biomedicina slovenica

dr="Velika Britanija" : 1.424-1.523

  1. Journal of nursing management
  2. Marc-Malovrh Mateja; Camlek Luka; Škrgat Sabina; Kern Izidor; Fležar Matjaž; Dežman Manca; Korošec Peter
    Elevated eosinophils, IL5 and IL8 in induced sputum in asthma patients with accelerated FEV1 decline
  3. Renz Nora; Trebše Rihard; Akgün Doruk; Perka Carsten; Trampuž Andrej
    Enterococcal periprosthetic joint infection
  4. Journal of helminthology
  5. Reproductive health
  6. Serdinšek Tamara; Lipovšek Delakorda Saška; Leitinger Gerd; But Igor; Stožer Andraž; Dolenšek Jurij
    A novel in situ approach to studying detrusor smooth muscle cells in mice
  7. Anaerobe
  8. Pramila-Savukoski Sari; Juntunen Jonna; Tuomikoski Anna-Maria; Kääriäinen Maria; Tomietto Marco; Kaučič Boris Miha; Filej Bojana; Riklikiene Olga; Vizcaya-Moreno M. Flores; Perez-Cañaveras Rosa M.; De Raeve Paul; Mikkonen Kristina
    Mentors' self-assessed competence in mentoring nursing students in clinical practice
  9. Coscia Francesca; Taler-Verčič Ajda; Chang Veronica T.; Sinn Ludwig; O'Reilly Francis J.; Izoré Thierry; Renko Miha; Berger Imre; Rappsilber Juri; Turk Dušan; Löwe Jan
    The structure of human thyroglobulin
  10. Poljak Mario; Šterbenc Anja
    Use of drones in clinical microbiology and infectious diseases
  11. Le Floch Bernard; Bastiaens Hilde; Le Reste Jean-Yves; Lingner Heidrun; Hoffman Robert; Spiridonova Assenova Radost; Koskela Tuomas; Klemenc-Ketiš Zalika; Nabbe P.; Montier T; Peremans Lieve
    Which positive view of general practice do medical students and trainees have?
  12. Bele David; Kojc Nika; Perše Martina; Černe Andreja; Lindič Jelka; Aleš Andreja; Večerić-Haler Željka
    Diagnostic and treatment challenge of unrecognized subacute bacterial endocarditis associated with ANCA-PR3 positive immunocomplex glomerulonephritis
  13. Grubelnik Gašper; Boštjančič Emanuela; Pavlič Ana; Kos Marina; Zidar Nina
    NANOG expression in human development and cancerogenesis
  14. Michelsen Brigitte; Midtb Lykke; Kvien Tore K.; Pavelka Karel; Nissen Michael J.; Nordström Dan C.; Santos Maria Jose; Rotar Žiga; Tomšič Matija
    Impact of discordance between patient's and evaluator's global assessment on treatment outcomes in 14 868 patients with spondyloarthritis
  15. Milojković Ana; Cukjati Marko; Jazbec Janez; Rajić Vladan
    Impact of custom prime on the PBSC collection efficiency and procedure outcome on Spectra Optia apheresis device by using the CMNC program in low-weight pediatric oncology patients
  16. Ilic Dusko; Liović Mirjana; Noli Laila
    Industry updates from the field of stem cell research and regenerative medicine in October 2019
  17. Ilic Dusko; Liović Mirjana
    Industry updates from the field of stem cell research and regenerative medicine in December 2019
  18. Hočevar Alojzija; Tomšič Matija; Jurčić Vesna; Perdan-Pirkmajer Katja; Rotar Žiga
    Predicting gastrointestinal and renal involvement in adult IgA vasculitis
  19. Pravin John; Liović Mirjana
    Cloning and characterization of retrovirally engineered Epidermolysis bullosa simplex (EBS) cell lines expressing keratin 5 mutations
  20. Wilson Lorna; Liović Mirjana
    Characterization of retro-virally engineered Epidermolysis bullosa simplex cell lines expressing keratin 14 mutations
  21. Alsaffar Mazin; Liović Mirjana
    Characterization of retro-virally engineered epidermolysis bullosa simplex cell lines expressing keratin 5 mutations
  22. Wilkie Morven Elizabeth Mary; Liović Mirjana
    Keratin filament dynamics in vivo
  23. Maver Vodičar Polona; Poljak Mario
    Primary HPV-based cervical cancer screening in Europe
  24. Ribarič Samo; Milisav Irina
    Autophagy and cell death in Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and prion diseases
  25. Gali-Muhtasib Hala; Rahal Omar Nasser
    Programmed cell death
  26. Nettleton Jodi E.; Cho Nicole A.; Klančič Teja; Nicolucci Alissa C; Shearer Janet; Borgland Stephanie L.; Johnston Leah A; Ramay Hena R; Noye Tuplin Erin; Chleilat Faye
    Maternal low-dose aspartame and stevia consumption with an obesogenic diet alters metabolism, gut microbiota and mesolimbic reward system in rat dams and their offspring
  27. Crowley Jameson T.; Strle Klemen; Drouin Elise E.; Pianta Annalisa; Arvikar Sheila; Wang Qi; Costello Caterine E.; Steere Allen C.
    Matrix metalloproteinase-10 is a target of T and B cell responses that correlate with synovial pathology in patients with antibiotic-refractory Lyme arthritis
  28. Miyabe Chie; Miyabe Yoshishige; Strle Klemen; Kim Nancy D.; Stone John H.; Luster Andrew D.; Unizony Sebastian
    An expanded population of pathogenic regulatory T cells in giant cell arteritis is abrogated by IL-6 blockade therapy
  29. Uziel Yosef; Moshe Veronica; Onozo Beata; Kulcsár Andrea; Tróbert-Sipos Diána; Akikusa Jonathan D; Salviato Pileggi Gecilmara; Maritsi Despoina; Kasapcopur Ozgur; Smerla Roubini; Toplak Nataša
    Live attenuated MMR/V booster vaccines in children with rheumatic diseases on immunosuppressive therapy are safe
  30. Rus Prelog Polona; Vidmar Šimic Marijana; Premru-Sršen Tanja; Rus-Makovec Maja
    Contextual-relationship and stress-related factors of postpartum depression symptoms in nulliparas
  31. Marčun-Varda Nataša; Medved Martina; Ojsteršek Laura
    The associations between some biological markers, obesity, and cardiovascular risk in Slovenian children and adolescents
  32. Košir-Pogačnik Renata; Trojner-Bregar Andreja; Lučovnik Miha; Krajec Maja; Verdenik Ivan; Blickstein Isaac; Tul Nataša
    The effect of interaction between parity, gestational diabetes and pregravid obesity on the incidence of preeclampsia
  33. Burnik Papler Tanja; Vrtačnik-Bokal Eda; Jančar Nina
    Female reproductive potential after oncological treatment
  34. Hatzakis Angelos; Lazarus Jeffrey V.; Cholongitas Evangelos; Baptista-Leite Ricardo; Boucher Charles; Busoi Cristian-Silviu; Deuffic-Burban Sylvie; Chhatwal Jagpreet; Matičič Mojca
    Securing sustainable funding for viral hepatitis elimination plans
  35. Djokić Mihajlo; Novak Jerica; Petrič Miha; Ranković Branislava; Štabuc Miha; Trotovšek Blaž
    Case report and literature review
  36. Lazarus Jeffrey V.; Pericàs J. M.; Picchio C.; Černoša Jasna; Hoekstra M.; Luhmann N.; Matičič Mojca; Read P.E.; Robinson Mike; Dillon John
    We know DAAs work, so now what?
  37. Chagine Benjamin; Scirè Carlo Alberto; Talarico Rosaria; Alexander Tobias; Amoura Zahir; Avčin Tadej; Beretta Lorenzo; Doria Andrea; Guffroy Aurelien; Guimarães Vera
    Mixed connective tissue disease
  38. Sulli Alberto; Talarico Rosaria; Scirè Carlo Alberto; Avčin Tadej; Castori Marco; Ferraris Alessandro; Frank Charissa; Grunert Jürgen; Paolino Sabrina; Bombardieri Stefano
    Ehlers-Danlos syndromes
  39. Antunes Margarida; Scirè Carlo Alberto; Talarico Rosaria; Alexander Tobias; Avčin Tadej; Belocchi Chiara; Doria Andrea; Franceschini Franco; Galetti Ilaria; Govoni Marcello
    Undifferentiated connective tissue disease
  40. Tamirou Farah; Arnaud Laurent; Talarico Rosaria; Scirè Carlo Alberto; Amoura Zahir; Avčin Tadej; Bortoluzzi Alessandra; Cervera Ricard; Conti Fabrizio; Cornet Alain
    Systemic lupus erythematosus
  41. Limper Marteen; Scirè Carlo Alberto; Talarico Rosaria; Amoura Zahir; Avčin Tadej; Basile Martina; Burmester Gerd-Rüdiger; Carli Linda; Cervera Ricard; Costedoat-Chalumeau Nathalie
    Antiphospholipid syndrome
  42. Ravelli Angelo; Consolaro Alessandro; Horneff Gerd; Laxer Ronald M.; Lovell Daniel J; Wulffraat Nico; Akikusa Jonathan D; Al-Mayouf Sulaiman M; Anton Jordi; Avčin Tadej
    Treating juvenile idiopathic arthritis to target
  43. Vidmar Šimic Marijana; Lučovnik Miha; Leskošek Vesna; Pavše Lucija; Krajnc Megie; Verdenik Ivan; Tul Nataša; Premru-Sršen Tanja; Globevnik Velikonja Vislava
    Abuse of pregnant women in the healthcare system
  44. Kranjc Brezar Simona; Prevc Ajda; Nikšić Žakelj Martina; Brožič Andreja; Čemažar Maja; Strojan Primož; Serša Gregor
    Synergistic effect of cisplatin chemotherapy combined with fractionated radiotherapy regimen in HPV-positive and HPVnegative experimental pharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma
  45. Lee Anne W. M.; Ng Wai Tong; Chan Jimmy Y. W.; Corry June; Mäkitie Antti A.; Mendenhall William M.; Rinaldo Alessandra; Rodrigo Juan Pablo; Saba Nabil F.; Strojan Primož
    Management of locally recurrent nasopharyngeal carcinoma
  46. Perhavec Andraž; Miklavčič Martina; Perić Barbara; Pilko Gašper; Žgajnar Janez
    Is preoperative ultrasound of the axilla necessary in screen-detected breast cancer?
  47. Linde Cecilia; Squarta Sophie; Lainščak Mitja
    The Membership Committee of the ESC
  48. Ponikowski Piotr; Lainščak Mitja
    2016 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure
  49. Sonjak Vita; Jacob Kathryn J.; Morais José A.; Riviera-Zengotita Marie; Spendiff Sally; Spake Carole; Taivassalo Tanja; Chevalier Stéphanie; Hepple Russel T.
    Fidelity of muscle fibre reinnervation modulates ageing muscle impact in elderly women
  50. Semenova Nina; Bošnjak Maša; Markelc Boštjan; Žnidar Katarina; Čemažar Maja; Heller Loree C.
    Multiple cytosolic DNA sensors bind plasmid DNA after transfection
  51. Strosberg Carolina; Ferlito Alfio; Triantafyllou Asterios; Gnepp Douglas R.; Bishop Justin A.; Hellquist Henrik; Strojan Primož; Willems Stefan M.; Stenman Göran; Rinaldo Alessandra; Hernandez-Prera Juan C.
    Update on neuroendocrine carcinomas of the larynx
  52. Nemeth Lidija; Grošelj Maja; Golež Aljaž; Arhar Ana; Frangež Igor; Cankar Ksenija
    The impact of photobiomodulation of major salivary glands on caries risk
  53. Vuik Fanny ER; Nieuwenburg Stella AV; Bardou Marc; Lansdorp-Vogelaar Iris; Dinis-Ribeiro Mário; Bento Maria J.; Zadnik Vesna; Pellisé María; Esteban Laura; Kaminski Michal F.
    Increasing incidence of colorectal cancer in young adults in Europe over the last 25 years
  54. Csanádi Marcell; De Kok Inge M. C. M.; Heijnsdijk Eveline A. M.; Anttila Ahti; Heinävaara Sirpa; Pitter János; Széles György; Ivanuš Urška; Priaulx Jennifer; Veerus Piret
    Key indicators of organized cancer screening programs
  55. Mountzios Giannis; Remon J.; Novello Silvia; Blais N.; Califano R.; Čufer Tanja; Dingemans Anne-Marie C.; Liu S. V.; Peled N.; Pennell N. A.
    Position of an international panel of lung cancer experts on the decision for expansion of approval for pembrolizumab in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer with a PD-L1 expression level of >= 1 by the USA Food and Drug Administration
  56. Hochmair Maximilian J; Morabito Alessandro; Hao Desiree; Yang Cheng-Ta; Soo Ross A; Yang James C-H; Gucalp Rasim; Halmos Balazs; Wang Lara; Märten Angela; Čufer Tanja
    Sequential afatinib and osimertinib in patients with EGFR mutation-positive non-small-cell lung cancer
  57. Janžič Urška; Knez Lea; Janžič Andrej; Čufer Tanja
    Time to access to novel anticancer drugs and the correlation with ESMO-Magnitude of Clinical Benefit Scale in Slovenia
  58. Garvey Lene Heise; Ebo Didier G.; Mertes Paul Michel; Dewachter Pascale; Garcez Tomaz; Kopač Peter; Laguna Jose Julio; Chiriac Anca; Terreehorst Ingrid; Voltolini Susanna; Scherer K
    An EAACI position paper on the investigation of perioperative immediate hypersensitivity reactions
  59. Podnar Simon; Kukar Matjaž; Gunčar Gregor; Notar Mateja; Gošnjak Nina; Notar Marko
    Diagnosing brain tumours by routine blood tests using machine learning
  60. The journal of pathology
  61. Mikkonen Kristina; Tomietto Marco; Cicolini Giancarlo; Kaučič Boris Miha; Filej Bojana; Riklikiene Olga; Juskauskiene Erika; Vizcaya-Moreno M. Flores; Perez-Cañaveras Rosa M.; De Raeve Paul; Kääriäinen Maria
    Development and testing of an evidence-based model of mentoring nursing students in clinical practice
  62. Cottone Lucia; Eden Nadia; Usher Inga; Lombard Patrick; Ye Hongtao; Ligammari Lorena; Lindsay Daniel; Brandner Sebastian; Pižem Jože; Pillay Nischalan
    Frequent alterations in p16/CDKN2A identified by immunohistochemistry and FISH in chordoma
  63. Mlekuš Katarina; Jensterle Sever Mojca; Ambrožič Aleš; Pfeifer Marija
    Adrenal failure and antiphospholipid syndrome
  64. Repas Jernej; Bizjak Maruša; Pavlin Mojca
    Temporal characterisation of breast cancer cell detachment induced by pharmacological energy metabolism modulation in vitro
  65. Cancer and metabolism
  66. Klemenc-Ketiš Zalika; Zafošnik Uroš; Poplas-Susič Tonka
    An innovative approach to educating primary health care teams about medical emergencies
  67. Österlund Pamela; Jiang Miao; Westenius Veera; Kuivanen Suvi; Järvi Riia; Kakkola Laura; Lundberg Rickard; Melén Krister; Korva Miša; Avšič-Županc Tatjana
    Asian and African lineage Zika viruses show differential replication and innate immune responses in human dendritic cells and macrophages
  68. Jousse-Joulin Sandrine; D'Agostino Maria-Antonietta; Hočevar Alojzija; Naredo Esperanza; Terslev Lene; Ohrndorf Sarah; Iagnocco Annamaria; Schmidt Wolfgang A.; Finzel Stephanie; Bruyn George A. W .
    Could we use salivary gland ultrasonography as a prognostic marker in Sjogren's syndrome?
  69. Cole Michelle; Quinten Chantal; Jacobsson Susanne; Day Michaela J.; Amato-Gauci Andrew; Woodford Neil; Spiteri Gianfranco; Unemo Magnus; Jeverica Samo
    The European gonococcal antimicrobial surveillance programme (Euro-GASP) appropriately reflects the antimicrobial resistance situation for Neisseria gonorrhoeae in the European Union/European Economic Area
  70. Kocjan Tomaž
    Primary hyperparathyroidism
  71. Weber Andreas; Iturri Jagoba; Benitez Rafael; Zemljič Jokhadar Špela; Toca-Herrera José L.
    Microtubule disruption changes endothelial cell mechanics and adhesion
  72. Corbeski Ivan; Dolinar Klemen; Wienk Hans; Boelens Rolf; Ingen Hugo
    DNA repair factor APLF acts as a H2A-H2B histone chaperone through binding its DNA interaction surface
  73. Janež Andrej; Guja Cristian; Mitrakou Asimina; Lalić Nebojsa M.; Tabák Adam G.; Prázný Martin; Martinka Emil; Smirčić-Duvnjak Lea
    Insulin therapy in adults with type 1 diabetes mellitus
  74. Moneghetti Kegan J.; Giraldeau Genevieve; Wheeler Matthew T.; Kobayashi Yukari; Vrtovec Bojan; Boulate David; Kuznetsova Tatiana; Schnittinger Ingela; Wu Joseph C.; Myers Jonathan
    Incremental value of right heart metrics and exercise performance to well-validated risk scores in dilated cardiomyopathy
  75. Belčič Tanja; Pajič Tadej; Sever Matjaž
    CALR mutations in a cohort of JAK2 V617F negative patients with suspected myeloproliferative neoplasms
  76. Cifkova Renata; Lánská Věra; Bruthans Jan; Mayer Otto; Kotseva Kornelia; Wood David G.; Lovic Dragan; De Sutter Johan De; Reiner Željko; Fras Zlatko
    Blood pressure distribution and control in coronary patients from 24 European countries in the European Society of Cardiology EURoObservational Research Programme European survey of cardiovascular disease prevention and diabetes
  77. Horvat Alenka; Brecl Jakob Gregor; Jerše Jana; Ruška Berislav; Pavičić Tin; Gabelić Tereza; Barun Barbara; Adamec Ivan; Rot Uroš; Šega Saša; Krbot Skorić Magdalena; Habek Mario
    Intravenous immunoglobulins for the prevention of postpartum relapses in multiple sclerosis
  78. Prša Patrik; Karademir Betül; Biçim Gökhan; Mahmoud Hatem; Dahan Inbal; Süha Yalçin Ahmet; Mahajna Jamal; Milisav Irina
    The potential use of natural products to negate hepatic, renal and neuronaltoxicity induced by cancer therapeutics
  79. Lancaster Gemma; Debevec Tadej; Millet Grégoire P.; Poussel Mathias; Willis Sarah; Mramor Minca; Goričar Katja; Osredkar Damjan; Dolžan Vita; Stefanovska Aneta
    Relationship between cardiorespiratory phase coherence during hypoxia and genetic polymorphism in humans
  80. Pajk Stane; Knez Damijan; Košak Urban; Zorović Maja; Brazzolotto Xavier; Coquelle Nicolas; Nachon Florian; Colletier Jacques-Philippe; Živin Marko; Stojan Jure; Gobec Stanislav
    Development of potent reversible selective inhibitors of butyrylcholinesterase as fluorescent probes
  81. Vrdelja Mitja; Učakar Veronika; Kraigher Alenka
    From mandatory to voluntary vaccination
  82. Lawler Mark; Naredi Peter; Čufer Tanja; Banks Ian; Lievens Yolande; Vassal Giles; Aapro Matti S.; Južnič Sotlar Maja; Philip Thierry; Jassem Jacek
    Moonshot or groundshot
  83. Zwakman Marieke; Pollock K.; Bulli Francesco; Caswell Glenys; Červ Branka; Delden Johannes JM van; Deliens Luc; Heide Agnes van der; Jabbarian Lea J.; Kodba Čeh Hana; Lunder Urška; Simonič Anja; Mimič Alenka; Ozbič Polona
    Trained facilitators' experiences with structured advance care planning conversations in oncology
  84. Korošec Peter; Jakob Thilo; Harb Harfi; Heddle Robert; Karabus Sarah; Lima Zollner Ricardo de; Šelb Julij; Yu-Hor Thong Bernard; Zaitoun Fares; Golden David B. K.; Levin Michael
    Worldwide perspectives on venom allergy
  85. Statistica Neerlandica
  86. Blagus Rok; Goeman Jelle J.
    Mean squared error of ridge estimators in logistic regression
  87. Janež Andrej; Őrsy Petra; Stachlewska Karolina; Salvesen-Sykes Karen; Billings Liana K; Philis-Tsimikas Athena
    Benefits of insulin degludec/liraglutide (IDegLira) are maintained even in patients discontinuing sulphonylurea or dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor upon initiation of IDegLira therapy
  88. Oroz Maja; Begovac Josip; Planinić Ana; Rokić Filip; Lunar Maja M.; Zorec Tomaž Mark; Belužić Robert; Korać Petra; Vugrek Oliver; Poljak Mario; Židovec-Lepej Snježana
    Analysis of HIV-1 diversity, primary drug resistance and transmission networks in Croatia
  89. Jensterle Sever Mojca; Kravos Nika Aleksandra; Ferjan Simona; Goričar Katja; Dolžan Vita; Janež Andrej
    Long-term efficacy of metformin in obese PCOS
  90. Jeverica Samo; El Sayed Faten; Čamernik Petra; Kocjančič Boštjan; Sluga Boštjan; Rottman Martin; Papst Lea
    Growth detection of Cutibacterium acnes from orthopaedic implant-associated infections in anaerobic bottles from BACTEC and BacT/ALERT blood culture systems and comparison with conventional culture media
  91. Ilic Dusko; Liović Mirjana; Noli Laila
    Industry updates from the field of stem cell research and regenerative medicine in September 2019
  92. Heegaard Brahe Cecilie; Midtb Lykke; Jacobsson Lennart; Nissen Michael J.; Kristianslund Eirik Klami; Mann Herman; Santos Maria Jose; Gomez-Reino Juan J.; Rotar Žiga; Tomšič Matija
    Retention and response rates in 14 261 PsA patients starting TNF inhibitor treatment - results from 12 countries in EuroSpA
  93. Goličnik Marko; Bavec Aljoša
    Evaluation of the paraoxonase-1 kinetic parameters of the lactonase activity by nonlinear fit of progress curves
  94. Ulger Toprak Nurver; Veloo Alida C.M.; Urban Edit; Wybo Ingrid; Jeverica Samo
    Performance of mass spectrometric identification of clinical Prevotella species using the VITEK MS system
  95. Veloo A.C.M.; Bahar Tokman H.; Jean-Pierre H.; Dumont Y.; Jeverica Samo; Lienhard R.; Rodloff A.; Rotimi V. O.; Wybo I.; Nagy Elisabeth
    Antimicrobial susceptibility profiles of anaerobic bacteria, isolated from human clinical specimens, within different European and surrounding countries
  96. Ilic Dusko; Liović Mirjana; Noli Laila
    Industry updates from the field of stem cell research and regenerative medicine in August 2019
  97. Vidmar Jernej; Salapura Vladka; Škufca Sterle Mateja
    Skeletal chest injuries detected by conventional CXR vs. MDCT secondary to mechanical or manual cardiorespiratory resusication
  98. Škufca Sterle Mateja; Kralj Eduard
    Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in Ljubljana
  99. Kralj Eduard; Škufca Sterle Mateja; Balažic Jože
    Factors influencing frequency of resuscitation-related injuries in the Emergency care service of Ljubljana during implementation of the ERC resuscitation guidelines 2015
  100. Lasič Eva; Trkov Saša; Wilhelmsson Ulrika; De Pablo Yolanda; Pekny Milos; Zorec Robert; Stenovec Matjaž
    Nestin affects fusion pore dynamics in mouse astrocytes

   924 1.024 1.124 1.224 1.324 1.424 1.524 1.624 1.724 1.824  

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