biomedicina slovenica |
re="Farm Vestn" : 601-700
Božič Borut; Rozman Blaž
Zdravljenje revmatoidnega artritisa s kortikosteroidi
[Corticosteroid treatment of rheumathoid arthritis]
1999 ►
Grčman M; Sitar-Čurin A; Šuštar B; Vrečer F
Study of polymorphism of 1-(4-methylsulfonylphenyl)-2-dichloroac-etamido-3-fluoro-1-propanol
1999 ►
Vrečer F
Investigation of glassy state of two novel benzimidazole derivates
1999 ►
Gartner A; Pavli V; Vrečer F
Sorption/desorption study of PP/K-10 ethanol and ethanol-water solvate with DVS
1999 ►
Vrečer Franc
Farmacevtske oblike kardiovaskularnih zdravil s prirejenim sproščanjem
[Modified release dosage forms for cardiovascular drugs]
1999 ►
Božič Borut
Laboratorijska medicina v okviru prenovljenega programa pripravništva
[Laboratory medicine in the frame of the renewed programme of the probationership]
1999 ►
Korošec B; Drinovec J; Mrhar A; Urleb U
Pljučnica domačega okolja - od bolnika do družbe
[Community-acquired pneumonia - from patient to community]
1999 ►
Kramberger M
Strokovni sestanki slovenskih in hrvaških medicinskih biokemikov med 1979 in 1995
[Experts meetings of Slovenian and Croatian medical biochemists between 1979 and 1995]
1998 ►
Švab Igor
Sodelovanje zdravnika splošne medicine in farmacevta v zdravljenju bolezni srca in ožilja
[Co-operation between general practitioner and pharmacist in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases]
1999 ►
Poredoš Pavel
Sodelovanje med farmacevtom in zdravnikom - pogoj za uspešno zdravljenje z zdravili
[Collaboration of physician and pharmacist: a conditions of the successful pharmacotherapy]
1998 ►
Anonymous ;
In memoriam: Heleni Gogala, mag.farm.
1998 ►
Predin Štefan
In memoriam: umrl je Minarikov odličnik Erik Košin, mr. ph. (1923-1998)
1998 ►
Dobrovoljc Roman
Proficiency testing studies
1998 ►
Lukač-Bajalo Jana; Prevorčnik Ana
Kodeks deontologije v laboratorijski medicini
1998 ►
Turk Karlina
Etični standardi za farmacevte v Sloveniji
1998 ►
Lenasi Helena
Steroid binding by a spontaneously formed dichlorophenolindophenol-polymer
[Vezava steroidov na spontano nastali polimer diklorofenolindofenola]
1998 ►
Lušin Maja; Krbavčič Aleš
Tehnika nadprostora, plinska kromatografija
[Headspace gas chromatography]
1998 ►
Vrečer Franc; Kramar Andrejka
Study of the influence of hydrophilic cellulose ethers on pentoxifylline release from sustained-release matrix tablets
[Študij vpliva hidrofilnih celuloznih etrov na sproščanje pentoksifilina iz ogrodnih tablet z zadržanim sproščanjem]
1998 ►
Pišek Robert; Srčič Stane
Uporaba rotor tehnologije pri direktni izdelavi pelet iz praškastih delcev
[The use of rotor technology in producing pellets direct from the powders]
1998 ►
Oblak Ciril; Košir Jože
Moška erektilna disfunkcija
[Male erectile dysfunction]
1998 ►
Vrečer Franc
Program delovanja Slovenskega farmacevtskega društva v obdobju 1997-1999
1997 ►
Sket Dušan
Alzheimerjeva bolezen: molekularne hipoteze in poskusi farmakoterapije
[Alzheimer's disease: molecular hypotheses and pharmacotherapeutic prospects]
1998 ►
Papež Meta; Kikelj Ksenija
Preklopljena protivnetna zdravila imajo pomemben delež med zdravili brez recepta
[The switched antiinflammatory drugs have an important role in non-prescription medication]
1997 ►
Strle Franc
Lymska borelioza
[Lyme borreliosis]
1998 ►
Mohar Simona; Frankič Darja
Ali se regija Murska Sobota razlikuje v predpisovanju zdravil glede na predpisovanje v Sloveniji?
[Are there any differencies in prescribing of drugs among Slovenia and the region of Murska Sobota?]
1998 ►
Gašperlin M; Kočevar-Nared J; Kristl J; Šmid-Korbar J
Pomen vrednotenja viskoelastičnosti pri načrtovanju farmacevtskih oblik na osnovi disperzij
[The importance of viscoelastic evaluation in dosage form design based on dispersions]
1998 ►
Bogataj Marija; Mrhar Aleš
1998 ►
Šmid-Korbar J; Kristl J
Kritičen pogled na naravne kozmetične izdelke
[The critical view of natural cosmetics]
1998 ►
Novak Miroslav
Mag. ph. Štefan Predin, Žiga Graf, slovenski florist, kemik in lekarnar, Maribor 1997
1997 ►
Anonymous ;
Mr. ph. Boži Štupar roj. Kuhar v slovo
1997 ►
Srčič Stane
Prof. dr. Herbert Rupprecht, 60 let
1997 ►
Pavlin Sanja; Karakaš Nina
Poznavanje delovanja in stranskih učinkov ekstazija med srednješolci
1997 ►
Rehar Tanja; Činč Miroslav; Papež Meta
Samozdravljenje v Sloveniji na primeru analgetikov
[Self-medication in Slovenia on the case of analgesics]
1997 ►
Kočevar-Nared J; Gašperlin M
Teoretične osnove reologije pri oblikovanju in vrednotenju tekočih in poltrdnih farmacevtskih oblik
[Theoretical principles of rheology at pharmaceutical liquid and semisolid dosage forms design and valuation]
1997 ►
Rebolj N; Kozjek F; Kristl J
Fizikalno-kemične osnove nestabilnosti emulzij
[Physico-chemical principles of emulsions instability]
1997 ►
Sonc Monika
Protitumorne učinkovine in sekundarni tumorji kot posledica kemoterapije
1997 ►
Špringer Janez
Genesis pharmaceuticalis ali četverni lekarniški pogovor s predgovorom, zagovorom in razsodbo
1997 ►
Frankič Darja
Socialna farmacija - pot k nadgradnji farmacevtskega poklica v lekarni?
[Social pharmacy - the way of upgrading the pharmacists profession in pharmacy]
1997 ►
Primožič Stanislav; Lešnjak Marija
Dobra evaluacijska praksa (GRP): odgovornost sodobnih regulatornih organov
[Good review practice: responsibility of modern regulatory authorities]
1997 ►
Kristl Julijana; Kokol Danica; Šmid-Korbar Jelka
Trdni lipidni nanodelci: izdelava, vrednotenje in možnosti za dostavo učinkovin
[Solid lipid nanoparticles: formulation, characterization and possibilities of drug delivery]
1997 ►
Malgaj Alenka; Krbavčič Aleš
Etilendiamintetraocenta kislina (EDTA): analitična monografija
[Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA): analytical monograph]
1997 ►
Stegnar Mojca; Ogrinc Katarina; Mihalek Petra; Peternel Polona
Laboratorijski nadzor zdravljenja s kumarini: kako zanesljivo je mednarodno usmerjeno razmerje (INR)?
[Laboratory monitoring of coumarin treatment: how reliable is the international normalized ratio (INR)?]
1997 ►
Belič Aleš; Primožič Stanislav; Karba Rihard; Grabnar Iztok; Mrhar Aleš
Metode za obravnavanje kaotičnih sistemov v bio-medicinskih znanostih
[Methods for chaotic systems investigation in bio-medical science]
1997 ►
Grabnar Iztok; Belič Aleš; Mrhar Aleš; Karba Rihard; Beović Bojana; Primožič Stanislav
Effects of simulation tool choice on the results of pharmacokinetic studies
1997 ►
Avsec M; Primožič S; Kozjek F; Vodopivec P
Statistical prediction of the principal absorption rate parameter in bioequivalence studies
1997 ►
Opara J; Primožič S; Cvelbar P
Prediction of pharmacokinetic parameters and their variability in bioavailability studies by artificial neural networks
1997 ►
Grabnar Iztok; Karba Rihard; Mrhar Aleš; Belič Aleš; Vojnović Dario; Ciccho Daniella; Maurich Venerando; Realdon Nicola; Ragazzi Enrico
Correlation of in vitro and in vivo paracetamol rectal availability by the aid of compartment model
1997 ►
Egorova SN; Kamayeva SS
The dependence Between morphoprane release through the hen egg undershell cover from it's water solution on their concentration
1997 ►
Mohar M; Urbančič J; Kofler B
The in vitro dissolution and in vivo bioavailability of bromocriptine mesylate from stressed hard gelatine capsules
1997 ►
Bocharova O; Serebriakova R; Philippova T; Golubeva V; Kasatkina N; Kurennaya O; Golubeva E; Ambrosova S
The first in vitro and in vivo trials of the phytomixture for anti-cancer treatment
1997 ►
Tukker JJ; Stehouwer MC
Longitudinal distribution of an exsorption mechanism in the gastrointestinal tract
1997 ►
Arsić I; Vidaković N
The influence of bioactive sulphur on skin greasiness
1997 ►
Tomažin Nevenka
Organization of equipment cleaning validation
1997 ►
Velkovrh B
Quality design of new projects relating pharmaceutical processes
1997 ►
Prebeg Ž; Tuđa M; Barešić J; Gross S
Ascorbic acid - particle coating with stearic acid
1997 ►
Hrestak L; Prebeg Ž
Investigation of the behavior of two lactose types in wet granulation process
1997 ►
Smirnova Z; Oborotova N; Polozkova A; Oborotov A; Klochkova T; Orlova O; Syrkin A
Study of the biopharmaceutical characteristics of new hormonocytostatics
1997 ►
Trajković-Jolevska S; Dimitrovska A; Dorevski K
Quantitative determination of cephalexin in pharmaceutical formulation by first derivative spectrophotometry
1997 ►
Shprakh Z; Oborotova N; Kikotj B
Use of UV-spectrophotometry for quantitative determination of new antitumour preparations, derivatives of nitrogen mustard
1997 ►
Goracinova K; Klisarova Lj; Simov A; Fredro-Kumbaradzi E; Mladenovska K; Glavas M
Stability studies of controlled release solid dispersion granules containing verapamil hydrochloride
1997 ►
Pilipović Berina; Hadžovič Sabina; Pilipović S
Quality checking of bosoptin film tablets in preformulation tests with dissolution test USP XXII NF XVII
1997 ►
Vandelli MA; Toselli M; Forni F; Bernabei MT; Cameroni R
A new class of polymers for the preparation of ion-exchange delivery systems
1997 ►
Siaan M; Pintye-Hodi K; Szabo-Revesz P; Kasa P Jr; Eroes I
Study of the compressibility of avicel PH 301 and avicel PH 302
1997 ►
Bolis Vera; Scanavini Norma; Zanetto Giorgio; Cerrato Giuseppina; Sancin Peter
Morphology and surface properties of different silica samples used as drug support
1997 ►
Eroes I; Cserne A; Koever T; Csoka I; Abu-Eida EY
Cremophor surfactants - as wetting, solubilizing and stabilizing agents in pharmaceutical technology
1997 ►
Kratzel M; Hiessboeck R; Bernkop-Schnuerch A
Peroral administration of peptide and protein drugs - synthesis of novel pepstatin analogues as pepsin inhibitors
1997 ►
Peretolchina NM; Klochkova TI; Romanenko VI; Kunenkova NF
The bioequivavelnce investigation of oral and parenteral aranoza administration
1997 ►
Klochkova TI; Syropyatova EB; Kunenkova NF
The stability of solution of nitrosoalkylureas at low temperatures
1997 ►
Orlova OL; Klochkova TI
The optimization of regimen of liophyllization for palustran substanse
1997 ►
Klochkova TI; Syropyatova EB; Kunenkova NF
The choice of membrane filters for sterility filtration of the nitrosoalkylureas solutions
1997 ►
Klepić B
Particulate matter in parenteral production
1997 ►
Zwittnig-Čop L; Zupan-Bizjak M; Jeranko M
Production of paracetamol suppositories in a galenical laboratory
1997 ►
Popović S; Petri HM; Živković M
Influence of carbopol 934P concentration on the bioadhesive hydrogel viscoelastic characteristics
1997 ►
Abu-Eida EY; Eroes I; Koever T; Cserne A
Study of release of suspended, solubilized and molecular encapsulated active ingredient from ointments, creams and hydrogels
1997 ►
Homšek Irena; Risović Verica; Milić Jela
Rheological investigation of highly viscous polyacrylic acid gels
1997 ►
Valenta C; Christen B; Bernkop-Schnuerch A
Chitosan-EDTA conjugate: a novel polymer for topical used gels
1997 ►
Sejfulah SM; Krsteska Lj
Influence of different suspending agents upon physical parameters of albendazol 10% suspension
1997 ►
Primorac M; Stupar M; Milić J; Vasiljević D
Rheological and conductivity studies of the microemulsion system water - crodafos N 10 - volpo N 5-glycerol - paraffin oil
1997 ►
Fredro-Kumbaradzi E; Popovska-Pavlovska F; Simov A; Goracinova K; Glavas M; Mladenovska K
Formulation and drug release from the multiple W/O/W emulsions
1997 ►
Faust G; Fistrić I; Lazarić K; Ermacora S
Oil-in-water (O/W) type microemulsion for fat soluble vitamins A and D3: formulation and stability aspects
1997 ►
Orlova OL; Lopatin PV; Polozkova AP; Oborotova NA
Medicinal form of polysaccharide - granules from Comarum palustrae
1997 ►
Ibrić S; Jovanović M; Ðurić Z; Parojčić J
Screening of parameters for the in vitro drug release from enteric coated diclofenac sodium tablets
1997 ►
Bozdag S; Calis S; Sumnu M
Formulation and in vitro evaluation of enteric coated omeprazole tablets
1997 ►
Hederova S; Vitkova M; Rak J; Chalabala M; Heinrich J
Optimization of the flow properties of tabletting blends with triesters of higher aliphatic acids
1997 ►
Pančuh-Kolar A
Characterization of compression mixtures and tablets with a drug with very poor flow properties
1997 ►
Rodin V; Kurjaković N; Tomaić J
The influence of excipients on the dissolution behavior of glibenclamide tablets
1997 ►
Kristl J; Tomc S; Šentjurc M
Interaction of solid lipid nanoparticles with fibroblasts as studied by EPR method
1997 ►
Ahlin P; Kristl J; Šmid-Korbar J
Optimization of procedure parameters and physical stability of solid lipid nanoparticles
1997 ►
Vrhovnik K; Kristl J; Šentjurc M; Šmid-Korbar J
Influence of liposome composition and size on the transport of encapsulated substances into the skin studied by EPR methods
1997 ►
Kucheryanu VG; Yurasov VV; Kryzhanovsky GN; Bordiukov MM; Zhigaltsev IV; Nikushkin EV; Kaplun AP; Shvets VI
Liposomes containing DOPA prevent the neuronal damage in the substantia nigra and decrease lipid peroxidation level in the striatum of mice with experimental Parkinsonian syndrome
1997 ►
Pavelić Ž; Škalko N; Jalšenjak I
Stability of liposomes prepared by polyol dilution method
1997 ►
Filipović-Grčić Jelena; Bećirević-Laćan Mira; Jalšenjak Ivan
Chitosan microspheres with hydrocortisone: improvement of dissolution rate
1997 ►
Vitkova M; Chalabala M; Hederova S; Dvorakova J
DSC, strength, dissolution profile of theophylline tablets with regard to lubricants
1997 ►
Vitkova M; Rabiškova M; Vetchky D; Rak J; Dvorakova J
Preparing of pellets containing diltiazem and their dissolution profile
1997 ►
Širca J; Srčič S; Kofler B
Formulation and process development of extrusion / spheronization pellets
1997 ►
Pišek R; Srčič S; Vrečer F
Direct pelletization as a technique to produce high dosage pellets
1997 ►
Kramar A; Vrečer F
Aqueous coating of pellets in a fluid-bed coater: optimization of dissolution profile
1997 ►
Duckova K; Kučera J
Composite materials in silicone matrices for TDS
1997 ►
Srčič S; Vrečer F
Study of stabilization of benzimidazole proton pump inhibitors by incorporation into alginate beads
1997 ►
Kucharovič B; Rak J; Magulova D
Influence of the technological process on the liberation of theophylline matrix systems with low HPMC contents
1997 ►
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