biomedicina slovenica |
re="Biol Vestn" : 35-134
Gogala N; Tišler T; Žel J
Vpliv herbicidov na rast višjih gliv (Basidiomycetes)
[The influence of herbicides on the growth of higher fungi (Basidiomycetes)]
1982 ►
Sket B
Dr. Milan Velikonja (1950-1993)
1992 ►
Wraber T
Ob smrti Viktorja Petkovška, prvega urednika Biološkega vestnika
1992 ►
Maček P
Prof. dr. Drago Lebez - sedemdesetletnik
1992 ►
Zajc Irena
An attempt to reveal DNA restriction polymorphism in Hirudinea DNA
[Poskus ugotavljanja restrikcijskega polimorfizma DNA pri prijavkah]
1995 ►
Vrišer B
Meiofavna južnega dela Tržaškega zaliva. 3. Favna in združbe harpaktikoidov (Copepoda: Harpacticoida)
[Meiofauna of the southern part of the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic). 3. Harpacticoida (Copepoda): fauna and communities]
1992 ►
Velikonja M
Prispevek k poznavanju sladkovodnih mahovnjakov (Bryozoa) Slovenije
[A contribution to the knowledge of the freshwater Bryozoa of Slovenia]
1992 ►
Tušek-Žnidarič M; Prosenc A; Škreblin M; Kregar I; Stegnar P
Distribution and binding of mercury in some internal organs of the Mytilus galloprovincialis mussel from Kaštela Bay, Dalmatia
1992 ►
Rošer-Drev A; Rejic M
Biološka analiza reke Pake
[Biological analyse of the river Paka (Slovenia)]
1992 ►
Podobnik A
Asarum europaeum L. v Sloveniji
[Asarum europaeum L. in Slovenia]
1992 ►
Petrovič Nataša; Gugerli Paul
Purification of potato virus M (PVM)
1992 ►
Mozetič P
Rast vrste Artemia salina s prehrano na bazi monokultur enoceličnih alg
[The growth of Artemia salina fed on monocultures of unicellular algae]
1992 ►
Matošić M; Ledić A
A contribution to the knowledge of internal organs morphology in some members of the family Salamandridae
1992 ►
Amon T
A new computer program for neuronal spike data evaluation
1992 ►
Wraber T
Vinko Strgar, botanik, vrtnar, urednik Biološkega vestnika
1992 ►
Wraber T
Rod Adonis v Sloveniji-primer za historično floristiko
[The genus Adonis in Slovenia-a case in point of historical floristics]
1992 ►
Turk B
Citotaksonomija agregata Valeriana officinalis L., v Sloveniji
[Cytotaxonomy of the Valeriana officinalis L. group in Slovenia]
1992 ►
Toman M; Roš M
Vpliv pomanjkanja raztopljenega kisika na organizme spremljajoče združbe v aktivnem blatu pri čiščenju odpadnih vod farmacevtske industrije
[The effect of dissolved oxygen deficiency upon the concomitant biocenosis in activated sludge pharmaceutic al waste water treatment]
1992 ►
Štefančič M; Tomazo-Ravnik T
Vpliv športne aktivnosti na nekatere morfološke karakteristike ljubljanskih študentov in sekularne razvojne tendence pri športnikih
[Secular trend in athletes and the influence of athletics on some morphological characteristics in Slovene University students]
1992 ►
Mikoš MZ
Ekološka analiza laboratorijske vrste Dicellophilus carniolensis (C. L. Koch, 1847)
[Ecological analysis of a laboratory population of the species Dicellophilus carniolensis (C. L. Koch, 1847)]
1992 ►
Merdić E
Aedes riparius (Dyar & Knab, 1907), a newly recorded species of Mosquitoes (Dipt., Culicidae) in Croatia
1992 ►
Gaberščik A; Martinčič A
Spreminjanje lastnosti listov vodne dresni (Polygonum amphibium L.) v gradientu kopno/voda
[Variations in leaf characteristics of water bistort (Polygonum amphibium L.) along land/water interface gradient]
1992 ►
Strgar V
Biološko središče v Ljubljani. 9. Pred potopom?
1991 ►
Tovornik D
Odziv adultnih iksodidnih klopov na izvor toplotnega sevanja v zakurjeni hotelski sobi
[The response of the adult ixodid ticks to the source of heat in a warm hotel room]
1991 ►
Tovornik D; Matjašič M
Bio-environmental differences between active and silent foci of tick-borne encephalitis in Yugoslavia
1991 ►
Torelli N; Križaj B
Bioelektrična določitev kondicije navadne jelke (Abies alba Mill.) in prognoziranje preživetja v območjih z zračno polucijo
[Bioelectrical determination of the condition of the silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) and the prognostication of the tree survival in air polluted area]
1991 ►
Strgar V
Der Nordwestteil des Areals des Komplexes Sesleria Juncifolia. 3. Nanos
1991 ►
Purger JJ; Kryštufek B
Feral Coypu Myocastor coypus (Rodentia, Mammalia) in Yugoslavia
1991 ►
Mikoš MZ
Dicellophilus carniolensis (C.L. Koch, 1847) kot predstavnik družine Mecistocephalidae (superfam. Geophilomorpha)
[Dicellophilus carniolensis as a representative of the family Mecistocephalidae (superfam. Geophilomorpha)]
1991 ►
Brodar V
Proučevanje sekularnih procesov pri študentih
[Evidence of secular processes in university students]
1991 ►
Štamol V
The significance of clustering methods in the interpretation of similarities between communities
1991 ►
Slapnik R
Nahajališča Carychium tridentatum (Risso 1826) in C minimum O. F. Mueller 1774 v Sloveniji in razširjenost C.mariae Paulucci 1878 (Gastropoda: Carychiidae) v Jugoslaviji
[Localities of Carychium tridentatum (Riso 1826) and C. minimum O. F. Mueller 1774 in Slovenia and the distribution of C. mariae Paulucci 1878 (Gastropoda: Carychiidae) in Yugoslavia]
1991 ►
Purger JJ; Karanović T
First data on small mammal fauna from Krnjeuša (Bosanska Krajina),as obtained by a barn owl, Tyto alba (CCOP., 1769) Pellet analysis
1991 ►
Martinčič A
Vegetacijska podoba vrst iz rodu Schoenus L. v Sloveniji. 1. Schoenus nigricans L
[Vegetational status of species from the genus Schoenus in Slovenia. 1. Schoenus nigricans L]
1991 ►
Červeny J; Kryštufek B
First record of Eptesicus nilssoni, Keyserling et Blasius, 1938 (Chiroptera, Mammalia) in Slovenia
1991 ►
Krušnik C
Prispevek k poznavanju mladoletnic (Insecta, Trichoptera) jugozahodnega roba Krasa
[A contribution to the knowledge of the caddis-fly fauna (Insecta, Trichoptera) from the Southwestern of the Karst]
1991 ►
Brečko D; Ličar P; Rode J
Morfološka analiza želodca pri vrstah Titanethes albus, Ligidium hypnorum in Hyloniscus sp. (Isopoda, Crustacea)in njeni filogenetski vidiki
[Functional morphology of the stomach in Titanethes albus, Ligidium hypnorum and Hyloniscus sp. Isopoda, rustacea)and its phylogenetic aspects]
1991 ►
Kaligarič M; Jogan N
Floristične novosti iz Slovenske Istre: 2
[New floristical discoveries from Slovenian Istria: 2]
1990 ►
Strgar V
Biološko središče v Ljubljani: med včeraj, danes in jutri
1991 ►
Vrišer B
Meiofauna of the southern part of the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic). 2. Problems of the mesoscale spatial distribution
1991 ►
Tovornik D
Podatki o klopih Ixodes frontalis (Panzer, 1798) in Ixodes arboricola Schulze et Schlottke, 1929 najdenih na pričih v Jugoslaviji
[Data on ticks Ixodes frontalis (Panzer, 1798) and Ixodes arboricola Schulze et Schlottke, 1929 found on birds in Yugoslavia]
1991 ►
Gogala A
New records for the Heteroptera fauna of Slovenia (Yugoslavia)
1991 ►
Regula I
Promjene osmotskog i vodnog potencijala u ekstenzorskim stanicama zglobnog jastučića - kao osnova niktinastije
[Changes in osmotic and water potentials in the extensoric cells of the pulvinus as the basis of nyctinasty]
1991 ►
Petrović N; Momčilović V; Petrović M
Uticaj vodnog stresa na asimilaciju azota kod mladih biljaka šečerne repe
[The effect of water stress on nitrogen assimilation by young sugar beet plants]
1991 ►
Osvald J; Osvald M
Primerjava posledic vpliva vodnega stresa na rast, razvoj ter pridelek koruze, sirka, zelja in paradižnika
[Consequences due to water stress for the development and xield of corn, sorghum, cabbage and tomato plants]
1991 ►
Nenadović-Mratinić E
Uticaj mikroklime na vodni režim jagode
[The influence of the microclima on the water regime of strawberries]
1991 ►
Milošević R
Produktivnost i vodne osobine linija i hibrida šečerne repe
[Productivity and water properties of lines and hydrids of sugar beet]
1991 ►
Medjedović S
Osmotski spektri ćelijskog soka omorike, munike i molike iz arboretuma "Slatina" kod Sarajeva
[Osmotic spectra of the cell sap in the Pine-trees Picea omorika, Pinus heldreichii and Pinus peuce from the arboretum "Slatina" near Sarajevo]
1991 ►
Kastori R; Petrović N; Stanković Ž
Mogućnost primene antitranspiranata u biljnoj proizvodnji
[Possibilities of using antitranspirants in plant production]
1991 ►
Jovanović L; Veljović S; Janjić V
Parametri vodnog režima i fotosinteze kod dve linije kukuruza različite otpornosti na sušu
[The water regime and photosynthesis parameters in two maize lines differing in drought susceptibility]
1991 ►
Jelić G; Vučković M; Mihailović N; Bogdanović M
Neki fiziološki parametri za merenje efekata suše u listu kukuruza
[Some physiologic parameters in measuring the effects of drought in the maize leaf]
1991 ►
Černe M
Vpliv vodnega stresa na pridelek zelja
1991 ►
Vukadinović V; Teklić T
Modeliranje raspoloživosti vode u računarskoj simulaciji produktivnosti pšenice
[A modelling of water availability in the computer simulation of the wheat productivity]
1991 ►
Stanković ŽS; Petrović M
Vodni stres i fotosinteza
[Water stress and photosynthesis]
1991 ►
Quarrie SA
The role abscisic acid in regulation water status in plants.
1991 ►
Trinajstić I
O problemu geneze i bogatstva jugoslavenske flore
[On the problem of the genesis and richness of the recent Yugoslav flora]
1991 ►
Sket B; Bole J; Benović A; Brancelj A; Brglez J; Čuček M; Čurčić B; Jaklin A; Karaman G; Katavić I
Bogastvo in raziskanost jugoslovanske favne: nižji nevretenčarji (Metazoa, Invertebrata, ex. Insecta)
[Richness and state of hnowledge of the fauna of Yugoslavia: lower Invertebrates (Metazoa, Invertebrata, ex. Insecta)]
1991 ►
Nonvellier G
Bogatstvo i istraženost faune Jugoslavije: insekti (Insecta)
[The richness and degree of exploration of the fauna of Yugoslavia: the insects]
1991 ►
Marchant A
New moleculer genetic techniques for the inference of evolutionary relationships
1991 ►
Bole J
Akademik Janez Matjašič - sedemdesetletnik
1991 ►
Pipan N
O celični biologiji
1990 ►
Trilae T
The small mammal community of the marshy meadows in the Ljubljansko barje area (Yugoslavia)
1990 ►
Tovornik D
O ekologiji larvalnih komarjev (Diptera: Culicidae) v manjši mirujoči mlaki na Ljubljanskem barju
[On the ecology of larval mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in a small stagnant pool in the Ljubljansko barje]
1990 ►
Sterle M; Jezernik K
Vpliv izolacije s kolagenazo 4 na medcelične povezave in zgradbo celic pankreasa in obušesne slinavke
[The influence of isolation with collagenase type 4 on the cell junctions and cell ultrastructure of pancreatic and parotid acinar cells]
1990 ►
Nikolić T; Štamol V
Coenological investigations of snails (Mollusca: Gastropoda)in some phytocoenoses of the Bijele Stijene (Velika Kapela), Croatia, Yugoslavia)
1990 ►
Ličar P; Zagorc A
Morfologija želodca in ultrastruktura njegovih filtrov pri taksonu Monolistra caeca (Isopoda, Crustacea)
[The morphology of the stomach and the ultrastructure of stomach filters in Monolistra caeca (Isopoda, Crustacea)]
1990 ►
Bulog B
Čutiolni organi oktavolateralnega sistema pri proteju Proteus anguinus, (Urodela, Amphibia). 1. Otični labirint
[Sensory organs of the octavolateral system of Proteus anguinus, (Urodela, Amphibia). 1. Otic labyrinth]
1990 ►
Strgar V
Biološko središče v Ljubljani, 7. Vrata v svet ali most nazaj domov
1990 ►
Strgar V
Der Nordwestteil des Areals des Komplexes Sesleria Juncifolia, 2
1990 ►
Bačič T; Tomić T; Orlov M
A preliminary report on accumulation of some inorganic anions in the Pinus halepensis Mill. needles (Pinaceae) from the region of Split
1990 ►
Accetto M
Floristične zanimivosti iz subpanonskega sveta v Sloveniji
[Floristically interesting data from the sub-pannonian area in Slovenia]
1990 ►
Gabrovšek K; Gogala N
Vpliv nekaterih ektomikoriznih gliv na rast sadik smreke (Picea abies (L.)Karsten.)
[The influence of some ectomycorrhizal fungi on the growth of Norway spruce.(Picea anies (L.)Kaesten)seedlings]
1990 ►
Martinčič A
Prispevek k poznavanju rodu Alchemilla L. v Jugoslaviji
1990 ►
Wraber T
De Gentiana nopcsae Javorka notula
1990 ►
Zupančič M
Smrekovi gozdovi Evrope in Balkanskega polotoka, 3. (Kritični pogled na smrekove gozdove Bosne)
[The spruce forests of Middle Europe and the Balkan Peninsula, 3. (A critical view on the spruce forests of Bosnia)]
1990 ►
Strgar V
Biološko središče v Ljubljani, 6: zaupamo v nove čase
1990 ►
Tovornik D
The significance of the birds (Aves) as the hosts and disseminators of ixodid ticks (Yugoslavia)
1990 ►
Šumak M; Jerman I; Grabnar M; Jeglič A; Fefer D
Vpliv različnih jakosti magnetne stimulacije (50 Hz) na bakterije E. coli
[The influence of different intensities of magnetic stimulation (50 Hz) on bacteria E. coli]
1990 ►
Remžgar S
Mali sesalci okolice Kočevja
[Small mammals in the neighbourhood of Kočevje]
1990 ►
Pokorn D; Accetto B
Distribution of subcutaneus adipose in old healthy people by sex and age in Ljubljana, Yugoslavia
1990 ►
Krušnik C
Nove vrste mladoletnic (Insecta, Trichoptera) za favno Slovenije
[New species of caddisflies (Insecta, Trichoptera) to the fauna of Slovenia]
1990 ►
Jogan N
Prispevek k poznavanju razširjenosti trav v Sloveniji
[A contribution to the knowledge of the distribution of grasses in Slovenia]
1990 ►
Brancelj A
Favnistični pregled ciklopoidov (Crustacea: Copepoda: Cyclopoida) v podzemeljskih habitatih v Bosni in Hercegovini
[A faunistic review of cyclopoida (Crustcea: Copepoda: Cyclopoida) in subterranean habitats from Bosnia and Herzegovina]
1990 ►
Accetto M
Floristične novosti iz gozdov slovenske Čičarije in Vremščice
[Floristic novelties from the Slovene Čičarija and Vremščica forest]
1990 ►
Strgar V
Biološko središče v Ljubljani, 5: botanični vrt
1990 ►
Herzog-Velikonja B; Grabnar M
Transformacija protoplastov seva Bacillus licheniformis ATCC 10716 s plazmidno DNA
[The transformation of Bacillus licheniformis ATCC 10716 protoplasts by plazmid DNA]
1990 ►
Simova-Tosić D; Vukovič M; Sivec I
Addendum to the fauna Tipulidae (Diptera) of Yugoslavia (4)
1990 ►
Mršič N
Description of a new subgenus, three new species and taxonomic problems of the genus Allolobophora sensu Mršić and Šapkarev, 1988 (Lumbricidae, Oligochaeta)
1990 ►
Karaman G; Sket B
Bogiidiella sinica sp. n. (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from southern China
1990 ►
Janežič F
Pirannea spartii gen. n. sp. n. (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae) in den geschlossenen Blueten von Spartium junceum L
1990 ►
Brodar V
Dinamika relativne rasti somatometrijskih parametrov
[The dynamics of the relative growth of somatometric parameters]
1990 ►
Blaženčič J; Urbanc-Berčič O; Vrhovšek D
Makrofiti v jezerih Triglavskega narodnega parka
[Macrophytes in the lakes of the Triglav national park]
1990 ►
Tarman K
Akademiku Jožetu Boletu ob 60-letnici
1989 ►
Vrišer B
Petru Tušniku v slovo
1989 ►
Strgar V
Biološko središče v Ljubljani. Vendarle dobro spočeto - medporodne težave minevajo
1989 ►
Vrišer B
Meiofavna južnega dela Tržaškega zaliva. 1. Taksonomska struktura in abundanca
[Meiofauna of the southern part of the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic). 1. Community structure and abundance]
1989 ►
Tušnik P; Turk V; Planinc R
Assessment of the level pollution of the coastal sea in the eastern part of the Gulf of Trieste
1989 ►
Malej A
Shifts in size-classes and structure of net zooplankton in the presence of the jellyfish Pelagia noctiluca (Scyphozoa)
1989 ►
Fanuko N; Rode J; Drašlar K
Microflora from the Adriatic mucous aggregations
1989 ►
Fanuko N; Maček P; Sedmak B
Testiranje školjk ob masovnem pojavu dinoflagelatov
[Toxicity testing of mussels during the dinoflagelatte bloom]
1989 ►
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