biomedicina slovenica

ct=2.25 : 5.901-6.000

  1. Synge Hugh; Akeroyd John
    Planta Europa. Proceedings of the 2nd European conference on the conservation of wild plants; 1998 Jun 9-14; Uppsala, Sweden
  2. Anonymous ;
    2nd Balkan meeting on human genetics; 1996 Sep 3-6; Istanbul, Turkey
  3. Valentinčič Tine; Virant-Doberlet Meta
    Life science conference 1998 signalling concepts in life sciences; 1998 Sep 19-24; Gozd Martuljek
  4. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik prispevkov Učna delavnica Obravnava bolnika s spolno prenosljivo okužbo; 2000 mar; Ljubljana
  5. Zupan Anton; Damjan Hermina
    (Re)habilitacija otrok z okvaro živčevja. Zbornik predavanj 11. dnevi rehabilitacijske medicine; 2000 mar 17-18; Ljubljana
  6. Vegelj-Pirc Marija
    Zbornik predavanj Rak dojke: živimo drug za drugega; 1999 nov 18-20; Toplice Dobrna
  7. Timio Mario; Wizemann Volker; Venanzi Sandro
    Cardionephrology 5. 7th Assisi European meeting on cardionephrology; 1999 Apr 15-17; Assisi
    [Cardionephrology 5. 7 corso europeo di aggiornamento "Il cuore nelle nefropatie e nella dialisi"; 1999 Apr 15-17; Assisi]
  8. Anonymous ;
    Scientific programme - abstracts of the 11th European congress of physical medicine and rehabilitation; 1999 May 26-28; Goteborg
  9. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings book of the 9th national congress of So.M.I.Par. in association with regional meeting of I.M.S.O.P. (Europe and Mediterranean countries); 1999 Oct 28-30; Firenze
    [9 congresso nazionale So.M.I.Par. e incontro regionale I.M.S.O.P. (Europa e Mediterraneo); 1999 Oct 28-30; Firenze]
  10. Ramage R; Epton R
    Peptides 1996. Proceedings of the 24th European peptides symposium; 1996 Sep 8-13; Edinburgh
  11. Zelger Josef; Maier Martin
    GABEK: Verarbeitung und Darstellung von Wissen
  12. Žumer Maja; Goossens Paula
    Managing multimedia collections. 23rd library systems seminar of the European library automation group ELAG, 1999 Apr 21-23; Bled
  13. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts book of the 8th world congress of the International gastro-surgical club. IGSC joint meeting of surgeons and gastroenterologists: free communications, plenary sessions, oral communications, posters; 1998 Apr 15-18; Strasbourg
    [Livre des resumes: seances pleineres de communications libres, communications orales, communications affichees; 1998 Apr 15-18; Strasbourg]
  14. Anonymous ;
    ICU '97. Final program of the 7th world congress of intensive and critical care medicine: critical care, critical times, critical decisions; 1997 Jun 29 - Jul 3; Ottawa
  15. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstracts of the 9th world congress: joint meeting of surgeons and gastroenterologists; 1999 Oct 19-23; Nagasaki, Japan
  16. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 7th GCC orthopaedic association conference; 2000 Feb 19-22; Kuwait
  17. Anonymous ;
    SICOT 99 Sydney. Poster discussion and poster book of the 21st triennial world congress of the Societe internationale de chirurgie orthopedique et de traumatologie; 1999 Apr 18-23; Sydney
  18. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of papers, poster/scientific exibits and symposia handouts of the 66th annual meeting proceedings of the American Academy of orthopaedic surgeons; 1999 Feb 4-8; Anaheim, CA
  19. Odom JV
    Programe and abstracts of the 38 ISCEV symposium; 2000 Feb 13-17; Sydney, Australia
  20. Saluzzo Jean-Francois; Dodet Betty
    Proceedings from meeting of the Emergence and control of rodent-borne viral disease; emerging diseases; 1998 Oct 28-31; Annecy, France
  21. Maček Vasilija; Kopriva Silvester
    Astma pri otroku
  22. Bismuth H; Galmiche JP; Huguier M; Jaeck D
    8th world congress of the International gastro-surgical club; 1998 Apr 15-18; Strasbourg, France
  23. Hočevar Franc
    Posvet Rehabilitacija za novo tisočletje; 1999 okt 15; Ljubljana
  24. Šuškovič Stanislav; Šorli Jurij
    Bronhialna in nosna preodzivnost: dodatek k Zborniku predavanj simpozija Astma in rinitis; 1998 mar 13-14; Kranjska Gora
  25. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstracts of the 5th international conference on the macrolides, azalides, streptogramins, ketolides and oxazolidinones: ICMAS; 2000 Jan 26-28; Seville, Spain
  26. Anonymous ;
    Conference on co-operation in the mediterranean region. Draft meeting report; 1999 Nov 15-17; Stasbourg
  27. Geršak B; Smrkolj V
    Žilne anastomoze: delavnice kirurških tehnik; 1998; Ljubljana
  28. Anonymous ;
    Zdravi v tretje tisočletje. 3. nacionalna konferenca o nekajenju; 1999 mar 29; Toplice Dobrna
  29. Kawaguchi Akira T; Linde Leonard M
    Partial left ventriculectomy: recent evolution for safe and effective application. Proceedings of the 2nd international symposium on Partial Left Ventriculectomy; 1998 Dec 12; Tokyo
  30. Stein H; Suk Se-Il; Leung Ping-Chung; Thorngren K-G; Akeson W
    SIROT 99. Papers presented at the International meeting of the International research society of orthopaedic surgery and traumatology; 1999 Apr 16-19; Sydney
  31. De Ridder Chantal; Dubois Philippe; Lahaye Marie-Christine; Jangoux Michel
    Echinoderm research. Proceedings of the 2nd European conference on echinoderms; 1989 Sep 18-21; Brussels
  32. Možina Barbara
    Zbornik predavanj Seminar za tehnike laboratorijske medicine; 1998 sep-okt; Celje, Izola, Ljubljana, Maribor
  33. Anonymous ;
    15e congres societe d'andrologie de langue Francaise; 1998 10-12 dec; Lyon
  34. Anonymous ;
    Child vision research society; 1999 Jun 3-5; London
  35. Bobnar-Najžer Elizabeta
    Mednarodno srečanje vseh slovenskih zdravnikov (doma in po svetu). Gradivo. 1998 sep 16-20; Bled
  36. Anonymous ;
    EMC. Programme and abstracts of the 28th European muscle congress; 1999 Sep 4-7; York
  37. Anonymous ;
    The 1st congress on controversies in obstetrics gynecology and infertility. Program and abstracts; 1999 Oct 28-31; Prague
  38. Anonymous ;
    European science foundation conference on inherited disorders and their genes in different European populations; 1999 May 6-10; Obernai, Strasbourg
  39. Anonymous ;
    Poster abstracts of the International summer school on molecular mechanisms of signal transduction.; 1999 Aug 16-28; Island of Spetsai, Greece
  40. Walcher Wolfgang; Rosegger Hellfried
    Preeclampsia, perinatal hemorrhage and hemostatic problems. Abstracts. 13th congress of perinatal medicine, 21st Alpe Adria meeting; 1999 Oct 7-9; Graz
  41. Anonymous ;
    European meeting of immunology and reproduction. Final program and abstract book; 1999 Oct 28-29; Rome
  42. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book.12th congress European society of ophtalmology; 1999 Jun 27- Jul 1; Stockholm
  43. Bratko Ivan; Džeroski Sašo
    Machine learning. Proceedings of the 16th international conference (ICML'99); 1999 Jun 27-30; Bled
  44. Stirn-Kranjc Branka
    Zbornik referatov 24. mednarodni simpozij oftalmologov Slovenije in Hrvaške; 1998 dec 4-5; Otočec
  45. Pikelj Franjo; Ciglenečki Iza
    Zbornik predavanj Potovalna medicina; 1999; Ljubljana
  46. Kotnik Vladimir
    Imunologija in klinika 2: štirje obrazi preobčutljivosti
  47. Anonymous ;
    Zbirnik predavanj "Z zdravim korakom v novo tisočletje". 7. strokovno srečanje fizioterapevtov ljubljanske regionalne enote; 2000 jan 20; Ljubljana
  48. Anonymous ;
    Seminar Ortopedska obutev in ortoze za spodnje ude; 1999 maj 14-15; Ljubljana
  49. Brcar Polona
    Imava se rada. Zbornik: strokovni seminar za mentorje otroških parlamentov; 1999; Ljubljana
  50. Anonymous ;
    Tečaj spermiologije. 2. delavnica iz morfologije semenčic; 1999 jun; Ljubljana
    [Workshop of sperm morphology]
  51. Zorn Branko; Virant-Klun Irma
    Tečaj spermiologije, 1999 maj 31-jun 2; Ljubljana
  52. Anonymous ;
    Neuromuscular transmission testing. Teaching course no. 9. 11th International congress of EMG and clinical neurophysiology; 1999 Sep 7-11; Prague; Czech Republic
  53. Gabrijelčič Violeta; Komel Rado; Ribarič Samo; Sevšek France
    Life sciences. Book of abstracts of the international conference; 1994 Sep 10-15; Gozd Martuljek
  54. Anonymous ;
    7th Nordic symposium on Trace elements in human health and disease: programme, abstracts, participants; 1999 Jun 16-19; Espoo
  55. Anonymous ;
    "Therapy in nuclear medicine". Abstract book of the 2nd international Woerthersee symposium; 1999 May 13-15; Velden
  56. Anonymous ;
    Diabetic foot. Programme and abstractbook of the 3rd international symposium; 1999 May 5-8; Noordwijkerhout
  57. Skela-Savič Brigita; Velepič Marina; Bobnar Albina
    Rak mod. 24. strokovni seminar iz onkologije in onkološke zdravstvene nege za medicinske sestre; 1999 maj 18; Ljubljana
  58. Anonymous ;
    Shaping the future. Program and abstracts of the 2nd world conference for cancer organizations; 1999 May 19-23; Atlanta
  59. Anonymous ;
    From cells to crops. The 3rd international symposium in the series Recent advances in plant biotechology; 1999 Sep 4-10; Stara Lesna, Slovak Republic
  60. Anonymous ;
    Attack and defence in plant disease. Abstracts of the 13th John Innes symposium; 1999 Jul 20-23; Norwich
  61. Anonymous ;
    Bulletin of the international statistical institute. Proceedings of the 52nd ISI session, tome 58, book 3; 1999; Helsinki
  62. Anonymous ;
    ISOTT-99. 27th annual meeting of the International society on oxygen transport to tissue; 1999 Aug 28-Sep 2; Hanover
  63. Augustijn Maria; Augustijn Han
    Molecular plant-microbe interactions. Book of abstracts of the 9th international congress; 1999 Jul 25-30; Amsterdam
  64. Anonymous ;
    Groundwater pollution in Karst preserving water quality in Karst systems. Book of abstracts of the international workshop on Karst hydrology and Karst water management; 1999 Nov 4-6; Ljubljana
  65. Marušič Janez
    Zbornik referatov strokovnega posvetovanja Male vodne elektrarne kot prostorsko ureditveni in naravovarstveni problem v slovenskem prostoru; 1996 dec 17; Ljubljana
  66. Kroflič Marjan; Uršič Cveto
    Zbornik predavanj s simpozija Socialna politika v Evropski uniji z vidika integracije invalidov; 1998 nov 9; Ljubljana
    [Report of the symposium European union social policy from the aspect on integration of people with disabilities; 1998 Nov 9; Ljubljana]
  67. Kozmik Vera
    Reproduktivna izbira
  68. Pompe Franc
    Seminar in učna delavnica o centralnih venskih katetrih s podkožnim prekatom: delovno gradivo; 1999 maj 28; Ljubljana
  69. Lalević Predrag
  70. Mutz NJ; Koller W; Benzer H
    7th European congress on intensive care medicine; 1994 Jun 14-17; Innsbruck, Austria
  71. Bogovič Lenca; Skušek Zoja
    Spol: Ž
  72. Anonymous ;
    Iz majhnega raste odličnost. 11. forum odličnosti in mojstrstva; 1999 maj 20-21; Otočec
  73. Bastounis EA
    13th congress of the European chapter of the international union of angiology; 1999 May 26-30; Rhodes, Greece
  74. Jakopič Tadej
    Zbornik referatov 12. seminar Poslovno proizvodni trendi, razviti svet in mi; 1999 nov 25-26; Čatež
  75. Anonymous ;
    International symposium on infection in immunocompromised host. Final program, abstract book; 1998 Sep 29-30; Dubrovnik
  76. Komadina Radko
    Zbornik izbranih predavanj Simpozija o poškodbah in okvarah kolena
  77. Kaye AH; Black PMcL
    Operative neurosurgery. Volume 1, volume 2
  78. Anonymous ;
    Transfuzijska medicina: podiplomska šola za zdravnike; 1999 Sep; Ljubljana
  79. Anonymous ;
    Transfuzijska medicina. Educatio medica: podiplomska šola za zdravnike; 1995 okt; Kranjska Gora
  80. Anonymous ;
    Astma šola tečaj za voditelje šole za pouk bolnika z astmo; 1999 feb 5-6; Kranjska Gora
  81. Anonymous ;
    Products from cells , cells as products. Abstract book of the 16th ESACT meeting; 1999 Apr 25-29; Lugano, Switzeland
  82. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 6th regional European congress of the international society of blood transfusion; 1999 May 9-13; Jerusalem, Israel
  83. Anonymous ;
    ASBT programme and additional abstracts from 15th meeting of the international society of haematology: African and European division; 1999 Sep 18-23; Durban, South Africa
  84. Anonymous ;
    Root-soil interactions in trees. Abstracts of the workshop COST action E6 Eurosilva forest tree physiology research; 1999 Sep; Gozd Martuljek
  85. Anonymous ;
    Protein kinesis: the dynamics of protein trafficking and stability. Abstracts of the 60th Cold Spring Harbor symposium on quantitative biology; 1995 May 31-Jun 7; New York
  86. Anonymous ;
    Program: abstract of the 28th annual meeting of the European histamine research society - EHRS; 1999 May 12-15; Lyon
  87. Anonymous ;
    The 10th international rabies in the Americas meeting; 1999 Nov 14-19; San Diego
  88. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 3rd EWGGD (European working group on Gaucher disease) workshop; 1999 May 20-23; Porto Myrina, Lemnos
  89. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 8th international conference on Lyme borreliosis and other emerging tick-borne diseases; 1999 Jun 20-24; Munich
  90. Anonymous ;
    International surgical week ISW99. Abstract book of the 38th world congress of surgery; 1999 Aug 15-20; Vienna
  91. Stanek Gerold; Strle Franc
    Final programme and book of abstracts of the Symposium on the pathogenesis and management of tick-borne diseases; 1998 Sep 28-30; Vienna
  92. Anonymous ;
    Program, abstracts, list of participants of the Curie workshop on epigenetics and DNA methylation; 1998 Sep 23-26; Paris
  93. Anonymous ;
    ESPID '99. Abstract book of the 17th annual meeting of the European society for paediatric infectious diseases. Respiratory tract infections; 1999 May 19-21; Heraklion, Greece
  94. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik predavanj 10. slovenski parodontološki dnevi; 1998 apr 17-18; Bled
  95. Anonymous ;
    Strokovna doktrina stomatološke klinike. Zbornik 13. republiškega strokovnega seminarja DZDS Rogaška Slatina 1999; 1999 nov 11-13; Rogaška Slatina
  96. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstracts of the jubilee 10th world congess for bronchology and 10th world congress for bronchoesophagology; 1998 Jun 14-17; Budapest
  97. Poles Janez
    Sodobna diagnostika in zdravljenje bolezni organov prsnega koša. Program in zbornik prispevkov Strokovno srečanje ob 80 letnici Bolnišnice Topolšica; 1999 okt 1-2; Topolšica
  98. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik referatov 7. strokovnega seminarja sekcije medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov v socialnih zavodih; 1999 okt 14-15; Čatež
  99. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 5. journadas internacionales sobre avances en endoscopia en endoscopia respiratoria, 2. congreso nacional de la asociacion Espanola de endoscopia respiratoria, 1. cenenario de la broncoscopia, Killian centenary; 1997 May 8-10; Barcelona
  100. Anonymous ;
    SICOT 99 Sydney. Final program and abstract book of the 21st triennial world congress of the Societe internationale de chirurgie orthopedique et de traumatologie; 1999 Apr 18-23; Sydney

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