biomedicina slovenica

ct=2.25 : 4.301-4.400

  1. Verstovšek Eva
    Prednosti različnih sterilizacij. Zbornik predavanj 7. srečanje medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov v sterilizaciji; 2002 maj 17; Podčetrtek
  2. Rahten Andrej
    Slovenija in evropski izzivi 4. Letno srečanje Slovenskega panevropskega gibanja; 2003 okt 25-26; Piran, Portorož
  3. Klančar Slavica; Cotič-Anderle Majda; Plančak Melanija; Brvar Maruša; Štromajer Draga; Okrožnik Miha
    Zbornik predavanj strokovnih seminarjev Poškodbe in imobilizacija hrbtenice; 2003 apr 4; Ljubljana in Urgentna zdravstvena nega usmerjena k bolnikom; 2003 okt 23-24; Terme Čatež
  4. Anonymous ;
    Metode ekonomskega vrednotenja zdravstva ter njihova uporaba doma in v svetu. 10. strokovno srečanje ekonomistov in poslovodnih delavcev v zdravstvu; 2003 apr 23-25; Ljubljana
  5. Anonymous ;
    Povzetki predavanj Strokovno srečanje parodontologov in ortodontov; 1999 dec 10; Ljubljana
  6. Mičetić-Turk Dušanka; Železnik Danica; Kolenc Ljudmila
    Visoka zdravstvena šola: 10 let: 1993-2003
  7. Romih Janez; Žmitek Andrej
    Zbornik Meje psihiatrije; 2002 okt 25-26; Begunje
  8. Tomori Martina
    Različni vidiki dodelitve otrok. Zbornik Lokarjevi dnevi 2003; 2003; Ljubljana
  9. Janežič Igor; Kunc Pavel; Karpe Franc
    Seminar za izpopolnjevanje znanja sodnih izvedencev in sodnih cenilcev strojev in opreme (gradivo obravnavanih tem); 2003 Nov 15-22; Ljubljana
  10. Anonymous ;
    Actes du colloque L'eau en montagne: gestion integree des hauts bassins versants; 2002 Sep 4-6; Megeve
  11. Banič Stako
    Nova dognanja o pomenu alergije pri infekcijskih boleznih
  12. Banič Stanko; Sovdat-Banič Sonja; Borut Banič; Banič Igor
    Latinski pregovori, izreki in izrazi
  13. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the bioelectrochemical society 17th international symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and bioenergetics; 2003 Jun 19-24; Florence
  14. Florjančič Jože; Puetz Karl
    Informatika in management
  15. Fletcher Christopher DM; Krishnan-Unni K; Mertens Fredrik
    Pathology and genetics of tumours of soft tissue and bone
  16. Poklukar Janez; Kozmus Peter
    Proceedings of the 38th Apimondia international apicultural congress; 2003 Aug 24-29; Ljubljana
  17. Strel Biserka; Stanič-Racman Darja
    National biosafety framework for Slovenia
  18. Batič Martin; Stanič-Racman Darja; Strel Biserka; Žel Jana; Lebez-Lozej Julijana; Tavzes Radovan
    Workshop book. Workshop public awareness, public information and public participation in national biosafety systems; 2003 Sep 11-12; Ljubljana
  19. Anonymous ;
    Communications orales and affichees of the 28th UMEMPS congress; 2003 Sep 18-21; Marrakech
  20. Anonymous ;
    ISMTOEH 2003. Abstracts of the international symposium on molecular toxicology and environmental health; 2003 Nov 5-8;
  21. Anonymous ;
    Plant molecular biology programmes and perspectives in an enlarged Europe: programme, abstracts, informations: on-hand workshop; 2003 Nov 21-23; Warsaw
  22. Vymazal Jan
    Book of abstracts of the 5th international wokshop on nutrient cycling and retention in natural and constructed wetlands; 2003 Sep 24-27; Borova Lada
  23. Speroni Rossella
    Programme and book of abstracts of the ENGL in an enlarged Europe; 2003 Sep 18-19; Varna
  24. Zalat Samy
    2nd international conference of the Egyptian British biological society (EBB Soc); 2003 Oct 15; Cairo
  25. Ozimek Boštjan; Stanič-Racman Darja
    Genetically modified organisms
  26. Anonymous ;
    International summer school on Molecular mechanisms in signal transduction: EMBO/FEBS advanced lecture course; 2003 Aug 18-29; Spetses
  27. Došen Danijel
    Knjižica sažetka 3. kongres Hrvatskog društva za otorinolaringologiju i cervikofacijalnu kirurgiju; 2003 svi 21-24; Plitvice
  28. Kuzman Karl
    ICIT 2001. Conference proceedings of the 3rd International conference on industrial tools; 2001 Apr 22-26; Rogaška Slatina
  29. Anonymous ;
    ISCEV. Programme and abstract book of the 41st symposium of the international society for clinical electrophysiology of vision; 2003 Apr 1-5; Nagoya
  30. Di Pietro Edoardo
    Abstract's book 7 corso internazionale Ortopedia, biomeccanica, riabilitazione sportiva; 2003 Nov 21-23; Assisi
  31. Anonymous ;
    Uniting globally for children. Program book of the 19th congress of the international association of paediatric dentistry hosted by the American academy of pediatric densitry; 2003 Oct 15-19; New Orleans
  32. Anonymous ;
    Final programme and abstracts of the 9th Prague dermatology symposium, 9th Alpe-Adria-Danube congress on sexually transmitted diseases and infections of the skin, Regional meeting of the international society of dermatology; 2003 Nov 27-30; Prague
  33. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik predavanj 6. slovensko šolanje Stop hiv/aids; 2003 okt 13-19; Kranjska Gora
  34. Glasa J
    Ethics of human genetics: challenges of the (post) genomic era
  35. Anonymous ;
    Strokovni simpozij Odgovornost v javnih zavodih: aktualna, praktična vprašanja in odgovori; 2002 jun 27-28; Portorož
  36. Trop Melita; Homan Danica
    Zbornik 11. dnevi oralnega zdravja Slovenije; 2003 okt 17-18; Otočec
  37. Demšar-Mitrovič Polona
    Posledice širitve EU. Zbornik mednarodnega seminarja kot spremljevalnega dogodka 13. evropske konference odgovornih za regionalno planiranje (CEMAT) držav članic Sveta Europe; 2003 sep 17-19; Maribor
  38. Liu Guoquan; Wang Dewen
    Proceedings of 11th international congress for stereology Beijing conference in conjunction 10th Chinese national symposium for sterology and image analysis; 2003 Nov 4-8; Beijing
  39. Vukovič Goran
    Management and European union. Collection of scientific papers from International conference on development of organizational sciences; 2002 mar 27-29; Portorož
  40. Švigelj V; Špec-Marn A
    Nezavest. Satelitski simpozij v okviru 12. mednarodnega simpozija intenzivne medicine: izbrana poglavja; 2003 maj 25; Bled
  41. Giga Sabir; Flaxman Paul; Houdmont Jonathan; Ertel Michael
    Occupational health psychology: flexibility, quality of working life and health. Proceedings of the 5th European conference of the European academy of occupational health psychology; 2003 Nov 20-21; Berlin
  42. Craddock Ger M; McCormak Lisa P; Reilly Richard B; Knops Harry TP
    Assistive technology - shaping the future. AAATE'03
  43. Klemenc Darinka; Kvas Andreja; Pahor Majda; Šmitek Jana
    Zdravstvena nega v luči etike
  44. Frontasyeva MV; Pereligyin Vladimir P; Vater Peter
    Radionuclides and heavy metals in environment. Proceedings of the NATO advanced research workshop on monitoring and man-made radionuclides and heavy metals waste in environment;2000 Oct 3-6; Dubna, Russia
  45. Anonymous ;
    CORROSION 2000. 55th Annual Conferenece and Exposition CORROSION NACExpo; 2000 Mar 26-31; Orlando
  46. Anonymous ;
    CORRISON 99. 54th annual conferenece and exposition CORROSION NACExpo; 1999 Apr 25-30; San Antonio
  47. Kremžar B; Muzlovič I
    Šola intenzivne medicine
  48. Anonymous ;
    Program 3. strokovnega srečanja "Z znanjem proti odvisnosti od nedovoljenih drog"; 2003 okt 9; Pekre
  49. Anonymous ;
    Scientific and social program. Theme: infectious diseases in general practice. Freestanding papers, one slide/five minutes presentations, posters of the European general practice research workshop (EGPRW); 2003 May 8-11; Ankara
  50. Mičetić-Turk Dušanka; Kokol Peter
    Proceedings of the international symposium "New trends in modern nursing"; 2003 Dec 2; Maribor
  51. Anonymous ;
    Programme, abstract book of the 5th European congress of chemotherapy and infection; 2003 Oct 17-20; Rhodes
  52. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts. 12. Tagung mitteleuropaeischer Laender "Paediatrische forschung"; 28. Nov 2003; Wien
  53. Anonymous ;
    Programme and abstracts of the 7th European craniofacial congress; 2003 Nov 19-22; Bologna
  54. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts from the 6th international conference of the biotechnology and public health; 2003 Oct 9-13; Cavtat
  55. Anonymous ;
    Spine across the sea 2003: final program proceedings; 2003 Jul 27-31; Maui
  56. Anonymous ;
    Aerospace medical association 73rd annual scientific meeting program; 2002 May 5-9; Montreal
  57. Anonymous ;
    Aerospace medical association 72nd annual scientific meeting program: emerging technologies for the new millenium; 2001 May 6-10; Reno
  58. Anonymous ;
    Aerospace medical association 70th annual scientific meeting program: past from the past future to the future; 1999 May 16-20; Detroid
  59. Jormanainen Vesa; Lohi Olli
    Abstract book of the 33 international congress on military medicine; 2000 Jun 25-30; Helsinki
  60. Anonymous ;
    Riunione primaverile IAP - divisione Italiana - SIAPEC: volume degli abstract; 2003 mag 29-31; Trieste
  61. Kenda Miran F; Fras Zlatko
    Nenadna srčna smrt, sinkopa, srčni spodbujevalniki in defibliratorji, srčno popuščanje, zmanjševanje srčno-žilne ogroženosti. 12. kardiološki dnevi. Program in zbornik prispevkov Redno jesensko srečanje Združenja kardiologov Slovenije; 2003 nov 28-29; Portorož
  62. Anonymous ;
    24th traditional meeting Alpe-Adria-Pannonia-Tatra; 2003 Oct 24-26; Ankaran
  63. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings, abstract book of the international continence society 33rd annual meeting; 2003 Oct 5-9; Florence
  64. Kersnik Janko
    Etika v družinski medicini. 20. učne delavnice za zdravnike družinske medicine; 2003; Ljubljana
  65. Hren Mateja; Kuhar Marijana
    Pediatrična alergologija za medicinske sestre
  66. Glavič Peter; Brodnjak-Vončina Darinka
    Slovenski kemijski dnevi 2002. Zbornik referatov s posvetovanja. 2. del; 2002 sep 26-27; Maribor
  67. Audy-Jurković Silvana
    Ginekološka citologija u Hrvatskoj 50 godina poslije. 1. međunarodni znanstveni simpozij citologije "Jasna Ivić"; 2003; Zagreb
    [Gynecologic cytology in Croatia 50 years after. 1st international scientific symposium of clinical cytology "Jasna Ivić"; 2003; Zagreb]
  68. Esih Ivan
    Zbirka referata znanstvenog skupa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem Suradnja inženjera različitih struka na području zaštite materiala sa središnjom temom Interdiscipinarni pristup problematici zaštite konstrukcijskih materijala povodom 125. obljetnice Hrvatskog inženjerskog saveza; 2003 stu 6-7; Zagreb
    [Proceedings of scientific conference with international participation Co-operation of enginners of different branches in the field of materials protection with the central topic interdisciplinary access to problems of protection of structural materials in occasion of 125th anniversary of Croatian Engineers Union]
  69. Anonymous ;
    Program/proceedings of the 38th annual meeting of the American society of clinical oncology; 2002 May 18-21; Orlando
  70. Anonymous ;
    Osteosinteza z zunanjim fiksatorjem tretje generacije: podiplomska šola kirurških tehnik; 2001; Celje
  71. Rebernik-Milić Manica
    Zbornik 15: management v operacijski zdravstveni negi; 2003 maj 9-10; Nova Gorica
  72. Berčič Herman
    Zbornik 4. slovenskega kongresa športne rekreacije; 2003 nov 14-15; Terme Čatež
  73. Mesec Marko
    "Tako lepa, pa invalid!" Socialno delo proti diskriminaciji hendikepiranih žensk. Konferenca ob Evropskem letu invalidov; 2003 nov; Ljubljana
  74. Pevec Zoran
    Zbornik celjskega literarnega društva
  75. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik predavanj Virusne infekcije pri otrocih; 2003 okt 9; Maribor
  76. Posavec Anton
    Zbornik predavanj Uporaba pripomočkov za imobilizacijo in tehnično reševanje v predbolnišnični nujni medicinski pomoči; 2002 nov 19-20; Ig
  77. Grad Anton; Mesec Anton; Meglič Bernard
    Urgentna nevrologija
  78. Kenda Miran F; Fras Zlatko
    Nenadna srčna smrt, sinkopa, srčni spodbujevalniki in defibrilatorji. 12. kardiološki dnevi; 2003 nov 28-29; Portorož
  79. Štabuc Borut
    Rak prebavil. 11. seminar "In memoriam dr. Dušana Reje"; 2003 okt; Ljubljana
  80. Anonymous ;
    MI 2003 - Medicinska informatika: e-zdravje. Program kongresa Slovenskega društva za medicinsko informatiko; 2003 nov 20-21; Bled
    [MI 2003 - Medical informatics: e-health. Congress programm of the Slovene medical informatics society; 2003 Nov 20-21; Bled]
  81. Junkar Mihael; Levy Paul R
    MIT'2003. Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Management of innovative technologies; 2003 Oct 13-14; Piran
  82. Prevec Tine S
    Evaluation and treatment of severe head injury. Proceedings of the International neurophysiological symposium with the 8th dr. Janez Faganel memorial lecture; 1992 Sep 14-15; Ljubljana
  83. Sepiashvili Revaz
    Asthma: from genes to clinical management. Proceedings of the 17th world asthma congress; 2003 Jul 5-8; Saint-Petersburg
  84. Ihan-Hren Nataša
    Zborniik predavanj strokovnega srečanja Obravnava sprememb na sluznici ustne votline; 2003 nov 29; Ljubljana
  85. Bohanec Marko; Filipič Bogdan; Gams Matjaž; Trček Denis; Likar Borut
    Informacijska družba IS 2003: inteligentni in računalniški sistemi, kompleksni sistemi v e-psolovanju. Zbornik A 6. mednarodne multi-konference; 2003 okt 13-17; Ljubljana
    [Information society IS 2003: intelligent and computer systems, complex systems in E-business. Proceedings of the 6th international multi-conference; 2003 Oct 13-17; Ljubljana]
  86. Krušlin Božo; Belicza Mladen
    Book of abstracts of the 14th Ljudevit Jurak international symposium on comparative pathology; 2003 Jun 6-7; Zagreb
  87. Paparella Michael M; Holt Richard G; Keefe Michael A; Otto Randal A
    The year book of otolaryngology - head and neck surgery 2002
  88. Angiolucci Silvia; Rossi Gabriele
    Atti del convegno La fitodepurazione: applicazioni e prospettive: constructed wetlands: application and prospects; 2003 giu 17-19; Voltera
  89. Anonymous ;
    Regional workshop Implementation of the water framework directive: characterisation of hydrographic districts: step and procedures, case studies, specific aspects of wetlands; 2003 Sep 11-12; Tulcea, Romania
  90. Rammeloo J; Bogaerts A
    EuroGard 3. Abstracts of the 3rd European botanic gardens congress; 2003 Jul 21-26; Meise and BEDUCO 2. Abstracts of the 2nd European botanic gardens education congress; 2003 Jul 20-25; Meise
  91. Kusova Pavla
    Poradane sbornik konference les, mravenci a ochrana prirody; 2003 9. 18-20; Liberci
  92. Komac Blaž
    Znanstveni in strokovni posvet Triglavski narodni park; 2003 nov 13; Ljubljana
  93. Skalicky Marjan
    Zbornik 1. slovenski simpozij o endoskopskem ultrazvoku v gastroenterologiji; 2003 nov 21; Maribor
  94. Anonymous ;
    WHO meeting of rabies control in middle and east European countries; 2002 Sep 25-27; Kosice
  95. Anonymous ;
    Program and book of abstracts of the 8th conference of the international society of travel medicine (CISTM8); 2003 May 7-11; New York
  96. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 22nd Styrian-Slovenian conference on traumatology and 19th Borderland meeting
  97. Kremesec Milena; Lopuh Mateja; Nilsson Krister
    Zbornik predavanj 7. simpozij pediatrične anestezije; 2002 maj 23-25; Ljubljana
    [Proceedings of the 7th symposium of paediatric anaesthesia; 2002 May 23-25; Ljubljana]
  98. Pen Adolf
    Zbornik predavanj 12. posvetovanja o prehrani domačih živali "Zadravčevi-Erjavčevi dnevi"; 2003 nov 6-7; Radenci
    [Proceedings of the 12th conference on nutrition of domestic animals "Zadravec-Erjavec days"; 2003 Nov 6-7; Radenci]
  99. Žel Jana; Ravnikar Maja; Gruden Kristina; Cankar Katja
    Določanje gensko spremenjenih organizmov: delavnica za inšpektorje; 2003 okt 9-10; Ljubljana
  100. Anonymous ;
    Program and book of abstracts of the Intenational symposium Chemistry and biology of marine organisms: in memory of professors John Faulkner and Paul Scheuer; 2003 Sep 21-26: Kolympari, Crete

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