biomedicina slovenica

ct=2.25 : 5.001-5.100

  1. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik predavanj Sladkorna bolezen pri otrocih; 2002 mar 7-8; Atomske toplice
  2. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings of the international conference on Drought mitigation and prevention of land desertification; 2002 Apr 21-25, Bled
  3. Anonymous ;
    Izvlečki in predstavitve. Konferenca Biotehnologija in mikrobiologija za prihodnost: pomen mikrobiologije in biotehnologije v proizvodnji varnih živil; 2002 Maj 16-18; Ljubljana
  4. Anonymous ;
    14th international congress of biophysics; 2002 Apr 27 - May 1; Buenos Aires
  5. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstracts of the 44th annual maize genetic conference; 2002 Mar 14-17; Kissimmee
  6. Štajnbaher Srečko
    Mladinski raziskovalni tabor Mislinja 2000
  7. Štajnbaher Srečko
    Mladinski raziskovalni tabor Šmartno 2000
  8. Štajnbaher Srečko
    Mladinski raziskovalni tabor Mislinja '98
  9. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstracts of the joint international seminar on exposure and effects modelling in environmental toxicology: a first dialogue between nuclear and non-nuclear environmental scientists and managers; 2002 Feb 4-7; Antwerp
  10. Puconja Mateja
    Vinogradi in vina za tretje tisočletje?: vinogradništvo, vinarstvo, ekonomika in trženje. Zbornik referatov. 2. Slovenski vinogradniško-vinarski kongres z mednarodno udeležbo ; 2002 jan 31 - feb 2; Otočec
  11. Anonymous ;
    Raissunti 33 congresso della Societa Italiana di biologia marina; 2002 giu 3-8; Castelsardo
  12. Čas Miran
    Zbornik razširjenih povzetkov. Znanstveno posvetovanje Ogrožene živalske vrste na primeru divjega petelina (Tetrao urogallus L.) v Sloveniji; 2001 okt 18; Ljubljana
  13. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik referatov simpozija Naših 40 let; 2002 maj 31-jun 1; Maribor
  14. Možina Andrej
    Zbornik predavanj Zgodnja detekcija raka materničnega vratu: kolposkopski tečaj; 2002 jun 20-21; Ljubljana
  15. Demšar Aleš; Turk Zmago
    Naravni dejavniki v slovenski rehabilitacijski medicini; 2001; Terme Ptuj
  16. Cerović O; Štajer D
    8. seminar iz intenzivne medicine za medicinske sestre in zdravstvene tehnike. 11. mednarodni simpozij intenzivne medicine; 2002 maj 27-28; Bled
  17. Muzlovič Igor
    Satelitski simpozij Bolnišnične okužbe v enoti intenzivnega zdravljenje. 11. mednarodni simpozij intenzivne medicine; 2002 maj 26; Bled
  18. Cerović O; Štajer D
    11th international symposium on intensive care medicine; 2002 May 26-28; Bled
  19. Buchberger Wolfgang; Strlič Matija
    Book of abstracts of the7th international symposium Advances in analytical separation science chromatography and electrophoresis; 2002 June 3-5; Woerthersee
  20. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 23th annual congress of the European society of mycobacteriology; 2002 Jun 23-26; Dubrovnik
  21. Anonymous ;
    17th international meeting Adriatic society of pathology; 2002 Jun 28-30
  22. Janković Stipan
    Knjiga sažetaka 3. kongres Hrvatskog društva radiologa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem; 2002 lip 5-8; Split
    [Book of abstracts of the 3th congress of Croatian society of radiology with international participation]
  23. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings of the Workshop on Biomedical information engineering; 2000 Jun 25-27; Isik
  24. Anonymous ;
    Recent advances in the environmental toxicology and health effects of PCBs: emphasis on the latest advances and the perspective of Central and Eastern Europe. Book of abstract of the the 2nd PCB workshop; 2002 May 7-11; Brno
  25. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik povzetkov predavanj Strokovni seminar 9. Lekovi stomatološki dnevi in 7. simpozij iz zobnih bolezni in endodontije; 1997 apr 18-19; Bled
  26. Sotošek B
    Apikotomija. Seminar Izbrana poglavja maksilofacialne in oralne kirurgije; 1998 okt 2-3; Ljubljana
  27. Ribič-Pucelj Martina; Tomaževič Tomaž; Keckstein Joerg
    Book of proceedings of the 9th international basic and advanced course on gynecological endoscopic surgery; 2002 Jun 10-14; Ljubljana
  28. Skela-Savič Brigita; Bobnar Albina
    Urgentna stanja v onkologiji in hormonsko zdravljenje raka dojk. 28. strokovni seminar iz onkologije in onkološke zdravstvene nege; 2001 okt 18-19; Radenci
  29. Keunen Jan EE; Imhof Saskia M; Keizer Rob JW; Moll Annette C
    ICCO 2001. Final programme and abstract book of the 10th international congress of ocular oncology; 2001 Jun 17-21; Amsterdam
  30. Timio Mario; Wizemann Volker; Venanzi Sandro
    Cardionephrology 7. 9th Assisi European meeting on cardionephrology; 2002 Apr 11-13; Assisi
  31. Miertus S; Lodolo A
    Remediation of polluted sites in CEE countries: current status and perspectives. Country reports and selected papaers of the ICS-UNIDO expert group meeting; 2001 Jul 4-6; Trieste
  32. Kobe Miloš; Končan Tomaž; Koželj-Levičnik Irena M; Sever Vladimira; Tomič Zora; Žiberna Angelca
    Zbirka prispevkov okroglih miz in predavanj Festival za tretje življenjsko obdobje; 2001 okt 1-2; Ljubljana
  33. Košnik Mitja; Janša Rado
    Nutritivna alergija. Skupni strokovni sestanek Alergološke in imunološke sekcije SZD in Gastroenterološke sekcije SZD; 2002 jun 15; Ljubljana
  34. Tomori Martina
    Sodelovanje med izvedencem psihiatrom in pravosodjem. Zbornik Lokarjevi dnevi; 2001 jan 19; Ljubljana
  35. Bergant Katra; Musek-Lešnik Kristijan
    Šolska neuspešnost med otroki in mladostniki: vzroki - posledice - preprečevanje
  36. Anonymous ;
    Final program for the ASCRS symposium on cataract, IOL and refractive surgery, ASOA congress on ophthalmic practice management: clinical and surgical staff program; 1999 Apr 10-14; Seattle
  37. Rebernik-Milić Manica
    Zbornik 13: kakovost medoperacijske zdravstvene nege danes za jutri; 2002 maj 22-25; Portorož
  38. Anonymous ;
    Programme and abstracts of the British renal society annual conference incorporating the British paediatric renal symposium; 2002 Jun 14-15; Manchester
  39. Anonymous ;
    Final programme, abstract book of the 3rd spring conference on clinical pharmacy: pharmaceurical care: the hospital - primary care continuum; 2002 may 8-11; Portorož
  40. Poredoš Pavel
    Abstracts of the 3rd international congress of the Central European vascular forum; 2002 May; Portorož
  41. Anonymous ;
    2. congress of Macedonian association of orthopaedics and traumatology (MAOT); 2002 May 15-18; Ohrid
  42. Anonymous ;
    45 world health assembly: provisional summary record of the ministerial round table; 2001 May 15; Geneva
  43. Temelkovska Svetlana; Joseva Jasminka
    Kniga na abstrakti 2. kongres na radiolozite na Makedonija so internacionalno učestvo; 2000 jun 21-25; Ohrid
    [Book of abstracts of the 2nd Macedonian congresds of radiology, with international participation; 2000 Jun 21-25; Ohrid]
  44. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts 10. Tagung mitteleuropaescher laender "Paediatrische Forschung"; 2001 Jun 22; Wien
  45. Tahirović Husref; Konjhodžić Faruk
    Simpozijum - jodni deficit u regionu. Akademija nauka i umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine, posebna izdanja, knjiga 111. Odjeljenje medicinskih nauka, knjiga 29; 2000 nov; Sarajevo
    [Symposium - iodine deficiency in region. Academy of sciences and arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, special publications, vol 111. Department of medical sciences, vol 29; 2000 Nov; Sarajevo]
  46. Marshak Daniel R
    Techniques in protein chemistry VIII
  47. Gullo A
    Anaesthesia, pain, intensive care and emergency medicine - A.P.I.C.E. Proceedings of the 16th postgraduate course in critical care medicine; 2001 Nov 16-20; Trieste
  48. Pattichis Constantinos S; Panis Stathis
    Information technology and electrotehnology for the Mediaterranean countries. Vol 2. Signal and image processing. Proceedings of the 10th Mediterranean electrotechnical conference - MEleCon 2000; 2000 May 29-31; Lemesos, Cyprus
  49. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the World congress on gynecological endoscopy, 1st Croatian congress on gynecological endoscopy; 2002 May 15-18; Dubrovnik
  50. Anonymous ;
    Povzetki predavanj Učna delavnica Ulkusna in gastroezofagealna refluksna bolezen; 2000 okt 27-28; Maribor
  51. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 26th international congress of internal medicine: global physicians network a challenge for the new century; 2002 May 26-30; Kyoto
  52. Dolenc Primož
    Zbornik 8. strokovni sestanek Sekcije za arterijsko hipertenzijo; 1999 okt 1; Ljubljana
  53. Junkar Mihael; Levy Paul
    Conference proceedings MIT 2001 of the 5th Slovenian conference on management of innovative technologies; 2001 Oct 11-12; Fiesa, Piran
  54. Mičetić-Turk Dušanka; Kojc Breda; Ornik Tadej
    Celiakija danes. Zbornik prispevkov 1. slovenskega strokovnega sestanka o celiakiji; 2002 maj; Maribor
  55. Anonymous ;
    2002 NATO/CCMS pilot study. Evaluation of demonstrated and emerging technologies for the treatment and clean up of contaminated land and groundwater; 2002 May 5-10; Rome
  56. Anonymous ;
    Terensko delo pri pouku kemije. Seminar stalnega strokovnega izpopolnjevanja strokovnih delavcev v vzgojji in izobraževanju; 2002 maj 9-11; Pohorje
  57. Anonymous ;
    Scientific and social program. Theme: research on pain in general practice. Freestanding papers, one slide/five minutes presentations, posters of the European general practice research workshop (EGPRW); 2002 May 9-12; Avignon
  58. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 4th central European orthopaedic congress - CEOC; 2002 May 29-Jun 01; Cavtat-Dubrovnik
  59. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 5th conference of the European opiate addiction treatment association: maintenance therapy, evidence-based practice and integrated treatment approaches; 2002 May 14-16; Oslo
  60. Anonymous ;
    Konferenca o psihosocialni rehabilitaciji z mednarodno udeležbo; 2002 maj 30-31
    [Conference on psychosocial rehabilitation with international participation]
  61. Burger Helena
    Amputacije in protetika. Zbornik predavanj 13. dnevi rehabilitacijske medicine; 2002 mar 15-16; Ljubljana
  62. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 31st meeting of the European histamine research society; 2002 May 22-26; Eger
  63. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik 15. republiškega strokovnega seminarja DZDS Rogaška Slatina 2001: strokovna doktrina stomatološke klinike; 2001 nov 8-10; Rogaška Slatina
  64. Ben-Rafael Zion; Shoham Zeev; Frydman Rene
    The 2nd world congresss on Controversies in obstetrics gynecology and infertility. Vol 2; 2001 Sep 6-9; Paris
  65. Bruun-Jansen Bjarne; Simovska Venka
    Models of health promoting schools in Europe
  66. Anonymous ;
    Program, list of participants of the 2nd international conference Monitoring health behaviors: towards global surveillance; 2001 Oct 1-3; Tuusula (Finland)
  67. Klemenc Darinka; Pahor Majda
    Medicinske sestre v Sloveniji. Zbornik člankov s Strokovnega srečanja z mednarodno udeležbo Društva medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov; 2001 dec 4; Ljubljana
  68. Gregorič Alojz
    Glavobol pri otroku in mladostniku. Mali športnik. 12. srečanje pediatrov v Mariboru; 2002 mar 22-23; Maribor
  69. Gantar Marta; Vilar Vanja
    Zbornik predavanj s strokovnega srečanja Komunikacija medicinskih sester in drugih zdravstvenih delavcev v enterostomalni terapiji; 2001 mar 19-20; Čatež
  70. Čuček-Trifkovič Klavdija; Bohnec Milena
    Zbornik predavanj Strokovni seminar; 2001 apr 20-21; Ptuj
  71. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik referatov Apiterapija; 1999 apr 16; Slovenske Konjice
  72. Anonymous ;
    19th scientific meeting of ISH and 12th European meeting on hypertension satellite symposium angiotensin II antagonists - cost and benefit; 2002 May 24; Bled
  73. Žlender Božidar; Gašperlin Lea
    Funkcionalna hrana: 40 let študija živilstva. 21. Bitenčevi živilski dnevi 2001; 2001 nov 8-9; Portorož
    [Functional foods: 21st food technology days 2001 dedicated to prof. F. Bitenc; 2001 Nov 8-9; Portorož]
  74. Mlinarič Aleš; Kristl Julijana
    Prehranska dopolnila - zdravila ali hrana: podiplomsko strokovno izobraževanje
  75. Lah Tamara; Serša Gregor; Kos Janko
    Book of abstracts of the 2nd conference on experimental tumour biology; 2002 Mar 14-17; Bovec
  76. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 12th European congress of psychology students; 1998 Apr; Škofja Loka
  77. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the international symposium Autoimmune thyroiditis and insulitis, early detection and possibilities for immune intervention; 2002 Mar 14-16
  78. Anonymous ;
    Programa na vtori nacionalen kongres po sterilitet, kontracepcija i hormonozamestitelna terapija s mežđunarodnom učastije; 2002 Mar 10-13; Borovec
  79. Anonymous ;
    Programa na vtori nacionalen kongres po sterilitet, kontracepcija i hormonozamestitelna terapija s mežđunarodnom učastije; 2000 Mar 5-8; Borovec
  80. Anonymous ;
    Programa na vtori nacionalen kongres po sterilitet, kontracepcija i hormonozamestitelna terapija s mežđunarodnom učastije; 2001 Mar 11-14; Borovec
  81. Roškar Saška
    Knjiga abstraktov 2. mednarodna konferenca Samomor na stičišču genov in okolja; 2002 maj 9-12; Portorož
    [Abstract book of the 2nd international meeting Suicide - interplay of genes and environment]
  82. Anonymous ;
    Final Programme and book of abstracts of the 4th European federation of autonomic societies (EFAS) meeting in conjunction with the Hellenic society for autonomic research and Hellenic headache society: 2002 May 16-18; Athens
  83. Kandus Aljoša; Buturović-Ponikvar Jadranka; Bren Andrej F
    Nefrologija 2002: obravnava motenj elektrolitskega, vodnega in acidobaznega ravnotežja
  84. Marinč Lidija
    Zbornik predavanj Vnetni procesi na srcu, 2001 jun 8-9; Radenci
  85. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 7th Alps-Adria International congress for clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine; 2002 Apr 20-22; Regensburg
  86. Anonymous ;
    Supramolecular structure and function. Book of abstracts of the 7th international summer school on biophysics; 2000 Sep 14-26; Rovinj
  87. Urdih-Lazar Tanja
    Knjiga izvlečkov 3. slovenski kongres preventivne medicine; 2002 maj 17-22; Ljubljana
    [Abstract book of the 3rd Slovenian congress on preventive medicine; 2002 May 17-22; Ljubljana]
  88. Hojs Radovan; Krajnc Ivan; Pahor Artur; Skok Pavel; Skalicky Marjan
    Zbornik predavanj in praktikum 13. srečanje internistov in zdravnikov splošne medicine Iz prakse za prakso z mednarodno udeležbo; 2002 maj 10-11; Maribor
  89. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik predavanj Strokovno posvetovanje o inzulinski črpalki; 2002 mar 1-2; Ljubljana
  90. Škrlin-Šubić Jasenka
    Program i knjiga sažetaka 6. hrvatski kongres kliničke mikrobiologije; 2002 svi 15-17; Zagreb
    [Program and abstract book of the 6th Croatian congress of clinical microbiology; 2002 May 15-17; Zagreb]
  91. Kasal Božidar
    Book of abstracts of the 4th international congress of the Croatian society of nuclear medicine; 2002 May 12-15; Opatija
  92. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 10th congress European society of sports traumatology, knee surgery and arthroscopy; 2002 Apr 23-27; Rome
  93. Anonymous ;
    Waste stabilisation ponds. Conference papers of the 5th international IWA specialist group conference on pond technology for the new millennium. Vol 1 and vol 2; 2002 Apr 2-5; Auckland
  94. Anonymous ;
    Conference proceedings of the 9th international conference on the conservation and management of lakes. Session 1; 2001
  95. Kenda Miran F; Fras Zlatko
    Jubilejni 20. Radenski dnevi. Končni program in zbornik izvlečkov Strokovni sestanek Združenja kardiologov Slovenije z mednarodno udeležbo; 2002 maj 16-18; Radenci
    [Anniversary 20th Radenski dnevi. Final programme and book of abstracts of the Scientific meeting of the Slovenian society of cardiology with international participation]
  96. Zalar Jurij
    Zbornik predavanj in praktikum Šola klinične radiologije: radiologija v enoti za intenzivno zdravljenje; 2002 maj 17-18; Portorož
  97. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstracts of the 11th international symposium on Cholinergic mechanisms - function and dysfunction and 2nd Misrahi symposium on neurobiology; 2002 May 5-9; St. Moritz
  98. Anonymous ;
    Končni program, povzetki prispevkov in članki Mednarodna konferenca Krepimo zdravje z gibanjem in zdravo prehrano; 2002 Apr 18-21; Radenci
    [Final programme, abstracts and papers of the International conference Promoting health through physical activity and nutrition; 2002 Apr 18-21; Radenci]
  99. Anonymous ;
    Dve desetletji oftalmološke sekcije. 43. strokovno srečanje Oftalmološke sekcije zdravstvene nege Slovenije; 2002 apr 19; Ljubljana
  100. Veličković-Perat Milivoj
    Cerebral palsy at the turn of the millennium. The presentations from the 5th international congress on cerebral palsy; 2001 Jun 7-10; Bled

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