedings volume of the 13th statistical days; 2003 Nov 24-26; Radenci]
  61. Gašperlin Lea; Žlender Božidar
    Varnost živil. 22. Bitenčevi živilski dnevi 2004; 2004 mar 18-19; Radenci
    [Food safety. 22nd food technology days 2004 dedicated to prof. F. BItenc; 2004 Mar 18-19; Radenci]
  62. Košnik Mitja; Kraut Aleksandra
    Alergijske bolezni oči. Skupni sestanek Alergološka in imunološka sekcija SZD in Oftalmološka sekcija SZD; 2004 mar 20; Ljubljana
  63. Anonymous ;
    Sarkoidose. Sarkoidoze Fachbeitraege zum Krankheitsbild: auf dem weg der synektik
  64. Pavlovčič Vinko
    Poškodbe in bolezni kolena. 21. ortopedski dnevi; 2004 mar 19-20; Ljubljana
  65. Anonymous ;
    Podiplomski seminar: učna delavnica o težki intuabciji z upogljivim bronhoskopom; 2002 okt 4-5; Ljubljana
  66. Anonymous ;
    Comunicazioni di 79 congresso Societa Italiana di ginecologia e ostetricia; 44 congresso Associazione ostetrici ginecologi ospedalieri Italiani; 11 congresso Associazione ginecologi universitari Italiani; 2003 ott 12-15; Catania
  67. Gantchev Nikolay
    From basic motor control to functional recovery 3. Book of lectures and papers from the 3rd Varna conference on motor control MCC2003; 2003; Varna
  68. Bratanič Borut
    Zdravstvena oskrba novorojenčkov na domu: prispevki in delovni zvezek
  69. Gantar Marta; Batas Renata
    Zbornik predavanj s strokovnega srečanja Inkontinenca urina in blata; 2003 mar 17-18; Zdravilišče Laško
  70. Anonymous ;
    "Bolniku zdravje - medicinski sestri zadovoljstvo". Zbornik predavanj 4. strokovnega srečanja medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov; 2003 okt 22; Celje
  71. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik predavanj Alergije pri otrocih; 2001 mar 29-30; Otočec
  72. Anonymous ;
    Man in aviation and problems of health conservation. Abstract book, 2nd international congress of the association of aerospace and enviromental medicine; 2000 Okt 23-27; Moskva
    [Zborniku del 2. naucno-prakticeskogo kongressa Associacije aviacionno-kosmiceskoj i ekologiceskoj medicini Rossii, Moskva]
  73. Anonymous ;
    ICMM 98. Abstract book of the 32nd International congress on military medicine; 1998 Apr 19-24; Vienna
  74. Anonymous ;
    Scientific programme abstracts of the 47th international congress of aviation and space medicine; 1999 Aug 22-26; Budapest
  75. Anonymous ;
    New horizons. Abstracts of the 71st annual scientific meeting aerospace medical association; 2000 May 14-18; Houston
  76. Anonymous ;
    ICASM. Scientific program and abstracts of the 48th international congress of aviation and space medicine; 2000 Sep 17-21; Rio de Janeiro
  77. Anonymous ;
    ICASM. Abstracts of the 46th international congress of aviation and space medicine; 1998 Sep 6-10; Singapore
  78. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 69th annual scientific meeting of the aerospace medical association; 1998 May 17-21; Seattle
  79. Ferletič Urška; Žibrat Uroš
    Zbirka poročil s Pomladnih bioloških raziskovalnih dni v Sv. Petru nad Dragonjo
  80. Štajnbaher Srečko
    Zbornik Mladinski raziskovalni tabor Mislinja 2002
  81. Sfenthourakis Spyros; de Araujo Paula Beatriz; Hornung Elizabeth; Schmalfuss Helmut; Taiti Stefano; Szlavecz Katalin
    Proceedings of the 5th international symposium on the biology of terrestrial isopods; 2001 May
  82. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 9th European bat research symposium; 2002 Aug 26-30; Le Havre
  83. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik radova 1 jugoslovenski kongres o kardiovakularnoj rehabilitaciji: 1. dio; 1998 maj 24-27; Krapinske toplice
  84. Ribnikar-Kastelic Neva
    Zbornik prispevkov s strokovnega posvetovanja Usposabljanje slušno prizadetih na slovenskem,
  85. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 20th international symposium on sports medicine; 2004 Feb 25-26; Jerusalem
  86. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik predavanj Strokovni seminar Sekcija medicinskih sester - babic; 2003 okt 24; Zagorje ob Savi, Trbovlje
  87. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 8th European congress of the International society of blood transfusion; 2003 Jul 5-9; Istanbul
  88. Anonymous ;
    Inform advance inspire: handbook. Annual scientific meeting of the haematology society of Australia and New Zaeland, Australian and New Zaeland Society of Blood Transfusion and Australasian society of thrombosis and haemostasis; 2003 Oct 19-22; Christchurch October, 2003
  89. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 10th International symposium on thromboembolism; 2003 Jun 13 - 14; London
  90. Dojat Michel; Keravnou Elpida; Barahona Pedro
    Artificial intelligence in medicine. Proceedings of the 9th conference on artificial intelligence in medicine, AIME 2003; 2003 Oct 18-22; Protaras, Cyprus
  91. Pečovnik-Balon Breda
    Zbornik predavanj Strokovni simpozij z mednarodno udeležbo ob 30. obletnici Oddelka za dializo Splošne bolnišnice Maribor; 2004 feb 6-7; Maribor
  92. Pahor Dušica
    Zbornik predavanj Strokovni simpozij z mednarodno udeležbo ob 60. obletnici Oddelka za očesne bolezni Splošne bolnišnice Maribor; 2003 nov 28; Maribor
  93. Komac Milica
    Zbornik predavanj Ogrožanje vodnih virov in nevarne snovi v pitni vodi; 1999 sep 29-30; Ljubljana
  94. Anonymous ;
    Spine in S. E. today. 1st spine oriented S. E. regional meeting with international participation; 2003 Dec 12-13; Castle Mokrice
  95. Anonymous ;
    EFORT 2003. Abstract book of the 6th congress of the European federation of national associations of orthopaedics and traumatology; 2003 Jun 4-10; Helsinki
  96. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts 39. Jahrestagung Oesterreische Gesellschaft fuer Unfallchirurgie; 2003 Okt 9-11; Salzburg
  97. Čičak Nikola; Bićanić Goran
    Abstract book of the Congress of the Croatian orthopaedic and traumatology association with international participation; 2003 okt 23-25, Zagreb
  98. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik predavanj Strokovni seminar Sekcija medicinskih sester - babic; 2003 mar 20-21; Čateške Toplice
  99. Peek William J; Lankhorst Gustaaf J
    1st world congress of the International society of physical and rehabilitation medicine (ISPRM 1); 2001 Jul 7-13; Amsterdam
  100. Žagar Andreja
    Zbornik predavanj 10. strokovni seminar Pomen kakovosti v sterilizaciji; 2003 maj 23; Terme Čatež

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