biomedicina slovenica

ct=2.25 : 5.301-5.400

  1. Jankovič Ivana
    Nova spoznanja v prehrani. Uporaba funkcionalnih živil za zdravo prehrano otrok v vrtcih
  2. Anonymous ;
    Polyps of the gastrointestinal tract: pathology and biology. 17th European congress of pathology and 19th Spanish congress of pathology; 1999 Sep 18-23; Barcelona
  3. Zatloukal Petr; Petruželka Luboš
    Lung cancer current topics. 7th central European lung cancer conference; 2001 Jun 3-6; Prague
  4. Glavič Peter; Brodnjak-Vončina Darinka
    Zbornik referatov s posvetovanja Slovenski kemijski dnevi 2001: 1. del; 2001 sep 20-21; Maribor
  5. Kersnič Petra; Filej Bojana
    Zbornik predavanj in posterjev 3. kongresa zdravstvene nege "Zdravstvena nega - okolje in viri"; 2001 sep 12-14; Portorož
  6. Anonymous ;
    INFOS'01; 2001 okt 22-26; Ljubljana. Delovno gradivo Seminar Informatika v zdravstvu; 2001 okt 25; Ljubljana
  7. Dolenc Primož
    Zbornik 10. strokovni sestanek Sekcije za arterijsko hipertenzijo; 2001 okt 19; Ljubljana
  8. Anonymous ;
    Preliminary programme for IAEA specialists' meeting on Maintaining needed capabilities when faced with an ageing workforce and declining educational infrastructure; 2000 Sep 5-8; Olkiluoto, Finland
  9. Anonymous ;
    Final report of the expert group meeting on "Remediation of polluted sites in CEE countries": current status and perspectives"; 2001 Jul 4-6; Trieste
  10. Anonymous ;
    Adolescent school health. Annual meeting of the European network of the International association of adolescent health; 2001 Sep 13-15; Oxford
  11. Bratanič Borut; Felc Zlata; Hoyer Silvestra; Tekauc-Golob Andreja; Savnik Vesna
    Knjižica prispevkov 2. simpozij "Dojenje v novem tisočletju"; 2001 okt 12-13; Laško
  12. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 23rd international congress of pediatrics and the 2nd international congress on pediatric nursing; 2001 Sep 9-14; Beijing
  13. Anonymous ;
    A kaleidoscope of family, friend and cultures: objectives, outlines, handouts and bibliographies and abstract submissions for poster presentations of the 17th la Leche league international conference continuing education syllabus containing all CE session; 2001 Jul 7-10; Chicago
  14. Mester J; King G; Stueder H; Tsolakidis E; Osterburg A
    Perspectives and profiles. Book of abstracts of the 6th annual congress of the Euroepan college of sport science (ECSS), 15th congress of the German society of sport science; 2001 Jul 24-28; Cologne
  15. Drinovec Jože; Petrovič Vladimir; Videtič Branka
    Poškodbe - njihovo preprečevanje, zdravljenje in rehabilitacija. 7. Krkini rehabilitacijski dnevi; 2001 sep 28-29; Otočec
  16. Boletis JN; Iatrou C; Siakotos M; Stathakis CP
    BANTAO. Proceedings of the 5th congress of the Balkan cities association of nephrology dialysis, transplantation and artificial organs; 2001 Sep 30-Oct 3; Thessaloniki
  17. Rajbar Bojana; Homan Danica
    9. dnevi oralnega zdravja Slovenije; 2001 okt 5-6; Moravske Toplice
  18. Kališnik Miroslav
    3. strokovni posvet o maturi; 2001 feb 16; Ljubljana
  19. Anonymous ;
    35. strokovni seminar "Transplantacije organov in tkiv mrtvih dajalcev"; 1998 maj 29-30; Otočec
  20. Anonymous ;
    Molecular dynamics of membrane biogenesis. FEBS advanced course; 2001 Jun 18-30; Corsica
  21. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of invited lectures and poster abstracts.Falk workshop Update in inflammatory bowel disease; 2001 May 5; Ljubljana
  22. Anonymous ;
    Programme of the 24 international millennium congress of ophthalmology Alps - Adria community; 2000 Oct 6-7;
  23. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 1st Kuwait physical medicine and rehabilitation society conference; 2000 Apr 3-6; Crowne Plaza, Kuwait
  24. Carrera Jose M; Cabero Luis; Baraibar Roman
    The perinatal medicine of the new millennium. Proceedings of the 5th world congress of perinatal medicine; 2001 Sep 23-27; Barcelona
  25. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 6. congress of gastroenterology and hepatology with international participation; 2000 Sep 21-23; Ohrid
  26. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the summer course on mass spectrometry in biotechnology and medicine; 2001 Sep 16-21; Dubrovnik
  27. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstracts of the 12th international conference on cytochrome P450: biochemistry, biophysics and molecular biology; 2001 Sep 11-15; La Grande Motte
  28. Anonymous ;
    ESPORS. Abstracts book of the 19th meeting of the European society of ophtalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery; 2001 Jun 14-16; Santiago de Compostela
  29. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 1st Slovenian - Polish joint seminar on computational and applied electromagnetics; 2001 Sep 10-12; Maribor
  30. Anonymous ;
    Programme and free paper abstracts of the 18th congress of the ESCRS; 2000 Sep 2-6; Brussels
  31. Anonymous ;
    Scientific and social program of the 17th biennial symposium International Evoked Response Audiometry Study Group (IERASG); 2001 Jul 22-27; Vancouver
  32. Maso Gianpaolo; Meir Yoram J
    Drugs during pregnancy and lactation screening in perinatal medicine. Abstracts of the 13th Alpe Adria meeting and 15th congress of perinatal medicine; 2001 Oct 5-6; Trieste
  33. Anonymous ;
    Contributed papers of the International conference on topical issues in nuclear safety; 2001 Sep 3-6; Vienna
  34. Sekelj-Kauzlarić Katarina
    Zbornik sažetaka. 1 hrvatsko-izraelski simpozij s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem Suvremena rahabilitacija u Hrvatskoj i Izraelu; 1998 ruj 9-11; Varaždinske Toplice
    [Abstracts of the 1st Croatian-Israeli symposium with international participation Modern rehabilitation in Croatia and Israel; 1998 Sep 9-11; Varaždinske Toplice]
  35. Anonymous ;
    Program, abstracts of the 18th international meeting of the world federation of neurology research group on Huntington disease; 1999 Aug 28-31; and 13th international meeting of the international Huntington association; 1999 Aug 28 - Sep 2; Scheveningen
  36. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 4th European congress of paediatric surgery in association with the 12th Hungarian congress of paediatric surgery; 2001 May 3-5, Budapest
  37. Anonymous ;
    Programme and abstracts of the 2001 ISAM meeting; 2001 Sep 12-14; Trieste
  38. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik radova 3. Hrvatski kongres o menopauzi i ginekološkoj endokrinologiji; 2001 aug 21-23; Dubrovnik
    [Syllabus 3rd Croatian congress on menopause and gynecological endocrinology; 2001 Aug 21-23; Dubrovnik]
  39. Drnovšek-Olup Brigita
    Izvlečki prispevkov 25. mednarodno srečanje oftalmologov združenje Alpe Adria; 2001 okt 12-13; Ljubljana
    [Book of abstracts of the 25th international congress of ophthalmology Alpe-Adria community; 2001 Okt 12-13; Ljubljana]
  40. Antranikian G; Grote R; Sahm K
    Book of abstracts of the 3rd international congress on extremophiles; 2000 Sep 3-7; Hamburg
  41. Ventosa A; Arahal DR
    Halophiles 2001. Programme and abstracts of the international conference on halophilic microorganisms; 2001 Sep 23-27; Sevilla
  42. Štrancar Janez
    Book of abstracts with programme of the international conference on Life sciences 2001; 2001 Sep 22-26; Gozd Martuljek
  43. Anonymous ;
    International comet assay workshop; 2001 Jul 22-24; Ulm
  44. Anonymous ;
    Development and ageing in forest trees. Final program and abstracts of the EUROSILVA forest tree physiology research; 2000 Sep 20-24; Florence
  45. Anonymous ;
    Program Ogolnopolska konferencja naukowa PTA "Czlowiek - miedzy biologia a kultura"; 2001 wrz 11-13; Torun
  46. Kurihara Kenzo; Suzuki Noriyo; Ogawa Hisashi
    Olfaction and taste 11. Proceedings of the 11th international symposium on olfaction and taste and of the 27th Japanese symposium on taste and smell; 1993 Jul 12-16; Sapporo
  47. Anonymous ;
    Priority topics related to small pelagic fishery resources of the Adriatic sea: report of the 1st meeting of the Adriamed working group on small pelagic resources; 2000 Oct 12-13; Split
  48. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 10th international symposium on marine natural products; 2001 Jun 24-29; Nago, Okinawa
  49. Anonymous ;
    OPTIMA 2001. Abstracts, lectures, communications, posters of the 10th meeting of the Organization for the phyto-taxonomic investigation of the Mediterranean area; 2001 Sep 13-19; Palermo
  50. Hasenauer Hubert
    Proceedings of the international conference Forest ecosystem restoration: ecological and economical impact of restoration processes in secondary coniferous forests; 2000 Apr 10-12; Vienna
  51. Daubner I
    Referate 4. Internationales hydromikromiologisches Symposium; 1986 Jun 3-6; Pieštany
  52. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the central European conference of neurobiology; 2001 Aug 11-15; Krakow
  53. Govaert Gerard; Janssen Jaques; Limnios Nikolaos
    ASMDA 2001. 10th international symposium on applied stochastic models and data analysis: vol 1-2; 2001 Jun 12-15; Compiegne, France
  54. Gardašanić Zoran; Vulić Marko
    Advances in paediatric gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition. ESPGHAN summer school; 2001 Sep 27-29; Zagreb
  55. Dolinar Marko; Jerala Roman; Komel Radovan
    Book of abstracts of the 4th meeting of the Slovenian biochemical society with international participation; 2001 Sep 13-15; Kranjska Gora
  56. Cvetko Erika; Štiblar-Martinčič Draga
    Life sciences conference 2000. Slovenian society for stereology and quantitative image analysis; 2000 Sep 28-Oct 1; Gozd Martuljek
  57. Bilban Marjan
    Varno in zdravo delo s slikovnimi zasloni, pri dvigovanju bremen in delu s karcinogenimi snovmi; 2001; Kranjska gora
  58. Anonymous ;
    NATO/CCMS pilot study (phase III). Evaluation of demonstrated and emerging technologies for the treatment of contaminated land and groundwater; 2001 Sep 9-14; Liege
  59. Lilja Jan; Elander Anna; Friede Hans; Lohmander Anette
    Transactions. 9th international congress on cleft palate and related craniofacial anomalies; 2001 Jun 25-29; Goeteborg
  60. Lovrečič Branka
    KONAZ. Zbornik kongresnih in obkongresnih dejavnosti s predstavitvami udeležencev kongresa in predavanji. 1. kongres komplementarnega in naravnega zdravilstva Slovenije; 2000 jun 9-11; Slovenske Konjice
  61. Dini L; Catalano M
    Proceedings of 5th multinational congress on electron microscopy; 2001 Sep 20-25; Lecce
  62. Anonymous ;
    Final program and abstract book of the 13 congress of the European society of ophthalmology; 2001 Jun 3-7; Istanbul
  63. Mandić Zdravko; Iveković Renata
    Bolesti prednjeg segmenta oka i ergooftalmologija. Knjiga sažetaka 7. godišnji sastanak Hrvatskog oftalmološkog društva s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem; 2001 svi; Zagreb
  64. Anonymous ;
    1st international conference on type III protein secretion in bacterial pathogenesis; 2001 May 12-16; Kloster Banz
  65. Romih Janez; Žmitek Andrej
    Zbornik Na stičiščih psihiatrije in interne medicine. 1. del; 2000 okt 27-28; Begunje
  66. Marinček Črt; Buehler Christian; Knops Harry; Andrich Renzo
    Assistive technology - added value to the quality of life - AAATE'01
  67. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 2nd Croatian congress on infections diseases with international participation; 2000 Sep 24-27 Dubrovniki
  68. Anonymous ;
    Final program and book of abstracts of the 4th Dubrovnik conference Health insurance in transition; 2001 Aug 31 - Sep 1; Cavtat
  69. Kersnik Janko
    Srčno popuščanje. Zbornik povzetkov referatov 2. Fajdigovi dnevi; 2000 dec 1-2; Kranj
  70. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik referatov 13. simpozij Zdravila naravnega izvora; 2001 jun 14; Ljubljana
    [Medicines of natural origin]
  71. Coutinho Elsimar M; Spinola Paulo
    Current knowledge in reproductive medicine. Proceedings of the 10th world congress on human reproduction; 1999 May 4-8; Salvador
  72. Clement Denis; Rieger Horst
    Proceedings of the 14th congress of the European chapter of the International union of angiology; 2001 May 23-26; Cologne, Germany
  73. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book I and II. A transplant odyssey: the future is here; 2001 Aug 20-23; Istanbul
  74. Balažic Jože; Štefanič Borut
    Travmatizem v cestnem prometu. 10. spominsko srečanje akademika Janeza Milčinskega. Medicinsko izvednestvo 2000; 2000 dec 5-6; Ljubljana
  75. Potočnik Maja Marija
    Gradivo 15. strokovnega podiplomskega seminarja Respiracijska in kardiovaskularna fizioterapija; 1996 apr; Ljubljana
    [Proceedings of the 15th professional postgraduate seminar Respiratory and cardiovascular physiotherapy; 1996 Apr; Ljubljana]
  76. Anonymous ;
    International SFEMG course and 7th quantitative EMG conference; 2001 Jun 10-15; Uppsala
  77. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 16th Nordic conference in social medicine and public health. Main theme: social inequality and inequality in health; 2001 Aug 17-19; Bergen
  78. Botosaneanu Lazare
    Stygofauna mundi: a faunistic, distributional and ecological synthesis of the world fauna inhabiting subterranean waters (including the Marine Insterstitial)
  79. Anonymous ;
    ISPO 2001. Book of abstracts of the 10th world congress of the international society for prosthetics and orthotics; 2001 Jul 1-6; Glasgow
  80. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 1st world congress of international society of physical and rehabilitation medicine; 2001 Jul 7-13; Amsterdam
  81. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 9th international aphasia rehabilitation conference; 2000 Aug 16-18; Rotterdam
  82. Anonymous ;
    EGPRW. European general practice research workshop. Scientific and social program. Theme: Evidence based medicine and performance in general practice; 2001 Jun 3-6; Tampere
  83. Anonymous ;
    EGPRW. European general practice research workshop. Scientific and social program. Theme: Research in clinical skills in general practice; 2000 May 11-14; Maastricht
  84. Anonymous ;
    Programme and abstracts book of the 4th international meeting of the European laboratory working group on diphtheria; 1997 Jun 25-27; Bucharest
  85. Anonymous ;
    Program and book of abstracts of the 7th conference of the international society of travel medicine(CISTM7); 2001 May 27-31; Innsbruck
  86. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts Patologia cervicale ed endometriale: i programmi di prevenzione e terapia; 2001 Mag 25-26; Forli
  87. Baraggino Ezio; Pagan Alessio
    Distrofie e neoplasie della vulva. 4. corso residenziale di oncologia ginecologica; 2001 Giu 22-23; Villanova di Motta di Livenza
  88. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 38th congress of the European renal association (ERA), European dialysis and transplant association (EDTA); 2001 Jun 24-27; Vienna
  89. Zupanič-Slavec Zvonka
    Hiša z dušo
    [The house that has a soul]
  90. Belicza Mladen; Krušlin Božo
    Rak u Hrvatskoj: uloga patologa u dijagnostici, terapiji i praćenju tumora. Knjiga sažetaka 1. hrvatski kongres patologa i sudskih medicinara; 1996 ruj 26-28; Zagreb
  91. Anonymous ;
    ESM 2001. Scientific programme of the 22nd annual congress of the European society of mycobacteriology; 2001 Jul 1-4; Berlin
  92. Samec Tatjana; Slodnjak Vera
    Psihične travme v otroštvu in adolescenci
  93. Krčevski-Škvarč Nevenka
    Zbornik predavanj 5. seminar o bolečini; 2001 jun 8-9; Maribor
  94. Anonymous ;
    Dementni bolniki in njihovi skrbniki ter uporaba testov pri odkrivanju dementnosti; 1996 okt 4-5; Poljče
  95. Prukner-Radovčić Estella; Presečki Vladimir
    Abstracts of the Croatian and Slovenian symposium on microbiology and infectious diseases "Zoonoses today and tomorrow"; 2001 Jun 21-23; Plitvička jezera
  96. Kenda MF; Fras Z; Koželj M
    19. Radenski dnevi. Program in zbornik povzetkov Strokovni sestanek Združenja kardiologov Slovenije z mednarodno udeležbo; 2001 jun 1-2; Radenci
    [19. Radenski dnevi. Programme and abstract book of the scientific meeting of the Slovenian society of cardiology with international participation; 2001 Jun 1-2; Radenci]
  97. Stauffacher Michael
    Missing pieces: developing drug information systems in central and eastern Europe. Extension of the multy-city network to central and eastern Europe - phase 2. Synthesis of individual prevention proposals, synthesis of individual self-evaluation, synthesis and complication of national training reports: technical report
  98. Anonymous ;
    Missing pieces. 9th studies of emerging drug problems: developing drug information systems in central and eastern Europe, towards a better understanding of drug use on central and eastern Europe
  99. Kosunen Elise
    "General practitioner - the front-line clinician". Book of abstracts of the 2001 conference of the European society of general practice/family medicine - WONCA region Europe; 2001 Jun 3-7; Tampere
  100. Anonymous ;
    Uveljavljanje uspešnega managementa in sodobnega kontrolinga s poudarkom na uporabi metod uspešnega vodenja in kontrolinga za zadovoljstvo kupcev/strank. 26. posvetovanje o podjetniškem planiranju in managementu; 2001 maj 30-31; Portorož

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