biomedicina slovenica

dr="Velika Britanija" : 3.024-3.123

  1. Trojner-Bregar Andreja; Lučovnik Miha; Verdenik Ivan; Jager Franc; Geršak Ksenija; Garfield Robert
    Uterine electromyography during active phase compared with latent phase of labor at term
  2. Journal of cancer research & therapy
  3. Strnad Matej; Prosen Gregor; Borovnik Lesjak Vesna
    Bedside lung ultrasound for monitoring the effectiveness of prehospital treatment with continuous positive airway pressure in acute decompensated heart failure
  4. Praprotnik Sonja; Rotar Žiga; Tomšič Matija
    Comment on: High-risk pregnancy and the rheumatologist
  5. Hočevar Alojzija; Rotar Žiga; Jurčić Vesna; Čučnik Saša; Tomšič Matija
    Patient age, gender and extent of purpura may suggest short-term outcomes in adults with IgA vasculitis
  6. Kearsley-Fleet Lianne; Závada Jakub; Lund Hetland Merete; Nordström Dan C.; Aaltonen Kalle J.; Listing Joachim; Zink Angela; Gati Tamas; Rojkovich Bernadette; Rotar Žiga
    The EULAR Study Group for Registers and Observational Drug Studies
  7. Vouk Katja; Ribič-Pucelj Martina; Adamski Jerzy; Lanišnik-Rižner Tea
    Altered levels of acylcarnitines, phosphatidylcholines, and sphingomyelins in peritoneal fluid from ovarian endometriosis patients
  8. Harris Michael; Frey Peter; Esteva Magdalena; Gašparović-Babić Svjetlana; Marzo-Castillejo Mercè; Petek Davorina; Petek Šter Marija; Thulesius Hans
    How health system factors influence referral decisions in patients that may have cancer
  9. Petek Davorina; Gajšek Tadeja; Petek Šter Marija
    Work-family balance by women GP specialist trainees in Slovenia
  10. Primožič Jasmina; Perinetti Giuseppe; Contardo Luca; Ovsenik Maja
    Facial soft tissue changes during the pre-pubertal and pubertal growth phase
  11. Walker Ulrich A; Jaeger Veronika K.; Chatzidionysiou Katerina; Hetland Merete L.; Hauge Ellen Margrethe; Pavelka Karel; Nordström Dan C.; Canhao Helena; Tomšič Matija; Van Vollenhoven Ronald F.; Gabay Cem
    Rituximab done
  12. Jenko Barbara; Praprotnik Sonja; Čučnik Saša; Rotar Žiga; Tomšič Matija; Dolžan Vita
    Survivin polymorphism is associated with disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis patients
  13. Tratnjek Larisa; Glavan Gordana; Višnjar Tanja; Živin Marko
    Up-regulation and axonal transport of synaptotagmin-IV in the direct pathway medium spiny neurons in hemi-parkinsonian rats induced by dopamine D1 receptor stimulation
  14. Vasiljeva Olga; Korovin Matvey S.; Gajda Mieczyslaw; Brodoefel Harald; Bojič Lea; Krüger Achim; Sevenich Lisa; Schurigt Uta; Turk Boris; Peters Christoph; Reinheckel Thomas
    Reduced tumour cell proliferation and delayed development of high-grade mammary carcinomas in cathepsin B-deficient mice
  15. Program book
  16. Pateman Katie; Holland Tom; Knez Jure; Derdelis Grigorios; Cutner A.; Saridogan E.; Jurkovic Davor
    Should a detailed ultrasound examination of the complete urinary tract be routinely performed in women with suspected pelvic endometriosis?
  17. Kovačič Borut; Plas C.; Woodward B.J.; Verheyen G.; Prados F.J.; Hreinsson J.; De los Santos M.J.; Magli M.C.; Lundin K.; Plancha C.E.
    The educational and professional status of clinical embryology and clinical embryologists in Europe
  18. Kovačič Borut; Taborin Marjan; Vlaisavljević Veljko
    Randomized study on the effect of atificial blastocyst collapsing before vitrification on their behaviour after thawing
  19. Luzar Jernej; Molek Peter; Šilar Mira; Korošec Peter; Košnik Mitja; Štrukelj Borut; Lunder Mojca
    Identification and characterization of major cat allergen Fel d 1 mimotopes on filamentous phage carriers
  20. Ziherl Slavko; Kores-Plesničar Blanka
  21. Dobnikar Uroš
    Variation, enhancement and stardarisation of cold induced vasodilatation (CIVD)
  22. Pahor Dušica; Knez Nina; Šiško Katarina
    Comparison of corneal thickness, anterior segment depth and pupil diameter between patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration and controls
  23. Gračner Tomaž; Pahor Dušica
    The retinal nerve fiber layer and the optic nerve head morphology after glaucoma surgery
  24. Takač Iztok; Marčec Mateja; Arko Darja
    Assessment of myometrial invasion of endometrial cancer by transvaginal ultrasonography with and without saline infusion
  25. Nohynek H.; Wichmann O.; D'Ancona F; Kraigher Alenka
    National Advisory Groups and their role in immunization policy-making processes in European countries
  26. Prosen Gregor; Grmec Štefek; Kupnik Dejan; Križmarić Miljenko; Završnik Jernej; Gazmuri R
    Focused echocardiography and capnography during resuscitation from pulseless electrical activity after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
  27. Grmec Štefek; Demšar Janko; Cerovič Metka
    Comparison of the outcome between patients suffering out-of-hospital primary cardiac arrest and spontaneous subarachnoid haemorrhage with cardiac arrest
  28. Grmec Štefek; Strnad Matej; Podgoršek Dejan; Jus Aleksander
    Comparison of the characteristics and outcome between patients suffering from out-of-hospital primary cardiac arrest and drowning victims with cardiac arrest: an analysis of variables based on the Utstein Style for Drowning
  29. Papst Lea; Beović Bojana; Seme Katja; Pirš Mateja
    Two-year prospective evaluation of colonization with extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae
  30. Saunte D. M.; Dolenc-Voljč Mateja
    Diagnostic delay in hidradenitis suppuratina is a global problem
  31. Žerjav-Tanšek Mojca; Grošelj Urh; Battelino Tadej
    Phenylketonuria screening and management in southeastern Europe
  32. Huang Yu-Ting; Georgiev Dejan; Foltynie Tom; Limousin Patricia; Speekenbrink Maarten; Jahanshahi Marjan
    Different effects of dopaminergic medication on perceptual decision-making in Parkinson's disease as a function of task difficulty and speed-accuracy instructions
  33. Andjelić Sofija; Drašlar Kazimir; Hvala Anastazija; Hawlina Marko
    Anterior lens epithelium in cataract patients with retinitis pigmentosa
  34. Kloboves-Prevodnik Veronika; Makovšek Vesna; Lavrenčak Jaka; Jezeršek Novaković Barbara
    The predictive significance of CD20 expression in follicular lymphoma
  35. Brožič Andreja; Čemažar Maja; Kloboves-Prevodnik Veronika
    BCL-2 overexpression as a predictor of B-cell lymphomas in fine needle aspiration biopsy samples
  36. Tryfonidis Konstantinos; Čufer Tanja
    A European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicentre phase II trial of anastrozole in combination with gefitinib or placebo in hormone receptor-positive advanced breast cancer (NCT00066378).
  37. Čufer Tanja
    Aromatase inhibitors versus tamoxifen in early breast cancer
  38. Čufer Tanja
    Adjuvant bisphosphonate treatment in early breast cancer
  39. Sharma Naomi L.; Grošelj Blaž; Hamdy Freddie C.; Kiltie Anne E.
    The emerging role of histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors in urological cancers
  40. Capela Nicole A.; Lemaire Edward D.; Baddour Natalie; Rudolf Marko; Goljar Nika; Burger Helena
    Evaluation of a smartphone human activity recognition application with able-bodied and stroke participants
  41. Rapidis Alexander D.; Dijkstra Pieter U.; Roodenburg Jan L.; Rodrigo Juan Pablo; Rinaldo Alessandra; Strojan Primož; Takes Robert P.; Ferlito Alfio
    Trismus in patients with head and neck cancer
  42. Grmek Marko; Pompe Borut; Suhodolčan Lovro
    Radiosynoviorthesis improves functional outcome after arthroscopic synovectomy
  43. Mansi Rosalba; Kolenc-Peitl Petra; Krošelj Marko
    Influence od spacer stereoisomerism on characteristics of 111In-DOTA coupled minigastrin analogues for targeting of the gastrin receptor
  44. Sočan Aljaž; Ležaič Luka; Vrtovec Bojan; Sever Matjaž; Domanovič Dragoslav; Kolenc-Peitl Petra; Fettich Jurij; Gmeiner Tanja
    Use of CD34+ haematopoietic progenitor cells radiolabeled with 99mTo-exametazine for monitoring of myocardial homing
  45. Ležaič Luka; Sočan Aljaž; Gmeiner Tanja; Vrtovec Bojan; Poglajen Gregor; Sever Matjaž; Domanovič Dragoslav; Fettich Jurij
    Comparison of two methods of stem cell delivery in the myocardium
  46. Ebert Moltara Maja; Ćirić Eva; Rajer Mirjana; Gugić Kevo Jasenka; Šegedin Barbara; Štrancar Klelija; Červek Jožica
    Care of the dying
  47. Committed to people
  48. Haeusler Karl Georg; Herm Juliane; Konieczny Maria; Grittner Ulrike; Lainščak Mitja; Endres Matthias; Doehner Wolfram
    Impact of chronic inflammatory airway disease on stroke severity and long-term survival after ischemic stroke - a retrospective analysis
  49. Mahkovic-Hergouth Ksenija; Kompan Lidija
    Replacement of albumin after abdominal surgery
  50. Mežnar Miha; Parežnik Roman; Voga Gorazd
    Tissue oxygen saturation and the rate of tissue deoxygenation during stagnant ischemia in the medical emergency department
  51. Staessen Jan A.; Obrien E. T.; Amery A. K.; Dolenc Primož
    Ambulatory blood pressure in normotensive and hypertensive subjects
  52. Pernat Andrej; Žemva Aleš; Jelenc Marjetka; Žemva Žarka
    Insulin as independent prognosticator of cardiac diastolic dysfunction
  53. Kaplan-Pavlovčič Staša; Chwatal Nadja; Malovrh Marko
    Prognostic value of Duplex Doppler sonography in the treatment of renovascular hypertension
  54. Maver Jerica; Štrucl Martin; Accetto Rok
    Influences on microvascular reactivity in normotensive subjects with a family history of hypertension
  55. Cerk Kristina; Vizjak Andrej; Malovrh Marko; Bren Andrej; Kaplan-Pavlovčič Staša
    Arterial hypertension is the most important risk factor for progression of renal failure in elderly patients with IgA nephropathy
  56. Brguljan Jana; Accetto Rok; Dolenc Primož; Gužič-Salobir Barbara
    Differences in pulse pressure but not in heart rate in normotensive subjects differing in hypertension background
  57. Lavre Janez; Lavre Simona; Šabovič Mišo; Keber Irena
    Consumption of wheat fibre significantly decreases systolic and diastolic blood pressure
  58. Maver Jerica; Štrucl Martin; Accetto Rok
    Spectral analysis of microvascular flow variability in normotensive subjects with a family history of hypertension
  59. Accetto Rok; Šipek-Dolničar Alenka; Dobovišek Jurij; Rozman Blaž
    Is inflammation a key factor in development of arterial hypertension in patients with systemic sclerosis?
  60. Petek Šter Marija
    Blood pressure control in Slovenia
  61. Malnarič Vlasta; Ferjan Simona; Brguljan Jana; Gužič-Salobir Barbara; Accetto Rok
    Beat-to-beat noninvasive hemodynamics and pulse wave velocity
  62. Pečlin Polona; Rozman Janez
    Model of selective left vagus nerve stimulation in a man
  63. Brguljan Jana; Dolenc Primož; Gužič-Salobir Barbara; Accetto Rok
    Facts about awareness and treatment control of hypertension in Slovenia
  64. Chalmers James D.; Aliberti Stefano; Polverino Eva; Vendrell Montserrat; Crichton Megan; Loebinger Michael; Dimakou Katerina; Clifton Ian; Rohde Gernot; Škrgat-Kristan Sabina
    The EMBARC European Bronchiectasis Registry
  65. Künzel Walter
  66. Künzel Walter; Noppe Carla
  67. Künzel Walter
    Geriatric dentistry in Eastern European countries
  68. Pirkmajer Sergej; Chibalin Alexander V.
    NO turns on Na,K-ATPase in skeletal muscle
  69. Soklič Tanja; Šilar Mira; Kern Izidor; Hočevar-Boltežar Irena; Korošec Peter
    Uncontrolled chronic rhinosinusitis with and without polyps is predicted by T cell subtype
  70. Verkhratsky Alexei; Matteoli Michela; Parpura Vladimir; Mothet Jean-Pierre; Zorec Robert
    Astrocytes as secretory cells of the central nervous system
  71. Horvat Ana; Kravos Nika Aleksandra; Goričar Katja; Jensterle Sever Mojca; Janež Andrej; Dolžan Vita
    SORCS1 polymorphism and insulin secretion in obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome
  72. Seror Raphaèle; Bowman Simon J; Brito-Zeron Pilar; Theander Elke; Bootsma Hendrika; Tzioufas Athanasios G.; Gottenberg Jacques-Eric; Ramos-Casals Manuel; Dörner Thomas; Praprotnik Sonja; Tomšič Matija
    EULAR Sjögren's syndrome disease activity index (ESSDAI)
  73. RMD open
  74. Klemenc Matjaž; Oseli Damjan; Zimic Nikolaj
    Comparison of two measurements of arterial blood velocity in young normotensive subjects with familial predisposition to hypertension
  75. Ekart Robert; Hojs Radovan; Kanič Vojko; Pečovnik-Balon Breda; Bevc Sebastjan
    Blood pressure measurements and carotid intima media thickness in hemodialysis patients
  76. Ekart Robert; Hojs Radovan; Kanič Vojko; Pečovnik-Balon Breda; Dvoršak Benjamin
    Different methods blood pressure measurements and cardiovascular mortality in hemodialysis patients
  77. Žegura Branka; Gužič-Salobir Barbara; Šebeštjen Miran; Keber Irena
    Various menopausal hormone therapies and markers of inflammation, coagulation, fibrinolysis, lipids and lipoproteins in healthy postmenopausal women
  78. Mohlin Frida C.; Nilsson Sara C.; Kersnik-Levart Tanja; Golubovic Ema; Rusai Krisztina; Müller-Sacherer Thomas; Arbeiter Klaus; Nilsson Sara C.; Szarvas Nóra; Pállinger Éva; Csuka Dorottya; Szílágyi Ágnes; Villoutreix Bruno O.; Prohászka Zoltán; Blom Anna M.
    Functional characterization of two novel non-synonymous alterations in CD46 and a Q950H change in factor H found in atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome patients
  79. Slaats Gisela G.; Isabella Christine R.; Kroes Hester Y.; Neubauer David; Giles Rachel H.; Doherty Dan
    MKS1 regulates ciliary INPP5E levels in Joubert syndrome
  80. Trebušak Podkrajšek Katarina; Klančar Gašper; Kovač Jernej; Battelino Tadej; Battelino Saba
    Autosomal recessive nonsyndromic hearing loss due to TMPRSS3 mutations in Slovenia
  81. Brožič Andreja; Pohar-Marinšek Živa; Novaković Srdjan; Kloboves-Prevodnik Veronika
    Inconclusive flow cytometric surface light chain results
  82. Srikanthan Amirrtha; Vera-Badillo Francisco Emilio; Ethier Josee-Lyne; Goldstein Robyn; Templeton Arnoud J.; Ocaña Alberto; Šeruga Boštjan; Amir Eitan
    Evolution in the eligibility criteria of randomized controlled trials for systemic cancer therapies
  83. Karalexi Maria A.; Žagar Tina
    Childhood central nervous system tumour mortality and survival in Southern and Eastern Europe (1983-2014)
  84. Anderluh Franc; But Hadžić Jasna; Velenik Vaneja; Oblak Irena; Šečerov Ermenc Ajra; Jeromen Ana; Hudej Rihard
    Acute toxicity evaluation in preoperative radiochemotherapy with IMRT
  85. Južnič Šetina Tanja; Borštnar Simona; Novaković Srdjan; Koković Ira; Jezeršek Novaković Barbara
    The impact of translocation t(14;18) on the outcome of follicular lymphoma patients
  86. Janežič Tomaž
    Then and now
  87. Caslavska V; Brudevold F.; Vrbič Vitomir; Moreno EC
    Response of human enamel to topical application of ammonium fluoride
  88. Rotar-Pavlič Danica; Sever Maja; Klemenc-Ketiš Zalika; Švab Igor
    Process quality indicators in family medicine
  89. Gurianova Veronika; Stroy Dmytro; Ciccocioppo Rachele; Gasparova Iveta; Petrovič Danijel; Soucek Miroslav; Dosenko Victor; Kruzliak Peter
    Stress response factors as hub-regulators of microRNA biogenesis
  90. Cell biochemistry and function
  91. Sedgwick Adam
    Proceedings of the Fourth international congress of zoology, Cambridge, 22-27 August, 1898
  92. Lanišnik-Rižner Tea; Sasano Hironobou; Choi Man Ho; Odermatt Alex; Adamski Jerzy
    Recommendations for description and validation for antibodies for research use
  93. Adamič Metka; Troilius Rubin A.; Palmetun-Ekbäck M.; Boixeda P.
    Guidelines of care for vascular lasers and intense pulse light sources from the European Society for Laser Dermatology
  94. Pavlović Miloš; Adamič Metka; Nenadić Dane B.
    Fixed, low radiant exposure vs. incremental radiant exposure approach for diode laser hair reduction
  95. Markova Liljana; Lužar Tomaž; Benedik Janez; Stopar Pintarič Tatjana; Hodzovic I
    A study of awake video laryngoscope-assisted intubation in patients with periglottic tumour
  96. Mivšek Ana Polona; Pahor Majda; Hlebec Valentina; Hundley Vanora
    How do midwives in Slovenia view their professional status?
  97. Šparaš Bojan; Košutić Damir; Vrabič Erik; Šparaš Karel
    Treatment of severely burned patient with additional multiple life threatening injuries
  98. Soltirovska Šalamon Aneta; Neubauer David; Paro Panjan Darja
    Development of epilepsy after neonatal seizures
  99. Poredoš Pavel; Spirkoska Ana; Planinšek Ručigaj Tanja; Fareed Jawed; Ježovnik Mateja
    Do blood constituents in varicose veins differ from the systemic blood constituents?
  100. Blinc Aleš; Maver Aleš; Rudolf Gorazd; Tasič Jerneja; Pretnar-Oblak Janja; Berden Pavel; Peterlin Borut
    Clinical exome sequencing as a novel tool for diagnosing Loeys-Dietz syndrome type 3

   2.524 2.624 2.724 2.824 2.924 3.024 3.124 3.224 3.324 3.424  

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