biomedicina slovenica

dr="Velika Britanija" : 2.924-3.023

  1. International journal of laboratory hematology
  2. Souvent Petra; Fioretti Anna M.; Bellieni Giuliano; Dolenec Tadej
    Orign and significance of tourmaline-rich pegmatite in the Ravne distric, Slovenia
  3. Podbregar Matej; Voga Gorazd; Krivec Bojan
    Morphologic characteristics of central pulmonary thromboemboli predict thrombolytic efficacy in massive pulmonary embolism
  4. Podbregar Matej; Voga Gorazd; Krivec Bojan; Skale Rafael; Parežnik Roman; Gabršček Lucija
    Diagnostic accuracy in the medical intensive care unit
  5. Duvnjak Marko; Vucelić Boris; Katicic M.; Križman Igor; Culig J.; Pavic-Sladoljev D.; Naletilic D.
    Ranitidine bismuth citrate (RBC) and azithromycin (Az) based therapy for Helicobacter pylori infection in peptic ulcer patients
  6. Katicic M.; Duvnjak Marko; Vucelić Boris; Križman Igor; Pavic-Sladoljev D.; Culig J.; Naletilic D.
    Ranitidine bismuth citrate (RBC) and azithromycin with or without amoxicillin in the eradication of H-pylori in patients with peptic ulcer
  7. Stevens Craig; Mitrovič Mitja; Potočnik Uroš
    The intermediate filament protein, vimentin, is a regulator of NOD2 activity
  8. Vujasinović Miroslav; Tepeš Bojan; Volfand Jasna; Rudolf Saša
    Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, MRI of the pancreas and serum nutritional markers in patients with coeliac disease
  9. Mackenbach Johan P; Kulhánová Ivana; Artnik Barbara; Bopp Matthias; Borrell Carme; Clemens Tom; Costa Giuseppe; Dibben Chris; Kalediene Ramune; Lundberg Olle
    Changes in mortality inequalities over two decades
  10. Rietjens Judith A. C.; Korfage Ida J.; Dunleavy Lesley; Preston Nancy J.; Jabbarian Lea J.; Červ Branka; Lunder Urška; Mimič Alenka; Simonič Anja
    Advance care planning - a multi-centre cluster randomised clinical trial
  11. Rogalska Malgorzata Ewa; Tajnik Mojca; Licastro Danilo; Bussani Erica; Camparini Luca; Mattioli Chiara; Pagani Franco
    Therapeutic activity of modified U1 core spliceosomal particles
  12. Hočevar Alojzija; Rotar Žiga; Jurčić Vesna; Pižem Jože; Čučnik Saša; Vizjak Alenka; Broeke Rianne; Tomšič Matija
    IgA vasculitis in adults
  13. Fornasaro Stefano; Žiberna Lovro; Gasperotti Mattia; Tramer Federica; Vrhovšek Urška; Mattivi Fulvio; Passamonti Sabina
    Determination of cyanidin 3-glucoside in rat brain, liver and kidneys by UPLC/MS-MS and its application to a short-term pharmacokinetic study
  14. Berlon Nicholas R.; Qi Robert; Sharma-Kuinkel Batu K.; Joo Hwang-Soo; Park Lawrence P.; George Dennis; Thaden Joshua T.; Messina Julia A.; Maskarinec Stacey A.; Müller-Premru Manica; Lejko-Zupanc Tatjana
    Clinical MRSA isolates from skin and soft tissue infections show increased in vitro production of phenol soluble modulins
  15. Lukanovič Adolf
    Stress urinary incontinence and ultrasound examination
  16. Lukanovič Adolf; Barbič Matija
    Ultrasound evaluation of continence surgery
  17. Jurkovic Davor; Knez Jure; Appiah A.; Farahani L.; Mavrelos D.; Rossiter J. A.
    Surgical treatment of Cesarean scar ectopic pregnancy
  18. Kavalar Rajko; Fokter Samo K.; Lamovec Janez
    Total hip arthroplasty-related osteogenic osteosarcoma
  19. Ovca Andrej; Jevšnik Mojca; Jereb Gregor; Raspor Peter
    Effect of educational intervention on young people, targeting microbiological hazards in domestic kitchens
  20. Hojs Nina; Bevc Sebastjan; Hojs Radovan; Ekart Robert
    Albuminuria and 25-hydroxyvitamin D in patients with chronic kidney disease
  21. Goodwin Peter C.; Morrissey Matthew Charles
    Supervised physiotherapy after arthroscopic partial meniscectomy
  22. Ogrizek-Pelkič Ksenija
    Cord entanglement in monoamniotic twins - case report
  23. Pajek Jernej; Kveder Radoslav; Bren Andrej; Guček Andrej; Bučar Pajek Maja; Škoberne Andrej; Waniewski Jacek; Lindholm Bengt
    Short-term effects of bicarbonate/lactate buffered and conventional lactate- buffered dialysis solutions on peritoneal ultrafiltration: a comparative crossover study
  24. Krajnc Zmago; Vogrin Matjaž; Moličnik Andrej
    Osteoarthritis of lower-limb joints in retired, first Slovenian football league players
  25. Janša Jelka; Puh Urška; Angleitner Katja; Sicherl Zorana; Mesec Anton
    Functional evaluation of constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT) in acute stroke
  26. Dondorp Wybo; Peterlin Borut
    Non-invasive prenatal testing for aneuploidy and beyond
  27. Pereza Nina; Ostojić Saša; Zdravčević Matea; Volk Marija; Kapović Miljenko; Peterlin Borut
    Insertion / deletion polymorphism in intron 16 of ACE gene in idiopathic recurrent spontaneous abortion
  28. Ihan Hren Nataša; Barbič U.
    Tongue volume in adults with skeletal Class III dentofacial deformities
  29. Markovič Božič Jasmina; Karpe Blaž; Potočnik Iztok; Jerin Aleš; Vranič Andrej; Novak-Jankovič Vesna
    Effect of propofol and sevoflurane on the inflammatory response of patients undergoing craniotomy
  30. Ruperto Nicolino; Pistorio Angela; Oliveira Sheila; Zulian Francesco; Cuttica Ruben; Ravelli Angelo; Avčin Tadej
    Prednisone versus prednisone plus ciclosporin versus prednisone plus methotrexate in new-onset juvenile dermatomyositis
  31. Ravelli Angelo; Minoia Francesca; Davi Sergio; Horne AnnaCarin; Bovis Francesca; Pistorio Angela; Aricò Maurizio; Avčin Tadej
    2016 classification criteria for macrophage activation syndrome complicating systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis
  32. Ravelli Angelo; Minoia Francesca; Davi Sergio; Horne AnnaCarin; Bovis Francesca; Pistorio Angela; Aricò Maurizio; Avčin Tadej
    Expert consensus on dynamics of laboratory tests for diagnosis of macrophage activation syndrome complicating systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis
  33. Valadas A.; Pirtošek Zvezdan; Contarino M-F.; Albanese A.; Bhatia Kailash P.; Falup-Pecurariu Cristian; Forsgren L.; Friedman A.; Giladi N.; Hutchinson Mark
    Management of dystonia in Europe
  34. Urlep Žužej Darja; Dolinšek Jernej; Zagradišnik Boris; Urlep Dejan; Mičetić-Turk Dušanka
    NOD2/CARD15 mutations in inflammatory bowel disease, coeliac disease and intestinal food allergy
  35. Sinkovič Andreja; Skok Pavel
    Predictive factors of in-hospital mortality in patients with acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding in medical intensive care unit
  36. Hojs-Fabjan Tanja; Hojs Radovan; Tetičkovič Erih; Pečovnik-Balon Breda
    Cystatin C and short term mortality risk in patients after ischemic stroke
  37. Grmec Štefek; Golub Mirjam; Klemen Petra; Čander Darko
    Utility of the quantitative capnometry (QC) and rapid bedside test for N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (pro-BNP) in the evaluation of respiratory distress in prehospital setting - preliminary results
  38. Mujezinović Faris; Alfirević Žarko
    What are the 'true' added risks of amniocentesis and chorionic villous sampling?
  39. Kupnik Dejan; Skok Pavel
    Capnometry in the prehospital setting: are we using its potential?
  40. Škof Branko; Strojnik Vojko
    Neuromuscular fatigue and recovery dynamics following prolonged continuous run at anaerobic threshold
  41. Andjelić Sofija; Drašlar Kazimir; Hvala Anastazija; Lokar Nina; Štrancar Janez; Hawlina Marko
    Anterior lens epithelial cells attachment to the basal lamina
  42. Rades Dirk; Conde-Moreno Antonio J.; Garcia Raquel; Cacicedo Jon; Šegedin Barbara; Perpar Ana; Schild Steven E.
    A new instrument for estimation of survival in elderly patients irradiated for metastatic spinal cord compression from breast cancer
  43. Thallinger Christiane; Lang Istvan; Grašič-Kuhar Cvetka; Bartsch Rupert; Singer Christian F.; Petruželka Luboš; Melichar Bohuslav; Knittelfelder Regina; Brodowicz Thomas; Zielinski Christoph C.
    Phase II study on the efficacy and safety of Lapatinib administered beyond disease progression and combined with vinorelbine in HER-2/neu- positive advanced breast cancer
  44. Strah Darija M.; Pohar Perme Maja; Geršak Ksenija
    Assesment of risk of trisomy 21 by maternal age and fetal nuchal translucency in 7096 unselected pregnancies in Slovenia
  45. Strah Darija M.; Geršak Ksenija; Pohar Perme Maja
    First trimester screening for trisomy 21 by maternal age, nuchal translucency and fetal nasal bone in 13,049 unselected pregnancies in Slovenia
  46. Strah Darija M.; Geršak Ksenija; Šušteršič Breda
    Developmental follow up of a female infant with recombinant Down syndrome
  47. Čizmarevič Bogdan; Munda Anton; Didanovič Vojislav; Grošeta Tomislav; Becner Drago; Rebol Janez; Cundrič France
    Cervical lymph node metastasis from squamous cell carcinoma of the upper aerodigestive tract
  48. Tonin Katarina; Stražar Klemen; Vidmar Gaj; Tomšič Igor; Burger Helena
    The relationship between different adaptational changes and injury in the dominant shoulder of female overhead athletes
  49. Bogovič Matijašić Bojana; Rogelj Irena; Narat Mojca
    Detection of a probiotic strain Lactobacillus acidophilus LF221 and its bacteriocins in complex system
  50. Stralen Karlijn J. von; Buturović-Ponikvar Jadranka; Battelino Nina; Novljan Gregor
    Prevalence and predictors of the sub-target Hb level in children on dialysis
  51. Takač Iztok
    Folliculometry instead of E2 determination
  52. Takač Iztok; Arko Darja; Gavrić-Lovrec Vida; Gorišek Borut; Vlaisavljević Veljko
    Color Doppler ultrasound of the ovarian tumors
  53. Syrjänen Kari J.; Branca Margherita; Eržen Mojca; Lörincz A
    Drug addiction is not an independent risk factor for oncogenic human papillomavirus infections or high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
  54. Nanomedicine
  55. Košutić Damir; Vrabič Erik; Šparaš Bojan; Šparaš Karel; Miksić Kazimir; Pejković Božena; Šolinc Matjaž
    LP103 use of spare parts for primary functional reconstruction of sevre mutilating upper arm and forearm injuries in polytraumatised patient
  56. Wood Thomas; Osredkar Damjan; Puchades Maja; Maes Elke; Falck Mari; Flatebø Torun; Walloe Lars; Sabir Hemmen; Thoresen Marianne
    Treatment temperature and insult severity influence the neuroprotective effects of therapeutic hypothermia
  57. Arvikar Sheila; Collier Deborah S; Fisher Mark C; Unizony Sebastian; Cohen George L; McHugh Gail; Kawai Toshihisa; Strle Klemen; Steere Allen C.
    Clinical correlations with Porphyromonas gingivalis antibody responses in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis
  58. Derganc Jure
    A microfluidic diffusion chamber for the analysis of biological and soft systems
  59. Luzar Boštjan
    Malignant sweat gland tumours
  60. Luzar Boštjan
    Basal cell carcinoma
  61. Luzar Boštjan
    Epidermal tumours
  62. Luzar Boštjan
    Cutaneous blistering diseases
  63. Luzar Boštjan
    Spongiotic dermatitis
  64. Košir-Pogačnik Renata; Slabe Nina; Novaković Srdjan; Cerkovnik Petra; Meden-Vrtovec Helena; Rebolj Anamarija
    Comparison of serum concentration of anti-mullerian hormone and follicle stimulating hormone with length of telomeres in women with premature ovarian insufficiency
  65. Sinreih Maša; Anko Maja; Adamski Jerzy; Lanišnik-Rižner Tea
    Metabolism of progesterone in the endometriotic 12-Z cells and the control endometrial HIEEC cells
  66. Knific Tamara; Lanišnik-Rižner Tea
    Antibody arrays for discovery of novel biomarkers of endometriosis
  67. Sinreih Maša; Lanišnik-Rižner Tea
    Expression of genes that encode the enzymes of local progesterone synthesis and progesterone receptors in ovarian endometriosis tissue
  68. Zupanič Slavec Zvonka; Planinšek Ručigaj Tanja
    The history of dermatology, venereology, and dermatopathology in different countries - Slovenia
  69. Prosen Lara; Hudoklin Samo; Čemažar Maja; Štimac Monika; Lampreht Tratar Urša; Ota Maja; Ščančar Janez; Romih Rok; Serša Gregor
    Magnetic field contributes to the cellular uptake for effective therapy with magnetofection using plasmid DNA encoding against Mcam in B16F10 melanoma in vivo
  70. Marcano Belisario José S; Tudor Ivana Katarina; Sumalinog Aurelius Rafael N; Middleton Lefkos T.; Car Josip
    Educational interventions for improving the skills of medical practitioners to detect, diagnose, and manage people with cognitive impairment and dementia
  71. Marcano Belisario José S; Tudor Car Lorainne; Reeves Tim JA; Gunn Laura H; Car Josip
    Search strategies to identify observational studies in MEDLINE and EMBASE
  72. Car Josip; Car Mate; Hamilton Fiona; Layton Alison; Lyons Colin; Majeed Azeem
    Light therapies for acne
  73. Saxena Nakul; Kyaw Bhone M; Vseteckova Jitka; Dev Parvati; Pradeep George Paul; Kiat Lim Kenneth Teck; Kononowicz Andrzej; Masiello Italo; Tudor Car Lorainne; Nikolaou Charoula K; Zary Nabil; Car Josip
    Virtual reality environments for health professional education
  74. Bandelj Petra; Blagus Rok; Briški France; Frlic Olga; Vergles-Rataj Aleksandra; Rupnik Maja; Ocepek Matjaž; Vengušt Modest
    Identification of risk factors influencing Clostridium difficile prevalence in middle-size dairy farms
  75. Pradeep George Paul; Toon Elicia; Hadadgar Arash; Jirwe Maria; Saxena Nakul; Kiat Lim Kenneth Teck; Semwal Monika; Tudor Car Lorainne; Zary Nabil; Lockwood Craig; Car Josip
    Online- and local area network (LAN)-based eLearning interventions for medical doctors' education
  76. Tudor Car Lorainne; Riboli-Sasco Eva; Marcano Belisario José S; Nikolaou Charoula K; Majeed Azeem; Zary Nabil; Car Josip
    Mobile learning for delivering health professional education
  77. Goyder Clare; Atherton Helen L.; Car Mate; Heneghan Carl; Car Josip
    Email for clinical communication between healthcare professionals
  78. Tudor Ivana Katarina; Tudor Mario; McCleery Jenny; Car Josip
    Endoscopic third ventriculostomy (ETV) for idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus (iNPH)
  79. Posadzki Paul; AlBedah Abdulah MN; Khalil Mohamed MK; AlQaed Meshari S; Lee Myeong S; Ernst Edzard; Car Josip
    Complementary and alternative medicine for the prevention and treatment of migraine headache
  80. Mastellos Nikolaos; Bliźniuk Grzegorz; Czopnik Dorota; McGilchrist Mark; Misiaszek Andrzej; Bródka Piotr; Curcin Vasa; Car Josip; Delaney Brendan; Andreasson Anna
    Feasibility and acceptability of TRANSFoRm to improve clinical trial recruitment in primary care
  81. McKay Ailsa; Newson Roger B; Soljak Michael; Riboli Elio; Car Josip; Majeed Azeem
    Are primary care factors associated with hospital episodes for adverse drug reactions? A national observational study
  82. Greenfield Geva; Ignatowicz Agnieszka M; Gnani Shamini; Bucktowonsing Medhavi; Ladbrooke Tim; Millington Hugh; Car Josip; Majeed Azeem
    Staff perceptions on patient motives for attending GP-led urgent care centres in London
  83. Marcano Belisario José S; Gupta Ajay; O'Donoghue John; Morrison Cecily; Car Josip
    Tablet computers for implementing NICE antenatal mental health guidelines
  84. Tötsch M.; Cuvelier C.; Vass L.; Fassina A.; Zidar Nina
    The UEMS section/board of pathology, chapter 6
  85. Horvat Anemari; Zorec Robert; Vardjan Nina
    Adrenergic stimulation of single rat astrocytes results in distinct temporal changes in intracellular Ca2+ and cAMP-dependent PKA responses
  86. Global dermatology
  87. Čemažar Maja
    Electrochemotherapy: a simple, highly effective and safe treatment of cutaneous ans subcutaneous metastases
  88. Davalos Rafael V.; Miklavčič Damijan
    Advanced techniques for treating deep seated tumor using electrochemotherapy (ECT) and irreversible electroporation (IRE)
  89. Knez Jure; Kovačič Borut; Reljič Milan; Vlaisavljević Veljko
    Environmental exposure to selected endocrine disrupting chemicals adversely influences reproductive hormone levels in men
  90. Sinkovič Andreja; Marinšek Martin
    Early predictors in 30-day mortality in patients with non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction
  91. Javornik Renata; Košutić Damir
    Functional prospective comparison of Kleinert and Duran method in postoperative rehabilitation of zone II flexor tendon injuries
  92. Košutić Damir; Vrabič Erik; Šparaš Bojan; Šparaš Karel; Miksić Kazimir; Pejković Božena; Šolinc Matjaž
    Use of spare parts for primary functional reconstruction of severe mutilating upper arm and forearm injuries in polytraumatised patient
  93. Zavratnik Andrej; Žegura Branka; Rakuša Martin; Marc Janja; Preželj Janez; Pfeifer Marija
    XbaI polymorphism of ESR1 gene might influence the effect of raloxifene on the endothelial function
  94. Battelino Tadej; Liabat S.; Veeze Henk J.; Castañeda Javier; Arrieta A.; Cohen Ohad
    Routine use of continuous glucose monitoring in 10.501 people with diabetes mellitus
  95. Zupan Matija; Šabovič Mišo; Zaletel Marjan; Šurlan Popović Katarina; Žvan Bojana
    The presence of cerebral and/or systemic endothelial dysfunction in patients with leukoaraiosis
  96. Trojner-Bregar Andreja; Blickstein Isaac; Steblovnik Lili; Verdenik Ivan; Lučovnik Miha; Tul Nataša
    Do tall women beget larger babies?
  97. Bešić Nikola; Schwarzbartl-Pevec Andreja A.; Vidergar-Kralj Barbara; Črnič Tea; Gazić Barbara; Marolt-Mušič Maja
    Treatment and outcome of 32 patients with distant metastases of Hürthle cell thyroid carcinoma
  98. Kenda Jana; Kojović Maja; Graus F.; Gregorič Kramberger Milica
    (Pseudo)hemidystonia associated with anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies
  99. Klavs Irena; Rodrigues L. C.; Weiss Helen A.; Hayes Richard
    Self-reported bacterial sexually transmitted infections and other factors associated with early sexual debut in Slovenia
  100. Čemažar Maja
    Electrotransfer of plasmid DNA into tissue for cancer gene therapy

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