biomedicina slovenica

ct=2.25 : 4.901-5.000

  1. Anonymous ;
    Stop HIV, aids. Projekt virus: delavnice varne in zdrave spolnosti. 5. slovensko šolanje z mednarodno udeležbo; 2002 nov 14-20; Kranjska Gora
  2. Baraggino Ezio; Pagan Alessio
    Tumori e gravidanza. Nuove tecnologie in oncologia ginecologica: comunicazione e problematiche psicologiche nella paziente oncologica. HRT e rischio oncogeno. 5. corso residenziale di oncologia ginecologica; 2002 Gui 21-22; Villanova di Motta di Livenza
  3. Ambrožič Melita; Sešek Irena
    Knjižnice in javnost. Strokovno posvetovanje Zveze bibliotekarskih društev Slovenije; 2002 okt 14-16; Ljubljana
  4. Kolenc Marija
    Abstract book of the Slovenian-Croatian-Hungarian radiological symposium; 2002 Sep 19-20; Maribor
  5. Anonymous ;
    Predavanja i sažeci 7. Jugoslovenski kongres za nefrologiju, dijalizu i transplantaciju; 2002 okt 16-19; Niš
    [Lectures and abstracts of the 7th Yugoslav congress of nephrology, dialysis and transplantation; 2002 Okt 16-19, Niš]
  6. Anonymous ;
    Programme of the 6th congress of the European academy of paediatric dentistry; 2002 June 15-17; Dublin
  7. Anonymous ;
    Final program, abstract book of the IASLC international workshop Early invasive lung cancer: new diagnostic tools and treatment strategies; 2002 Mar 14-15; Turin
  8. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 2nd world cleft congress of the international cleft lip and palate foundation, Joint-meeting with the German cleft lip and palate association; 2002 Sep 15-19, Munich
  9. Ostanek Danica; Homan Danica
    Zbornik 10. dnevi oralnega zdravja Slovenije; 2002 jun 14-15; Ljubljana
  10. Jankovič Ivana
    Nova spoznanja o prehrani. Varna prehrana v domovih starejših občanov
  11. Bobnar-Najžer Elizabeta
    Svetovni slovenski kongres. Gradivo 3. strokovno srečanje slovenskih zdravnikov iz sveta in domovine; 2002 okt 10-12; Radenci
  12. Anonymous ;
    Knjiga sažetaka 3. Hrvatski kongres nefrologije, dijalize i transplantacije s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem; 2002 lis 10-13; Plitvička jezera
    [Abstract book of the 3rd Croatian congress of nephrology, dialysis and transplantation with international participation; 2002 Oct 10-13; Plitvička jezera]
  13. Bručan Andrej; Delooz Herman; Gričar Marko; Vajd Rajko
    Book of abstracts of the 2nd European congress on emergency medicine, 2002 Sep 29 - Oct 2; Portorož
  14. Anonymous ;
    Etične dileme, dokumentiranje in pravna zaščita medicinskih sester. Zbornik predavanj Strokovni seminar Pediatrične sekcije Zveze društev medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov Slovenije; 2001 okt 11-12; Debeli Rtič
  15. Krivec Štefka; Korman-Frangeš Matilda
    Zbornik predavanj Seminar za tehnike laboratorijske medicine; 2000 nov; Celje, Izola, Ljubljana
  16. Masek I; Miertus S
    Technologie and processes for sustainable development and pollution reduction/prevention. ICS proceedings of the expert group meetings' 2002 Jan 14-16; Brno
  17. Anonymous ;
    Trico styria. Brokerage event on "city technologies": project catalogue; 2002 Sep 17-18; Graz
  18. Dolgan-Petrič Mojca
    Razvoj visokošolskih knjižnic za univerzo 21. stoletja. Zbornik referatov 2. strokovno posvetovanje visokošolskih knjižničark in knjižničarjev z mednarodno udeležbo; 2002 maj 28-29; Ljubljana
    [Development of academic libraries for the university of the 21st century. Proccedings of the 2nd Slovene conference of academic libraries; 2002 May 28-29; Ljubljana]
  19. Anonymous ;
    10th annual meeting of the American society of neurophysiological monitoring; 1999 Apr 30 - May 2; Denver
  20. Anonymous ;
    9th annual meeting of the American society of neurophysiological monitoring (ASNM); 1998 May 1-3; Philadelphia
  21. Anonymous ;
    Abstractbook of the European conference on linking education with the promotion of health in schools; 2002 Sep 25-27; Egmond aan Zee
  22. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts and posters of the 8th European conference of medical and health libraries: thinking globally, acting locally; 2002 Sep 16-21; Cologne
  23. Anonymous ;
    E.S.O.P.R.S. Abstracts of the 20th meeting of the European society of ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery; 2002 Sep 19-21, Muenster, Deutschland
  24. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings of the 11th international meeting on forensic medicine Alpe-Adria-Pannonia; 2002 May 3-5; Visegrad, Hungary
  25. Phillips Brian; Busija Lucy
    ICOTS 6. Developing a statistically literate society. Proceedings of the 6th international conference on teaching statistics; 2002 Jul 7-12; Cape Town
  26. Bruch Hans-Peter; Koeckerling Ferdinand; Bouchard Ralf; Schug-Pass Christine
    New aspects of high technology in medicine; 2000 Oct 16-20; Hanover
  27. Anonymous ;
    Manualne tehnike in njihov pomen v fizikalni terapiji. Zbornik 8. simpozij fizioterapevtov Slovenije; 2002 maj 9-11; Zreče
  28. Smrkolj Vladimir
    Zbornik predavanj 38. podiplomskega tečaja kirurgije za zdravnike splošne medicine; 2002 feb 1-2; Ljubljana
  29. Anonymous ;
    EACTA 2001. Abstracts from 16th annual meeting of the European association of cardiothoracic anaesthesiologists; 2001 May 16-19; Weimar
  30. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 2nd European congress of tradicional Chinese medicine: medicine around the world; 2002 Oct 10th-15th; Vienna
  31. Anonymous ;
    Mednarodna konferenca Pozitivno samovrednotenje kot učinkovita preventiva pri delu z mladimi; 2002 jun 28-30; Brdo pri Kranju
  32. Kramer Guus
    Proceedings of the 32 annual meeting international continence society; 2002 Aug 28-30; Heidelberg
  33. Anonymous ;
    11th international meeting of the enzymology and molecular biology of carbonyl metabolism; 2002Jul 2-6; Ystad
  34. Anonymous ;
    From science to practice. Programme and abstracts of the 9th European symposium on suicide and suicidal behaviour; 2002 Sep 14-17; Warwick
  35. Talan-Hranilović Jasna; Krušlin B
    Book of abstracts of the 10th "Ljudevit Jurak" international symposium on comparative pathology; 1999 Jun 4-5; Zagreb
  36. Raspor Peter; Hočevar Ivica
    Technology - food - nutrition - health book of abstracts of the 1st central European congress on food and nutrition and 2nd Slovenian congress on food and nutrition; 2002 Sep 22-25; Ljubljana
  37. Latella Leonardo; Tarocco Mezzanotte; Tarocco Marco
    Abstracts of the 16th international symposium of biospeleology; 2002 Sep 8-15; Verona
  38. Dolenc-Koce Jasna; Vodnik Dominik; Dermastia Marina
    Knjiga povzetkov 3. slovenski simpozij o rastlinski fiziologiji z mednarodno udeležbo; 2002 sep 25-27; Ljubljana
    [Book of abstracts of the 3rd Slovenian symposium on plant physiology with international participation; 2002 Sep 25-27; Ljubljana]
  39. Posavec Anton; Fink Andrej
    Zbornik predavanj Strokovni seminar Transport bolnika / poškodovanca; 2000 sep 22; Ljubljana
  40. Pokorn Dražigost; Hlastan-Ribič Cirila
    Zbornik referatov s seminarja Maščobe v prehrani; 2002 sep 19; Ljubljana
  41. Topić Elizabeta
    New trends in classification, monitoring and management of cardiovascular diseases. Handbook of the 2nd FESCC continuous postgraduate course in clinical chemistry; 2002 Sep 21-22; Dubrovnik
  42. Aubeny E; Meden-Vrtovec H; Coll-Capdevila C
    Contraception in the third millennium: a (r)evolution in reproductive and sexual health. Proceedings of the 6th congress of the European society of contraception; 2000 Jun 28-Jul 1; Ljubljana
  43. Anonymous ;
    Strokovni posvet in ekskurzija Okolje brez meja: odpadne vode in ravnanje z odpadki; 2002 sep 24; Ljubljana
  44. Dolinar Marko; Turk Boris; Turk Vito
    Book of abstracts of the 3rd international conference on cysteine proteinases and their inhibitors; 2002 Sep 14-18; Portorož
  45. Anonymous ;
    12th international congress of myriapodology; 2002 Jul 29 - Aug 2; Mtunzini
  46. Roubelakis-Angelakis Kalliopi A
    Book of abstracts of the 13th congress of the federation of European societies of plant physiology; 2002 Sep 2-6 Heraklion
  47. Anonymous ;
    EACTA 2002. Abstracts of the 17th annual meeting of the European association of cardiothoracic anaesthesiologists; 2002 Jun 12-15; Dublin
  48. Anonymous ;
    Final programme and book of abstracts from Symposium on movement disorders "The 4th alpine basal ganglia club" and selected topics in neuropharmacology; 2002 Sep 18-21; Plitvice
  49. Kaučič Venčeslav; Mali Gregor
    Book of abstracts of the 1st Central European conference chemistry towards biology; 2002 Sep 8-12; Portorož
  50. Anonymous ;
    DNA damage and repair fundamental aspects and contribution to human disorders. Book of abstracts of the 32nd annual meeting of European environmental mutagen society; 2002 Sep 3-7; Warsaw
  51. Veber Marjan
    Book of abstract of the 4th Mediterranean basin conference on analytical chemistry (MBCAC IV); 2002 Sep 15-20; Portorož
  52. Anonymous ;
    Electrochemistry in molecular and microscopic dimensions. Book of abstracts of the 53rd annual meeting of the international society of electrochemistry; 2002 Sep 15-20; Duesseldorf
  53. Mrvar Andrej; Ferligoj Anuška
    Program and abstracts of the International conference on methodology and statistics; 2002 Sep 15-18; Ljubljana
  54. Drinovec Jože
    Kronično vensko popuščanje, kronična bolečina v križu. 8. Krkini rehabilitacijski dnevi; 2002 sep 20-21; Otočec
  55. Casar Božidar; Schnidt Werner; Zdešar Urban
    Medical physics short course and joint meeting of medical physics section of Slovenian biophysical society and Oesterreichische gesellschaft fuer Medizinische Physik: role and status of medical physicists, diagnostics and nuclear medicine, new developments in teletherapy; 2002 Jun 21-22; Ljubljana
  56. Kveder Radoslav
    Final programme and book of abstracts of the 16th Danube symposium on nephrology; 2002 Sep 19-22; Bled
  57. Vannacci Giovanni; Sarrocco Sabrina
    Abstract book of the 6th European conference on fungal genetics; 2002 Apl 6-9; Pisa
  58. Črešnar Bronislava; Dolžan Vita; Rozman Damjana
    Cytochrome P450 systems: from structure to application. Book of abstracts of the 2nd international FEBS advanced course; 2002 May 21-26; Kranjska gora
  59. Anonymous ;
    Final program and abstracts of the 14th international symposium on microsomes and drug oxidations (MDO2002); 2002 Jul 22-26; Sapporo
  60. Anonymous ;
    1st international conference "Neurology in eastern and western Europe": senior scientists meeting; 2001 Dec 1-3; Trieste
  61. Anonymous ;
    SIBPA2002, Program, abstracts, participant list of the 16th national congress of the Italian society for pure and applied biophysics and 1st Italian-Slovenian workshop of biophysics; 2002 Sep 11-14 Trento
  62. Ustar-Latkovič Majda; Latkovič Barbara; Zupanič-Slavec Zvonka; Latkovič Barbara
    Sto let tradicije in naših deset let: zbornik Društva pljučnih in alergijskih bolnikov Slovenije
  63. Šoljakova Marija
    Majka i dete: nesakani dejstva
  64. Anonymous ;
    Ultrazvuk u dijagnostici ranog oštečenja mozga: tečaj trajnog usavršavanja liječnika; 1993 pro 2-4; Zagreb
  65. Anonymous ;
    Ultrazvuk u dijagnostici ranog oštečenja mozga: tečaj trajne izobrazbe liječnika; 1990 tra 6-7; 1990
  66. Anonymous ;
    Razvoj sistema zdravstvenega varstva - nekatere strateške usmeritve in konkretne rešitve. 9. strokovno srečanje ekonomistov in poslovodnih delavcev v zdravstvu; 2002 apr 25-26; Bled
  67. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings of the 16th world congress on safety and health at work; 2002 May 26-31; Vienna
  68. Ečimovič Timi
    The book of abstracts of the 19th international conference of WACRA Europe e. V. Est. Long term responsibility for sustainable life; 2002 Aug 7-11; Brno
  69. Kokol Peter; Stiglic Bruno; Zorman Milan; Zazula Damjan
    Proceedings of the 15th IEEE symposium on computer-based medical systems (CBMS 2002); 2002 Jun 4-7; Maribor
  70. Kores-Plesničar Blanka
    Zbornik predavanj 2. Dnevi mariborske psihiatrije; 2002 jun 21; Maribor
  71. Anonymous ;
    Anaerobe olympiad 2002. Abstract book of the 6th biennial congress of the anaerobe society of the Americas; 2002 Jun 29 - Jul 2; Park City
  72. Štajnbaher Srečko
    Mladinski raziskovalni tabor Mislinja 2001
  73. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings of the 11th EWRS international symposium on aquatic weeds; 2002 Sep 2-6; Landes
  74. Jazdzewski Krzysztof; Grabowski Michal; Konopacka Alicja
    Abstracts of the 4th European crustacean conference; 2002 Jul 22-26; Lodz
  75. Anonymous ;
    Program and book of abstracts of the 11th international congress on marine corrosion and fouling; 2002 Jul 21-26; San Diego
  76. Anonymous ;
    6th Asia Pacific congress on animal, plant and microbial toxins and 11th annual scientific meeting of the Australasian college of tropical medicine; 2002 Jul 8-12; Cairns
  77. Anonymous ;
    22nd annual meeting of the Clinical sciences building, Dept of neurological sciences, University of Liverpool; 2002 Jun 19-21; Liverpool
  78. Anonymous ;
    Posvet direktorjev zdravstvenih zavodov o zagotavljanju pravic bolnikov in o vpogledu v medicinsko dokumentacijo; 2001 okt 25-26; Piran
  79. Anonymous ;
    Joint conference and workshops on molecular morphology; 2001 Feb 2-7; Santa Fe
  80. Anonymous ;
    Posvet z mednarodno udeležbo Varstvo pri delu, varstvo pred požari in medicina dela; 2002 maj 14-15; Portorož
  81. Korunić Zlatko
    Zbornik radova Seminar DDD i ZUPP 2002: djelatnost dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije, deratizacije i zaštite uskladištenih poljoprivrednih proizvoda; 2002 ožu 13-15; Poreč
  82. Anonymous ;
    Materiale didatico 8 meeting annuale Associazione delle Unita' di colon-proctologia, 9 congresso biennale Societa' Italiana di colon-proctologia; 2002 Jun 12-15; Bologna
  83. Beamis John F; Shapshay Stanley M
    Proceedings of the 12th world congress for bronchology and 12th world congress for bronchoesophagology; 2002 Jun 16-19; Boston
  84. Nielsen-Johannsen Bodil; Nielsen Ruth
    Thermal physiology 1997. Abstract of the international symposium on thermal physiology; 1997 Jul 8-12; Copenhagen
  85. Kandrl Rita; Mainil-Varlet Pierre
    4th ICRS symposium transactions: international cartilage repair society; 2002 Jun 15-18; Toronto
  86. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the SICOT/SIROT 2002 from 22 world congress; 2002 Aug 23-30; San Diego
  87. Mičetić-Turk Dušanka; Kokol Peter
    Proceedings of the 1st international workshop and summer school on nursing research; 2002 Aug 27-29; Maribor
  88. Šlajmer-Japelj Majda
    Kontinuirana zdravstvena nega, spremljana z računalnikom
  89. Anonymous ;
    "Bolnik/varovanec - naša skupna skrb". Zbornik predavanj 2. strokovnega srečanja medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov; 2001 sep 28; Celje
  90. Crnić Igor; Pirjevec Irina
    Zbornik Politravma v predbolnišničnem in bolnišničnem okolju; 2001 nov 23-24; Debeli Rtič
  91. Derganc Metka; Grosek Štefan
    Programme and abstract book of the 13th annual congres of the European society of paediatric and neonatal intensive care (ESPNIC) and ESPNIC nursing symposium; 2002 Jun 13-15; Ljubljana
  92. Anonymous ;
    Program of the 5th international pituitary congress; 1998 Jun 28-30; Naples
  93. Anonymous ;
    ENDO'99. Program and abstracts of the 81st annual meeting the endocrine society's: shaping the future of endocrinology: today's research ... tomorrow's care; 1999 Jun 12-15; San Diego
  94. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 11th international congress of endocrinology; 2000 Oct 29 - Nov 2; Sydney
  95. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 12th international congres of the World federation of occupational therapists; 1998 May 31 - Jun 5; Montreal
  96. Anonymous ;
    Programme and abstract book of the 40th symposium International society for clinical electrophysiology of vision; 2002 Jul 16-20; Leuven
  97. Anonymous ;
    11. Tagung mitteleuropaeischer Laender "Paediatrische Forschung"; 2002 Jun 21; Budapest
  98. Anonymous ;
    Joint meeting of the western north American region of the international biometric society and the institute of mathematical ststistics; 2002 Jun 23-26; Los Angeles
  99. Grmec Štefek; Posavec Anton
    Zbornik predavanj Strokovni seminar Zastrupitve v predbolnišničnem okolju; 2002 apr 17; Maribor
  100. Krčevski-Škvarč Nevenka
    Zbornik predavanj 6. seminar o bolečini; 2002 jun 7-8; Maribor

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