biomedicina slovenica

re="a" : 4.155-4.254

  1. Premru V; Malovrh M
    Frequent low-dose iron supplementation to HD patients
  2. Knap B; Lainščak M; Varl J; Bren AF
    Response on epoetin treatment is poor in hemodialysed patients with low creatinine and albumine values
  3. Malovrh M; Premru V
    Review of treatment with epoetin: ten months observation
  4. Malovrh M; Premru V
    Subcutaneous compared with intravenous epoetin in patients receiving haemodialysis: one center study
  5. Varl J; Ponikvar R; Buturović-Ponikvar J; Knap B; Pajek J; Grego K; Kveder R; Kandus A; Bren AF
    Zdravljenje renalne anemije pri hemodializnih bolnikih
  6. Malovrh M; Premru V
    Review of treatment with vitamin D: ten months observation
  7. Malovrh M
    Early arteriovenous fistula construction-late beginning of haemodialysis treatment?
  8. Rus RR; Ponikvar R; Kenda RB; Urbančič A; Buturović-Ponikvar J
    Effect of intermittent compression of upper arm veins on forearm vessels in patients with end-stage renal disease
  9. Škofic N; Ponikvar R; Bren AF; Kandus A; Varl J; Malovrh M; Buturović-Ponikvar J
    Erythropoietin requirements in chronic hemodialysis patients after failure of kidney transplant
  10. Župunski A; Kandus A; Bren AF; Buturović-Ponikvar J
    Renal transplant artery stenosis: the possible association with acute rejection episodes and immunosuppressive treatment
  11. Kovač J; Kandus A; Bren AF; Levičnik S
    Infection with HBV or HCV in patients with renal transplants in Slovenia
  12. Bren AF; Pajek J; Grego K; Kandus A
    Conversion to tacrolimus due to cyclosporine-related toxicity in kidney graft recipients - single center study
  13. Bren A; Kandus A; Buturović-Ponikvar J; Lindič J; Knap B; Pajek J; Grego K; Vizjak A; Ferluga D
    Follow-up of kidney graft recipients with cyclosporine associated hemolytic uremic syndrome and thrombotic microangiopathy
  14. Obrovnik M; Premru V
    Hipertenzija bele halje in ambulatorno neinvazivno kontinuirano merjenje krvnega tlaka (NMKT)
  15. Marčun-Varda N; Gregorič A
    Neinvazivno 24-urno merjemje krvnega tlaka pri dojenčkih
  16. Kapun S
    Kombinirana stenoza arterio-venske fistule (AVF) pri bolniku z generalizirano aterosklerozo
  17. Rus I; Avberšek-Lužnik I; Marc J
    Osteoprotegerin and bone turnover markers in serum of dialysis patients
  18. Guček A; Karas B; Pajek J; Benedik M
    Treating of nasal carriers with mupirocin and prevention of staphylococcus aureus peritonitis and ESI/TI in PD patients
  19. Rus I; Avberšek-Lužnik I
    Circulating levels of interleukin - 6 in haemodialysis patients
  20. Urbančič A; Premru V; Knap B; Benedik M
    Tuberkulosis skin test in chronic hemodialysis patients
  21. Moljk-Strasberger M; Laknar-Femc L
    Dializni center nefrodial Krško in adekvatnost hemodialize
  22. Premru V
    Thrombolysis of permanent hemodialysis catheters
  23. Gubenšek J; Ponikvar R; Buturović-Ponikvar J
    Comparison of four prognostic indexes in severe acute renal failure
  24. Knap B; Pajek J; Ponikvar R; Kandus A; Logar B; Bren AF
    Redna telesna vadba izboljša kvaliteto življenja bolnikov s presajeno ledvico
  25. Rus R; Ponikvar R; Kenda RB; Buturović-Ponikvar J
    The effect of handgrip training and intermittent compression of upper arm veins on forearm vessels in patients with end-stage renal failure
  26. Legan M; Benedik M; Kovač D; Coer A
    Mixed uremic osteodystrophy - a predominant form of renal bone disease in Slovenia
  27. Lavre J; Vujkovac B; Šabovič M
    The most important factor for cardiovascular morbidity in hemodialysis patients is microinflamation
  28. Ekart R; Hojs R; Kanič V; Balon-Pečovnik B
    Indeks mase levega prekata in 48-urno merjenje krvnega tlaka pri hemodializnih bolnikih
  29. Černe D; Knap B
    Primerjava specifičnosti troponina T in I pri bolnikih s končno ledvično odpovedjo
  30. Župunski A; Kandus A; Buturović-Ponikvar J
    Long-term follow-up of renal transplantant artery stenosis: case controlled study
  31. Kandus A; Grego K; Arnol M; Kovač D; Lindič J; Buturović-Ponikvar J; Ponikvar R; Bren AF
    Prevention of early acute rejection with basiliximab and triple immunosuppression in cadaveric renal allograft recipients
  32. Arnol M; Kovač D; Kovač J; Bren AF; Kandus A
    The survey of kidney transplantation in Slovenia: the first four years since joining the Eurotransplant
  33. Dvoršak-Erker A; Gregorič A
    Uporaba tridimenzionalnega ultrazvoka pri diagnostični opredelitvi sprememb na ledvicah pri otrocih - prve izkušnje
  34. Marčun-Varda N; Zagradišnik B; Kokalj-Vokač N; Gregorič A
    Polymorphisms in A-adducin (G460W) and G-protein beta-3 subunit (C825T) genes in essential hypertension
  35. Kersnik-Levart T; Avguštin-Čavić M
    C1Q nefropatija
  36. Zagradišnik B; Bračič K; Marčun-Varda N; Kokalj-Vokač N; Gregorič A
    Mutation screening in patients with vesico-ureteric reflux
  37. Benedik M; Guček A
    Is metabolism of divalent ions in our peritoneal dialysis population optimal?
  38. Pajek J; Grego K; Guček A; Bevc S; Ekart R; Vujkovac B; Golob-Kosmina P; Kandus A; Bren AF
    Renal anemia treatment in peritoneal dialysis patients: a multicenter slovenian study
  39. Plešivčnik Z; Lavre J; Vujkovac B; Pečolar S
    Low volume exchange protocol for peritoneal dialysis after abdominal surgery
  40. Marn-Pernat A
    Cardiovascular disease in dialysis patients
  41. Knap B
    Regular body exercise is a cure for patients with cronic renal ilness
  42. Benedik M
    Fosfor okvarja kosti, srce in žile
  43. Accetto R
    Slovenske smernice za obravnavo arterijske hipertenzije
  44. Kenda RB
    Diagnostic strategies after a urinary tract infections - the pediatric nephrologist's point of view
  45. Gregorič A; Marčun-Varda N
    Arterijska hipertenzija pri otrocih v luči lastnih raziskav
  46. Kveder R
    Does podocyte represent the Achiles' heel of the glomerulus in the pathogenesis of idiopathic focal segmental glomerulosclerosis?
  47. Čižman B
    Challenges in treatment of glomerular diseases: new versus old
  48. Ferluga D; Vizjak A
    Patohistološka klasifikacija lupusnega nefritisa
    [Pathohistological classification of lupus nephritis]
  49. Hojs R
    Cardiac troponin T in patients with kidney disease
  50. Pečovnik-Balon B
    Srčnožilne kalcifikacije pri bolnikih s končno ledvično odpovedjo
  51. Bren A
    Our experiences with epoetins in renal anemia
  52. Ponikvar R
    Hemodialysis catheters
  53. Malovrh M
    Vascular access for haemodialysis: an in-depth review
  54. Buturović-Ponikvar J
    Renal replacement therapy in Slovenia: annual report 2003
  55. Cankar Katarina; Gruden Kristina; Toplak Nataša; Ravnikar Maja; Žel Jana
    Detection of cauliflower mosaic virus in food samples
  56. Kostanjšek Rok
    Detection of individual microbial cells in their natural environment using fluorescent in situ hybridization (F.I.S.H.)
  57. Zupančič Gregor
    Analysis of insect respiratory chain response in vivo to step changes in PO2
  58. Kožar-Logar Jasmina; Zrimec Alexis; Malej Alenka; Franko Mladen
    New methods in phytoplankton cell lysis detection
  59. Drobne D; Jemec A; Sepčić K; Simčič T; Brancelj A; Milani M; Zrimec A; Drinovec L; Kostanjšek R; Štrus J
    Visualization of oxygen radical-dependent photoemission from digestive glands of isopods (Crustacea) after exposure to chemical stress
  60. Černe Katarina; Kononenko Lijana
    Education in toxicology in Slovenia
  61. Arh Maja; Budihna Metka V
    Mibefradil preserves endothelium functionality of isolated porcine coronaries after hypoxia-reoxygenation probability by opening of plasmalemmal KATP channels
  62. Kobal Alfred Bogomir; Sešek-Briški Alenka; Krsnik Mladen; Horvat Milena; Dizdarevič Tatjana; Ženko Bernard; Džeroski Sašo; Arnerič Niko; Osredkar Joško
    An evaluation of renal function in mercury miners previously exposed to elemental mercury and silica dust
  63. Kobal AB; Krsnik M; Horvat M; Prezelj M; Briški A; Gibičar D; Knap C; Osredkar J
    Inorganic mercury and selenium in pregnant women of Idrija region
  64. Alibegović Armin; Petrovič Danijel
    Suicide with combination of insulin overdose and ecstasy - case report
  65. Kariž Stojan; Ambrožič Jana; Petrovič Danijel
    Heart arrest following butane gas inhalation - case report
  66. Letonja Mitja; Petrovič Daniel
    Heart involvement and multiple organ failure in severe valproic acid intoxication
  67. Eržen Ivan; Bošnjak Ksenija; Uršič Simona
    Cadmium in blood of male recruits in Slovenia in a reference to their smoking habits
  68. Udovič Metka; Regvar Marjana; Wraber Tone; Vogel-Mikuš Katarina; Kump Peter; Nečemer Marjan
    Morfology of halophilic vegetation in the marine salt works of Sečovlje (Sečoveljske soline) in Slovenia
  69. Pongrac Paula; Vogel-Mikuš Katarina; Kump Peter; Nečemer Marijan; Regvar Marjana
    Influence of indigenous arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on Cd, Zn, Pb and P uptake in hyperaccumulator Thlaspi praecox Wulfen
  70. Cabrini M; Mozetič P; Lazzarini B; Virgilio D; Predonzani S
    On the occurrence of hab species and biotoxicity in Italian and Slovenian coastal waters (gulf of Trieste, northern Adriatic)
  71. Bizjak-Mali Lilijana; Bulog Boris; Sepčić Kristina
    Long-term starvation in cave salamander (Proteus anguinus, Urodela, Amphibia): I. effects on liver ultrastructure and biochemical parameters
  72. Eleršek Tina; Carmeli Shmuel; Grach-Pogrebinsky Olga; Sedmak Bojan
    Selective phytotoxicity of planktopeptin BL1125
  73. Razinger Jaka; Vidic Tatjana; Vilhar Barbara
    Uptake of P, Cd and Zn in three plant species from the valley Dolina smrti (Žerjav, Slovenia)
  74. Razinger Jaka; Dermastia Marina; Drobne Damjana; Zrimec Alexis; Dolenc-Koce Jasna
    Copper-induced oxidative stress in duckweed (Lemna minor)
  75. Kononenko Lijana; Drobne Damjana; Lobnik Franc
    Standardization of the toxicity test for chemicals in terrestrial environment
  76. Lešer Vladka; Drobne Damjana; Sepčić Kristina; Vilhar Barbara; Lapanje Aleš; Štrus Jasna
    Epithelium thickness and biochemical analysis of lipids, proteins and glycogen in the hepatopancreas of fed and food deprived terrestrial isopods (Porcellio scaber)
  77. Ramšak Andreja; Stopar Katja; Sepčić Kristina; Berden-Zrimec Maja; Malej Alenka
    A field study of hepatic ethoxyresorufin-O-deetilaze (EROD) activity in black goby (Gobius niger) and toxicity measurements with Vibrio fischeri in coastal waters of south-eastern Gulf of Trieste
  78. Lapanje Aleš; Drobne Damjana; Rupnik Maja
    Use of TTGE (temporal temperature gel electrophoresis) to study the influence of heavy metal pollution on diversity of gut microflora of terrestrial isopod Porcellio scaber (Isopoda, Crustacea)
  79. Božič Janko
    Monitoring of pollutants by honeybee colonies
  80. Dobrovoljc K; Falnoga I; Tušek-Žnidarič M; Ščančar J; Bulog B
    Metallothionein synthesis and metal distribution in Necturus maculosus (Amphibia, Urodela) after exposure to CdCl2
  81. Glišovič Š; Sepčić K; Božič J
    Specific activity of acetylcholinesterase in honeybee after exposure to ethanol
  82. Jemec Anita; Drobne Damjana; Tišler Tatjana; Sepčić Kristina
    Biochemical biomarkers in Daphnia magna: a supplement to standard acute toxicity test
  83. Jenčič Vlasta; Černe Manica; Kožuh-Eržen Nevenka; Kobal Silvestra; Cerkvenik-Flajs Vesna
    Abamectin effects on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
  84. Kolar Lucija; Cerkvenik-Flajs Vesna; Kužner Jernej; Marc Irena; Pogačnik Milan; Bidovec Andrej; Kožuh-Eržen Nevenka
    Time profile of excretion of abamectin and doramectin in sheep faeces
  85. Zadnik T; Jazbec I
    A 25-year long monitoring of lead content in the blood of cows from a stationary polluted area
  86. Pipan Živa; Štrus Jasna; Grabner Sabina; Bukovec Nataša; Serša Gregor; Čemažar Maja
    Citotoxicity of platinum(II) complexes on different human tumor cell lines using the MTT assay
  87. Tavčar-Kalcher Gabrijela; Vrtač Katarina; Vengušt Anton
    Validation of the procedure for the determination of ochratoxin in a food of animal origin
  88. Milani Marziale; Santisi Grazia; Causa Federica; Drobne Damjana
    The surgery between quantum optics and cell biology: facts and perspectives
  89. Nolde Nataša; Drobne Damjana; Horvat Milena
    Optimization of lysosomal membrane stability assessment in digestive glands of Porcellio scaber (Isopoda, Crustacea)
  90. Bunc Matjaž; Drevenšek Gorazd; Budihna Metka; Šuput Dušan
    The effect of equinatoxin II on coronary flow in isolated rat and pig hearts and modulation of the effect by nicardipine
  91. Bunc Matjaž; Kralj Jana; Brvar Miran; Šuput Dušan
    Platelet aggregation caused by poly-aps isolated from the marine sponge Reniera sarai could be only partly blocked by combination of acetyl salicilic acid, clopidogrel and eptifibatide
  92. Bunc Matjaž
    Acetylsalicilic acid, clopidogrel and eptifibatide diminished in vivo lethality of i.v. application of poly-APS isolated from Reniera sarai
  93. Maružin Mitja; Serša Igor; Fajdiga Igor; Šuput Dušan
    Magnetic resonance spectroscopy study of microcystin LR hepatotoxicity
  94. Milutinović Aleksandra; Zorc-Pleskovič Ruda; Živin Marko; Sedmak Bojan; Serša Igor; Šuput Dušan
    Magnetic resonance imaging of the kidney in rats exposed to chronic intoxication with microcystin LR and YR
  95. Kristan K; Podlesek Z; Maček P; Anderluh G
    A two-step mechanism of equinatoxin II pore-formation
  96. Stopar-Obreza Mirjam; Žerjav-Tanšek Mojca; Repič-Lampret Barbka; Meh Duška
    Sensory neuropathy at homocystinuria patient receiving high dose pyridoxine treatment
  97. Meh Duška; Kobal Alfred B
    Small nerve fibres dysfunction in people exposed to elemental mercury
  98. Meh Duška
    Statins and small nerve fibre neuropathy
  99. Geršak Ksenija; Babnik Janez; Kornhauser-Cerar Lilijana
    Newborn infant with multiple organ dysfunction exposed prenataly to psychotropic drugs
  100. Osredkar Joško; Jerin Aleš; Krsnik Mladen; Horvat Milena; Kobal Alfred B
    Urinary markers of oxidative damage in ex mercury miners

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