biomedicina slovenica

ct=2.25 : 4.501-4.600

  1. Anonymous ;
    Final programme and abstracts of the 23rd international vongress of chemotherapy; 2003 Jun 7-9; Durban
  2. Dolinar Marko; Križaj Igor; Turk Vito
    Zbornik povzetkov 5. srečanja slovenskega biokemijskega društva z mednarodno udeležbo; 2003 sep 24-28; Ljubljana
    [Book of abstracts of the 5th meeting of the Slovenian biochemical society with international participation]
  3. Anonymous ;
    Volume of abstracts of the 11th international congress on molecular plant-microbe interactions: new bridgest between past and future; 2003 Jul 18-26; St. Petersburg
  4. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts (II) of the 16th international symposium on environmental biogeochemistry; 2003 Sep 1-6; Oirase
  5. Anonymous ;
    Programme, abstracts, delegate list of the Neurotox 2003: neurotoxicological targets from functional genomics and proteomic; 2003 Sep 1-4; Nottingham
  6. Anonymous ;
    Sladkorna bolezen tipa 2. Podiplomska šola za zdravnike; 1997 apr 11-12; Ljubljana
  7. Anonymous ;
    Final programme and book of abstracts of the 6th International Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry; 2003 Sep 7-11; Edinburgh
  8. Anonymous ;
    Final program and abstracts of the 4th International gaucoma symposium - I. G. S; 2003 Mar 12-22; Barcelona
  9. Anonymous ;
    Intelligent data analysis in medicine and pharmacology (IDAMAP-98): a workshop at ECAI-98. The 13th biennial European conference on artificial intelligence, ECAI-98; 1998 Aug 23-28; Brighton
  10. Lindner-Olsson E; Chatzissavidou N; Luellau E
    Animal cell technology: from target to market. Proceedings of the ESACT meeting; 2001 Jun 10-14; Tyloesand, Sweden
  11. Peternelj Andreja
    Astma in alergija; 2002 apr 19-20; Dobrna
  12. Jovanovič K; Velkov A
    Iz prakse v prakso. Program 10. slovenski stomatološki dnevi 7. mednarodno srečanje stomatologov dežel srednje Evrope: 28 let Stomatološke sekcije; 2003 jun 6-7; Portorož
  13. Anonymous ;
    Satelitski simpozij GlaxoSmithKline Bronhialna astma. 44. Tavčarjevi dnevi; 2002 nov 8-9; Portorož
  14. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik predavanj "Zdravstvena nega v skrbi za kirurškega bolnika"; 2003 sep 18-19; Ptuj
  15. Bakran Ali; Serdengecti Kamil
    Program and texts of the 6th European basic multidisciplinary hemodialysis access course, jointly organized by Vascular access society and the Turkish society of nephrology; 2003 Sep 13-14; Antalya, Turkey
  16. Anonymous ;
    ESOPRS Gothenburg 2003. Abstracts of the European society of ophthalmologic plastic and reconstructive surgery; 2003 Sep 11-13; Gothenburg
  17. Anonymous ;
    Abstract volume of the 13th Stockholm water symposium: drainage basin security: balancing production, trade and water use; 2003 Aug 11-14; Stockholm
  18. Anonymous ;
    Handbook and final program of the 9th international conference on river research and applications: the nature of variability in river systems; 2003 Jul 6-11; New South Wales
  19. Anonymous ;
    Caring of Europe's young generation. Abstracts of the 12th congress of European union for school and university health and medicine; 2003 Sep 3-5; Ljubljana
  20. Anonymous ;
    International trauma congress; 2003 Jun 11-14; Durban
  21. Anonymous ;
    Workshop on cellular and molecular imaging in diagnostic and therapy: syllabus; 2003 Jun 29 - Jul 1; Bordeaux
  22. Anonymous ;
    Emergence of neural net function during brain development. Ladislav Tauc conference in neurobiology; 2002 Dec 5-6; Gif sur Yvette
  23. Anonymous ;
    ISMRM. Program of the 11th sientific meeting and exhibition; 2003 Jul 10-16; Toronto
  24. Anonymous ;
    ISMRM. Program of the10th scientific meeting and exhibition; 2002 May 18-24; Honolulu
  25. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 18th international conference of Alzheimer's disease international and 3 conferencia nacional Alzheimer; 2002 Oct 23-26; Barcelona
  26. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstracts. Progress in motor control 4: motor control and learning over the life span; 2003 Aug 20-23; Caen, France
  27. Nyiredy Sz
    Planar chromatography 2003. Proceedings of the international symposium on planar separations; 2003 Jun 21-23; Budapest
  28. Marinko Petra
    Zbornik prispevkov Koža in sončenje: strokovno izpopolnjevanje za farmacevtske tehnike; 2002 maj; Ljubljana
  29. Štabuc Borut
    Seminar Več znanja o raku, manj smrti; 2003 apr; Strunjan
  30. Florjančič Jože; Ovsenik Marija; Ferjan Marko; Leskovar Robert; Kovač Jurij; Ljubič Tone
    Management in razvoj organizacije. Zbornik 22. mednarodne znanstvene konference o razvoju organizacijskih ved. 2. knjiga; 2003 mar 26-28; Portorož
  31. Gavrilov Neva
    Zbornik predavanj Šola enterostomalne terapije; 2002; Ljubljana
  32. Frankič Darja
    Prepoznavanje in zdravljenje raka. Zbornik prispevkov Strokovno izpopolnjevanje magistrov farmacije v letu 2002; 2002; Ljubljana
  33. Anonymous ;
    Evidence based management of breast cancer: European school of oncology; 2003 Apr 9-11; Sarajevo
  34. Anonymous ;
    Kardioreumatologija, neuropediatrija. 3. ljetna pedijatrijska škola; 2003 jun 26-27; Sarajevo
  35. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik radova 47. ginekološko-akušerska nedelja SLD; 2003 maj 29-30; Beograd
  36. Brečko Daniela
    Kaj mora vedeti dobra tajnica: "Prinesite svež veter v svojo pisarno!"; 2002 nov 11-12; Terme Čatež
  37. Anonymous ;
    Statistic education and the internet. Proceedings of the IASE satellite conference on statistic education and the internet; 2003 Aug 11-12; Berlin
  38. Johler Werner
    Proceedings of the 21st International conference on electrical contacts; 2002 Sep 9-12; Zuerich
  39. Walczuk Lodz
    Conference materials of the 9th international conference switching arc phenomena joint with the Polish grant session on Switchgear and arc technologies; 2001 Sep 17-20; Lodz
  40. Anonymous ;
    Apoptosis in cancer and infection. 1st cell death and diferentiation conference and 4th international SASS foundation conference; 2002 Oct 6-9; Capri
  41. Anonymous ;
    Annual meeting of the association of coloproctology of Hungary; 2003 mar 27-29; Debrecen
  42. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of papers presented at the 2001 meeting on Programmed cell death; 2001 Sep 19-23; New York
  43. Anonymous ;
    Presentation outlines & abstract of the ISAKOS Congress
  44. Anonymous ;
    IOIS. Final program and abstracts of the 7th international symposium on ocular inflammation; 2003 May 25-30; Padova
  45. Fontaine Christian
    1st joint meeting of EACA and AACA; 2003 jul 7-11; Graz
  46. Anonymous ;
    Occupational hygiene 2003: promoting a healthy working environment. Final programme, abstracts, notes, exhibition information of the conference and exhibition for all health and safety professionals; 2003 Apr 8-10; London
  47. Anonymous ;
    International symposium of Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species: diagnostic, preventive and therapeutic values; 2002 Jul 8-12; St. Petersburg
  48. Anonymous ;
    SEFS3. Programme and abstracts of the 3rd symposium for European freshwater sciences; 2003 Jul 13-18; Edinburgh
  49. Anonymous ;
    Radiogram toraksa - klinične osnove. Povzetki predavanj Šola klinične radiologije; 1995 okt 5-6; Bled
  50. Anonymous ;
    Molecular bioenergetics of cyanobacteria. Euroconference on light perception and light energy utilization; 2003 May 17-22; Acquafredda di Maratea
  51. Anonymous ;
    Strokovni posvet Barja in varstvo narave; 2003 apr 23-25; Trenta
  52. Anonymous ;
    Biotechnological challenges in the new millennium. Final programme and abstract book of the 10th European congress on biotehnology; 2001 Jul 8-11; Madrid
  53. Urlep France; Kališnik Miroslav; Borisov Peter
    Medicinska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani 1919-1945: zgodovinski zbornik
  54. Hobson Christopher
    European botanic gardens: studies in conservation and education. Papers from the EuroGard 2000 congress; 2000 Mar; Richmond
  55. Young Juliette; Jedrzejewska Bogumila; Jaroszewicz Bogdan; Watt Allan
    Priorities in biodiversity conservation and research in the acceding and candidate countries and their integration in the European research area. Proceedings of an electronic conference; 2003 Feb 3-21
  56. Anonymous ;
    Strokovno srečanje Nezgodna poškodba možganov - izziv medicini in družbi; 2003 mar 13-14; Ljubljana
  57. Maček Jože
    Zbornik predavanj in referatov 6. slovenskega posvetovanja o varstvu rastlin; 2003 mar 4-6; Zreče
    [Lectures and papers presented at the 6th Slovenian conference on plant protection; 2003 Mar 4-6; Zreče]
  58. Klanjšek Martin
    Raziskovalno delo podiplomskih študentov v Sloveniji
  59. Florjančič Jože; Jesenko Jože; Drakulić Mirjana; Paape Bjoern; Kaluža Jidrich
    Management and organization development: collection of papers from 22nd international scientific conference on development of organizational sciences; 2003 Mar 26-28; Portorož
  60. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 14th congress of the European society of ophthalmology; 2003 Jun 7-12; Madrid
  61. Dillon Jo-Anne; Huskins Linda; Schouwerwou Chuck; Schultz Angela; Woodcock Luann
    ISSTDR congress 2003. Program and book of abstracts of the international society of sexually transmitted diseases research 15th biennial congress; 2003 Jul 27-30; Ottawa
  62. Anonymous ;
    From epidemiology to prevention. Final programme and general information of the 10th European symposium on psychiatry, psychiatric epidemiology and social psychiatry; 2000 Apr 6-8; Budapest
  63. Palmstierna Tom; Nyman Gerd
    Management: strategies and guidelines. 2nd congress on violence in clinical psychiatry; 2001 Jun; Stockholm
  64. Anonymous ;
    NATO/CCMS pilot study. Evaluation of demonstrated and emerging technologies for the treatment and clean up of contaminated land and groundwater (phase III): 2002 annual report, number 225; 2002 May 5-10; Rome
  65. Kersnik Janko; Keber Karin; Švab Igor; Rotar-Pavlič Danica; Poplas-Susič Tonka; Kopčavar-Guček Nena; Klančič Dean
    The future challanges of general practice/family medicine. Book of abstracts and conference programme of the WONCA region Europe and Slovene family medicine society: 9th European society of general practice/familymedicine regional conference; 2003 Jun 18-21; Ljubljana
  66. Jelić Miroslav
    Book of abstracts of the 3rd ISPO central and eastern European conference; 2002 Oct 23-25; Dubrovnik
  67. Soroker Nachum; Ring Haim
    Advances in physical and rehablitation medicine
  68. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts, plenary lectures, partnership forums, special events, symposia, workshops, and courses of the 12th world congress of psychiatry. Vol 1; 2002 Aug 24-29; Yokohama, Japan
  69. Kalčina Liana
    Slovenija v Svetu Evrope: prvih deset let
  70. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik predavanj Funkcionalno izobraževanje; 2003; Ljubljana
  71. Santoro E; Garofalo A; Valle M
    Gastric cancer in the world 2003: strategies for the early future. Proceedings of the 5th international gastric cancer congress; 2003 May 4-7; Rome
  72. Anonymous ;
    Kakovostna fizioterapevtska obravnava - učinkovit prispevek rehabilitaciji. Zbornik 9. simpozij fizioterapevtov Slovenije; 2003 maj 8-10; Laško
  73. Anonymous ;
    Final programme of the FEMS congress of European microbiologists; 2003 Jun 29 - Jul 3; Ljubljana
  74. Swain David
    ICPP 2003. Abstracts of offered papers of the 8th international congres of plant biology; 2003 Feb 2-7; Christchurch
  75. Anonymous ;
    Final programme and abstracts of the 7th WASOG congress and 6th meeting of the Scandinavian sarcoidosis association; 2002 Jun 16-19; Stockholm
  76. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstracts of the 9th Mediterranean congress of angiology and vascular surgery
  77. Anonymous ;
    Program, abstracts of the 13th Congress of the European chapter of the International union of angiology EUROCHAP' 99 with a pilgrimage to "HIPPOCRATES TEMPLE" on the island Cos; 1999 May 26-30; Rhodes
  78. Anonymous ;
    Abstracta of the International congress of Slovak neurosurgical society interim meeting of Central European neurosurgical society "New trends in neurosurgery"; 2000 Sep 20-23; Nove Zamky
  79. Anonymous ;
    Advances in renal osteodystrophy. Program and abstract book of the World congress of nephrology satellite meeting - Bamberg bone symposium; 2003 Jun 13-15; Bamberg
  80. Anonymous ;
    Final program and abstracts of the 24th annual congress of the European society of mycobacteriology; 2003 Jun 29 - Jul 2; Tartu
  81. Anonymous ;
    Abstractband: OEGO Kongress 2003. 27. Jahrestagung der Oesterreichischen Gesellschaft fuer Orthopaedie und Orthopaedische Chirurgie; 2003 Jun 19-21; Graz
  82. Anonymous ;
    Symposium abstracts "Contrast media: state of art and future applications". International symposium for radiology; 2001 May 4; Berlin
  83. Zupančič Živa
    Knjiga abstraktov 2. kongres radiologov Slovenije z mednarodno udeležbo; 2000 okt 19-21; Portorož
    [Abstract book of the 2nd congress of Slovenian radiologists with international participation; 2000 Okt 19-21; Portorož]
  84. Belović Branislava
    Vzgoja za zdravje: zdrava prehrana. Simpozij o prehrani otroka; 2001 okt 22-24; Radenci
  85. Raić Fedot; Votava-Raić Ana
    Pedijatrijska gastroenterologija
  86. Šinigoj Damijana
    Sporazumevanje v urgentni medicini. Zbornik predavanj 7. regijski seminar o urgentni medicini; 2002 nov 22-23; Nova Gorica
  87. Cibic Boris
    Ali je žensko srce drugačno?
  88. Beović Bojana
    Lek satellite symposium Contemporary antibiotic treatment; 2003 Jun 20; Ljubljana
  89. Anonymous ;
    Euromedlab 2003. 15th IFCC-FESCC European congress of clinical chemistry, laboratory medicine; 2003 Jun 1-5; Barcelona
  90. Anonymous ;
    9th meeting CVRS child vision research society; 2003 Jun 12-14; Goeteborg
  91. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 36th annual meeting of ESPGHAN European society of paediatric gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition; 2003 Jun 4 - 7; Prague
  92. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 18th annual meeting of the European asscociation of cardiothoracic anaesthesiologists; 2003 May 25-28; Prague
  93. Anonymous ;
    Final programme and abstract book of the 1st conference Functional genomics and disease; 2003 May 14-17; Prague
  94. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the ISN-ERA/EDTA world congress of nephrology, ISN commission on ARF, satellite symposium on ARF; 2003 Jun 13-15; Ghent
  95. Mrhar Aleš
    Preklopljena zdravila, zdravljenje hiperlipidemij, preventiva kardiovaskularnih bolezni. Zbornik referatov s simpozija ob 38. skupščini SFD; 2003 maj 15-17; Portorož
  96. Krčevski-Škvarč Nevenka
    Zbornik predavanj 7. Seminar o bolečini; 2003 jun 6-7; Maribor
  97. Barbaud Annick; Bousquet Jean; Demoly Pascal; Frew Anthony J; Humbert Marc; Laurent Jerome; Pauli Gabrielle; Tonnel Andre-Bernard
    EAACI 2003. Abstract book of the 22 congres of the European academy of allergology and clinical immunology: allergy as a global problem; 2003 Jun 7-11; Paris
  98. Burger Helena; Goljar Nika
    Ocenjevanje izida v medicinski rehabilitaciji. Zbornik predavanj 14. dnevi rehabilitacijske medicine; 2003 apr 4-5;
  99. Tomažin-Šporar Mateja; Žargaj Barbara
    Zbornik predavanj Strokovni seminar; 2003 maj 16-17; Bled
  100. Monsonego Joseph
    EUROGIN 2003. 5th international multidisciplinary congress; 2003 Apr 13.16; Paris

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