biomedicina slovenica

dr="Velika Britanija" : 3.924-4.023

  1. Cescon Corrado; Raimondi E.; Začesta Vita; Drusany Starič Kristina; Martsidis K.; Merletti Roberto
    Characterization of the motor units of the external anal sphincter in pregnant women with multichannel surface EMG
  2. Bizjak Ogrinc Urška; Senčar Sabina
    Non-surgical minimally invasive er: YAG lasertreatment for higher-grade cystocele
  3. Palese Alvisa; Bortoluzzi Guido; Achil Illarj; Jarosova Darja; Notara Venetia; Vagka Elissabet; Andrascikova Stefania; Rybarova Lubica; Skela-Savič Brigita
    Students' and families' expenditures to attend a nursing programme in 2011-2012
  4. Singh Priyanka; Jorgačevski Jernej; Kreft Marko; Grubišić Vladimir; Stout Randy F.; Potokar Maja; Parpura Vladimir; Zorec Robert
    Single-vesicle architecture of synaptobrevin2 in astrocytes
  5. Preedy Victor R.
    Handbook of nutrition, diet and the eye
  6. Likar L; Pavlič Alenka
    Ankylosed carious primary molar affected development of permanent succesor
  7. Pavlič Alenka; Likar L
    Oral health of athletes with intellectual disabilities
  8. Journal of disability and oral health
  9. Tansey Katherine E.; Jerman Borut
    Copy number variants and therapeutic response to antidepressant medication in major depressive disorder
  10. Sarjaš Andrej; Svečko Rajko; Chowdhury Amor
    Optimal robust motion controller design using multi-objective genetic algorithm
  11. Jurič Simon; Flis Vojko; Debevc Matjaž; Holzinger Andreas; Žalik Borut
    Towards a low-cost mobile subcutaneous vein detection solution using near-infrared spectroscopy
  12. Vauhnik Renata; Morrissey Matthew Charles; Pohar Perme Maja; Sevšek France; Rugelj Darja
    Inter-rater reliability of the GNRB knee arthrometer
  13. Jagrič Tomaž; Potrč Stojan; Ivanecz Arpad; Horvat Matjaž; Plankl Mojca; Marš Tomaž
    Screening for gastric-cancer micrometastases in a single sentinel lymph node with real-time PCR - a preliminary study with the Maruyama computer simulation
  14. Bevc Sebastjan; Hojs Radovan; Ekart Robert
    Cystatin C-based equations for estimation of GFR in patients with chronic kidney disease: GFR estimated from serum cystatin - reply
  15. Skok Pavel; Ćeranić Davorin; Dajčman Davorin; Ocepek Andreja; Vujnović Grujica; Zafošnik Andrej; Kavalar Rajko
    Histologically confirmed drug induced liver injury - a review of the period 1998-2010 from a single institution
  16. Vižin Tjaša; Christensen Ib Jarle; Wilhelmsen Michael; Nielsen Hans Jørgen; Kos Janko
    Prognostic and predictive value of cathepsin X in serum from colorectal cancer patients
  17. Bešić Nikola; Šatej Nika; Ratoša Ivica; Gojkovič Andreja; Marinko Tanja; Gazić Barbara; Petrič Rok
    Long-term use of metformin and the molecular subtype in invasive breast carcinoma patients
  18. Živković Maja; Starčević-Čizmarević Nada; Lovrečić Luca; Klupka-Sarić Inge; Stanković Aleksandra; Gašparović Iva; Lavtar Polona; Dinčić Evica; Stojković Ljiljana; Rudolf Gorazd; Šega Saša; Perković Olivio; Sinanović Osman; Sepčić Juraj; Kapović Miljenko; Peterlin Borut; Ristić Smiljana
    The role of TPA I/D and PAI-1 4G/5G polymorphisms in multiple sclerosis
  19. Kivipelto M.
    Updating Alzheimer's disease diagnosis implications for prevention and treatment
  20. Rubio-Agusti Ignacio; Pareés Isabel; Kojović Maja; Stamelou Maria; Saifee Tabish A.; Charlesworth G.; Sheerin U. M.; Edwards Mark J.; Bhatia Kailash P.
    Tremulous cervical dystonia is likely to be familial: clinical characteristics of a large cohort
  21. Wimo A.; Ballard C.; Brayne C.; Gauthier S.; Handels R.; Jones R. W.; Jonsson L.; Khachaturian A. S.; Gregorič Kramberger Milica
    Health economic evaluation of treatments for Alzheimer's disease
  22. Vokurka Samuel; Škoda Goričan Irena Katja; Sever Matjaž
    The availability of HEPA-filtered rooms and the incidence of pneumonia in patients after haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT): results from a prospective, multicentre, eastern European study
  23. Congenital heart disease
  24. Gligorievska Nada; Šmid Lojze; Zupan Janja; Peterlin Borut; Bresjanac Mara
    Study of survival, migration, and differentiation of human bone marrow stromal cells (BMSC) after transplantation into rat brains
  25. Expert review of cardiovascular therapy
  26. Congenital heart disease
  27. Cytotherapy
  28. Dernovšek Mojca Zvezdana; Groleger Urban; Šprah Lilijana
    Impulsivity in bipolar disorder
  29. Verovnik Rudi; Micevski Branko; Maes Dirk; Wynhoff Irma; van Swaay Chris; Warren Martin S.
    Conserving Europe's most endangered butterfly
  30. Koren Tatjana; Beretta S.; Črne Mitja; Verovnik Rudi
    On the distribution of Pyrgus malvoides (Elwes & Edwards, 1897) (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae) at the eastern part of its range
  31. Maes Dirk; Collins Sue; Munguira Miguel L.; Šašić Martina; Settele Josef; van Swaay Chris; Verovnik Rudi; Warren Martin S.; Wiemers Martin; Wynhoff Irma
    Not the right time to amend the annexes of the European habitats directive
  32. Ghodsizad Ali; Ungerer Matthias N.; Bordel Viktor; Kallenbach Klaus; Kögler Gesine; Brain Bruckner; Niehaus Michael; Gregorič Igor; Karck Matthias; Ruhparwar Arjang
    Transplanted human cord blood-derived unrestricted somatic stem cells preserve high-energy reserves at the site of acute myocardial infarction
  33. Lowry Adam W.; Adachi Iki; Gregorič Igor; Jeewa Aamir; Morales David L. S.
    The potential to avoid heart transplantation in children
  34. Filipič Bratko; Gradišnik Lidija; Cencič Avrelija; Koren Srečko
    Interferon (IFN) induction in the 3D culture
  35. Negi Smita I; Kar Biswajit; Gregorič Igor; Loyalka Pranav
    Supporting the failing myocardium
  36. Potočnik Nejka; Danieli Aljoša; Lenasi Helena; Starc Vito
    Pulse arrival time to the capillary bed of the finger tip compared to the carotid-radial pulse transit time during and after aerobic exercise
  37. Gale Nina; Blagus Rok; El-Mofty S; Helliwell Tim; Prasad M; Sandison A; Volavšek Metka; Wenig Bruce M.; Zidar Nina; Cardesa Antonio
    Evaluation of a new grading system of laryngeal squamous intraepithelial lesions - a proposed unified classification
  38. Primožič Jasmina; Perinetti Giuseppe; Zhurov Alexei; Richmond Stephen; Ovsenik Maja
    Three-dimensional evaluation of facial asymmetry in subjects with a unilateral functional crossbite in the primary, early and late mixed dentitions
  39. Filardo G.; Drobnič Matej; Perdisa F.; Hribernik Marija; Marcacci Maurilio
    Fibrin glue improves osteochondral scaffold fixation
  40. Lasalvia Antonio; Švab Vesna
    Global pattern of experienced and anticipated discrimination reported by people with major depressive disorder
  41. ATLA. Alternatives to laboratory animals
  42. Blockeel C.; Knez Jure; Polyzos N. P.; De Vos M.; Camus M.; Tournaye H.
    Should an intrauterine insemination with donor semen be performed 1 or 2 days after the spontaneous LH rise?
  43. Tucci Francesca; Astarita Luca; Abkari Abdelhak; Abu-Zekry Mona; Attard Thomas; Hariz M. Ben; Bilbao José Ramon; Boudraa Ghazalia; Boukthir Samir; Costa Stefano; Mičetić-Turk Dušanka
    Celiac disease in the Mediterranean area
  44. Knez Jure; Kovačič Borut; Vlaisavljević Veljko
    Comparison of embryo transfer strategies and assisted reproduction outcome in Slovenian and cross-border patients
  45. Ivanecz Arpad; Kavalar Rajko; Palfy Miroslav; Pivec Vid; Sremec Marko; Horvat Matjaž; Potrč Stojan
    Can we improve the clinical risk score? The prognostic value of p53, Ki-67 and thymidylate synthase in patients undergoing radical resection of colorectal liver metastases
  46. Bandelj Petra; Trilar Tomi; Blagus Rok; Ocepek Matjaž; Rousseau J.; Weese J.Scott; Vengušt Modest
    Prevalence and molecular characterization of Clostridium difficile isolated from European Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica) during migration
  47. Jeriček Klanšček Helena; Žiberna Janina; Korošec Aleš; Zurc Joca; Albreht Tit
    Mental health inequalities in Slovenian 15-year-old adolescents explained by personal social position and family socioeconomic status
  48. Lehto Elviira; Ray Carola; te Velde Saskia; Petrova Stefka; Duleva Vesselka; Krawinkel Michael; Behrendt Isabel; Papadaki Angeliki; Kristjansdottir Asa; Thorsdottir Inga; Yngve Agneta; Lien Nanna; Lynch Christel; Ehrenblad Bettina; de Almeida Maria; Hlastan-Ribič Cirila; Simčič Irena; Roos Eva
    Mediation of parental educational level on fruit and vegetable intake among schoolchildren in ten European countries
  49. Gasparini Mladen; Šabovič Mišo; Gregorič Igor; Šimunič Boštjan; Pišot Rado
    Increased fatigability of the gastrocnemius medialis muscle in individuals with intermittent claudication
  50. Grašič-Kuhar Cvetka; Zakotnik Branko; Demšar Aleš; Matos Erika
    Outcome of inflammatory breast cancer according to intrinsic breast cancer subtypes
  51. Melik Živa; Cankar Ksenija; Štrucl Martin
    The role of age and physical training on the baroreflex sensitivity
  52. Potočnik Nejka; Cankar Ksenija; Melik Živa; Starc Vito
    Effects of 0.1 Hz breathing and acute mental stress on peripheral vascular activity in physically trained and sedentary young healthy adults
  53. Kojović Maja; Cordivari Carla; Bhatia Kailash P.
    Myoclonic disorders
  54. Pareés Isabel; Saifee Tabish A.; Kassavetis Panagiotis; Kojović Maja; Rubio-Agusti Ignacio; Rothwell John C.; Bhatia Kailash P.; Edwards Mark J.
    Believing is perceiving: mismatch between self-report and actigraphy in psychogenic tremor
  55. Ferk Polonca; Geršak Ksenija
    Association of -108 C>T PON1 polymorphism with polycystic ovary syndrome
  56. Kojović Maja; Pareés Isabel; Kassavetis Panagiotis; Paloma Francisco J.; Mir Pablo; Teo James T. H.; Cordivari Carla; Rothwell John C.; Bhatia Kailash P.; Edwards Mark J.
    Secondary and primary dystonia: pathophysiological differences
  57. Expert review of molecular diagnostics
  58. Gale Nina
    Squamous intra-epithelial lesions of the head and neck
  59. Leest R.J.T.; Bartenjev Igor
    The Euromelanoma skin cancer prevention campaign in Europe
  60. Mervic Liljana; Leiter Ulrike; Meier Friedegund; Eigentler Thomas; Forschner Andrea; Metzler Gisela; Bartenjev Igor; Büttner Petra; Garbe Claus
    Sex differences in survival of cutaneous melanoma are age dependent
  61. Chalmers Neil; Crawley Roberta; Rose Steven Peter Russell
    The biological bases of behaviour
  62. Sahlberg Carin; Pavlič Alenka; Ess Anneli; Lukinmaa Pirjo-Liisa; Salmela Eija; Alaluusua Satu
    Combined effect of amoxicillin and sodium fluoride on the structure of developing mouse enamel in vitro
  63. Frentz Dineke; Wensing Annemarie; Albert Jan; Poljak Mario; Poljak Mario; Lunar Maja M.; Babič Janja; Tomažič Janez; Vidmar Ludvik; Vovko Tomaž D.; Karner Primož
    Limited cross-border infections in patients newly diagnosed with HIV in Europe
  64. Poljak Mario; Kocjan Boštjan; Hošnjak Lea
    Role of human papillomaviruses in esophageal carcinoma
  65. Poljak Mario; Rogovskaya Svetlana; Kesić Vesna; Bray Freddie; Berkhof Johannes; Seme Katja; Brotons Maria; Castellsagué Xavier; Syrjänen Stina; Arbyn Marc; Bosch Francesc Xavier
    Recommendations for cervical cancer prevention in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia
  66. Poljak Mario; Seme Katja; Maver Vodičar Polona; Kocjan Boštjan; Cuschieri Kate S.; Rogovskaya Svetlana; Arbyn Marc; Syrjänen Stina
    Human papillomavirus prevalence and type-distribution, cervical cancer screening practices and current status of vaccination implementation in Central and Eastern Europe
  67. Rogovskaya Svetlana; Shabalova Irina P.; Mikheeva Irina Viktorovna; Poljak Mario
    Human papillomavirus prevalence and type-distribution, cervical cancer screening practices and current status of vaccination implementation in Russian Federation, the Western countries of the former Soviet Union, Caucasus region and Central Asia
  68. Bray Freddie; Lortet-Tieulent Joannie; Znaor Ariana; Brotons Maria; Poljak Mario; Arbyn Marc
    Patterns and trends in human papillomavirus-related diseases in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia
  69. Bosch Francesc Xavier; Poljak Mario; Kocjan Boštjan
    Comprehensive control of human papillomavirus infections and related diseases
  70. Lanišnik-Rižner Tea
    Noninvasive biomarkers of endometriosis
  71. Hren Matjaž; Gruden Kristina; Zupančič Katjuša; Mehle Nataša; Čepin Urška; Ravnikar Maja
    Management and automation of qPCR diagnostic workflow according to QA standards
  72. Ravnikar Maja; Lenarčič Rok; Morisset Dany; Mehle Nataša; Gutierrez-Aguirre Ion; Kogovšek Polona; Pirc Manca; Dreo Tanja
    Determining critical points in validation of isothermal LAMP for accreditation
  73. Mehle Nataša; Dreo Tanja; Ravnikar Maja
    A simple, descriptive assessment of uncertainties of qualitative real time PCR
  74. EPPO Workshop on Accreditation for plant pest diagnostic laboratories
  75. Kocbek Vida; Hevir-Kene Neli; Bersinger Nick A.; Mueller Michael D.; Lanišnik-Rižner Tea
    Increased levels of biglycan in endometriomas and peritoneal fluid samples from ovarian endometriosis patients
  76. Nekvindova Jana; Contreras Juan Antonio; Juvan Peter; Fon Tacer Klementina; Anzenbacher Pavel; Zidek Zdenek; Kopecna Zapletalova Michaela; Rozman Damjana; Anzenbacherová Eva
    Acyclic nucleoside phosphonates
  77. Selič Polona; Švab Igor; Kopčavar Guček Nena
    A cross-sectional study identifying the pattern of factors related to psychological intimate partner violence exposure in Slovenian family practice attendees
  78. van Velthoven Michelle HMMT; Li Ye; Wang Wei; Du Xiaozhen; Wu Qiong; Chen Li; Majeed Azeem; Rudan Igor; Zhang Yanfeng; Car Josip
    mHealth project in Zhao County, rural China - description of objectives, field site and methods
  79. Mastellos Nikolaos; Gunn Laura H; Felix Lambert M; Car Josip; Majeed Azeem
    Transtheoretical model stages of change for dietary and physical exercise modification in weight loss management for overweight and obese adults
  80. van Velthoven Michelle HMMT; Tudor Car Lorainne; Gentry Sarah; Car Josip
    Telephone delivered interventions for preventing HIV infection in HIV-negative persons
  81. Gentry Sarah; van Velthoven Michelle HMMT; Tudor Car Lorainne; Car Josip
    Telephone delivered interventions for reducing morbidity and mortality in people with HIV infection
  82. Du Xiaozhen; Wang Wei; van Velthoven Michelle HMMT; Chen Li; Scherpbier Robert; Zhang Yanfeng; Wu Qiong; Li Ye; Rao Xiuqin; Car Josip
    Text messaging data collection of infant and young child feeding practice in rural China - a feasibility study
  83. Zhang Yanfeng; Chen Li; van Velthoven Michelle HMMT; Wang Wei; Liu Li; Du Xiaozhen; Wu Qiong; Li Ye; Car Josip
    Measuring maternal newborn and child health coverage by text messaging - a county-level model for China
  84. van Velthoven Michelle HMMT; Li Ye; Wang Wei; Du Xiaozhen; Chen Li; Wu Qiong; Majeed Azeem; Zhang Yanfeng; Car Josip
    Factors influencing sample size calculations for mHealth-based studies - A mixed methods study in rural China
  85. van Velthoven Michelle HMMT; Car Josip; Zhang Yanfeng; Marušić Ana
    New ideas for mHealth data collection implementation in low-and middle-income countries
  86. Chan Kit Yee; Car Josip
    Epidemiology of Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia in China, 1990-2010
  87. van Velthoven Michelle HMMT; Majeed Azeem; Car Josip
    Text4baby - national scale up of an mHealth programme. Who benefits?
  88. Gnani Shamini; Ramzan Farzan; Ladbrooke Tim; Milington Hugh; Islam M. Saiful; Car Josip; Majeed Azeem
    Evaluation of a general practitioner-led urgent care centre in an urban setting
  89. Xenobiotica
  90. Cankar Ksenija; Virtič Tina; Zaletel Petra; Melik Živa
    The effect of L-arginine on the function of the microvascular endothelium in healthy trained and sedentary subjects
  91. Melik Živa; Zaletel Petra; Virtič Tina; Cankar Ksenija
    The effect of l-arginine on microvascular reactivity in normotensive subjects with family history of hypertension
  92. Abstract book
  93. Miklavčič Damijan; Mali Barbara; Kos Bor; Heller Richard; Serša Gregor
    Electrochemotherapy: from the drawing board into medical practice
  94. Kotnik Primož; Fischer-Posovszky Pamela; Wabitsch Martin
  95. Gergolet Marco; Campo Rudi; Verdenik Ivan; Kenda Nataša; Gordts Stephan; Gianaroli Luca
    No clinical relevance of the height of fundal indentation in subseptate or arcuate uterus
  96. Prokšelj Katja; Štalc Monika; Šajina-Stritar Barbara; Mohorko-Pleskovič Patricija; Kozak Matija
    Pregnancy in a patient with a bioprosthetic tricuspid valve
  97. Zuzak Tycho J.; Bo&x148;ková Johanna; Careddu Domenico; Garami Miklós; Hadjipanayis Adamos; Jazbec Janez; Merrick Joav; Miller Joyce; Ozturk Candan
    Use of complementary and alternative medicine by children in Europe
  98. Spahn Donat R.; Bouillon Bertil; Cerny Vladimir; Coats Timothy J.; Duranteau Jacques; Fernandez-Mondejar Enrique; Filipescu Daniela; Hunt Beverley J.; Komadina Radko; Nardi Giuseppe; Neugebauer Edmund A.; Ozier Yves; Riddez Louis; Schultz Arthur; Vincent Jean Louis; Rossaint Rolf
    Management of bleeding and coagulopathy following major trauma: an updated European guideline
  99. Rossaint Rolf; Bouillon Bertil; Cerny Vladimir; Coats Timothy J.; Duranteau Jacques; Fernandez-Mondejar Enrique; Filipescu Daniela; Hunt Beverley J.; Komadina Radko; Maegele Marc; Nardi Giuseppe; Neugebauer Edmund A.; Ozier Yves; Riddez Louis; Schultz Arthur; Vincent Jean Louis; Spahn Donat R.
    The STOP of the bleeding campaign
  100. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and other motor neuron disorders

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