biomedicina slovenica

ct=2.25 : 5.801-5.900

  1. Anonymous ;
    3rd milenium. Final program of the international arthroscopy, knee surgery and orthopaedic sports medicine congress, 7th Argentine arthroscopy association congress, 4th Latin American meeting, 2nd meeting of rehabilitation in arthroscopic surgery and sports medicine; 2000 May 22-25; Buenos Aires
  2. Anonymous ;
    Povzetki predavanj Učna delavnica Ulkusna in gastroezofagealna refluksna bolezen; 2000 feb 11-12; Ljubljana
  3. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 12th European congress of physical medicine and rehabilitation; 2000 Jun 3-7; Antalya, Turkey
  4. Zimnoch MiroslaW; Wachniew Przemyslaw
    Book of abstracts 5 isotope workshop; 2000 July 1-6; Krakow
  5. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstracts of the inter-congress Metropolitan etnich cultures: maintenance and interaction; 2000 Jul 24-28; Beijing, China
  6. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik referatov 4. mednarodna konferenca Globalna varnost; 2000 jun 18-21; Bled
    [Proceedings book of the 4th international conference Global safety; 2000 Jun 18-21; Bled]
  7. Jahnke Klaus; Fischer Markus
    EUFOS 2000 "past - present - future". 4th European congress of oto-rhino-laryngology head and neck surgery; 2000 May 13-18; Berlin
  8. Anonymous ;
    WONCA 2000. Final programme and abstracts of the 6th European conference on general practice and family medicine; 2000 Jul 2-6; Vienna
  9. Avela Janne; Komi Paavo V; Komulainen Jyrki
    Proceedings of the 5th annual congress of the European college of sport science; 2000 Jul 19-23; Jyvaeskylae, Finland
  10. Anonymous ;
    Evaluation of demonstrated and emerging technologies for the treatment of contaminated land and groundwater: 2000 NATO/CCMS study meeting (phase III); 2000 Jun 25 - Jul 1; Wiesbaden
  11. Anonymous ;
    SOE '97. Final programme and abstract book of the 11th congress of the European society of ophthalmology; 1997 Jun 1-5; Budapest
  12. Anonymous ;
    General information, final program and abstracts of the 23th international congress of ophthalmology Alpe Adria association and 9th symposium of Hungarian contact lens society of ophthalmologists and optometrists; 1999 Oct 8-9; Keszthely
  13. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 28th international congress of ophthalmology; 1998 Jun 21-26; Amsterdam
  14. Anonymous ;
    HPLC 99.Book of abstracts. Vol 2. 23rd international symposium on high performance liquid phase separations and related techniques. Poster session B; 1999 May 30-Jun 4; Granada
  15. Anonymous ;
    ICEID 2000. Program and abstracts book of the International conference on emerging infectious diseases 2000; 2000 Jul 16-19; Atlanta
  16. Anonymous ;
    Bled'98. Book of abstracts of the 5th international symposium Chromatography and hyphenated techniques; 1998 Oct 5-9; Bled
  17. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 35 congress of the European renal association, European dialysis and transplant association; 1998 Jun 6-9; Rimini
  18. Anonymous ;
    15 ICN. Abstracts of the 15th international congress of nephrology, 11th Latinamerican congress of nephrology; 1999 May 2-6; Buenos Aires
  19. Anonymous ;
    Genetika v pulmologiji. Novi kinoloni. Diagnostika in terapija difuznih intersticijskih pljučnih bolezni: sestanek Združenja pnevmologov Slovenije; 2000 maj 12-13; Kranjska Gora
  20. Žargi Miha
    Zbornik predavanj 3. kongres otorinolaringologov Slovenije; 2000 jun 15-17; Maribor
  21. Kobe Jasna Modrica
    Zbornik strokovnih prispevkov 1. kongres tehnikov laboratorijske medicine; 2000 maj 12-13; Čatež
  22. Javor Andras; van Eimeren Wilhelm; Duru Gerard
    Sustainable stucture for better health. Proceedings 2 of the 7th international conference on system science in health care; 2000 May 29-Jun 2; Budapest
    [Structure possible pour une meilleure sante. 7ieme conference internationale sur la science des systemes en sante. Publications 2; 2000 Mai 29-Jui 2; Budapest]
  23. Zwitter M; Ećimović P
    Advanced course on ethics in oncology: program and course material; 2000 Jun 25-28; Bled
  24. Anonymous ;
    Ultrapath 10; 2000 Jul 2-7; Florence
  25. Anonymous ;
    EORTC: annual general meeting; 1999 Oct 16-18; Brdo
  26. Balenović Tomislav
    Zbornik radova Veterinarski dani '97; 1997 lis 15-18; Cavtat
    [Proceedings Veterinarski dani '97; 1997 lis 15-18; Cavtat]
  27. Čad Gorazd
    1. kongres ortopedov Slovenije z mednarodno udeležbo; 2000 jun 10; Portorož
  28. Anonymous ;
    Workshop abstracts; 2000 May 23-26; Macau
  29. Komac Milica
    Zbornik predavanj Čiščenje odpadnih voda '00; 2000 jun 15-16; Škofja Loka
  30. Anonymous ;
    COST action 838: managing arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi for improving soil quality and plant health in agriculture. Abstracts of the management committee meeting and meetings of the working group 3 'Genetic and cell programmes', working group 4 'Mycorrhizal technology'; 2000 May 18-20; Santiago de Compostela
  31. Štajnbaher Srečko
    Mladinski raziskovalni tabor Šmartno '99; 1999; Šmartno na Pohorju
  32. Anonymous ;
    Extended abstracts of the 13th meeting of the International council for the study of viruses and virus-like diseases of the grapevine (ICVG); 2000 March 12-17; Adelaide
  33. Anonymous ;
    Rural aging: a global challenge. Book of abstracts of the 1st international conference on rural aging; 2000 Jun 7-11; Charleston, West Virginia
  34. Rouse Elizabeth P
    Final program and syllabus of the 3th world congress on brain injury and 3rd world congress syllabus; 1999 Jun 12-17; Quebec, Canada
  35. Bodzsar Eva B; Susanne Charles; Prokopec Miroslav
    Puberty: variability of changes and complexity of factors
  36. Anonymous ;
    Natural products from the plants and marine organisms of the Mediterranean and Atlantic seabord: isolation, synthesis and industrial applications. Abstracts of the PSE meeting; 2000 Apr 2-5; Lisbon
  37. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the European conference on neurorehabilitation after severe brain injury; 1998 Sep 6-9; Copenhagen
  38. Anonymous ;
    EHRS. Programme and abstracts from 29th meeting of the European histamine research society; 2000 May 17-21; Nemi (Rome)
  39. Anonymous ;
    Final programme and abstract book of the 5th European symposium on paediatric cochlear implantation; 2000 Jun 4-7; Antwerp, Belgium
  40. Anonymous ;
    The future of rehabilitation in multiple sclerosis. Programme and book of proceedings of the Annual meeting on Rehabilitation in multiple sclerosis; 2000 Apr 13-15; Venice
  41. Steinman F; Jorgensen SE; Kompare B
    Ecotoxicology: intensive short course. Postgraduate study of water resources management and sanitary engineering
  42. Persoone Guido; Janssen Colin; De Coen Wim
    New microbiotests for routine toxicity screening and biomonitoring. Proceedings of the International symposium on new microbiotests for routine toxicity screening and biomonitoring; 1998 Jun 1-3; Brno
  43. Ecimovic Timi; Stuhler Elmar A; Vezjak Marjan
    Local agenda 21. Through case method research and teaching towards a sustainable future. Proceedings of the 16th international conference on case method research and case method application; 1999 Jul 7-10; Kaunas, Lithuaia
  44. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik povzetkov raziskovalnih nalog 12. kongres študentov raziskovalcev Medicinske fakultete v Ljubljani; 2000 feb; Ljubljana
  45. Vidoša Barbara
    Zbornik sažetaka 2. hrvatski kongres fizikalne medicine i rehabilitacije; 2000 svi 4-7; Varaždinske Toplice
    [Conference summaries of the 2nd Croatian congress of physical medicine and rehabilitation; 2000 May 4-7; Varaždinske Toplice]
  46. Antolič V; Baebler B; Brecelj J; Gorenšek M; Herman S; Kramberger S; Pavlovčič V; Pišot V; Tonin M; Vengust V
    Book of abstracts of the 3rd central European orthopaedic congress; 2000 Jun 7-10; Portorož
  47. Anonymous ;
    INABIS 2000. 6th internet world congress for biomedical science; 2000 Feb 14-25; La Mancha; Spain
  48. Ribič-Pucelj Martina; Tomaževič Tomaž; Keckstein Jorg
    Book of proceedings of the 7th basic and advanced course on gynecological endoscopic surgery; 2000 May 22-26; Ljubljana
  49. Radović Milutin
    Zbornik referatov 31. strokovni seminar iz DDD dejavnosti; 2000 jan 24-27; Moravske toplice
  50. Anonymous ;
    Osteosinteza z zunanjim fiksatorjem tretje generacije: podiplomska šola kirurških tehnik
  51. Krčevski-Škvarč Nevenka
    Zbornik predavanj 4. seminar o bolečini; 2000 jun 2-3; Maribor
  52. Cerar V; Novak-Antolič Ž
    Desetletnica Porodnišnice Ljubljana. Zbornik prispevkov 4. strokovni sestanek; 1997 dec 20; Ljubljana
  53. Rihtar Andreja; Fuchs Tomaž
    Izboljševanje kakovosti v fizioterapiji. Zbornik 6. simpozij fizioterapevtov Slovenije; 2000 maj 11-13; Šentjur
  54. Blinc Aleš; Kozak Matija; Peternel Polona; Poredoš Pavel; Šabovič Mišo
    Venski trombembolizmi in kronična venska insuficienca
  55. Bručan Andrej; Gričar Marko
    Urgentna medicina: izbrana poglavja 6. Zbornik 7. mednarodni simpozij o urgentni medicini; 2000 jun 14-17; Portorož
    [Emergency medicine: selected topisc 6. Proceedings of the 7th international symposium on emergency medicine; 2000 Jun 14-17; Portorož]
  56. Novak-Antolič Živa
    Učinkovitost predporodnega varstva v Sloveniji. Zbornik prispevkov 7. Novakovi dnevi; 2000 jun 1-3; Moravske Toplice
    [Proceedings Effectiveness of prenatal care in Slovenia; 2000 Jun 1-3; Moravske Toplice]
  57. Naji Majda
    Zbornik Okoljska vzgoja v devetletni osnovni šoli - izziv za učitelje in motivacija za učence; 2000 maj 25-27; Radenci
  58. Anonymous ;
    18. Radenski dnevi. Program in zbornik prispevkov Strokovni sestanek Združenja kardiologov Slovenije; 1999 apr 23-24; Radenci
    [18. Radenski dnevi. Programme and book of abstracts and articles of the Scientific meeting of the Slovenian society of cardiology; 1999 Apr 23-24; Radenci]
  59. Felenbok Beatrice; Turcq Beatrice
    Fungal genetics. Abstract book of the 5th European conference on fungal genetics; 2000; Arcachon, France
  60. Hirota Sadao; Okada Shoji; Kimura Ryohei; Nozawa Yasuo; Oku Naoto
    DDS - progress in drug delivery system 5
  61. Bilban Marjan
    Ocenjevanje delazmožnosti pri odvisnosti od alkohola in drog ter pri epilepsiji; 2000; Rogaška Slatina
  62. Kenda Miran F; Fras Zlatko
    Abstract book of the the anniversary 8th Alpe Adria cardiology meeting; 2000 May 24-27; Portorož
  63. Anonymous ;
    Workshop on regulated exocytosis and the vesicle cycle; 2000 May 22-24;
  64. Hojs Radovan; Krajnc Ivan; Pahor Artur
    Zbornik predavanj in praktikum 11. srečanje internistov in zdravnikov splošne medicine Iz prakse za prakso z mednarodno udeležbo; 2000 maj 19-20; Maribor
  65. Mallia Carmel; Uitto Jouni
    RheumaDerm: current issues in rheumatology and dermatology. Proceedings of the international conference RheumaDerm '97; 1997 dec 3-7; Valetta, Malta
  66. Anonymous ;
    "Živeti do konca". 1. simpozij o paliativni (blažilni) oskrbi; 2000 maj 19-20; Ljubljana
  67. Papler Neva
    Seminar Etični in pravni vidiki perioperativne zdravstvene nege: zbornik 9; 1999 nov 12-13; Laško
  68. Bosze Peter; Maggino Tiziano; De Oliveira Carlos F; Onnis Antonio
    11th international meeting of gynaecological oncology; 1999 May 8-12; Budapest
  69. Bochlogyros PN
    Mediterranean congress of oral and maxillofacial surgery; 1999 Jun 16-20; Terrasini, Italy
  70. Anonymous ;
    Šolanje stop HIV/AIDS; 1999 nov 29-dec 12; Ljubljana, Rakov Škocjan
  71. Anonymous ;
    Knjiga sažetaka 2. simpozij o spolno prenosivim bolestima s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem; 2000 svi 16-18; Dubrovnik
  72. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts. Sexually transmitted disease in a changing Europe; 2000 Apr 13-15; Rotterdam
  73. Anonymous ;
    Simpozij o poškodbah vratne hrbtenice; 1997 okt 3-4; Celje
  74. Anonymous ;
    Apimondia '99. Procedeengs of the 36th congress; 1999 Sep 12-17; Vancouver, Canada
  75. Crailsheim Karl; Stabentheiner Anton
    Soziale Insekten IUSSI - Tagung Graz 1997. Programm und Kurzpublikationen 16. Tagung; 1997 Aug 17-21; Schloss Seggau bei Graz
  76. Lah Avguštin
    Zdravje in okolje: kakovost okolja in življenja konec 20. stoletja
  77. Strle Franc; Čižman Milan
    Zbornik predavanj Infektološki simpozij 2000; 2000; Ljubljana
  78. Arabnia Hamid R
    CISST'99. Proceedings of the international conference on imaging science, systems, and technology; 1999 Jun 28-Jul 1; Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
  79. Anonymous ;
    Final program of the Slovene-Triveneto joint meeting of gynecologists and obstetricians; 2000 Mar 31-Apr 1; Portorož
  80. Kralj Božo; Meden-Vrtovec Helena; Pajntar Marjan
    Proceedings of the Slovene-Triveneto joint meeting of gynecologists and obstetricians; 2000 Mar 31-Apr 1; Portorož
  81. Anonymous ;
    Programme and abstracts of the 1st Alps Adria meeting on human genetics; 2000 Apr 14-15; Brijuni Isladns
  82. Melnick Donald E
    Proceedings of the 8th international Ottawa conference on medical education and assessment. Evolving assessment: protecting the human dimension. Vol 2; 1998 Jul 12-15; Philadelphia
  83. Raspor Peter; Strel Biserka; Komac Miloš
    Stanje in razvojne možnosti biotehnologije v slovenskem prostoru
  84. Anonymous ;
    Bridging the gaps - the future of clinical pharmacy. Final programme and abstract book of the 28th European symposium on clinical pharmacy - ESCP; 1999 Oct 14-16; Berlin
  85. Anonymous ;
    Breast cancer, pregnancy and lactation. Hormone replacement therapy and breast cancer. Abstracts of a two day symposium working together; 1999 Nov 11-12; London
  86. Anonymous ;
    The proceedings of the program and abstract book of the 72nd annual meeting of the American thyroid association; 1999 Sep 29-Oct 3; The Breakers, Palm Beach, Florida
  87. Anonymous ;
    Reading, writing and randomised trials - getting the most from publishing and publications. An ESMO course; 1999 Oct 27-30; Budapest
  88. Anonymous ;
    21st annual conference of the International association of acncer registries; 1999 Sep 29-Oct 1, Lisbon
  89. Markulin-Grgić L; Šantek F
    Symposium programme and book of abstracts of the 2nd Anglo-Croatian symposium on clinical oncology with international participation; 1999 Oct 15; Zagreb
  90. Anonymous ;
    Final program, abstracts of the 9th meeting of the European association for haematopathology; 1998 Apr 26-29; Leiden
  91. Mencelj Meta
    Stari ljudje v Sloveniji: trideset let gerontološkega društva Slovenije.
  92. Skela-Savič Brigita; Velepič Marina; Drolc Helena
    Pomen prehrane pri nastanku in zdravljenju malignih obolenj. 25 strokovni seminar iz onkologije in onkološke zdravstvene nege za medicinske sestre; 1999 okt 14-15; Radenci
  93. Glaser Edvard
    The safe transfusion. Abstracts of the 1. international "Alps-Adria" symposium of transfusiologists and immunohematologists of Slovenia, Austria, Bavaria, Croatia, Italy and Hungary; 1993 Oct 15-16; Maribor
    [Sichere transfusion. Abstracts 1. Internationales Symposium "Alpe-Adria" der Transfusiologen und Immunhematologen Sloweniens, Osterreichs, Bayerns, Kroatiens, Italiens und Ungarns; 1993 Oct 15-16; Maribor]
  94. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik referatov Projektiranje in gradnja sistemov za odvodnjavanje voznih površin; 2000 apr; Ljubljana - Gornja Radgona
  95. Kocmur Marga
    Shizofrenija: od zgodnjih do poznih epizod. Zbornik predavanj 3. mednarodni simpozij; 2000 mar 16-18; Ljubljana
    [Schizophrenia: from early to late episodes]
  96. van Lunsen RHW; Unzeitig V; Creatsas G
    Contraceptive choices and realities. Proceedings of the 5th congress of the European society of contraception; 1998; Prague
  97. Smrkolj Vladimir
    Zbornik predavanj 36. podiplomskega tečaja kirurgije za zdravnike družinske medicine; 2000 feb 3-5; Ljubljana
  98. Anonymous ;
    NATO/CCMS pilot study. Evaluation of demonstrated and emerging technologies for the treatment of contaminated land and groundwater (phase III): 1999 annual report, number 235; 1999 May 9-14; Angers
  99. Urbanc-Berčič Olga; Gaberščik Alenka
    Rečni ekosistemi: stanje, metode ugotavljanja kvalitete, gospodarjenje; 2000 mar 24; Ljubljana
  100. Anonymous ;
    Conference abstracts and participants of the 9th international conference on harmful algal blooms; 2000 Feb 7-11; Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

   5.301 5.401 5.501 5.601 5.701 5.801 5.901 6.001 6.101 6.201  

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