biomedicina slovenica

dr="Velika Britanija" : 6.324-6.423

  1. Čemažar M; Wilson I; Prise VE; Bell KM; Hill SA; Tozer GM
    The endothelin B (ETB) receptor agonist IRL 1620 is highly vasoconstrictive in two syngeneic rat tumour lines: potential for selective tumour blood flow modification
  2. Kocjan G; Priollet BC; Desai M; Koutselini H; Mahovlič V; Oliveira MH; Pohar-Marinšek Z; Sauer T; Schenk U; Shabalova I
    BSCC, Bethesda or other? Terminology in cervical cytology European panel discussion
  3. Palmieri Luigi; Alberio Simona; Pisano Isabella; Lodi Tiziana; Meznarič-Petruša Mija; Zidar Janez; Santoro Antonella; Scarcia Pasquale; Fontanesi Flavia; Lamantea Eleonora
    Complete loss-of-function of the heart/muscle-specific adenine nucleotide translocator is asoociated with mitochondrial myopathy and cardiomyopathy
  4. Neubauer David; Frelih Jana; Župančič Neža; Kopač Štefan; Cindro-Heberle Lada
    Pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency presenting as dystonia and responsing to levodopa
  5. Demšar F; Van Dijke CF; Kirk BA; Kapila S; Peterfy CG; Roberts TPL; Shames DM; Tomažič S; Mann J; Brasch RC
    Mapping abnormal synovial vascular permeability in temporomandibular joint arthritis in the rabbit using MRI
  6. Dobrucki JW; Demšar F; Walczak T; Woods RK; Bacic G; Swartz HM
    Electron-spin resonance microscopy of an invitro tumor-model
  7. Stare Janez; Pohar Maja; Henderson Robin
    Goodness of fit of relative survival models
  8. Žižek B; Trojar A; Željko T; Poredoš P
    Impact of insulin resistance on left venticular diastolic function in normotensive offspring of subjects with essential hypertension
  9. Zupan I; Mueller H; Marte W; Kahn JM; Schrader J; Tscheliessnigg KH
    Implant-based cardiac ischaemia monitoring: which electrode configuration is the best?
  10. Lainščak Mitja; Keber I; Anker SD
    Initation of treatment with carvedilol or bisoprolol and changes in body fat mass in patients with chronic heart failure
  11. Lainščak Mitja; Keber I; Lenzen MJ; Follath F; Swedberg K; Komajda M; Cleland JGF
    Inadequate recall of advice on diet and lifestyle in patients with heart failure: experience from the Euro heart failure survey
  12. Lainščak Mitja; Komajda M; Keber I; Lenzen MJ; Follath F; Swedberg K; Cleland JGF
    Advice on non-pharmacological measures to patients after hospitalisation for heart failure is insufficient: experience from the European failure survey
  13. Lainščak M; Cleland JGF; Lenzen M; Follath F; Komajda M; Swedberg K
    International variations in the treatment and co-morbidity of left ventricular systolic dysfunction: data from the Euro heart failure survey
  14. Keber D; Kloboves V
    No net relase of t-PA and PAI-1 antigen from the pulmonary vascular bed
  15. Jeruc J; Zidar N; Cimperman J; Popović M
    Transverse myelitis due to meningovascular tuberculosis
  16. Kogoj A; Denišlič M; Ambrožič D; Hren R
    Efficacy and tolerability of galantamine in the treatment of patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease in the routine clinical practice
  17. Kogoj A; Denišlič M; Ambrožič D; Hren R
    The final dose of galantamine in the treament of mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease is in a naturalistic environment influenced by physicians' subjective avaluation of patients' status
  18. Milanez T; Kobal J; Fidler V; Fidler S; Medved M; Zaletel M
    Brain evaluation by 99m Tc ECD SPECT and MRI in chorea acanthocytosis
  19. Zaletel M; Štrucl M; Žvan B; Pretnar-Oblak J; Pogačnik T
    Age-related changes in relationship between visually evoked potentials and visually cerebral blood flow velocity responses
  20. Milanez T; Fidler V; Možina H; Medved M; Zaletel M
    Ischemic penumbra detected by 99mTc ECD brain SPECT in patients after cardiac arrest
  21. Javha T; Rutar V; Neubauer D
    Assessment management and prevention of pain in neonates and infants
  22. Matkovič-Lonzarič N; Kamenik M; Mekiš D; Glavaš A
    The addition of sevoflurane to propofol-fentanyl anaesthesia does not decrease the elevation of cardiac enzymes
  23. Vauhnik Renata
    The amount and pattern of lumbar spine motion during walking, bending forward and sitting to standing among healthy elderly people age 60 years and over
  24. Verovnik Rudi; Sket Boris; Trontelj Peter
    The colonization of Europe by the freshwater crustacean Asellus aquaticus (Crustacea: Isopoda) proceeses from ancient refugia and was directed by habitat connectivity
  25. Pinter B; Aubeny E; Bartfai G; Loeber O; Ozalp S; Webb A
    Accessibility and availability of abortion in six European countries
  26. Kosec-Mikić T; Milošev I; Pihlar B
    Passivity and corrosion of Cu-xZn (x=10-40 wt%) alloys in borate buffer containing chloride ions
  27. Sedej Simon; Rose Tobias; Rupnik Marjan
    CAMP increase Ca2+ dependent exocytosis through both PKA and Epac2 in mouse melanotrophs from pituitary tissue slices
  28. Urbančič-Rovan Vilma
    Understanding the development of diabetic foot complications
  29. Zorn Branko; Pfeifer Marija; Virant-Klun Irma; Meden-Vrtovec Helena
    Intracytoplasmic sperm injection as a complement to gonadotrophin treatment in infertile men with hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism
  30. Urbančič-Rovan Vilma
    Causes of diabetic foot lesions
  31. Zidar Primož; Božič Janko; Štrus Jasna
    Behavioural response in the terrestrial isopod Porcellio scaber (Crustacea) offered a choice of uncontaminated and cadmium-contaminated food
  32. Hamajima N; Hirose K; Tajima K; Rohan T; Calle EE; Heath CW Jr; Košmelj K; Primic-Žakelj M; Ravnikar B; Stare J
    Alcohol, tobacco and breast cancer - collaborative reanalysis of individual data from 53 epidemiological studies, including 58515 women with breast cancer and 95067 women without the disease
  33. Vouk K; Hudler P; Strmšnik L; Fink M; Majdič G; Zorn B; Lalli E; Sassone-Corsi P; Debeljak N; Komel R; Rozman D
    Combinations of genetic changes in the human cAMP-responsive element modulator gene: a clue towards understanding some forms of male infertility?
  34. Pogačnik A; Klopčič U; Grazio-Frković S; Žgajnar J; Hočevar M; Vidergar-Kralj B
    The reliability and accuracy of intraoperative imprint cytology of sentinel lymph nodes in breast cancer
  35. Marušič A; Kravanja M; Kozel D
    Recent medical history of those who committed suicide in Slovenia in 2003
  36. Neubauer David; Frelih Jana; Osredkar Damjan; Kržan Matevž; Rudolf Gorazd
    Early infantile progressive hereditary neurodegenerative disease with unusual cra, severe spasticity and sensorineural hearing loss in a Gipsy kindership
  37. Čufer T; Piccart-Gebhart M
    Adjuvant chemotherapy: standards and beyond
  38. Montiel Vera; Turk Martina; Plemenitaš Ana; Ramos Jose
    Effect of pH and NaCl on the plasma membrane fluidity of the marine yeast Debaryomyces hansenii
  39. Šuštar M; Hawlina M; Brecelj J
    On- and off- response characteristics
  40. Brecelj J; Stirn-Kranjc B; Pečarič-Meglič N; Škrbec M; Likar K; Lenassi E
    Visual pathway maldevelopment in children
  41. Hawlina M; Popovič P; Jarc-Vidmar M
    Autofluorescence imaging in relation to functional tests in retinitis pigmentosa
  42. Tekavčič-Pompe M; Stirn-Kranjc B; Brecelj J
    Visual evoked potentials to red-green and blue-yellow stimulation in schoolchildren
  43. Barber Colin; Bradnam Michael; Keating David; McCulloch Daphne; Shahani Uma
    ISCEV. Programme and abstract book of the 43th symposium of international society for clinical electrophysiology of vision; 2005 Avg 23-27; Glasgow
  44. Hojs Radovan; Ekart R; Pečovnik-Balon Breda; Bevc Sebastjan; Zagradišnik Boris; Vokač-Kokalj N
    ACE gene I/D (insertion/deletion) polymorphism and carotid intima-media thickness and plaques in non-diabetic hemodialiysis patients
  45. Ekart R; Hojs R; Kanič V; Bevc S; Dvoršak B; Balon-Pečovnik B
    Left ventricular mass index and 48-hours blood pressure monitoring in hemodialysis patients
  46. Hočevar A; Rainer S; Rozman B; Zor P; Tomšič M
    Ultrasonographic changes of major salivary glands in primary Sjoegren's syndrome. Evaluation of novel scoring system
  47. Čučnik S; Božič B; Kveder T; Tomšič M; Rozman B
    Avidity of anti-beta2-glycoprotein I and thrombosis or unsuccessful pregnancy in patients with antiphospholipid syndrome
  48. Čizmarević B; Lanišnik B; Didanovič V
    Results of sentinel node examination with frozen section in patients with oral cavity and oropharyngeal carcinoma
  49. Kovač V; Čižek-Sajko M; Vlaisavljević V; Reljič M; Gavrič-Lovrec V
    A comparison of parameters affecting the success of IVM treatment in PCOS patients primed with FSH or HCG
  50. Čižek-Sajko M; Kovač V; Vlaisavljević V
    Multinucleaction and cleavage of embryos derived from in vitro.matured oocytes
  51. Kovač V; Vlaisavljević V; Reljič M; Rebolj-Stare M
    Intrauterine devices and severe pelvic inflammatory disease require hospitalization
  52. Kotnik-Kevorkijan B; Ekart-Koren K; Rejc-Marko J; Reberšek-Gorišek J
    Who wishes to be tested for HIV?
  53. Kamenik M; Osojnik I; Mekiš D
    Effects of diclofenac on platelet function and bleeding after cardiac surgery
  54. Jelatancev A; Grmec Štefek; Klemen Petra; Kovač M
    Synchronized cardioversion in a prehospital setting: a safe and reliable method for urgent treathment of tachyarrhythmias
  55. Vokač D; Gradišer B; Veble A
    An attempt to determine ventricular insertion site of accessory atrio - venticular connection in patients with WPW syndrome with use of inverse reconstruction protocol from the data of body surface ECG chest leads
  56. Tekauc-Golob A; Žitnik B; Ogrizek-Pelkič Ksenija
    Creatinekinase and its Isonencymes in Neopnatal hypoxia
  57. Ogrizek-Pelkič Ksenija
    Can early sonography and thorough parent's history be markers in trisomy 21 screening?
  58. Ogrizek-Pelkič Ksenija
    Antenatal untrasound diagnostic and perinatal outcomes od congenital anomalies
  59. Speier Stephan; Rozzo Aldo; Rose Tobias; Shi-Bing Yang; Nagy Gabor; Rupnik Marjan
    60 pancreatic tissue slices, a novel preparation to study integrative physiology and diseases of pancreas
  60. Anonymous ;
    Days of molecular medicine 2004: integrative physiology and human disease, neurohormonal and metabolic pathways; 2004 Mar 18-20; Cambridgeshire, UK
  61. Grmec Š
    Emergency endotracheal intubation: malposition and early detection
  62. Logar D; Praprotnik S; Vidmar G; Lestan B; Rozman B; Kos-Golja M; Kastelic-Klasinc C; Tomšič M
    Evaluation of joint inflammation in patients with rheumatoid arthritis treated with etanercept (Enbrel) by simple measurement of joint effusion area and synovial area by means of high-resolution ultrasonography
  63. Potrč Stojan; Ivanecz A; Horvat M; Gadzijev E; Koren M
    Primary adenocarcinoma of the duodenum: report of 3 cases
  64. Zagradišnik B; Stangler-Herodež S; Erjavec-Skerget A; Zagorac A; Kokalj-Vokač N
    Alternative approach to the detection of numeric chromosomal aberrations
  65. Erjavec-Skerget A; Stangler-Herodež S; Zagorac A; Zagradišnik B; Kokalj-Vokač N
    Comparing subtelomeric FISH, CGH and MLPA methods for detecting subtelomeric rearrangements in mental retardation
  66. Stangler-Herodež S; Zagradišnik B; Erjavec-Skerget A; Zagorac A; Kokalj-Vokač N
    Utilization of different methods in diagnosis of CMT1A/HNPP
  67. Ovsenik M; Farčnik F; Verdenik I
    Intra-oral assessment of malocclusion in mixed dentition subjects
  68. Drevenšek M; Koželj V
    Sagittal skeletal relationships in unilateral cleft lip and palate children compared with a non-cleft population
  69. Vauhnik Renata
    Risk factors for anterior cruciate ligament injury among sportswomen
  70. Anonymous ;
    Postgraduate research symposium 2002; 2002 Jul 4; Guy's campus
  71. Anonymous ;
    Postgraduate research symposium 2003; 2003 Jul 3; Guy's campus
  72. Vauhnik Renata
    Intra-rater reliability of the KT2000 arthrometer in healthy subjects
  73. Anonymous ;
    Postgraduate research symposium 2004; 2004 Jul 2; Guy's campus
  74. Vauhnik Renata
    Risk factors for ACL injuries among sportswomen
  75. Brvar Miran; Možina Martin; Bunc Matjaž
    Prolonged hypoglycaemia after insulin lispro overdose
  76. Turner Jan-Erik; Sedej Simon; Rupnik Marjan
    Cytosolic Cl- ions in the regulation of secretory and endocytotic activity in melanotrophs from mouse pituitary tissue slices
  77. Gobec Stanislav; Brožič Petra; Lanišnik-Rižner Tea
    Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and their analogues as inhibitors of aldo-keto reductase AKR1C3: new lead compounds for the development of anticancer agents
  78. Logar J; Šoba B; Premru-Sršen T; Novak-Antolič Ž
    Seasonal variations in acute toxoplasmosis in pregnant women in Slovenia
  79. Asherson RA; Espinosa G; Cervera R; Gomez-Puerta JA; Musuruana J; Bucciarelli S; Ramos-Casals M; Martinez-Gonzalez AL; Praprotnik S; Šipek-Dolničar A
    Disseminated intravascular coagulation in catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome: clinical and haematological characteristics of 23 patients
  80. Baehler Juerg; Svetina Saša
    A logical circuit for the regulation of fission yeast growth modes
  81. Petrovič Uroš; Šribar Jernej; Matis Maja; Anderluh Gregor; Peter-Katalinić Jasna; Križaj Igor; Gubenšek Franc
    Ammodytoxin, a secretory phospholipase A2, inhibits G2 cell cycle arrest in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  82. Šajn-Slak A; Bulc TG; Vrhovšek D
    Comparison of nutrient cycling in a surface-flow constructed wetland and in a facultative pond treating secondary effluent
  83. Robida Andrej; Venkatraman B
    Anomalous left pulmonary artery without pulmonary artery sling
  84. Folger Gordon M Jr; Hajar Rachel; Robida Andrej; Hajar Ahmed
    Occurrence of valvar heart disease in acute rheumatic fever without evident carditis: colour-flow Doppler identification
  85. Gorišek Nina; Tomažič Janez; Poljak Mario; Vidmar Ludvik; Karner Primož
    The role of tumor necrosis factor alpha and cortisol in pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome
  86. Tomažič Janez; Pfeifer Miša; Vidmar Ludvik; Karner Primož; Pokorn Marko
    Metabolic syndrome and lipodystrophy in antiretroviral naive patients after 48 weeks of treatment with lopinavir/ritonavir containing regimen
  87. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 7th international congress on Drug therapy in HIV infection; 2004 Nov 14-18; Glasgow
  88. Krečič-Stres H; Vučak C; Ravnikar M; Kovač M
    Systemic potato virus YNTN infection and levels of salicylic and gentisic acids in different potato genotypes
  89. Meglič B; Grad A; Rotar M; Mesec A
    Residual sympathetic activity demonstrated with cold pressure test in six patients with multiple system atrophy
  90. Trobec R; Avbelj V; Šterk M; Meglič B; Švigelj V
    Neurological data measuring and analysis software based on object oriented design
  91. Potočnik N; Starc V
    Can changes in the finger artery compliance indicate the sympathetic activation under mental stress in man
  92. Meglič B; Beharič A; Kavčič N; Grad A
    Short term treatment with alprazolam has no influence on quallity of life in patients with postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome
  93. Žigon P; Božič B; Čučnik S; Rozman B; Tomšič M; Kveder T
    Are autoantibodies against a 25-mer synthetic peptide of M3 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor a new diagnostic marker for Sjoegren's syndrome?
  94. Maver J; Štrucl M; Accetto R
    Autonomic nervous system activity at cardiac and vascular level in normotensive subjects with a family history of hypertension
  95. Rotar M; Grad A; Vodušek DB
    Lower urinary tract dysfunction in patients after acute stroke
  96. Podnar S; Vodušek DB
    Further evidence for unilaterality of the sacral reflex pathway
  97. Podnar S; Vodušek DB
    Is sacral reflex more dependent on sensory or motor fibres?
  98. Podnar S
    Utility of electrophysiological sacral reflex studies in patients with cauda equina lesions
  99. Meglič B; Grad A; Rotar M; Mesec A
    Achalasia in a patient with primary autonomic failure
  100. Benedičič M; Dolenc VV; Stefanovska A; Bošnjak R
    Left right asymmetry of the facial microvascular system

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