biomedicina slovenica

dr="Velika Britanija" : 1.724-1.823

  1. Fasano Alfonso; Fung Victor S. C.; Lopiano Leonardo; Elibol Bulet; Smolentseva Irina G.; Seppi Klaus; Takáts Annamária; Onuk Koray; Parra Juan Carlos; Bergmann Lars; Pirtošek Zvezdan
    Characterizing advanced Parkinson's disease:
  2. Founti Panayiota; Topouzis Fotis; Holló Gábor; Cvenkel Barbara; Iester Michele; Haidrich Anna-Bettina; Kóthy Péter; Kiana Anneta; Kolokotroni Despoina; Viswanathan Ananth C
    Prospective study of glaucoma referrals across Europe
  3. Matičič Mojca; Videčnik Jerneja; Gregorčič Sergeja; Schatz Eberhard; Lazarus Jeffrey V.
    Changes to the national strategies, plans and guidelines for the treatment of hepatitis C in people who inject drugs between 2013 and 2016
  4. Janež Jurij; Preskar Jasna; Avguštin Matic; Štor Zdravko
    Surgical repair of a large ventral hernia under spinal anaesthesia
  5. Pollari Francesco; Großmann Irena; Vogt Ferdinand; Kališnik Jurij-Matija; Cuomo Michela; Schwab Johannes; Fischlein Theodor; Pfeiffer Steffen
    Risk factors for atrioventricular block after transcatheter aortic valve implantation
  6. Štor Zdravko; Hanžel Jurij
    Ileal leiomyosarcoma presenting with intussusception
  7. Romão Vasco C.; Talarico Rosaria; Scirè Carlo Alberto; Vieira Ana; Alexander Tobias; Baldini Chiara; Gottenberg Jacques-Eric; Gruner Heidi; Hachulla Eric; Mouthon Luc; Toplak Nataša
    Sjögren's syndrome
  8. Djokić Mihajlo; Badovinac David; Petrič Miha; Trotovšek Blaž
    An unusual presentation of metastatic malignant melanoma causing jejuno-jejunal intussusception
  9. Brugger Florian; Peters Amy; Georgiev Dejan; Kägi Georg; Balint Betina; Bhatia Kailash P.; Day Brian H.
    Sensory trick efficacy in cervical dystonia is linked to processing of neck proprioception
  10. Doganis Dimitrios; Zborovskaya Anna A.; Trojanowski Maciej; Žagar Tina; Bouka Panagiota; Baka Margarita; Moschovi Maria; Polychronopoulou Sophia; Papakonstantinou Eugenia; Tragiannidis Athanasios; Avčin Simona
    Wilms tumour event-free and overall survival in Southern and Eastern Europe
  11. Cvetinović Nataša; Šekularac Nikola; Haehling Stephan; Tahirović Elvis; Inkrot Simone; Lainščak Mitja; Apostolović Svetlana; Putniković Biljana; Waagstein Finn; Gelbrich Götz
    The [beta]-blocker uptitration in elderly with heart failure regarding biomarker levels
  12. Smilović Radojčić Ðeni; Švabić Kolacio Manda; Radojčić Milan; Rajlić David; Casar Božidar; Faj Dario; Jurković Slaven
    Comparison of calculated dose distributions reported as dose-to-water and dose-to-medium for intensity-modulated radiotherapy of nasopharyngeal cancer patients
  13. Europace
  14. Medical dosimetry
  15. Quality of life research
  16. United European Gastroenterology journal
  17. BMC medical genomics
  18. Peterlin Borut; Leonardis Lea; Babić Ivana; Osredkar Damjan; Maver Aleš
    Clinical exome sequencing in muscular disorders
  19. Rose AM; Sergouniotis Panagiotis I.; Alfano G; Muspratt-Tucker N; Barton Stephanie J.; Moore Anthony T.; Black Graeme C. M.; Bhattacharya SS; Webster Andrew R.
    Diverse clinical phenotypes associated with a nonsense mutation in FAM161A
  20. Hočevar Alojzija; Rotar Žiga; Jurčić Vesna; Tomšič Matija
    Smokers with generalized purpura have an increased risk for severe IGA vasculitis
  21. Hočevar Alojzija; Ješe Rok; Rotar Žiga; Tomšič Matija
    Predictors of severe cranial ischemic complications in giant cell arteritis
  22. Hauptman Nina; Jevšinek Skok Daša; Spasovska Elena; Boštjančič Emanuela; Glavač Damjan
    Genes CEP55, FOXD3, FOXF2, GNAO1, GRIA4, and KCNA5 as potential diagnostic biomarkers in colorectal cancer
  23. Cole Michelle; Quaye Nerteley; Jacobsson Susanne; Day Michaela J.; Fagan Elizabeth; Ison Catherine A.; Pitt Rachel; Seaton Shila; Hunjak Blaženka; Jeverica Samo
    Ten years of external quality assessment (EQA) of Neisseria gonorrhoeae antimicrobial susceptibility testing in Europe elucidate high reliability of data
  24. Malić Vončina Slađana; Stenqvist A.; Bungum M.; Giwercman A.
    Association between sperm DNA damage extent, fertilisation and cumulative live birth rates among infertile couples undergoing assisted reproduction treatments
  25. Prahl A.; Giwercman A.; Malić Vončina Slađana; Stenqvist A.; Lundberg Giwercman L.
    Sperm DNA fragmentation index (DFI) does not increase with increasing number of treatment cycles
  26. Sergouniotis Panagiotis I.; Robson Anthony G.; El-Asrag Mohammed E.; Ali Manir; Holder Graham; Black Graeme C. M.; Webster Andrew R.; Plagnol Vincent
    Use of a gene-based case-control association approach in exome sequencing data to elucidate the molecular basis of a mendelian phenotype
  27. Sergouniotis Panagiotis I.; Barton Stephanie J.; Waller Sarah; Perveen Rahat; Ellingford Jamie M; Campbell Christopher; Hall Georgina; Gillespie Rachel L.; Bhaskar Sanjeev S; Ramsden Simon C.
    The role of small in-frame insertions/deletions in inherited eye disorders and how structural modelling can help estimate their pathogenicity
  28. Sergouniotis Panagiotis I.; Perveen Rahat; Thiselton Dawn L.; Giannopoulos Konstantinos; Sarros Marios; Davies Jennifer R.; Biswas Susmito; Ansons Alec M.; Ashworth Jane L.; Lloyd Christopher I.
    Clinical and molecular genetic findings in autosomal dominant OPA3-related optic neuropathy
  29. Kirn Borut; Walmsley John; Lumens Joost
    Uniqueness of local myocardial strain patterns with respect to activation time and contractility of the failing heart
  30. Sergouniotis Panagiotis I.; Fincham GS; McNinch AM; Spickett C; Poulson AV; Richards AJ; Snead MP
    Ophthalmic and molecular genetic findings in Kniest dysplasia
  31. Sergouniotis Panagiotis I.; Ellingford Jamie M; O'Sullivan James; Fenerty Cecilia H; Black Graeme C. M.
    Genome sequencing identifies a large deletion at 13q32.1 as the cause of microcoria and childhood-onset glaucoma
  32. Knežević Anamarija; Vinković Vladimir; Maraković Nikola; Šinko Goran
    Enzyme-catalyzed cascade synthesis of hydroxyiminoacetamides
  33. Parovic Milos; Okwose Nduka C.; Bailey Kristian; Velicki Lazar; Fras Zlatko; Seferović Petar M.; MacGowan Guy A.; Jakovljević Ðorđe
    NT-proBNP is a weak indicator of cardiac function and haemodynamic response to exercise in chronic heart failure
  34. Fogacci Federica; Banach Maciej; Mikhailidis Dimitri F.; Bruckert Eric; Toth Peter P.; Watts Gerald F.; Reiner Željko; Mancini John; Rizzo Manfredi; Mitchenko Olena; Fras Zlatko
    Safety of red yeast rice supplementation
  35. Hanžel Jurij; Sever Nejc; Ferkolj Ivan; Štabuc Borut; Smrekar Nataša; Kurent Tina; Koželj Matic; Novak Gregor; Compernolle Griet; Tops Sophie; Gils Ann; Drobne David
    Early vedolizumab trough levels predict combined endoscopic and clinical remission in inflammatory bowel disease
  36. Kersnik-Levart Tanja; Kenda Rajko
    Complicated urinary tract infections in children
  37. Matsumoto Tetsuro
    Novel insights into urinary tract infections and their management
  38. Pichler Gerhard; Baumgartner Sigrid; Biermayr Marlene; Dempsey Eugene; Fuchs Hans; Goos Tom G.; Lorenz Laila; Karpinski Lukasz; Souvik Mitra; Kornhauser-Cerar Lilijana
    Cerebral regional tissue Oxygen Saturation to Guide Oxygen Delivery in preterm neonates during immediate transition after birth (COSGOD III)
  39. Taskovska Milena; Omejc Mirko; Grosek Jan
    Small gastrointestinal stromal tumour of the duodenum causing a life-threatening bleeding
  40. Klonoff David C.; Evans Mark L.; Lane Wendy; Kempe Hans-Peter; Renard Eric; DeVries J. Hans; Graungaard Tina; Hyseni Agon; Gondolf Theis; Battelino Tadej
    A randomized, multicentre trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of fast-acting insulin aspart in continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion in adults with type 1 diabetes (onset 5)
  41. Drobne David; Kurent Tina; Golob Saša; Švegl Polona; Rajar Polona; Hanžel Jurij; Koželj Matic; Novak Gregor; Smrekar Nataša; Ferkolj Ivan; Štabuc Borut
    Optimised infliximab monotherapy is as effective as optimised combination therapy, but is associated with higher drug consumption in inflammatory bowel disease
  42. Biester Torben; Nir Judith; Remus Kerstin; Farfel Alon; Muller Ido; Biester Sarah; Atlas Eran; Dovč Klemen; Bratina Nataša; Kordonouri Olga; Battelino Tadej
  43. Mazereeuw-Hautier Juliette; Hernandez-Martin A.; O'Toole Edel A.; Bygum A.; Amaro C.; Aldwin M.; Audouze A.; Bodemer C.; Bourrat E.; Diociaiuti A.; Dolenc-Voljč Mateja
    Management of congenital ichthyoses
  44. Marcus Ulrich; Schink Susanne Barbara; Sherriff Nigel Stuart; Nöstlinger Christiana; Klavs Irena; Dias Sonia F.; Gama Ana F.; Toskin Igor; Alexiev Ivailo; Naseva Emilia; Kustec Tanja; Adamič Claudia; Poljak Mario; Krošelj Robert; Mlakar Jana
    HIV serostatus knowledge and serostatus disclosure with the most recent anal intercourse partner in a European MSM sample recruited in 13 cities
  45. Rener-Primec Zvonka; Kitanovski Lidija; Perković-Benedik Mirjana
    Early relapse of arterial ischémie stroke in children and adolescents should be prevented
  46. Rener-Primec Zvonka; Pečarič-Meglič Nuška; Župančič Nežika
    Recurrent strokes in Schimke imuno-osseous dysplasia associated with antiphospholipid syndrome
  47. Gornjec Andreja; Novaković Srdjan; Stegel Vida; Hočevar Marko; Pohar-Marinšek Živa; Gazić Barbara; Krajc Mateja; Škof Erik
    Cytology material is equivalent to tumor tissue in determining mutations of BRCA 1/2 genes in patients with tubo-ovarian high grade serous carcinoma
  48. Haupt Riccardo; Essiaf Samira; Dellacasa Chiara; Ronckers Cecile M.; Caruso Silvia; Sugden Elaine; Zadravec-Zaletel Lorna; Muraca Monica; Morsellino Vera
    The ʼSurvivorship Passportʼ for childhood cancer survivors
  49. Doganis Dimitrios; Panagopoulou Paraskevi; Tragiannidis Athanasios; Vichos Theodoros; Moschovi Maria; Polychronopoulou Sophia; Rigatou Efthimia; Papakonstatinou Sofia; Stiakaki Eftichia; Žagar Tina
    Survival and mortality rates of Wilms tumour in Southern and Eastern European countries
  50. Casali P. G.; Abecassis N.; Biagini R.; Bielack Stefan; Bonvalot S.; Boukovinas I.; Bovée Judith VMG; Brodowicz Thomas; Broto J. M.; Unk Mojca
    Soft tissue and visceral sarcomas
  51. Huang Lei; Jansen Lina; Balavarca Yesilda; Molina-Montes Esther; Babaei Masoud; Lemmens Valery; Johannesen Tom B.; Fristrup Claus W.; Mortensen Michael B.; Primic-Žakelj Maja; Zadnik Vesna
    Resection of pancreatic cancer in Europe and USA
  52. Neurogenetics
  53. Kocjančič Boštjan; Lapoša Andrej; Jeverica Samo; Trampuž Andrej; Avsec Klemen; Dolinar Drago
    Can sonication challenge aseptic vs PJI barrier
  54. Kocjančič Boštjan; Lapoša Andrej; Jeverica Samo; Trampuž Andrej; Vogler Jan; Dolinar Drago
    Implementation of sonication in detection of orthopaedic implant infections
  55. Kocjančič Boštjan; Dolinar Drago
    Surgical errors in periprosthetic joint infection (PJI) treatment
  56. Spahn Donat R.; Bouillon Bertil; Cerny Vladimir; Duranteau Jacques; Filipescu Daniela; Hunt Beverley J.; Komadina Radko; Maegele Marc; Nardi Giuseppe; Riddez Louis; Samama Charles-Marc; Vincent Jean Louis; Rossaint Rolf
    The European guideline on management of major bleeding and coagulopathy following trauma: fifth edition
  57. European journal of sport science
  58. Mičetić-Turk Dušanka; Vlaisavljević Veljko; Turk Eva; Šikić Pogačar Maja
    Onset of menarche is not delayed in Slovenian patients with celiac disease
  59. Glycobiology
  60. Grumezescu Valentina; Grumezescu Alexandru Mihai
    Materials for biomedical engineering
  61. Praprotnik Sonja; Hočevar Alojzija; Rotar Žiga; Tomšič Matija; Gašperšič Nataša; Perdan-Pirkmajer Katja
    Comment on: Is early-onset primary Sjögren's syndrome a worse prognosis form of the disease?
  62. Hočevar Alojzija; Tomšič Mitja; Rotar Žiga
    IgA vasculitis in adults
  63. Štamfelj Iztok
    A new system for classifying root and root canal morphology
  64. Višnjar Tanja; Romih Rok; Zupančič Daša
    Lectins as possible tools for improved urinary bladder cancer management
  65. Bosak Anita; Knežević Anamarija; Gazić Smilović Ivana; Šinko Goran; Kovarik Zrinka
    Resorcinol-, catechol- and saligenin-based bronchodilating [beta]2-agonists as inhibitors of human cholinesterase activity
  66. Sergouniotis Panagiotis I.; Holder Graham; Robson Anthony G.; Michaelides Michel; Webster Andrew R.; Moore Anthony T.
    High-resolution optical coherence tomography imaging in KCNV2 retinopathy
  67. Christou Georgios A.; Christou Maria A.; Žiberna Lovro; Christou Konstantinos A.
    Indirect clinical markers for the detection of anabolic steroid abuse beyond the conventional doping control in athletes
  68. Meznarič Marija; Fumic Ksenija; Leonardis Lea
    Selective screening of late-onset Pompe disease (LOPD) in patients with non-diagnostic muscle biopsies
  69. Bon Jurij; Pregelj Peter; Videtič Paska Alja
    Genetics, epigenetics and BDNF in depression
  70. Hendriksen Rene S.; Munk Patrick; Njage Patrick; Bunnik Bram; Trkov Marija
    Global monitoring of antimicrobial resistance based on metagenomics analyses of urban sewage
  71. Seed Clive R.; Allain Jean-Pierre; Lozano Miquel; Laperche Syria; Gallian Pierre; Gross Sylvie; Kwon So-Yong; Oh Eun Young; Levičnik-Stezinar Snežna; Nograšek Polona
    International forum on Occult hepatitis B infection and transfusion safety
  72. Žarković Kamelija; Juric Gordana; Waeg Georg; Kolenc Danijela; Žarković Neven
    Immunohistochemical appearance of HNE-protein conjugates in human astrocytomas
  73. Žarković Kamelija; Uchida Koji; Kolenc Danijela; Hlupic Ljiljana; Žarković Neven
    Tissue distribution of lipid peroxidation product acrolein in human colon carcinogenesis
  74. Sarafidis Pantelis; Ferro Charles J.; Morales Enrique; Ortiz Alberto; Malyszko Jolanta; Hojs Radovan; Khazim Khaled; Ekart Robert; Valdivielso Jose M.; Fouque Denis
    SGLT-2 inhibitors and GLP-1 receptor agonists for nephroprotection and cardioprotection in patients with diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease
  75. Ferro Charles J.; Mark Patrick B.; Kanbay Mehmet; Sarafidis Pantelis; Heine Gunnar H.; Rossignol Patrick; Massy Ziad A.; Mallamaci Francesca; Valdivielso Jose M.; Malyszko Jolanta; Ekart Robert
    Lipid management in patients with chronic kidney disease
  76. Bevc Sebastjan; Hojs Nina; Knehtl Maša; Ekart Robert; Hojs Radovan
    Cystatin C as a predictor of mortality in elderly patients with chronic kidney disease
  77. Serdinšek Tamara; But Igor
    Long-term results of two different trans-obturator techniques for surgical treatment of women with stress and mixed urinary incontinence
  78. Palancsai-Šiftar Janka; Sobočan Monika; Takač Iztok
    The passage of fluid into the peritoneal cavity during hysteroscopy in pre-menopausal and post-menopausal patients
  79. Berden Jernej; Steblovnik Klemen; Noč Marko
    Mechanism and extent of myocardial injury associated with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
  80. Pölzl Gerhard; Allipour Birgani Shadab; Comin-Colet Josep; Delgado Juan F.; Fedele Francesco; García-Gonzáles Martín Jesús; Gustafsson Finn; Masip Josep; Papp Zoltán; Störk Stefan; Vrtovec Bojan
    Repetitive levosimendan infusions for patients with advanced chronic heart failure in the vulnerable post-discharge period
  81. Erčulj Vanja; Žiberna Aleš; Globevnik Velikonja Vislava
    Exploring online social support among infertility treatment patients
  82. Szilágyi Bence; Kovács Péter; Ferenczy György G.; Rácz Anita; Németh Kristina; Visy Julia; Szabó Pál; Ilaš Janez; Balogh György T.; Monostory Katalin; Vincze István; Tábi Tamás; Szökő Éva; Keserü M. György
    Discovery of isatin and 1H-indazol-3-ol derivatives as D-amino acid oxidase (DAAO) inhibitors
  83. Schöffski Patrick; Wozniak Agniezska; Escudier Bernard; Rutkowski Piotr; Anthoney Alan; Sufliarsky Jozef; Herpen Carla van; Lindner Lars H.; Grünwald Viktor; Zakotnik Branko
    Crizotinib achieves long-lasting disease control in advanced papillary renal-cell carcinoma type 1 patients with MET mutations or amplification
  84. Huang Lei; Balavarca Yesilda; Geest Lydia van der; Lemmens Valery; Van Eycken Liesbeth; De Schutter Harlinde; Johannesen Tom B.; Zadnik Vesna; Primic-Žakelj Maja; Mägi Margit
    Development and validation of a prognostic model to predict the prognosis of patients who underwent chemotherapy and resection of pancreatic adenocarcinoma
  85. Vivoda Tomšič Martina; Bisdas Sotirios; Kovač Viljem; Serša Igor; Šurlan Popović Katarina
    Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI of malignant pleural mesothelioma
  86. BioFactors
  87. Sepúlveda Maria; Sola-Valls Nuria; Escudero Domingo; Rojc Bojan; Barón Manuel; Hernández-Echebarría Luis; Gómez Begoña; Dalmau Josep; Saiz Albert; Graus Francesc
    Clinical profile of patients with paraneoplastic neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder and aquaporin-4 antibodies
  88. European heart journal
  89. Journal of neuroinflammation
  90. Stana Jan; Maver Uroš; Potočnik Uroš
    Genetic biases related to chronic venous ulceration
  91. Redenšek Sara; Flisar Dušan; Kojović Maja; Gregorič Kramberger Milica; Georgiev Dejan; Pirtošek Zvezdan; Trošt Maja; Dolžan Vita
    Genetic variability of inflammation and oxidative stress genes does not play a major role in the occurrence of adverse events of dopaminergic treatment in Parkinson's disease
  92. Ilić Spomenko; Drmić Domagoj; Franjic Sandra; Kolenc Danijela; Coric Marijana; Brcic Luka; Klicek Robert; Radic Bozo; Sever Marko; Djuzel Viktor
    Pentadecapeptide BPC 157 and its effects on a NSAID toxicity model
  93. Ruggenenti Piero; Trillini Matias; Pongrac Barlovič Draženka; Cortinovis Monica; Pisani Antonio; Parvanova Aneliya; Iliev Ilian P.; Ruggiero Barbara; Janež Andrej; Gregorič Nadan
    Effects of valsartan, benazepril and their combination in overt nephropathy of type 2 diabetes
  94. Lakota Katja; Sagar Hanumanthu Vidya; Agrawal Rishi; Carns Mary; Armanios Mary; Varga John
    Short lymphocyte, but not granulocyte, telomere length in a subset of patients with systemic sclerosis
  95. Plemeniti Tololeski Barbara; Debeljak Maruša; Perković-Benedik Mirjana; Rigler Tristan; Kyriakopoulos Marinos; Kotnik Primož; Šurlan Popović Katarina; Drobnič Radobuljac Maja
    The use of quetiapine in treatment of acutepsychotic symptoms in an adolescentpatient with primary brain calcification
  96. Grebely Jason; Drolet Martine; Nwankwo Chizoba; Torrens Martha; Kastelic Andrej; Walcher Stephan; Somaini Lorenzo; Mulvihill Emily; Ertl Jochen; Liebert Ryan; Litwin Alain H.
    Perceptions and self-reported competency related to testing, management and treatment of hepatitis C virus infection among physicians prescribing opioid agonist treatment
  97. Jeverica Samo; Sóki József; Müller-Premru Manica; Nagy Elisabeth; Papst Lea
    High prevalence of division II (cfiA positive) isolates among blood stream Bacteroides fragilis in Slovenia as determined by MALDI-TOF MS
  98. Pirš Mateja; Cerar Kišek Tjaša; Križan-Hergouth Veronika; Seme Katja; Müller-Premru Manica; Jeverica Samo; Logar Mateja; Mrvič Tatjana; Žnidaršič B; Jordan-Markočič Ondina; Lejko-Zupanc Tatjana
    Successful control of the first OXA-48 and/or NDM carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae outbreak in Slovenia 2014-2016
  99. Watson Ronald Ross; Preedy Victor R.; Zibadi Sherma
  100. Chitkara Deepak; Mittal Anupama; Mahato Ram I.
    Molecular medicines for cancer

   1.224 1.324 1.424 1.524 1.624 1.724 1.824 1.924 2.024 2.124  

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