biomedicina slovenica

ct=2.25 : 4.401-4.500

  1. Anonymous ;
    Programme and abstracts of the SETAC/ASE Asia/Pacific conference; 2003 Sep 28-Oct 1; Christchurch, New Zealand
  2. Vitezić Natalija; Japelj Miha; Vukšinič-Kozoglav Mateja
    33. Krkine nagrade. Zbornik povzetkov 13. mednarodni simpozij; 2003 okt 23-24; Novo mesto
    [33rd Krka prizes. Book of abstracts 13th international symposium; 2003 Okt 23-24; Novo mesto]
  3. Schwerdtfeger Ortwin; Schwerdtfeger Jutta
    Oekologie und Schutz europaeischer Eulen. 19. bundesweite Tagung der AG Eulen; 2003 Okt 23-26; Dornbirn in Vorarlberg, Oesterreich
    [Ecology and conservation of European owl. 4th meeting of European owl-experts; 2003 Oct 23-26; Dornbirn in Vorarlberg]
  4. Anonymous ;
    International conference on toxoplasmosis; programme, abstracts, participations; 2003 Jun 23-25; Copenhagen
  5. Greil Holle; Scheffler Christiane
    Gesellschaft fier Anthropologie e.V. 5. Kongress "Anthropologie der Geschlechter": abstracts; 2003 Sep 17-20; Postdam
  6. Anonymous ;
    Anthropological research on mountain ecosystems: biodemographic, prehistoric, archaeological and genetic aspects. International symposium precongress of the 15th ICAES in partnership with the 6th European summer university 2003; 2003 Jul 3rd-6th; L'Argentiere-la-bessee
  7. Anonymous ;
    Announcing the 78th annual meeting of the American society of parasitologists; 2003 Aug 1-5; Halifax
  8. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 26th international meeting of ophthalmology Alpe Adria; 2003 Nov 10-11; Trieste
  9. Anonymous ;
    Neuroscience 2003: abstract viewer and itinerary planner; 2003 Nov 8-12; New Orleans
  10. Bratanič Borut
    Zbornik prispevkov 3. simpozij "Dojenje za zdravo življenje"; 2003 okt 10-11; Laško
  11. Kocijančič Mario; Zupanič-Slavec Zvonka
    Dr. Karel Petrič (1900-1944) in njegov čas: zdravnik, humanist, direktor Higienskega zavoda v Ljubljani, direktor Zdravstvenega doma Kranj. Zbornik referatov 6. Pintarjevi dnevi; 2003 nov 14; Kranj
  12. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik referatov 7. simpozij Varnost in zdravje pri delu 2003; 2003 nov 4-5; Rogaška Slatina
  13. Lovrečič Mercedes; Kostnapfel-Rihtar Tatja
    Report to the EMCDDA by the REITIX national focal point the Republic of Slovenia drug situation 2001
  14. Lemaire Roger; Horan F; Scott J; Villar R
    European instructional course lectures
  15. Anonymous ;
    Ethics and drug use. Seminar on ethics, professional standards and drug addiction; 2003 Feb 6-7; Strasbourg
  16. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings of the 51st ASMS conference on mass spectrometry and allied topics; 2003 Jun 8-12; Montreal, Quebec
  17. Anonymous ;
    Epilepsija in zaposlovanje; 2003 sep 12-13;
  18. Anonymous ;
    Program in zbornik prispevkov Dnevi osnovnega zdravstva Slovenije. 1. del; 2003 okt 23-24; Celje
  19. Anonymous ;
    Sillabus an update in clinical nephrology: post-gradutate course: arterial hypertension glomerular diseases acute renal failure, chronic renal failure transplantation; 2003 Sep 29 - Oct 3; Dubrovnik
  20. Topić Elizabeta
    New trends in classification, monitoring and management of neurological diseases. Handbook of the 3rd FESCC continouous postgraduate course in clinical chemistry; 2003 Oct 18-19; Dubrovnik
  21. Žargi Darinka; Dolinšek Slavko; Lekič Zoran; Kiauta Marko; Malovrh Nada
    Zbornik referatov 12. letna konferenca S kompententnostjo do osebne kakovosti; 2003 nov 5-6; Bernardin
  22. Škorja Jože; Fokter Samo
    Sindrom zapestnega prehoda: interdisciplinarna obravnava. Zbornik povzetkov Zreška srečanja; 2003 okt 24; Zreče
  23. Vombergar Blanka; Korez Bernarda
    Zbornik HACCP v praksi: stokovni seminar; 2003 jan 28; Maribor
  24. Miljković J; Berčič M; Marko PB
    Zbornik predavanj Dermatološki dnevi: strokovno izpopolnjevanje iz dermatologije z mednarodno udeležbo; 2003 nov 7-8; Maribor
  25. Frankič Darja
    Lajšanje težav pri vnetju sečnih poti, predmenstrualnem sindromu in motnjah prostate. Črevesne in bolnišnične okužbe: ukrepi in preprečevanje okužb. Strokovno izpopolnjevanje inženirjav farmacije in farmacevtskih tehnikov: 2003; Ljubljana
  26. Repše Stanislav; Tršinar Bojan
    Zbornik predavanj 39. podiplomskega tečaja kirurgije; 2003 okt 17-18; Ljubljana
  27. Anonymous ;
    ISEA 2003. Abstract book of the 13th annual conference of the international society of exposure analysis; 2003 Sep 21-25; Stresa
  28. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book: oral and poster comunications of the 33rd congress of the European contact lens society of ophthalmologists and 3rd educational course; 2003 Sep 18-21; Venezia
  29. Kores-Plesničar Blanka
    Funkcionalno izobraževanje iz psihiatrične zdravstvene nege in psihiatrije; 2003 okt; Pohorski dvor
  30. Žibrat Elvira
    Zbornik predavanj Kolorektalni karcinom (rak širokega črevesa in danke); 2003 okt 17; Maribor
  31. Vombergar Blanka; Korez Bernarda
    Živilstvo in prehrana danes in jutri 2. Zbornik svetovni dan hrane 16. oktober 2003
  32. Anonymous ;
    New generation genetic markers and techniques for the epidemiology and control of tuberculosis. Abstracts oral presentations of the 3rd meeting of conserted action project; 2003 Aug 27-30; Prague
  33. Anonymous ;
    Free paper abstracts of the 21 congress of the ESCRS; 2003 Sep 6-10; Munich
  34. Anonymous ;
    ETA2003. Abstracts of the European thyroid association annual meeting; 2003 Oct 18-22; Edinburgh
  35. Pifat-Mrzljak Greta
    Supramolecular structure and function. Book of abstracts of the 8th international summer school on biophysics; 2003 Sep 14-26; Rovinj
  36. Jelenc Franc
    Zbornik simpozija Kirurgija žolčnika in žolčevodov; 2003 okt; Ljubljana
    [Proceedings of the symposium Biliary surgery; 2003 Oct; Ljubljana]
  37. Luzar B; Bračko M
    Head and neack pathology. Pre-congress meeting of the 19th European congress of pathology; 2003 Sep 6-11; Ljubljana
  38. Luzar B; Bračko M
    Handouts of the slide seminar. Short course of the 19th European congress of pathology; 2003 Sep 6-11; Ljubljana
  39. Luzar B; Bračko M
    Differential diagnosis of brain tumours. Slide seminar 18 of the 19th European congress of pathology; 2003 Sep 6-11; Ljubljana
  40. Luzar B; Bračko M
    Diagnostic problems in aggressive lymphomas. Slide seminar 17 of the 19th European congress of pathology; 2003 Sep 6-11; Ljubljana
  41. Luzar B; Bračko B
    Pediatric gastrointestinal tract pathology. Slide seminar 16 of the 19th European congress of pathology; 2003 Sep 6-11; Ljubljana
  42. Luzar B; Bračko M
    Rare/new entities in diagnostic breast pathology. Slide seminar 15 of the 19th European congress of pathology; 2003 Sep 6-11; Ljubljana
  43. Luzar B; Bračko M
    Decisive role of electron microscopy in the diagnosis of biopsy cases. Slide seminar 14 of the 19th European congress of pathology; 2003 Sep 6-11; Ljubljana
  44. Luzar B; Bračko M
    Endocrine tumours. Slide seminar 13 of the 19th European congress of pathology; 2003 Sep 6-11; Ljubljana
  45. Luzar B; Bračko M
    Controversial and difficult cases discussed by a panel of uropathologists. Slide seminar 12 of the 19th European congress of pathology; 2003 Sep 6-11; Ljubljana
  46. Luzar B; Bračko M
    Histopathological reaction patterns in inflammatory skin disorders. Slide seminar 11 of the 19th European congress of pathology; 2003 Sep 6-11; Ljubljana
  47. Luzar B; Bračko M
    Diagnostic challenges in nephropathology. Slide seminar 10 of the 19th European congress of pathology; 2003 Sep 6-11; Ljubljana
  48. Luzar B; Bračko M
    Pediatric surgical pathology. Slide seminar 9 of the 19th European congress of pathology; 2003 Sep 6-11; Ljubljana
  49. Luzar B; Bračko M
    Light microscopic diagnosis of infectious diseases. Slide seminar 8 of the 19th European congress of pathology; 2003 Sep 6-11; Ljubljana
  50. Luzar B; Bračko M
    Pseudoneoplastic regions of the head and neck region. Slide seminar 7 of the 19th European congress of pathology; 2003 Sep 6-11; Ljubljana
  51. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik predavanj Hematološko društvo laboratorijskih tehnikov; 2003 okt 24-25; Maribor
  52. Luzar B; Bračko M
    The most challenging cases from last year. Slide seminar 6 of the 19th European congress of pathology; 2003 Sep 6-11; Ljubljana
  53. Luzar B; Bračko M
    Fine needle aspiration cytology. Slide seminar 5 of the 19th European congress of pathology; 2003 Sep 6-11; Ljubljana
  54. Luzar B; Bračko M
    Common lung and pleural tumors. Slide seminar 4 of the 19th European congress of pathology; 2003 Sep 6-11; Ljubljana
  55. Luzar B; Bračko M
    Benign mesenchymal neoplasms that look malignant and malignant mesenchymal neoplasms that look benign. Slide seminar 3 of the 19th European congress of pathology; 2003 Sep 6-11; Ljubljana
  56. Luzar B; Bračko M
    Selected cases in gynaecological pathology. Slide seminar 2 of the 19th European congress of pathology; 2003 Sep 6-11; Ljubljana
  57. Luzar B; Bračko M
    Lymphadenipathies mimicking lymphoma and vice versa. Slide seminar 1 of the 19th European congress of pathology; 2003 Sep 6-11; Ljubljana
  58. Popovič Stanka
    Bilten 13. 13. strokovni seminar Sekcija medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov v endoskopiji; 2001 mar 22-23; Kranjska Gora
  59. Baraggino Ezio
    Recenti acquisizioni e nuove strategie nello screening del cervicocarcinoma. Opzioni terapetiche nelle neoplasie ginecologiche: linee guida ed opinioni a confronto. 6 corso residenziale di oncologia ginecologica; 2003 ott 10-11; Villanova di Motta di Livenza
  60. Klančar Slavica; Plančak Melanija; Brvar Maruša
    Zbornik predavanj strokovnega seminarja Sekcije medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov urgentne medicine Slovenije; 2001 okt; Terme Čatež in Strokovnega seminarja Sekcije medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov urgentne medicine Slovenije za med. sestre in zdr. tehnike - mavčarje; 2001 mar; Terme Čatež
  61. Drinovec Jože
    Revmatične bolezni. Stres. 9. Krkini rehabilitacijski dnevi; 2003 sep 19-20; Otočec
  62. Urbančič-Rovan Vilma; Koselj Miha
    Oskrba diabetičnega stopala: priročnik za medicinske sestre in zdravstvene tehnike
  63. Anonymous ;
    Golnik symposium 2003: pulmonary function testing and breathing-related sleep disorders, respiratory endoscopy workshop, respiratory cytopathology workshop, managing of the COPD patient (nurses); 2003 Oct 9-11; Bled
    [Golniški simpozij 2003: tečaj respiratorne citopatologije; 2003 okt 9-10; Golnik]
  64. Posavec Anton
    Zbornik predavanj Strokovni seminar Nujna stanja v ginekologiji in porodništvu ter porod na terenu; 2003 apr 12; Gorišnica
  65. Kersnik Janko
    Poškodbe v osnovnem zdravstvu. Zbornik predavanj 3. spominsko srečanje dr. Janija Kokalja; 2003 apr 10-12; Kranjska Gora
  66. Rebernik-Milić Manica
    Zbornik 14: kakovost medoperacijske zdravstvene nege danes za jutri; 2002 okt 18-19; Moravci
  67. Kogoj Aleš
    Spomin. 3. psihogeriatrično srečanje; 2003 mar 13.14; Otočec
  68. Ogrizek-Pelkič K
    Proceedings of the 25th Alpe Adria meeting of perinatal medicine, 17th congress Maribor; 2003 Oct 10-11; Maribor
  69. Ribič-Pucelj Martina; Tomaževič Tomaž; Keckstein Jorg
    Book of proceedings of the 10th international basic and advanced course on gynecological endoscopic surgery; 2003 Oct 13-17; Ljubljana
  70. Anonymous ;
    Nedokončana zgodba - motnje osebnosti 1. Zbornik prispevkov 3. ormoško srečanje Simpozij z mednarodno udeležbo; 2003 jun 13-14; Ormož
  71. Kersnik Janko
    Poškodbe v osnovnem zdravstvu. Zbornik predavanj 2. spominsko srečanje dr. Janija Kokalja; 2001 apr 19-21; Kranjska Gora
  72. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of 2nd congress of radiology of BIH with international participation; 2003 Oct 9-11; Tuzla
  73. Anonymous ;
    Kurzfassungen Oesterreichischer Roentgenkongress; 2003 Sep 25-27; Klagenfurt
  74. Anonymous ;
    New horizons: nuclear energy in a changing world. Programme and synopses during the 47th regular session of the IAEA general conference; 2003 Sep 16-17; Vienna
  75. Križman Igor
    Interna medicina 2003: novosti in aktualnosti. Zbornik predavanj Strokovni sestanek Združenja internistov SZD; 2003 okt 3-4; Ljubljana
  76. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstract of the 1st congress of psychiatrists of Bosnia and Herzegovina with international participation; 2003 Oct 2-4; Sarajevo
  77. Anonymous ;
    ISPAD 2001. Final programme, abstracts of invited, lectures and workshops of the 27th annual meeting of international society for pediatric and adolescent diabetes; 2001 Sep 19-22; Siena
  78. Anonymous ;
    Final program and abstracts of the 5th workshop on clinical paediatric endocrinology; 2001 Sep 2-3; Dresden
  79. Anonymous ;
    The genetics of diabetes mellitus. Final programme and abstract book of the 11th international clinical genetics seminar; 2001 Jun 9-14; Heraklio
  80. Anonymous ;
    Final programme and abstract book of the 22 world congress of the international association for suicide prevention (IASP); 2003 Sep 10-14; Stockholm
  81. Anonymous ;
    Trends in medical mycology. Abstracts from Joint meeting of the 9th congress of the European confederation of medical mycology and 7th trends in invasive fungal infections; 2003 Sep 28 - Oct 1; Amsterdam
  82. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings of the ELSO conference; 2003 Sep 20-24; Dresden
  83. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstract book of the 29th annual meeting of the Gene therapy and other modern therapeuric approaches in paediatric retinal degenerations; 2003 Oct 2-4; Regensburg
  84. Anonymous ;
    Center za zdravstveno vzgojo diabetikov: priročnik za izvedbo zdravstveno vzgojnega programa za ciljno skupino 2: novo odkriti diabetiki tip 2
  85. Anonymous ;
    ROeS (Region Oesterreich - Schweiz) seminar; 2003 Sep 28-Oct 2; Gallen
  86. Kersnič Petra; Filej Bojana
    Globalizacija in zdravstvena nega. Zbornik predavanj in posterjev 4. kongres zdravstvene nege; 2003 okt 1-3; Portorož
  87. Štabuc Borut
    Dolžnosti in pravice v zvezi z zdravjem. Pravice bolnikov z rakom. 10. seminar "In memoriam dr. Dušana Reje"; 2002 okt; Ljubljana
  88. Anonymous ;
    ICGGE 2003. 1st international conference on Groundwater in geological engineering; 2003 Sep 22-26; Bled
  89. Anonymous ;
    Seminar o sladkorni bolezni; 2002 sep 21; Ljubljana
  90. Anonymous ;
    Segmentacija: pristop k obravnavi, edukaciji in motivaciji sladkornega bolnika: priročnik
  91. Anonymous ;
    Global action for a tobacco free future. Abstracts of the 12th world conference on tobacco or health; 2003 Aug 3-8; Helsinki
  92. Koselj Miha; Mrevlje Franc
    Sladkorna bolezen tipa 2. Podiplomska šola za zdravnike; 1996; Ljubljana
  93. Anonymous ;
    Sladkorna bolezen tipa 2. Podiplomska šola za zdravnike; 1995; Rogaška Slatina
  94. Anonymous ;
    Seminar o sladkorni bolezni; 2001 sep 29; Ljubljana
  95. Anonymous ;
    2nd Croatian-Austrian-Slovenian-Hungarian gastroenterology meeting: how to manage common gastrointestinal disorders in the 21st century? Postgraduate course of the European association (EASL) for the study of the liver: management of cirrhosis of the liver; 2002 Jun 28-29; Dubrovnik
  96. Anonymous ;
    Sladkorna bolezen
  97. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstracts of the 6th international conference on biotherapy; 2003 Jun 16-20; Sivas
  98. Anonymous ;
    Comet assay workshop no: 5; 2003 Aug 29-30; Aberdeen
  99. Besendorfer Višnja; Kopjar Nevenka
    Zbornik sažetaka 8. Hrvatski biološki kongres s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem; 2003 ruj 27 - lis 2; Zagreb
    [Proceedings of abstracts of the 8th Croatian biological congress with the international participation; 2003 Sep 27 - 2nd Oct; Zagreb]
  100. Tršinar Bojan
    Aktualnosti iz otroške urologije. Motnje v spolnem življenju in erektilna disfunkcija (ED). Zbornik referatov Slovenski urološki simpozij; 2000 okt 27-28; Bled

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