biomedicina slovenica |
re="Farm Vestn" : 201-300
Herman D; Peternel P; Stegnar M; Breskvar K; Dolžan V
The influence of CYP2C9 genotype, physiological factors and concomitant drug treatment on warfarin dose requirement
2003 ►
Bele M; Mesarič T; Planinšek O; Salobir M; Srčič S; Jamnik J
Silica coatings on clarithromycin
2003 ►
Grandovec A; Perc S; Ocepek U
Maillard reaction of lactose and 2-(2-aminoethoxy)-methyl)-4-(2-chlorophenyl)-1,4-dihydro-6-methyl-3,5-pyridinedicarboxylic acid, 3-ethyl 5-methyl ester maleate, a primary amine
2003 ►
Zega A; Šuštarič A; Srčič S
Quantitative analysis of mixtures of crystalline and amorphous felodipine by near-infrared spectroscopy
2003 ►
Perišič I; Ritlop G; Grandovec A
Development of discriminatory dissolution tests for immediate release oral dosage form
2003 ►
Ritlop G; Makuc S; Černoša L; Vrečer F
Designing and optimisation of dissolution methods: flow-through cell as a basis for development of dissolution tests for modified release delivery oral dosage forms
2003 ►
Roškar R; Kmetec V
A comparison of BET and GAB approach for studying moisture sorption behavior of several excipients
2003 ►
Podlogar F; Bešter-Rogač M; Gašperlin M
Structural characterization of water - Tween 40/Imwitor 308 - isopropyl myristate microemulsions by DSC and SAXS
2003 ►
Jurkovič P; Gašperlin M
Influence of microemulsion type and thickening on ascorbyl palmitate dermal delivery
2003 ►
Dreu R; Širca J; Pintye-Hodi K; Srčič S
Tensile strength and disintegration time of pellets prepared by extrusion and spheronisation technology as function of different granulating liquids
2003 ►
Planinšek O; Pišek R; Vrečer F; Srčič S
Layering of pellets with two model drugs
2003 ►
Svete Peter; Jaklič Miha T
Does increase in tablet hardness always result in slower dissolution rate?
2003 ►
Mateović T; Bogataj M; Ratnik M; Mrhar A
Dependance of microspheres solidification time on initial temperature in solvent evaporation process
2003 ►
Leskošek T; Vrečer F; Pišek R
The study of influence of disintegrant amount and type on physico-technological properties of the pellets produced in a high shear mixer
2003 ►
Pišek R; Ritlop G; Krošelj V; Kramar A; Vrečer F
The influence of matrix composition and hydrophilic coating on dissolution properties of model drug
2003 ►
Kotar-Jordan B; Grčman M; Ograjšek N; Vrečer F
Solid state characterization of new pantoprazole sodium hydrate forms and its amorphous form
2003 ►
Zupančič V; Kotar-Jordan B; Grčman M; Ograjšek N; Vrečer F
Characterization of two pantoprazole sodium hydrates
2003 ►
Zajc N; Obreza A; Srčič S
Physical stability of nifedipine solid dispersions prepared by hot melt method - a DSC and MTDSC study
2003 ►
Tivadar A; Kočevar K; Muševič I; Kerč J; Srčič S
Study of felodipine transformation from glassy to crystalline state
2003 ►
Tivadar A; Kočevar K; Muševič I; Srčič S
Surface analysis of polymer films by atomic force microscopy
2003 ►
Bešter-Rogač M; Rus L; Srčič S
Volumetric characterization of some dihydropyridine derivates
2003 ►
Vajs A; Smrkolj M; Sitar-Čurin A; Grčman M
Study of polymorphism of 1-cyclopropyl-6-fluoro-1,4-dihydro-8-metoxy-7-(3-methyl-1-piperazinyl)-4-oxo-3-quinolinecarboxylic acid
2003 ►
Ferlan A; Punčuh-Kolar A
Some aspects of reducing drug particle size
2003 ►
Preskar M; Punčuh-Kolar A; Planinšek O; Vrečer F
Study of the influence of formulation and process variables onto dissolution kinetics of granules and tablets
2003 ►
Preskar M; Punčuh-Kolar A; Vrečer F
Study of influence of particle size and powder surface area on the technological relevant properties of model drug KD-9102
2003 ►
Mlinarič-Raščan I
Thiopurine methyltransferase pharmacogenetics
2003 ►
Jeras M; Maličev E; Radosavljevič D; Knežević M; Kregar-Velikonja N
Selected biocompatible and biodegradable matrices as templated for in vitro preparation of implantable human living cartilage tissue substitutes
2003 ►
Planinšek O; Bele M; Kunaver M; Zadnik J; Srčič S
Influence of particle formation route on lactose physicochemical properties
2003 ►
Baumgartner S; Slameršek V; Kristl J
Controlled drug delivery of hydrophilic drugs from cellulose ether matrix tablets: the influence of the drug molecule size on its release mechanism and kinetics
2003 ►
Cegnar Mateja; Premzl Aleš; Zavašnik-Bergant Valentina; Kristl Julijana; Kos Janko
Effect of polymer type on the activity of cystatin encapsulated in poly(lactide-co-glycolide) nanoparticles and their uptake in MCF-10A neoT cells
2003 ►
Fočo Alma; Kristl Julijana
Formulation and evaluation of liposomes as carriers for sodium ascorbyl phosphate into the skin
2003 ►
Legen Igor; Kristl Albin
Multidrug resistance associated protein 2 (MRP2) activity in the rat small intestine in vitro
2003 ►
Kerec M; Bogataj M; Veranič P; Mrhar A
The role of calcium ions in the mechanism of chitosan enhanced drug permeability into the pig urinary bladder wall
2003 ►
Bohanec Simona
Experimental design as a tool for preformulation studies
2003 ►
Pišek Robert
Macroscopic physical properties of powders and granules
2003 ►
Planinšek Odon
Surface characterization of solid materials
2003 ►
Vrečer F
Polymorphism and pseudopolymorphism
2003 ►
Srčič S
Spectroscopic methods in preformulation and formulation studies
2003 ►
Kristl A
Solubility of drugs
2003 ►
Urleb Uroš
Molecular design
2003 ►
Štrukelj Borut
The imapct of modern biotechnology on the pharmaceutical, medical and environmental development
2003 ►
Kersnik Janko
Varna uporaba zdravil: pomen sodelovanja zdravnika družinske medicine in farmacevta
2003 ►
Primožič Stanislav
Preklop Rp-BRp je tudi preklop odgovornosti - čigave?
2003 ►
Milovanovič Meta
Farmacevtska skrb za bolnike s kardiovaskularnimi boleznimi
[Pharmaceutical care for patients with cardiovascular disease]
2003 ►
Mlinarič Aleš
Učinkovine rastlinskega izvora v preventivi kardiovaskularnih bolezni
[Substances of plant origin in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases]
2003 ►
Prelec-Lainščak Jolanda
Vpliv prehrane na razvoj bolezni srca in ožilja
[Influence of nutrition on the development of cardiovascular diseases]
2003 ►
Čakš Tomaž
Pogledi zdravnika na preventivo bolezni srca in ožilja
[Physician's view on the prevention of cardiovascular diseases]
2003 ►
Fuerst Jurij; Peklar Jure
Farmakoepidemiološki vidik zdravljenja hiperlipidemij
[Pharmacoepidemiology of treatment of hyperlipidemy]
2003 ►
Bogataj Marija
Farmakokinetske in farmakodinamske interakcije statinov
[Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic interactions of statins]
2003 ►
Osredkar Joško
Stopenjska laboratorijska diagnostika kardiovaskularnih bolezni
[Stes in laboratory diagnostic of cardiovascular diseases]
2003 ►
Vrečer Mateja
Uporaba statinov v primarni in sekundarni preventivi koronarne bolezni srca in možganske kapi
[Use of statins in primary and secondary prevention of coronary heart disease and stroke]
2003 ►
Šabovič Mišo
Ateroskleroza in kardiovaskularne bolezni: (pomen "aktivne" vloge vnetja v procesu ateroskleroze)
[Atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases]
2003 ►
Moravec-Berger Daša; Pečar-Čad Silva
Epidemiologija kardiovaskularnih bolezni
[Epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases]
2003 ►
Frankič Darja
Javnozdravstveni vidik preklopljenih zdravil
[Public health aspect of switched drugs]
2003 ►
Cranz Hubertus
The European OTC market
2003 ►
Mrhar Aleš
Beseda gostujočega urednika
2003 ►
Keber Irena
Smernice za zdravljenje dislipidemij
[Guidelines for dyslipidemia treatment]
2003 ►
Lovišček Ljubica
40 let Mariborskih lekarn
2002 ►
Kuhar Vesna; Mrhar Aleš
Povzetek glavnih značilnosti zdravila in navodilo za uporabo zdravila
[Summary of product characteristics and patient information leaflet]
2002 ►
Tivadar Andrijana; Kočevar Klemen; Muševič Igor; Srčič Stanko
Mikroskopija na atomsko silo
[Atomic force microscopy]
2002 ►
Cesar Jožko; Šegula Mojca; Sollner-Dolenc Marija
Novejše antiagregatorne učinkovine: antagonisti fibrinogenskega GPIIb/IIIa receptorja
[Novel antiagrregatory drugs: firbrinogen GPIIb/IIIa receptor antagonists]
2002 ►
Peternel Luka; Sollner-Dolenc Marija
Novejši pristopi k zdravljenju astme
[New approaches in asthma therapy]
2002 ►
Smolej Marjetka; Gašperlin Mirjana
Nega kože pri bolnikih z rakom
[Skin care for cancer patients]
2002 ►
Predin Štefan
Dušanu Valenčiču, mag. farm. spec., v slovo: (1912-2001)
2001 ►
Tumova Lenka; Brancuzka Renata; Tuma Jiri
The effects of salicylic acid on flavonoid production in Ononis arvensis tissue culture
[Vpliv salicilne kisline na biosintezo flavonoidov v tkivnih kulturah njivskega gladeža (Ononis arvensis)]
2001 ►
Uran Apolonija; Krbavčič Aleš; Cvelbar Martina
Vrečke za kri in krvne sestavine
[Containers for blood and blood components]
2001 ►
Bitenc-Logar Darja; Černelč Peter
Celični označevalci za opredelitev mieloičnih in limfatičnih novotvorb
[Cell markers for determination myeloid and lymphoid neoplasms]
2001 ►
Anderluh Marko; Sollner-Dolenc Marija
Antagonisti trombinskega receptorja
[Thrombin receptor antagonists]
2001 ►
Špiclin Polona; Gašperlin Mirjana
Vitamin C in koža
[Vitamin C and the skin]
2001 ►
Videnšek-Podgorelec Ana
Prenosljive spongiformne encefalopatije
[Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies]
2001 ►
Zupančič Vinko; Kikelj Danijel
Kiralne zdravilne učinkovine v farmacevtski industriji - razvoj in uporaba
[Chiral drugs in pharmaceutal industry - development and application]
2001 ►
Peklar J; Tratar F; Mrhar A
Stroškovna učinkovitost uvedbe Obrazca za naročilo antibiotika v Splošni bolnišnici Celje
[Cost effectiveness analysis of implementation of drug formulary for antimicrobials in General hospital Celje]
2001 ►
Zupančič Vinko; Krbavčič Aleš
Dietilftalat - analizna monografija
[Diethyl phthalate - analytical monograph]
2001 ►
Slanc Petra
Halucinogene rastline: nahajališče, kemizem in delovanje
[The hallucinogenic plants: plant sources, chemistry and effects]
2001 ►
Planinšek Odon
Nekatere metode za povečevanje topnosti in hitrosti raztapljanja v vodi težko topnih učinkovin - 1. del
[Some methods for solubility and dissolution rate increase of in water insoluble drugs - part - 1]
2001 ►
Predin Štefan
Mr. ph. Franc Minarik (1887 - 1972): zgodovinar farmacije, pedagog in zbiratelj
1997 ►
Abram Veronika; Simčič Marjan
Fenolne spojine kot antioksidanti
[Phenols as antioxidants]
1997 ►
Zadravec Darko; Kerč Janez; Kristl Julijana
Metode za izboljšanje biološke uporabnosti peptidnih učinkovin v peroralnih farmacevtskih oblikah
[Methods for the improvement of oral bioavailability of peptide drugs]
1997 ►
Breznik M; Pečar S
Trombinski inhibitorji
[Thrombin inhibitors]
1997 ►
Predin Štefan
Umrl je Janez Kromar, mr. ph., spec.
2002 ►
Pukšič Milan
Štefan Predin, mag. farm. - akademik pri Mednarodni akademiji za zgodovino v Haagu
2002 ►
Lukač-Bajalo Jana; Kramberger Marta
Vizija o razvoju klinične biokemije na 40-letnih temeljih
[Fiture prospects of clinical biochemistry: its further development on four decades of groundwork]
2002 ►
Prezelj Marija; Zorec-Karlovšek Majda
Transferin z zmanjšano vsebnostjo oglikohidratov v diagnostiki škodljive rabe alkohola
[Carbohydrate deficient transferrin in the diagnosis of harmful alcohol use]
2002 ►
Oblak Marko; Šolmajer Tomaž
Matrične metaloproteinaze - nove tarče antitumornih učinkovin
[Matrix metalloproteinases - novel targets of antitumor drugs]
2002 ►
Štrancar Katja; Rozman Tanja; Kozjek Franc
Genetski polimorfizmi in optimizacija farmakoterapije
[Genetic polymorphism and optimization of drug therapy]
2002 ►
Rozman Tanja; Štrancar Katja; Kozjek Franc
Farmakogenomika in razvoj novih zdravil
[Pharmacogenomics and drug development]
2002 ►
Gruden Kristina
Tehnologija genskih mikromrež in njihova uporaba v farmaciji
[DNA microarrays technology and its application in pharmacy]
2002 ►
Antolič Gorazd; Novak-Antolič Živa
Zdravila v času dojenja
[Drugs during berast-feeding]
2002 ►
Marc Gašper
Farmakoterapija debelosti
[Pharmacotherapy of obesity]
2002 ►
Čibej-Žagar Barbara
Psihosocialni vidik motenj hranjenja
[Psycho social aspect of eating disorders]
2002 ►
Sernec Karin
Motnje hranjenja
[Eating disorders]
2002 ►
Krnjak Ljuba; Trunk Primož; Geršak Borut; Osredkar Joško
Biokemični in klinični pomen koncentracije proteina S100B pri bolnikih, operiranih na srcu
[Biochemical and clinical significance of protein S100B concentration at patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting]
2002 ►
Lenart Katarina; Zaletel Jelka; Černe Darko; Osredkar Joško
Uporaba sinistrinskega očistka za oceno ledvične funkcijske rezerve pri bolnikih s sladkorno boleznijo tipa 1
[Use of sinistrin clearance for estimation of renal functional reserve in patients with diabetes mellitus type 1]
2002 ►
Vrbinc Miha; Kmetec Vojko
Fizikalna stabilnost in kompatibilnost trdnih snovi v predformulacijskih študijah trdnih farmacevtskih oblik
[Physical stability and compatibility of solid-state substances in preformulation studies of solid dosage forms]
2002 ►
Jerin Aleš
Metode za določanje homocisteina
[Methods for the determination of homocysteine]
2002 ►
Setnikar Nataša; Skitek Milan
Določanje homocisteina v serumu pri hemodializnih bolnikih s končno odpovedjo ledvic
[Determination of serum homocysteine in hemodialysis patients in end-stage renal disease]
2002 ►
Pajek Jernej; Kaplan-Pavlovčič Staša
Homocistein v nefrologiji
[Homocysteine in nephrology]
2002 ►
Skitek Milan
Homocistein v luči novih spoznanj
[Homocystein in the spotlight of the new conceptions]
2002 ►
Osredkar Joško
Kardiovaskularna obolenja - laboratorijska diagnostika
[Cardiovascular diseases - laboratory diagnostics]
2002 ►
Kobe Jasna Modrica
Da ne bomo pozabili
2002 ►
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