biomedicina slovenica |
re="Biol Vestn" : 135-234
Faganeli J; Pezdič J; Fanuko N
Chemical and isotopic composition of some phytoplankton species
1989 ►
Zei M
Ob dvanajstletnici Morske biološke postaje v Piranu
[On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Marine biological station in Piran]
1989 ►
Strgar V
Biološko središče v Ljubljani. Kaj ko bi ga še enkrat spočeli?
1989 ►
Žel J; Dermastia M; Gogala N
The isolation and regeneration of protoplasts from the mycorrhizal fungi Lactarius piperatus and Suillus variegatus
1989 ►
Regula I
The presence of serotonin in the walnut (Juglans cordiformis Carr.)
1989 ►
Ravnikar M; Gogala N
The influence of jasmonic acid on the development of virus-free potato plants in vitro
1989 ►
Pohleven F
The influence of zeatin on the ion absorption and transport in mycorrhizal fungus Suillus variegatus
1989 ►
Pevalek-Kozlina B; Jelaska S
Adventitious root formation in the cloned microcutting of Prunus avium
1989 ►
Kovač M; Wrischer M
Ultrastructural changes in the silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) seeds during germination
1989 ►
Gogala N; Vradjan M
The location of the cause of dormancy, viability and seed decay in the fir Abies alba Mill
1989 ►
Camloh M; Gogala N; Ružič R
The micropropagatiopn of Nephrolepis exaltata
1989 ►
Basendorfer V; Kolevska-Pletikapić B; Papeš D; Krsnik-Rasol M
Plant regeneration in the root callus of Betula pendula Roth
1989 ►
Bakran-Petricioli T; Krsnik-Rasol M
Protein pattern and peroxidase activity in normal and tumor pumpkin tissues
1989 ►
Gogala N
Prof. dr. Miran Vardjan - sedemdesetletnik
1989 ►
Strgar V
Biološko središče v Ljubljani
1989 ►
Tovornik D
Red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris Linne, 1758) and fat dormouse (Glis glis, Linne 1766) as hosts of ixodid ticks in Slovenia (Yugoslavia)
1989 ►
Potočnik F
Pregled favne mokric (Isopoda terrestria) Jugoslavije
[The survey of the fauna of woodlices (Isopoda terrestria) of Yugoslavia]
1989 ►
Mršić N
Research on the fauna and associations of earthworms (Lumbricidae) in northeastern Serbia. 2
1989 ►
Karaman GS; Sket B
Niphargus species (Crustacea: Amphipoda) of the Kvarner-Velebit islands (NW Adriatic, Yugoslavia)
1989 ►
Drovenik B
Prispevek k poznavanju pokalic (Elateridae-Coleoptera)
[A contribution to the knowledge of the chick-beetles (Elateridae-Coleoptera) of Slovenia]
1989 ►
Strgar V
Biološko središče v Ljubljani: težko rojevanje
1989 ►
Tome D
Gnezditev navadne male uharice (Asio otus) na Ljubljanskem barju (Slovenija, Jugoslavija)
[Nesting habits of the long-eared owl (Asio otus) in the Ljubljana marches (Slovenia, Yugoslavia)]
1989 ►
Stušek P
The oxygen consumption depending on the conformational state of visual pigment in Calliphora erythrocephala
1989 ►
Pokorn D; Accetto B
Gradivo za antropometrični prikaz stare populacije na področju mesta Ljubljane
[A contribution to the anthropometric survey of aged sitizens in the city of Ljubljana]
1989 ►
Mršić N; Nemeschkal F; Potočnik F; Schwammer G; Schwammer H
Ein Beitrag zur Herpetofauna der Quarner-Inseln (Jugoslawien-Croatien)
1989 ►
Jerman I; Jeglič A; Fefer D
Magnetna stimulacija normalnih in prizadetih smrekovih kalic
[Magnetic stimulation of normal and cut spruce seedlings]
1989 ►
Gogala A; Gogala M
True bugs of Slovenia (Insecta: Heteroptera)
1989 ►
Carnelutti J
VI. prispevek k favni lepidopterov Slovenije
[VIth contribution to the knowledge of the Lepidoptera of Slovenia]
1989 ►
Gogala M
20 let po smrti dr. Štefana Michielija
1989 ►
Strgar V
1988 ►
Wraber T
The discovery of Dianthus nitidus Waldst. and Kit. in Montenegro (Yugoslavia)
1988 ►
Tovornik D
The significance of the roe-deer (Caprelous capreolus Linee, 1758) as the host and disseminator of ixoid ticks in SR Slovenia
1988 ►
Tovornik D; Vesenjak-Hirjan J
A revision of ticks belonging to the Rhipicephalus sanguineus Complex (Latreille), collected in the Yugoslav coastal region
1988 ►
Štefančič M
Primerjalna statistična analiza staroslovanskih populacij v luči naselitve Slovanov na Balkanu
[Comparative statistical analysis of theold Slavic populations in reference to the Slav settlement in the Balkans]
1988 ►
Horvat B
Distribution of Dinocras megacephala (Klapalek, 1907) (Plecoptera: Perlidae) in Yugoslavia
1988 ►
Druškovič B
Citogenetska bioindikacija 2 - Prikaz načina ocenjevanja obremenjenosti genetskega materiala in ocena ogroženosti smreke na posamezni lokaliteti. (Primer: relacija Mežica-Črna-Javorje-Zavodnje)
[Cytogenetic bioindication 2 - The kind of estimation of burdened genetic material and the assesment of menaced norway spruce on a certain locality. (relation: Mežica-Črna-Javorje-Sleme)]
1988 ►
Červeny J; Kryštufek B
A contribution to the knowledge of the bats of central and southern Dalmatia, Yugoslavia (Chiroptera, Mammalia)
1988 ►
Brancelj A
Harpacticoids (Harpacticoida, Copepoda) from the Triglav national park (Slovenia; Yugoslavia)
1988 ►
Accetto M
New localities of the species characteristics of moist forest of oak and hornbeam (Pseudostellaria europaea, Gagea spathacea, Omphalodes scorpioides) in Slovenia
1988 ►
Zupančič M; Čarni A
Nova združba rdečega bora v slovenskem predalpskem obrobju
[A new association of the Scots pine in the Slovenian praepannonian borderlands]
1988 ►
Wraber T
Zum Vorkommen von Centhratus longiflorus Steven auf der Balkanhalbinsel
[On the occurrence of Centrathus longiflorus Steven on the Balkan Penninsula]
1988 ►
Škornik M; Wraber T
Papaver victoris, novi rumenocvetni alpski mak v Julijskih Alpah
[Papaver victoris, a new yellow flowering Alpine poppy from the Julian Alp]
1988 ►
Strgar V
Der Nordwestteil des Areals des Komplexes Sesleria juncifolia, 1
[The Nortwestern part of the areal of the group Sesleria juncifolia, 1]
1988 ►
Ravnik V
Plantago argentea Chaix in Vill. subsp. liburnica V. Ravnik subsp. nova
[Plantago argentea Chaix in Vill. subsp. liburnica V. Ravnik subsp. nova]
1988 ►
Mayer E
Usoda in vsebina rokopisa A. Paulina "ueber botanische Naturdenkmaeler in Krain"
[The fate and contents of A. Paulin's manuscript "ueber botanische Naturdenkmaeler in Krain"]
1988 ►
Martinčič A
Flora in vegetacija barja Drni pri Zelencih
[Flora and vegetation of the Drni marshes near Zelenci (near the source of the river Sava Dolinka, Slovenia)]
1988 ►
Druškovič B
Citogenetska bioindikacija I - Uporaba citogenetske analize pri odkrivanju delovanja genotoksičnih polutantov na gozdno drevje. (Material in metoda)
[Cytogenetic bioindication I - Utilization of cytogenetic analysis for detection of the effects of genotoxic pollutants on forest tress. (Material and method)]
1988 ►
Strgar V
Profesorju Viktorju Petkovšku ob 80-letnici
1988 ►
Sket B
Fauna of the hypogean waters of the San Andres (Saint Andrews) Island, Colombia
[Favna podzemeljskih voda na Otoku San Andreas (Saint Andrews I.), Kolumbija_]
1988 ►
Sket B
Zooogeografija sladkovodnih in somornih rakov (Crustacea) v kvarnersko-velebitskem območju
[Zoogeography of the freshwater and brackish Crustacea in the Kvarner-Velebit islands (NW Adriatic, Yugoslavia)]
1988 ►
Sket B
Speleobiological investigations in the Colombian Andes 1984
[Speleobiološke raziskave v kolumbijskih Andih 1984]
1988 ►
Mršić N
Interleptoiulus cernagoranus g.n., sp.n. (Diplopoda: Julidae) and a survey of the tribus Leptoiulini in Yugoslavia
1988 ►
Mršić N
Description of a new subgenus and two new species of the genus Polydesmus latreille 1802 (Diploda)
1988 ►
Kos I
Prispevek k poznavanju favne skupine Lithobiomorpha (Chilopoda) v Sloveniji
[Contribution to the knowledge of fauna of Lithobiomorpha (Chilopoda) in Slovenia (Yugoslavia)]
1988 ►
Devetak D
The distribution of scorpionflies (Mecoptera, Insecta) in Slovenia
1988 ►
Jerman I
Življenje skozi očala modernega organicizma
[Life from the standpoint of modern organicism]
1987 ►
Vreš B
Floristični pregled Košenjaka z okolico (severna Slovenija)
[The floristic view of Košenjak with its surroundings (Northern Slovenia)]
1987 ►
Tovornik D
Morfološke značilnosti dveh pripadnikov podrodu Pholeoixodes Schulze, 1942: Ixodes hexagonus leach in Ixodes canisuga Johnston
[Morphological features of two members of subgenus Pholeoixodes Schulze, 1942: Ixodes hexagonus leach and Ixodes canisuga]
1987 ►
Štamol V
Medora almissana (Kuester,1847) (Gastropoda: Clausiliidae) na otoku Braču
[Medora almissana (Kuester, 1847) (Gastropoda: Clausiliidae) on the Island of Brač]
1987 ►
Strgar V
Scopolia carniolica Jacq. f. hladnikiana (Biatz. et Fleischm.) E. Mayer - dedovanje barve cvetov in razmnoževanje
[Scopolia carniolica Jacq. f. hladnikiana (Biatz. et Fleischm.) E. Mayer - the inheritance of colour in flowers and propagation]
1987 ►
Seliger A; Wraber T
Nova podvrsta vrste Silene retzdorffiana (K. Maly) Walters s Kosovega (jugozahodna Srbija)
1987 ►
Mršić N
Opisi treh novih vrst deževnikov iz rodu Octodriloides Zicsi 1986 (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae)
[Description of three new species of earthworm of the genus Octodriloides Zicsi 1986 (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae)]
1987 ►
Mršić N; Šapkarev J
Pregled deževnikov (Lumbricidae) ožje Srbije z opisi novih taksonov
[Survey of the earthworms (Lumbricidae) of Serbia in a restricted sense and description of new taxa]
1987 ►
Mršić N
Alpodinaridella g. n. (Lumbricidae, Oligochaeta) in opis dveh novih monotipičnih podrodov
[Alpodinaridella g. n. (Lumbricidae, Oligochaeta) and description on new monotypic subgenera]
1987 ►
Krušnik C
Prispevek k poznavanju favne mladoletnic (Insecta, Trichoptera) Pohorja
[A contribution to the knowledge of the caddisfly fauna (Insecta, Trichoptera) from Pohorje]
1987 ►
Kos I
Prispevek k poznavanju taksonomije in razširjenosti vrste Lithobius validus Meinert 1872 (Chilopoda, Lithobiidae) v Sloveniji
[Contribution to the knowledge of taxonomy and distribution of Lithobius validus Meinert 1872 (Chilopoda, Lithobiidae) in Slovenia (Yugoslavia)]
1987 ►
Kaligarič M
Floristične novosti iz Slovesnke Istre
[Floristical news from Slovenian Istra]
1987 ►
Veranič P; Sterle M
Histokemična analiza kompleksnih ogljikovih hidratov v želodčni sluznici med prenatalnim in postnatalnim razvojem mišjega želodca
[Histochemical analysis of gastric mucosa complex carbohydrates at prenatal and postnatal development of a mouse stomach]
1988 ►
Dakskobler I
Carici umbrosae-Quercetum petraeae Poldini 1982 var. geogr. Sesleria autumnalis var. geogr. nova in Goriška (Slovenia)
[Carici umbrosae-Quercetum petraeae Poldini 1982 var. geogr. Sesleria autumnalis var. geogr. nova in Goriška (Slovenia)]
1987 ►
Žgur-Bertok D; Grabnar M
The plasmid determind characteristics of ten porcine Escherichia coli strains
1988 ►
Tušnik P; Planinc R
Concentrations of the trace metals (Hg, Cd) and its seasonal variations in Mytillus galloprovincialis
1988 ►
Tovornik D
Geographic distribution and other population parameters of Ixodes (Exopalpiger) trianguliceps (Birula, 1895) in Yugoslavia
1988 ►
Mršić N
Allolobophora parva (Eisen 1874)-new species in the fauna of Slovenia - and degree to which earthworms (Lumbricidae) have been investigated in Yugoslavia
1988 ►
Mršić N
Description of five new species of earthworms of the genus Dendrobaena Eisen 1874 (Lumbricidae)
1988 ►
Brodar V
Relativna variabilnost nekaterih somatometrijskih parametrov
[Relative variability of some somatometric parameters]
1988 ►
Druškovič B
Citogenetski efekt polutantov v industrijsko obremenjenem predelu
1987 ►
Brancelj A
Cyclopoida and Calanoida (Crustacea, Copepoda) from the Postojna-Planina cave system (Slovenia)
1987 ►
Mršić N
Craspedosoma montenigrina sp. n. (Diplopoda: Craspedosomatidae)
1987 ►
Mršić N
Allolobophora oculata (Hoffmeister 1845) new earthworm species (Lumbricidae) in the fauna of Yugoslavia
1987 ►
Mršič N
Schizmohetera sketi g. n., sp. n. (Diplopoda: Neoatractosomatidae)
1987 ►
Tovornik D
Teratological forms of Ixodid ticks
1987 ►
Tovornik D
On the bionomics of the Ixodes (Pholeoixodes) hexagonus Leach, 1815 in Slovenia (Yugoslavia)
1987 ►
Strgar V
Popoteh matične biologije na Ljubljanski univerzi
1987 ►
Vrišer B
Vpliv organskega onesnaženja na meiofavno priobalnih glinastih muljev Koprskega zaliva. (The effect of organic pollution on mud meiofauna communities (Bay of Koper, Gulf of Trieste, Northern Adriatic)
1986 ►
Sket B; Šapkarev J
Dina lepinja sp. n. (Hirudinea, Erpobdellidae), a new endemic leech from the ancient lake Ohridsko jezero
[Dina lepinja sp. n., nova endemna vrsta pijavk (Hirudinea, Erpobdellidae) iz starinskega Ohridskega jezera]
1986 ►
Pohleven F; Gogala N
The influence of natural cytokinins on the content of K, P, Ca and Na in the mycelium of the mycorrhizal fungus Suillus variegatus
1986 ►
Mršić N
New taxa of the diplopods (Myriapoda : Diplopoda) of Slovenia
1986 ►
Matvejev SD; Puncer I
Karta biomov in skupin sorodnih biotopov Slovenije. (The map of biomes and group related biotopes of Slovenia)
1986 ►
Kus B; Didek-Brumec M; Alačević M; Sočič H
Benomyl resistant mutants of Claviceps purpurea strains
1986 ►
Kryštufek B
Variability of enamel tooth pattern in Microtus arvalis from Dalmatia (Rodentia, Mammalia)
1986 ►
Brancelj A
Rare and lesser known harpacticoids (Copepoda Harpacticoida) from the Postojna-Planina cave system (Slovenia)
1986 ►
Wraber T
Die Felsenmiere (Minuartia rupestris) - Vegetation der Julischen Alpen. (The Minuartia rupestris vegetation in the Julian Alps).
1986 ►
Vrišer B
Biološka obrast na apnenčastem substratu, zaščitenem pred morskim ježem Paracentrotus lividus (L). (Bio-fouling on limestone experimental plates, protected from the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus (L). (Piran bay, Gulf of Trieste, Nothern Adriatic)).
1986 ►
Tušnik P; Fanuko N; Turk V
Ocenitev kakovosti morja v gojitvenem nasadu školjk v Piranskem zalivu. (The estimation of the seawater quality in the mariculaturing area of the Bay of Piran).
1986 ►
Mršić N
Dyocerasoma (Dyocerasoma) biokovense sp. n. (Diplopoda: Craspedosomatidae). (Dyocerasoma (Dyocerasoma) biokovenese sp. n. (Diplopoda: Craspedodomatidae)).
1986 ►
Mršić N
Allolobophora biokovica sp. n. (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) and earthworm associations of the Biokovo (Croatia). (Allolobophora biokovica sp. n. (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) in deževniške združbe Biokova (Hrvaška)).
1986 ►
Jezernik K; Pipan N
Vpliv stimulirane sekrecije na tesne stike acinusnih celic parotide.
[The influence of stimulated secretion on the tight junction in parotid acinar cells]
1986 ►
Gogala A; Gogala M
Seznam vrst stenic, ugotovljenih v Sloveniji (Insecta: Heteroptera). (Check list of bug species recorded in Slovenia (Insecta: Heteroptera)).
1986 ►
Franković-Kerekeš G
Vpliv kovin na talno favno vodotokov. (The influence of metals on zoobentic fauna).
1986 ►
Culiberg M
Palinološka raziskovanja na Lovrenškem in Ribniškem barju na Pohorju
[Palynological investigations of two peat-bogs, Lovrenško and Ribniško barje from the Pohorje MTS]
1986 ►
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