biomedicina slovenica

ct=2.25 : 6.601-6.700

  1. Blinc Aleš; Ciglenečki Iza; Fras Zlatko; Kozak Matija; Poredoš Pavel; Šabovič Mišo
    Zbornik predavanj Ateroskleroza - razvoj bolezni, zgodnje odkrivanje in preprečevanje; 1998; Ljubljana
  2. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 1st European conference on pulmonary pathology; 1997 Jun 19-21; Heidelberg
  3. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 2nd international congress of the Croatian society of nuclear medicine; 1996 Oct 24-26; Zagreb
  4. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 12th international congress; 1997; Ostuni
  5. Parkin DM; Whelan SL; Ferlay J; et al ;
    Cancer incidence in five continents. Vol 7
  6. Anonymous ;
    Tumori e gravidanza. Atti convegno; 1995 Mar 25; Aviano
  7. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstracts of the International FEBS advanced course Cytochrome P450 systems: from structure to application; 1998 May 17-21; Gozd Martuljek
  8. Anonymous ;
    FEBS 97 special meeting. Abstracts of the Cell signalling mechanisms; 1997 Jun 29-Jul 3; Amsterdam
  9. Mušič Ema; Šorli Jurij
    Book of abstracts of the 1st Slovenian congress of pneumology and 9th Alps-Adria-Pannonia congress of pneumology; 1996 Oct 3-5; Bled
  10. Anonymous ;
    Imunohistokemična delavnica; 1997 apr 22; Ljubljana
  11. Anonymous ;
    Advanced laser skin resurfacing. SPIE Vol 2970; 1998 Apr 4; San diego
  12. Anonymous ;
    EVDS. Proceedings of the 7th European congress of veterinary dentistry; 1998 May 15-16; Ljubljana
  13. Anonymous ;
    FIP'95. Abstract book of the FIB congress and conference; 1995; Hague
  14. Humar Marjeta
    Slovensko naravoslovno tehnično izrazje. Zbornik referatov s posvetovanja o slovenskem naravoslovno-tehničnem izrazju; 1997 maj 22-23; Ljubljana
  15. Kosky Robert J; Eshkevari Hadi S; Goldney Robert D; Hassan Riaz
    Suicide prevention: the global contex. Proceedings of the 19th international association for suicide prevention; 1997 Mar 22-27; Australia
  16. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings of the 7th meeting of the Pompidou subgroup on treatment demands; 1997 Dec 10; Strasbourg
  17. Bretschko G; Helešic J
    Advances in river bottom ecology; 1996 Aug 27-30; Brno
  18. Fajfar Peter; Žekš Boštjan
    Zbornik referatov na posvetu 15. 4. 1998 Podiplomski študij na področju naravoslovja in tehnike v Sloveniji; 1998 apr 4; Ljubljana
  19. Anonymous ;
    Posvet Vodni ekosistemi: odnos do vodnega bogastva in upravljanja z njimi; 1998 mar; Ljubljana
  20. Dejanovič Boris; Ribarič-Lasnik Cvetka
    Zbornik 1. mednarodnega simpozija Sanacija termoenergetskih objektov; 1997 maj 28-30; Rogaška Slatina
    [Proceedings of the 1st international symposium Sanation of the thermo-power plants; 1997 May 28-30; Rogaška Slatina]
  21. Anonymous ;
    Programme and book of abstracts of the 3rd international symposium on Speciation of elements in biological, environmental, and toxicological sciences; 1997 Sep 15-19; Port Douglas
  22. Miklavčič Vesna
    Idrija kot naravni in antropogeni laboratorij: živo srebro kot glavni onesnaževalec. Srečanje raziskovalcev; 1996 maj 24-25; Idrija
  23. Anonymous ;
    Programme and abstracts of the 3rd international meeting on esterases reacting with organophosphorus compounds; 1998 Apr 15-18; Dubrovnik
  24. Altman Arie; Waisel Yoav
    Biology of root formation and development
  25. Matičič Brane
    Proceeding of the 6th drainage workshop on Drainage and the environment; 1996 Apr 22-29; Ljubljana
  26. Anonymous ;
    Programme/abstractbook of the 7th European congress for stereology: trends and challenges in stereology; the impact of new developments for 3D image analysis; 1998 Apr 20-23; Amsterdam
  27. Tomažič Janez; Vidmar Ludvik
    Zbornik predavanj 1. klinični simpozij o AIDSu z mednarodno udeležbo; 1997 nov 28-29; Ljubljana
  28. Marinček Črt
    Rehabilitacija bolnikov z okvaro hrbtenjače. Zbornik predavanj 9. rehabilitacijski dnevi; 1998 mar 20-21; Ljubljana
  29. Kenda MF
    17. Radenski dnevi. Strokovni sestanek Združenja kardiologov Slovenije; 1998 apr 10-11; Radenci
  30. Pasini Walter; Lobel Hans O
    Mobility and health: from hominid migration to mass tourism. Abstracts book of the European conference on travel medicine; 1998 Mar 25-27; Venice
  31. Anonymous ;
    Final program of the EAHIL '97 workshop on managing information in the new electronic age; 1997 Sep 23-25; Budapest
  32. Smrkolj Vladimir
    Zbornik predavanj 34. podiplomskega tečaja kirurgije za zdravnike splošne medicine; 1998 feb 5-7 ; Ljubljana
  33. Paver-Eržen V
    Podiplomsko izobraževanje iz anesteziologije. 6. tečaj; 1998 apr 3-5; Portorož
  34. Flis Vojko; Planinšec Viktor
    Medicina in pravo
  35. Marconnet P; Gaulard J; Margaritis I; Tessier F
    Book of abstracts of the 1st annual congress frontiers in sport science: the European perspective; 1996 May 28-31; Nice
  36. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 6th international summer school of biophysics supramolecular structure and function; 1997 Sep 15-27; Rovinj
  37. Nolimal Dušan; Rejc Vladimira
    Pogovori o drogah
  38. Popovič Janko
    Novosti v ortopediji. 1. del. 6. ortopedski dnevi: zbornik predavanj za zdravnike splošne medicine; 1988 okt 29; Ljubljana
  39. Romih Janez; Žmitek Andrej
    Zbornik Nevroleptično zdravljenje; 1995 okt 27-28; Begunje
  40. Solina Franc; Zajc Baldomir
    Zbornik 4. elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK'95. Zvezek B. Računalništvo in informatika, umetna inteligenca, robotika, razpoznavanje vzorcev, biomedicinska tehnika, numerične metode, študentski članki; 1995 Sept 25-27; Portorož
    [Proceedings of the 4th electrotechnical and computer science conference ERK'95. Vol B. Computer and information science, artificial intelligence, robotics, pattern recognition, biomedical engineering, numerical methods, student papers; 1995 Sept 25-27; Portorož]
  41. Žigić Dane
    Zbornik 5. kongres lekara opšte medicine Jugoslavije sa međunarodnim učešćem; 1991 Jun 6-8; Beograd
  42. Koželj Matjaž
    Zbornik predavanj 1. slovenski simpozij o bakteriji Helicobacter pylori; 1998 mar; Ljubljana
  43. Anonymous ;
    Final programmme and abstracts of the joint meeting of the Italian, Austrian and Slovenian basal ganglia clubs; 1998 Mar 19-21; Tarvisio
  44. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings of the 11th international congress of neurological surgery; 1997 July 6-11; Amsterdam
  45. Scott JF; Clark NA
    Proceedings of a NATO advanced research workshop on Incommensurate crystals, liquid crystals, and quasi-crystals; 1986 July 7-11; Boulder
  46. Krčevski-Škvarč Nevenka; Kamenik Borut
    Zbornik predavanj Seminar o urgentni medicini; 1997 Nov 28-29; Maribor
  47. Anonymous ;
    Gradivo s posveta Kako do zdrave športne rekreacije?; 1998 mar 20; Ljubljana
  48. Anonymous ;
    Kardiovaskularna obolenja: 1998 apr, Ljubljana
  49. Hočevar A; Črepinšek Z; Kajfež-Bogataj L
    Biometeorology 14. Proceedings of the 14th international congress of biometeorology. Part 2. (Vol 3); 1996 Sep 1-8; Ljubljana
  50. Hočevar A; Črepinšek Z; Kajfež-Bogataj L
    Biometeorology 14. Proceedings of the 14th international congress of biometeorology. Part 2. (Vol 1); 1996 Sep 1-8; Ljubljana
  51. Premik Marjan
    Zbornik strokovnega posveta Oskrba na domu: koordinacija dela med različnimi dejavnostmi; 1997 Mar; Ljubljana
  52. Cerović O; Štajer D
    Proceedings of the 3rd international symposium on intensive care medicine; 1994 Sep 21-23; Bled
  53. Rudas IJ
    RAAD'96. Proceedings of the 5th international workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria Danube region; 1996 Jun 10-13; Budapest
  54. Anonymous ;
    "Robotics '94 - flexible production - flexible automation". Proceedings of the 25th international symposium on industrial robots; 1994 Apr 25-27; Hannover
  55. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 14th congr. of the International society of biomechanics under the auspices of the Societe de Biomechanique. Vol I. Vol II; 1993 Jul 4-8; Paris
  56. Merlet J-P; Ravani B
    Computational kinematics '95. Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on computational kinematics; 1995 Sep 4-6; Sophia Antipolis
  57. Sciavicco L; Bonivento C; Nicolo F
    Preprints of the 4th IFAC symposium on robot control. Vol 2 of 3; 1994 Sep 19-21; Capri
  58. Kopacek Peter
    Robotics in Alpe-Adria region. Preprints of the 4th international workshop on robotics in Alpe-Adria region RAA '95 as part of the Central European initiative CEI; 1995 Jul 6-8; Poertschach
  59. Kopacek Peter
    Robotics in Alpe-Adria region. Proceedings of the 2nd international workshop (RAA '93); 1993 Jun; Krems
  60. Anonymous ;
    '93 ICAR. Proceedings of 93 international conference on advanced robotics; 1993 Nov 1-2; Tokyo
  61. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik radova Jugoslovenski kongres lekara fizikalne medicine i rehabilitacije sa međunarodnim učešćem; 1997 okt 13-17; Zlatibor
  62. Bigec Martin; Lavrenčič Darko; Kokol Peter
    Zbornik referatov 10. IEEE simpozija Computer-based medical systems: 2. del; 1997 Jun 11-13; Maribor
    [Proceedings of the 10th IEEE symposium Computer-based medical systems: part 2; 1997 Jun 11-13; Maribor]
  63. Anonymous ;
    Preprints of the 3rd international symposium on experimental robotics; 1993 Oct 28-30; Kyoto
  64. Pavešić N; Niemann H; Paulus D; Kovačič S
    3-D scene acquisition, modeling and understanding. Proceedings of the 2nd German-Slovenian workshop; 1994 Jun 6; Ljubljana
  65. Žlajpah Leon
    Proceedings of the 3rd international workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria region (RAA '94) as part of the central European initiative; 1994 Jul 7-9; Bled
  66. Strle Franc; Čižman Milan
    Zbornik predavanj Infektološki simpozij 1998; 1998 mar; Ljubljana
  67. Kobayashi Shigeaki; Goel Atul; Hongo Kazuhiro
    Neurosurgery of complex tumors and vascular lesions
  68. Anonymous ;
    Final program and abstracts of the international symposium Proteases and cancer of the Biomed-1-program of the European union and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft; 1997 Mar 6-8; Heidelberg
  69. Keravnou Elpida; Garbay Catherine; Baud Robert; Wyatt Jeremy
    Artificial intelligence in medicine. Proceedings of the 6th conference on artificial intelligence in medicine Europe, AIME' 97; 1997 March; Grenoble
  70. Kozmik Vera; Jeram Jasna
    Slovenija pred Pekingom. Varovanje zdravja žensk. 4. zv.
  71. Filipče Dobri S
    Advanced ultrasound 2. Vol 9; 1996; Skopje-Ohrid
  72. Filipče Dobri S
    Basic and clinical aspects of ultrasound. Vol 2; 1994; Skopje-Ohrid
  73. Filipche Dobri S
    Advanced ultrasound 1. Vol 4; 1995; Skopje-Ohrid
  74. Hunt Robert B; Martin Dan C
    Endoscopy in gynecology. Proceedings of the AAGL 20th annual meeting of the world congress of gynecologic endoscopy; 1992; Las Vegas
  75. Kos-Grabnar Erna; Čarni-Dobovšek Darinka
    Zbornik predavanj 2. strokovnega srečanja za medicinske sestre in zdravstvene tehnike; 1996 Nov 8-9; Dobrna
  76. Norman Anthony W; Bouillon Roger; Thomasset Monique
    Vitamin D: chemistry, biology and clinical applications of the steroid hormone. Proceedings of the 10th workshop on vitamin D; 1997 May 24-29; Strasbourg
  77. Power H; Brebbia CA; Kenny J
    BIOMED 97. Proceedings of the 4th international conference Simulations in biomedicine; 1997 June 9-11; Umbria
  78. Aurer Boris; Hunjak Tihomir
    Zbornik radova 7. međunarodni simpozij "Informacijski sustavi" IS '96; 1996 ruj 25-27; Varaždin
  79. Jevtič Vladimir; Rozman Blaž; Šuškovič Stanislav; Zalar Jurij
    Šola klinične radiologije. Zbornik predavanj Vnetni in degenerativni revmatizem; 1997 okt 23-24; Ljubljana
  80. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts book of the 10th world conference on tobacco or health; 1997 Aug 24-28; Beijing
  81. Anonymous ;
    "Šola, ki promovira zdravje - naložba v izobraževanje, zdravje in demokracijo". Sklepi 1. konference Evropske mreže šol, ki promovirajo zdravje; 1997 maj 1-5; Thessaloniki
  82. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik povzetkov predavanj 5. dnevi oralnega zdravja Slovenije; 1997 okt 10-11; Slovenj Gradec
  83. Anonymous ;
    MEDLAB 97. Abstracts of the 12th IFCC European congress of clinical chemistry; Aug 1997; Basel
  84. Kovatsis Anastassios V; Tsoukali-Papadopoulou Helen
    Apects on forensic toxicology. 33rd international congress on forensic (TIAFT), 1st environmental toxicology (Gretox '95); 1995 Aug 27-31; Thessaloniki
  85. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik predavanj Čiščenje odpadnih voda: prilagoditve tehnologij čistilnih naprav in monitoring zahtevam podzakonskih predpisov o dovoljenih emisijah snovi in toplote pri odvajanju odpadnih voda iz virov onesnaževanja; 1996 Sep 25-26; Ljubljana
  86. Anonymous ;
    6. incontri Italo-Iugoslavi di nefrologia e dialisi; 1984 ott 5; Postumia
    [Italiansko jugoslovanski sestanski nefrologije in dialize]
  87. Junkar Miha
    Zbornik prispevkov 2. slovenska konferenca o menedžmentu inovativnih tehnologij - MIT' 97; 1997 Okt 3-4; Bled
    [Proceedings of the 2nd Slovenian conference on management of innovative technologies - MIT' 97; 1997 Okt 3-4; Bled]
  88. Poewe Werner; Wissel Joerg
    Botulinum toxin in the treatment of cerebral palsy; 1997 May 16; Insbruck
  89. Ostergard Donald R; Bent Alfred E
    Urogynecology and urodynamics: theory and practice; 4th edition
  90. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings of the 4th world veterinary dental congress and veterinary dentistry '95; 1995 Sep 28-Oct 1; Vancouver
  91. Praper Peter
    Sram. 4. Bregantovi dnevi. Zbornik prispevkov 4. srečanja psihoterapevtov Slovenije; 1995; Ljubljana
  92. Latinović S
    Sekundarni glaukom: 5. jugoslovenski simpozijum o glaukomu; 1985; Novi Sad
  93. Kosec Dragica
    Rdeče oko. Zbornik predavanj 4. Ješetovi dnevi; 1995 nov 24-25; Ljubljana
  94. Ribarić Slobodan
    Proceedings of the symposium computers in inteligent information systems. Proceedings of the seminar superscalar RISC and CISC processors: Mipro' 96; 1996 May 20-24, Rijeka
  95. Trobec R; Vajteršic M; Zinterhof P; Šilc J; Robič B
    Proceedings of the International workshop Parallel numerics ' 96; 1996 Sept 11-13; Gozd Martuljek
  96. Vulkov Lubin; Wasniewski Jerzy; Yalamov Plamen
    Numerical analysis and its applications. Proceedings of the 1st International workshop WNAA '96; 1996 Jun; Rousse, Bulgaria
  97. Barabas Aniko; Fabian Gyula
    Biomechanics in sports 12. Proceedings of the 12th symposium of the International society of biomechanics in sports; 1994; Budapest
  98. Abrantes Joao MCS
    Proceeding of the 14th symposium on biomechanics in sports; 1996 Jun 25-29; Funchal,Madeira
  99. Anonymous ;
    Sportmotorisches Lernen und Techniktraining. Internationales Symposium "Motorik- und Bewegungsforschung"; 1989; Saarbruecken
  100. Osinski Wieslaw; Starosta Wlodzimierz
    Proceedings of the 3rd international conference "Sport kinetics '93"; 1993 Sep 8-11; Poznan

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