biomedicina slovenica |
re="Environment : 35-134
Bigec Martin; Jelen Boris
Generational changes in the growth of children from Maribor and Slovenia
2006 ►
Vidovič Maruška
Genetic population structure and surname analysis in front of Alpine ecosystem
2006 ►
Sonjak S; Gunde-Cimerman N
Genetic variability in Penicillium crustosum population isolated from extremely cold Arctic environments
2006 ►
Tomazo-Ravnik Tatjana; Golja Petra; Blatnik Jana
Can BIA-vector detect dehydration?
2006 ►
Štamfelj Iztok; Cvetko Erika; Štefančič Marija; Gašperšič Dominik
Alveolar bone loss in the medieval inhabitants of Središče on Drava, Slovenia (900-1500 a.d.)
2006 ►
Štefančič Marija; Tomazo-Ravnik Tatjana; Vidmar-Nair Katarina; Stele Primož
Changes in physical development in body composition of Slovene adolescents sample between the years 1988 and 2004 and their body image
2006 ►
Smolar-Žvanut N; Vrhovšek D; Maddock I
Environmental flow regimes assessment for running waters: current practice in Slovenia
2006 ►
Maddock I; Dunbar M; Acreman M; Eastman K; Eisner A; Rivas-Casado M; Smolar-Žvanut N
Assessing rapid physical habitat mapping methods for observer variability
2006 ►
Jogan N
Plant diversity and phytogeography of Slovenia
2006 ►
Wraber T
Nedeljko Košanin and his botanical research in Serbia and NE Albania
2004 ►
Jogan N; Kotarac M
"Flora of Slovenia" database
2004 ►
Zrimec Alexis; Berden-Zrimec Maja; Drinovec Luka; Zupančič-Justin Maja
Biomonitoring v okviru spremljanja delovanja prototipa Limnotop
2006 ►
Zupančič Marija; Zupančič-Justin Maja; Šelih Vid Simon; Bukovec Peter
Predstavitev rezultatov fizikalno kemijskega monitoringa v prvem obdobju spremljanja delovanja prototipa Limnotop
2006 ►
Griessler-Bulc Tjaša
Čiščenje izcednih voda z rastlinskimi čistilnimi napravami
2006 ►
Vrhovšek Danijel
Predstavitev sistema Limnotop kot idejne rešitve za sanacijo odlagališča komunalnih odpadkov Dobrava pri Ormožu
2006 ►
Zupančič-Justin Maja
Strategije trajnostnega ravnanja z odlagališči
2006 ►
Ameršek Iztok
Stanje odlagališč in ravnanje z odpadki v Sloveniji
2006 ►
Ferfila Nevenka
Direktiva 1999/31/ES in predpisi o odlaganju odpadkov v Sloveniji
2006 ►
Macarol Bogdan
Razvojne strategije v povezavi z odlagališči in ravnanjem z odpadki v Sloveniji
2006 ►
Zagmajster Maja
Monitoring of bats in underground sites in Slovenia
2003 ►
Zagmajster Maja
Crucial role of SDPVN in recruiting bat workers in Slovenia
2003 ►
Žegura Bojana; Lah Tamara; Filipič Metka
The role of oxidative stress and reduced glutathione in microcystin - LR induced genotoxicity
2005 ►
Filipič M; Plazar J; Fatur T; Kac J; Lah T; Mlinarič A
Modulatory effect of xanthohumol on genotoxicity of heterocyclic amine (IQ)
2005 ►
Urbanič G; Gabrijelčič E; Peterlin M
Ecological status of rivers in Slovenia - main impacts and assessment methods
2005 ►
Jerman B; Marušič A; Žagar T; Paragi M; Zorko M; Sudgen K; Farmer A; McGuffin P; Craig I; Balašič J; Roškar S; Kravanja M
Molecular genetic investigation of serotonin related genes in suicide victims
2005 ►
Marušič Andrej; Kozel Dejan
Suicidal ideation and depression among patients with diabetes mellitus
2005 ►
Marušič Andrej; Kravanja Miloš; Zorko Maja; Kozel Dejan
Recent medical history of those who committed suicide in Slovenia in 2003
2005 ►
Marušič A; Roškar S; Zorko M; Rupnik I; Dernovšek MZ; Groleger U; Janet E; Konec-Jurič N; Leser I; Šešok J; Tavar R; Venguts-Vidmar M
The Slovene Gotland study: an attempt of suicide prevention in Slovenia
2005 ►
Roškar S; Marušič A; Zorko M; Repovš G; Bucik V
Neuropsychological charactreristics of suicidal individuals
2005 ►
Marušič Andrej
When suicidal genes meet suicidal environments
2005 ►
Sedmak Bojan
Only nature is entitled to prescribe environmental norms
2005 ►
Zupančič-Justin Maja; Bulc Tjaša; Vrhovšek Danijel; Ribarič-Lasnik Cvetka
Ecoremediations and their application
2005 ►
Groleger U
From environment to genes: impulsivity, selfdisclosure and suicidal behaviour
2004 ►
Pahljina C; Damej M; Boben-Bardutzky D; Barborič J
Joy of living as primary suicide prevention
2004 ►
Poldrugovac M; Zadravec T; Grad O
Attitudes of Slovenian students of medicine and journalism towards suicidal behavior
2004 ►
Zorko M; Roškar S; Marušič A
Suicide and other deaths in Slovenia in the year 2001
2004 ►
Grad O; Ziherl S
Sequelae of losing a child due to suicide interview with a survivor
2004 ►
Kotnik A
Prison suicide in Slovenia
2004 ►
Rupar R; Resman P
Suicide prevention in the Slovenian armed forces
2004 ►
Dernovšek MZ; Lovrečič M; Tavčar R; Šelb J
Assessment and prevention of suicide risk in drug users
2004 ►
Groleger U; Radobuljac M; Konec-Juričič N
Assessment and prevention of suicide risk in adolescents
2004 ►
Turčin A; Marušič A
Spirits intake as a predictor of both suicide rate and suicide by hanging in Europe
2004 ►
Pregelj P; Zupanc T; Tomori M; Balažic J; Apter A
Psychosocial characteristics of suicide victims in central Slovenia
2004 ►
Zadravec T; Grad O; Zavasnik A
Lay representations on suicidal behaviour
2004 ►
Oravecz R; Czigler B
Transformation of suicide fluctuation in Slovenia
2004 ►
Konec-Juričič N; Podkrajšek D; Lekić K
Activities for reducting suicide occurrence in the Celje region in Slovenia
2004 ►
Marušič A; Roškar S; Dernovšek MZ; Groleger U; Janet E; Rupnik I; Konec-Juričič N; Lešer I; Šešok J; Tavčar R; Vengust-Vidmar M; Zorko M
An attempt of suicide prevention: the Slovene gotland study
2004 ►
Ziherl S; Zalar B
Suicide and suicide attempt in Slovenia from 1970 to 1996: can suicide attempt precid suicide committment?
2004 ►
Šešok J; Simon MR
Socio-economic burden of suicide in Slovenia
2004 ►
Roškar S; Marušič A; Repovš G; Bucik V
Use of emotional stroop task in healthy volunteers: does emotional salience and word frequency matter?
2004 ►
Šoštarič M; Šprah L; Dernovšek MZ
Right-hemispheric dysfunction and suicidal vulnerability
2004 ►
Sugden K; Marušič A; Balažic J; Roškar S; Farmer A; McGuiffin P; Craig I; Zorko M; Kravanja M
Molecular genetic investigation of the role of serotonin in suicide: evidence from Slovenian suicide victims
2004 ►
Marušič A
Definition and genetic aspects of suicidality
2004 ►
Marušič Andrej
Dear colleague!
2004 ►
Gale I; Macarol-Hiti M
Air pollution in Slovenia coastal towns and outpatients visits for acute respiratory diseases, asthma and COPD
2001 ►
Stanič-Racman Darja
The UNEP (GEF) project "Development of a biological safety system in Slovenia"
2003 ►
Jeran Z; Jaćimović R
The use of lichens and mosses to monitor trace element pollution in Slovenia
2001 ►
Franko A
Long-term effects of mercury on subclinical kidney function
2003 ►
Gunde-Cimerman N; Frisvad J; Zalar P; Sonjak S; Plemenitaš A
Extremophilic fungi in coastal Arctic environemnt
2002 ►
Kosta L; Byrne AR; Dermelj M
Trace elements in some human milk samples by radiochemical neutron activation analysis
1983 ►
Knigge T; Trontelj P; Bollgoenn S; Koehler HR
Stress genes in terrestrial invertebrates: identification and characterisation
1999 ►
Juričič M
Body mass index and skinfold thickness in schoolchildren in Ljubljana, Slovenia
1998 ►
Kosi G; Sedmak B
Toxic cyanobacterial blooms and their phytoplankton composition
1999 ►
Turk Zmago; Baričevič Jože
Neionizirajoče sevanje in sprememba v mikroklimatskem okolju delovnih prostorov
1998 ►
Turk Zmago; Barovič Jože
Non-ionizing radiation and changes in the microclimate of the working place
1998 ►
Brancelj Anton
Secondary production assessed in daphnia hyalina leydig 1860 in eutrophicated lake Bled (Slovenia)
1993 ►
Vidovič M
Genetic migrations in Selska valley
1998 ►
Zerbo D; Fležar M; Štefančič M
Pulmonary parameters depend on the body development of female students from the University of Ljubljana
1998 ►
Leben-Seljak P; Štefančič M
Anthropological analysis of early medieval necropolises at Bled in Slovenia
1998 ►
Štefančič M; Tomazo-Ravnik T; Blejec A
The secular growth changes of Slovene university students
1998 ►
Drobne Damjana; Štrus Jasna
Hepatopancreas of Porcellio scaber as a biomarker of contaminated food
1997 ►
Zidar Primož; Drobne D; Štrus J
Terrestrial isopods in terrestrial ecotoxicology
1997 ►
Drobne D; Štrus J; Zidar P
Can laboratory conducted toxicity tests completely be replaced with field toxicity analyses
1997 ►
Burica O; Stražar M; Toman M; Raspor P
Evaluation of nitrogen removal using biofilm and activated sludge technology
1998 ►
Trontelj Peter
Slovenian meadow wetlands under threat of drainage and agricultural intensification: a comparison and ornithological evaluation
1996 ►
Dodič-Fikfak Metoda
Measured analysis of workplace - starting point for ecological map
1992 ►
Miserocchi S; Faganeli J; Balboni V; Heussner S; Monaco A
Characteristics and sources of the settling organic matter in the South Adriatic pit
1997 ►
Covelli S; Faganeli J; Horvat M; Brambati A
Benthic fluxes of mercury and methylmercury at water-sediment interface in the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic sea)
1997 ►
Regvar M; Javornik B; Gogala N
Changes in proteins of norway spruce inoculated with mycorrhizal and pathogen fungi after jasmonic acid treatment
1997 ►
Fonda-Umani S; Malej A
Spatial and temporal variability of plankton system in the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic sea)
1997 ►
Ahel M; Terzić S; Cauwet G; Malej A
Group specific phytoplankton biomass dissolved carbohydrate relationships in the northern Adriatic
1996 ►
Amon T; Čokl A
Transmission of the vibratory song of the bug Nezara viridula (Pentatomidae, Heteroptera) on the Hedera helix plant
1989 ►
Filipič M
Genotoxic industrial waste, waste waters and surface waters
1996 ►
Malej A; Mozetič P
Nutrient conditions, phytoplankton activity and production of extracellular substances in the coastal sea (gulf of Trieste, Adriatic sea)
1996 ►
Kovač N; Faganeli J; Bajt O; Leskovšek H
Chemical characterization of macroaggregates from the Northern Adriatic
1995 ►
Zvonarić T; Horvat M; Stegnar P
An analytical technique for determination of mercury in the exhaled breath of workers professionally exposed to mercury
1989 ►
Jeran Z; Batič F; Byrne AR; Benedik L; Stegnar P
Biomonitoring uranium contamination around the uranium mine at Žirovski vrh using epiphytic lichens
1989 ►
Horvat M; Zvonarić T; Stegnar P; Prosenc A; Konda D; Sabadin A
Relation between total mercury, methylmercury and selenium in fish muscle from the Adriatic sea
1989 ►
Zvonarić T; Horvat M; Stegnar P
Ecological cycle of mercury in the marine environment of Kaštela bay
1987 ►
Stropnik B; Byrne AR; Smodiš B; Stegnar P
Chemical composition of airborne particulate matter (APM) in the Šaleška Valley, Slovenia
1992 ►
Al-Sabti K; Franko M; Andrijanič B; Knez S; Stegnar P
Micronucleated fish erythrocytes induced by chromium
1993 ►
Žlender B; Arnerič N; Kraigher B; Miš M; Polič M; Zabukovec V
Attitudes and behaviours of school youth regarding traffic safety
1994 ►
Zakrajšek S; Družina B
The restructuring of industry in Slovenia: an approach towards the reduction of environmental pollution
1991 ►
Malej A
Rates of metabolism of jellyfish as related to body weight, chemical composition and temperature
1991 ►
Faganeli J; Malej A; Pezdič J
Sources and flow of suspended organic matter in the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic): C and N elemental and C and H isotopic evidence
1990 ►
Gogala N
Growth substances in root exudate of Pinus sylvestris-their influnce on mycorrhizal fungi
1990 ►
Žel J; Gogala N
Influence of aluminium on mycorrhizae
1990 ►
Amon T; Čokl A
Transmission of Nezara viridula vibratory signals through Hedera helix plant: spectral and amplitude transformation
1988 ►
Virant-Doberlet M
Vibratory signal proceesing by identified ventral cord neurons in Gryllus campestris
1988 ►
Čokl A; Amon T
Neuronal responses to frequency modulated vibrational signals in Nezara viridula
1988 ►
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