biomedicina slovenica

ct=2.25 : 4.801-4.900

  1. Anonymous ;
    Ekoremediacije v celostnem gospodarjenju z vodami v Sredozemlju; 2002 okt 29-30; Fiesa in Dragonja
  2. Nielsen-Johannsen Bodil; Nielsen Rith
    Thermal physiology 1997. Proceedings of the International symposium on thermal physiology; 1997 Jul 8-12; Copenhagen
  3. Hutten Helmut; Kroesl Peter
    IFMBE proceedings. EMBEC'02.- 2nd European medical and biological engineering conference. Part I. Advancement of medicine and health care through technology - the challenge to biomedical engineering in Europe; 2002 Dec 4-8; Vienna
  4. Anonymous ;
    Regional workshop Implementation of the water framework directive. Elaboration of initial statius: delimitation of water bodeis - characterisation of heavily modified water bodies; 2002 Nov 14-15; Calimanesti, Romania
  5. Mozzillo Nicola; Parisi Valerio
    Selected free papers of the 2nd cancer symposium, 25 congresso nazionale di Societa Italiana di chirurgia oncologica - SICO, 2nd world congress of the World federation of surgical oncology societies - WFOS; 2001 Sep 19-22; Naples
  6. Anonymous ;
    41st annual ICAAC. Abstracts of the 41st interscience conference on antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy; 2001 Sep 22-25; Chicago
  7. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 7th European congress of entomology; 2002 Oct 7-13; Thessaloniki
  8. Arko-Pijevac Milvana; Kovačić Marcelo
    Knjiga sažetaka Muzeološko savjetovanje Uloga i značaj prirodoslovnih muzeja i prirodoslovnih zbirki u održivom razvoju: povodom 125. obljetnice utemeljenja i 55. obljetnice javnog djelovanja Prirodoslovnog muzeja Rijeka; 2002 lis 23-26; Rijeka
    [Abstracts of the Museological symposium The role and importance of natural history museum and natural-history collections for sustainable development: on occasion of 125th anniversary of foundation and 55th anniversary of public activity of Natural hostory museum Rijeka; 2002 Oct 23-26; Rijeka]
  9. Anonymous ;
    EFPP 2002. Disease resistance in plant pathology. Book of abstracts of the 6th conference of European foundation for plant pathology; Sep 8-14; Prague
  10. Anonymous ;
    3rd international meeting on "Plant litter processing in freshwater"; 2002 Sep 7-12; Szentendre
  11. Gergeli Aleš
    Raziskovalni tabor študentov biologije Semič 2001
  12. Juillard Michel
    Programme general 41e colloque interregional d'ornithologie; 2002 nov; Porrentruy
  13. Colosimo Annalisa; Degen Brigitte; Dewandre Nicole
    Proceedings of the conference Women and science: making change happen; 2000 Apr 3-4; Brussels
  14. Batič Martin; Strel Biserka; Lebez-Lozej Julijana; Tavzes Radovan; Friderich Francois; Pirat Daniel; Micaud Bernard
    Zbornik konference GSO: tveganje in izziv - vpliv na okolje, zdravje in gospodarstvo; 2002 okt 23-24; Ljubljana
  15. Kaligarič Mitja; Škornik Sonja
    Izvlečki simpozija Flora in vegetacija v spreminjajočem se okolju; 2002 nov 14-15; Maribor
  16. Neubauer David; Osredkar Damjan
    Izbrana poglavja 2. podiplomskega tečaja otroške nevrologije; 2001 okt - 2002 jun; Ljubljana
  17. Anonymous ;
    Teledermatology. Abstracts of the 3rd European Symposium on Teledermatology; 2002 Nov 8-9; Graz-Austria
  18. Anonymous ;
    Carcinoma ovarico: stato dell' arte di una corretta strategia terapeutica; 2002 giu 14
  19. Genazzani AR; Cela V; Artini PG
    ESGOI 2002: new technologies for gynecologic and obstetric investigation. 6th congress of the European society for gynecologic and obstetric investigation; 2002 Apr 7-13; Madonna di Campiglio
  20. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik referatov. 5. mednarodna konferenca Globalna varnost; 2002 okt 6-9; Portorož
    [Proceedings book of the 5th international conference global safety]
  21. Anonymous ;
    Scientific and social program. Theme: new technologies in general practice, freestanding papers, one slide/five minutes presentations, posters/ European general practice research workshop (EGPRW); 2002 Oct 17-20; Bled
  22. Tkačik Boris
    Vključevanje in povezovanje statistike v informacijsko družbo. Zbornik 12. statistični dnevi; 2002 nov 25-27; Radenci
    [Integration of statistics in the information society. Proceedings volume of the 12th statistical days; 2002 Nov 25-27; Radenci]
  23. Pirker Robert
    8th central European lung cancer conference; 2002 Sep 1-4; Vienna
  24. Anonymous ;
    Final program and abstracts of the 28 congresso da Sociedade Europeia de oftalmologia pediatrica; 2002 Out 4-6; Figuera da Foz
  25. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings of the 10th international congress of Parasitology - ICOPA 10: simposia, workshops and contributed papers; 2002 Aug 4-9; Vancouver
  26. Ivanišević Goran
    Knjiga izlaganja na znanstvenom skupu Zdravstveni turizam i vrednovanje prirodnih ljekovitih činitelja; 2002 ruj 6-8; Veli Lošinj
  27. Vidmar Irena
    30 let ustanovitve in delovanja Društva medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov: strokovni razvoj, profesionalnost, osebna rast; 2001; Nova Gorica
  28. Praper Peter
    Upanje. Zbornik prispevkov 7. Bregantovi dnevi; 2000 okt 12-15; Portorož
  29. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik 16. republiškega strokovnega seminarja DZDS Rogaška Slatina 2002: strokovna doktrina stomatološke klinike; 2002 nov 7-9; Rogaška Slatina
  30. Pavlovčič Vinko
    Poškodbe pri športu. 20. ortopedski dnevi; 2002 nov 15-16; Ljubljana
  31. Šelih Alenka
    Delinquent and daviant behaviour of juveniles: causes, forms and responses
  32. Gosar Alenka; Kuzman Marjeta; Perharič Lucija; Petrič Vesna; Pšenica Janez
    Zloraba drog med študenti v Ljubljani
  33. Češnovar Nada
    Vloga specialnih knjižnic pri pospeševanju družbenega in gospodarskega razvoja: izobraževalni management v specialnih knjižnicah. Zbornik referatov 9. posvetovanje Sekcije za specialne knjižnice; 2002 nov 14-15; Ljubljana
  34. Pescatori M; Wexner SD
    Techniques in coloproctology. Abstract book of the meeting of Mediterranean society of coloproctology and Slovenian section of coloproctology; 2002 Sep 26-28; Otočec
  35. Christensen Henrik I; Braeutigam Carsten; Ridderstroem Christian
    Proceedings of the 5th international symposium on intelligent robotic systems '97; 1997 Jul 8-11; Stockholm
  36. Depolo Arsen
    Book of abstract of the 4th Alps-Adria congress of hepato-pancreato-biliary surgery and medicine with 4th congress of Croatian association of digestive surgery; 2001 Sep 27-29; Opatija
  37. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of posters and videos of the 3rd congress of the European federation of national associations of orthopaedics and traumatology; 1997 Apr 24-27; Barcelona
  38. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the AMSRAY Amsterdam Holland 2002 XIIth ISRRT world congress; 20-24 September 2002; Amsterdam
  39. Ceccarelli Marco
    RAAD '97. Proceedings of the 6th international workshop on robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube region; 1997 Jun 26-28; Cassino
  40. Štrbak V; Zahradnik I; Križanova O; Zahradnikova A
    Program and abstracts of the 78th physiological days of the Slovak and Czech physiological societies held as the first multilateral conference of the physiologists from Central Europe; 2002 Feb 5-8; Pieštany
  41. Hamza MH
    Modelling, identification and control. Proceedings of 16th IASTED international conference; 1997 Feb 17-19; Innsbruck
  42. Hamza MH
    Modelling, identification and control. Proceedings of the 9th IASTED international symposium; 1990 Feb 18-21; Innsbruck
  43. Hamza MH
    Modelling, identification and control. Proceedings of the 14th IASTED international conference; 1995 Feb 20-22; Igls, Austria
  44. Hamza MH
    Modelling, identification and control. Proceedings of the 13th IASTED international conference; 1994 Feb 21-23, Grindelwald, Switzerland
  45. Hamza MH
    Applied informatics. Proceedings of the ninth IASTED international symposium; 1991 Feb 18-21; Innsbruck
  46. Hamza MH
    Modelling, identification and control. Proceedings of the 15th IASTED international conference; 1996 Feb 19-21; Innsbruck
  47. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation. Vol 1. Vol 2. Vol 3. Vol 4; 1998 May 16-20; Leuven, Belgium
  48. Hamza MH
    Applied informatics. Proceedings of the 11th IASTED international conference; 1993 May 19-21; Annecy, France
  49. Šubic Miha; Jagodič Marko; Meše Pavel
    VITEL 2002. Next generations networks and beyond. Proceedings of the international symposium on telecommunications; 2002 May 13-14; Portorož
  50. Curk Boris; Harnik Jože
    RAAD 2000. Proceedings of the 9th international workshop on robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube region; 2000 Jun 1-3; Maribor
  51. Zajc Baldomir
    Zbornik 6. elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK '97. Zvezek A. Vabljena predavanja, elektronika, telekomunikacije, avtomatika, simulacije, identifikacije, modeliranje, možnostna elektrotehnika, merilna tehnika - ISEMEC 97; 1997 sep 25-27; Portorož
    [Proceedings of the 6th electrotechnical and computer science conference ERK '97]
  52. Likar Boštjan
    Computer vision. Proceedings of the 6th computer vision winter workshop; 2001 Feb 7-9; Bled
  53. Lemke Heinz U
    CARS 2001 - Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. Proceedings of the 15th international congress and exhibition; 2001 Jun 27-30; Berlin
  54. Anonymous ;
    QCAV 2001. International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision. Vol 1. Vol 2; 2002 May 21-23; Le Creusot, France
  55. Lipovec Veronika
    Nevroradiologija: diagnostika, radioterapija, nuklearna medicina. Povzetki predavanj 5. srednjeevropski simpozij radioloških inženirjev; 2002 maj 24-26; Ljubljana
    [Summary of the 5th central European symposium of radiographers; 2002 May 24-26; Ljubljana]
  56. Svoboda Tomaš
    Proceedings of the Czech pattern recognition workshop 2000; 2000 Feb 2-4; Peršlak, Czech Republic
  57. Zajc Baldomir
    Zbornik 8. elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK '99. Zvezek B. Računalništvo in informatika, umetna inteligenca, razpoznavanje vzorcev, biomedicinska tehnika, močnostna elektrotehnika, didaktika, študentski članki; 1999 sep 23-25; Portorož
    [Proceedings of the 8th electrotechnical and computer science conference ERK'99. Vol B; 1999 Sep 23-25; Portorož]
  58. Cochat P
    ESPN. Handbook of the European society for paediatric nephrology
  59. Zajc Baldomir
    Zbornik 11. mednarodne elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK 2002. Zvezek B. Računalništvo in informatika, umetna inteligenca, razpoznavanje vzorcev, biomedicinska tehnika, didaktika, študentski članki; 2002 sep 23-25; Portorož
    [Proceedings of the 11th international electrotechnical and computer science conference ERK 2002. Vol B. Computer and information science, artificial intelligence, pattern recognition, biomedical engineering, didactics, student papers; 2002 sep 23-25; Portorož]
  60. Zajc Baldomir
    Zbornik 11. mednarodne elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK 2002. Zvezek A. Vabljena predavanja, elektronika, telekomunikacije, avtomatika, simulacije, identifikacije, modeliranje, močnostna elektrotehnika, merilna tehnika - ISEMEC 2002; 2002 sep 23-25; Portorož
    [Proceedings of the 11th international electrotechnical and computer science conference ERK 2002. Vol A. Invited lectures, electronics, telecommunications, automatic control, simulations, identifications, modelling, power engineering, measurement - ISEMEC 2002; 2002 Sep 23-25; Portorož]
  61. Anonymous ;
    International conference from solid state to biophysics; 2002 Jun 13-19; Dubrovnik
  62. Muševič Igor; Škarabot Miha
    Zbornik povzetkov 3. konferenca fizikov v osnovnih raziskavah; 2002 okt 11; Laško
  63. Muševič Igor; Škarabot Miha
    Zbornik povzetkov 2. nacionalna konferenca fizikov v osnovnih raziskavah; 2000 nov 9; Zreče
  64. Anonymous ;
    Final programme and book of abstracts of the 25 Alpe Adria meeting, 16 congress of perinatal medicine; 2002 Oct 25-26; Sopron
  65. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik na rezimea 30. oktomvriski sredbi so međunarodno učestvo; 2002 8-12; Ohrid
  66. Marinko Petra
    Psihogeriatrija: zdravljenje duševnih motenj v starosti. Zbornik prispevkov Strokovno izpopolnjevanje za magistre farmacije; 2002; Ljubljana
  67. Anonymous ;
    Oftalmologija danas - suzni aparat: tečaj
  68. Anonymous ;
    Chirurgie refractive. 107e congres de la societe Francaise d'ophtalmologie; 2001 Mai 5-9; Paris
  69. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings of the technical commission I.H.G.C. of the 46th international hop congress; 1998 Aug 4-7; Yakima
  70. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings of the technical commission I.H.G.C. of the 47th international hop congress; 1999 Aug 4-6; Leon
  71. Sewell Trevor
    ICEM-15. Proceedings of the 15th international congress on electron microscopy. Vol 2. Life sciences; 2002 Sep 1-6; Durban
  72. Krajewski P; Kaczmarek Z
    Advances in biometrical genetics. Proceedings of the 10th meeting of the EUROCARPIA section biometrics in plant breeding; 1997 May 14-16; Poznan
  73. Mladenov Ivailo M; Naber Gregory L
    3rd international conference on geometry, integrability and quantization; 2001 Jun 14-23; Varna
  74. Švab Vesna
    Vloga psihoterapije pri skrbi za osebe s psihotičnimi motnjami
  75. Konvičkova Svatava; Leiterman David; Daniel Matej
    Summer wokshop of applied mechanich; 2002 June; Prague
  76. Anonymous ;
    Health insurance in transition. Program of the 5th international conference Biotechnology and public health: expectations, gains and costs; 2002 Sep 26-28; Zagreb
  77. Hernja Nada
    Zbornik referatov 2. slovenskega posveta o rehabilitaciji oseb s polževim vsadkom; 2002 nov 8-9; Maribor
  78. Babal Pavel; Tribulova Narcis; Okruhlicova Ludmila
    Progress in basic, applied and diagnostic histochemistry: program of the 38th international symposium; 2001 Oct 26-27
  79. Anonymous ;
    Final programme and abstract book of the trends in invasive fungal infections 4; 1997 Nov 5-8; Barcelona
  80. Kornhauser Aleksandra
    University-industry cooperation under constraints: experience of the International centre for chemical studies Ljubljana, Slovenia
  81. Mann Charles K; Rith Stephen R
    Expert systems in developing countries: practice and promise
  82. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 2. Macedonian congress of cardiology; 2002 Jun 26-29; Ohrid
  83. Bodis Stephan; Dikomey Ekkehard; Rodemann Peter H
    Proceedings of the international 6th Wolfsberg meeting on molecular radiation biology/oncology: vol 3
  84. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 6th International mycological congress; 1998 Aug 23-28; Jerusalem
  85. Romih Janez; Žmitek Andrej
    Zbornik Na stičiščih psihiatrije in interne medicine. 2. del; 2001 okt 26-27; Begunje
  86. Boniver J; Se Saint-Georges L; Humblet Ch; Maisin JR
    Proceedings of the 32nd annual meeting of the European society for radiation biology (ESRB), annual meeting of the Belgian society for radiation biology (BSRB); 2002 Sep 4-7; Liege
  87. Petrovec Miroslav; Avšič-Županc Tatjana
    Book of abstracts of the International conference on Rickettsiae and Rickettsial diseases. Joint meeting with ASR (American society of Rickettsiology) conference 2002; 2002 Sep 4-7; Ljubljana
  88. Kenda Miran F; Fras Zlatko; Kranjec Igor; Noč Marko
    Akutni koronarni sindrom
  89. Skarbek Wladyslaw
    Proceedings of the 9th international conference Computer analysis of images and patterns; 2001 Sep 5-7; Warsaw
  90. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings of the 11th Nordic-Baltic conference on biomedical engineering; 1999; Jun 6-10; Tallinn
  91. Dohi Takeyoshi; Kikinis Ron
    5th International Conference of the medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention - MICCAI; 2002 Sep 25-28; Tokyo
  92. Ballesteros A
    Stability and stabilization of biocatalysts: proceedings of and international symposium
  93. Karim Nazmul M; Stephanopoulos G
    Modeling and control of biotechnical processes 1992 (2nd IFAC symposium) and computer applications in fermentation technology (5th International conference): selected papers; 1992; Mar 29-Apr 2; Keystone
  94. Butinar Dušan
    Proceedings of the International symposium on clinical and electrophysiological diagnostics of epilepsy with the 18th dr. Janez Faganel memorial lecture; 2002 okt 18-19; Ljubljana
  95. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik predavanj Motnje presnove in motnje prehranjevanja pri otrocih; 2002 okt 3-4; Kranjska Gora
  96. van Laak Ulrich
    EUBS 2001. Proceedings of the 27th annual meeting, 30th anniversary of the European underwater and baromedical society on diving and hyperbaric medicine; 2001 Sep 12-16; Hamburg
  97. Anonymous ;
    Poster abstracts of the 33rd anual neural prosthesis workshop, 2002 Oct 16-18; Bethesda
  98. Pfeiffer Karl P; Hofdijk Jacob
    There is gold in your data, for you and your patients! Proceedings of the 18th international case mix conference PCS/E 2002 (Patient classification systems Europe); 2002 Oct 2-5; Innsbruck
  99. Bohanec Marko; Gams Matjaž; Grobelnik Marko; Mladenič Dunja
    Informacijska družba IS'2002: Inteligentni sistemi, Izkopavanje znanja in podatkovna skladišča; 2002 okt 14-18; Ljubljana
    [Information society IS'2002: Intelligent systems, Data mining and warehouses; 2002 Oct 14-18; Ljubljana]
  100. Čajavec Rudi; Drofenik Peter

   4.301 4.401 4.501 4.601 4.701 4.801 4.901 5.001 5.101 5.201  

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