biomedicina slovenica

re="a" : 4.255-4.354

  1. Florjančič M; Recelj A; Kuhar A; Kristl J
    Determination of effective ozone concentration to control purified water quality
  2. Brvar Miran; Možina Martin; Luzar Boštjan; Osredkar Joško; Šuput Dušan; Bunc Matjaž
    S100B protein and ischemic brain damage in carbon monoxide poisoned rats
  3. Štaudohar M
    Izolacija in karakterizacija gena za regulatorno podenoto cAMP-odvisne proteinske kinaze pri glivi Aspergillus niger
    [Isolation and characterization of cAMP-dependent protein kinase regulatory subunit gene from fungus Aspergillus niger]
  4. Sušnik Š
    Potek in učinki telesne vadbe med ambulantno rehabilitacijo pri različnih skupinah bolnikov po srčnem infarktu
    [Course and effects of exercise training in the rehabilitation after myocardial infarction in different groups of patients]
  5. Mitrović T
    Klinični in farmakoekonomski aspekti protibakterijskega zdravljenja akutne eksacerbacije kroničnega bronhitisa
    [Clinical and pharmacoeconomic aspects of antibacterial treatment of acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis]
  6. Kirar S
    Kontrola rasti nitastih bakterij v aktivnem blatu
    [Growth control of filamentous bacteria in activated sludge]
  7. Jericjo S
    Epidemiologija depresije in farmakoekonomika antidepresivov
    [Epidemiology of depression and pharmacoechonomics of antidepressants]
  8. Guštin B
    Razvoj analizne metode s kapilarno elektroforezo in spremljanje indukcije steroidnih alkaloidov v rastlini Solanum laciniatum
    [Development of capillary electrophoretic analytical method and examination of steroidal alkaloids in induced Solanum laciniatum plants]
  9. Dolenšek J
    Dejavniki tveganja za nastanek nenadne nepričakovane smrti dojenčkov
    [Risk factors of sudden unexpected infant death]
  10. Schweiger A
    Biokemijska karakterizacija in klinična vloga katepsina H
    [Biochemical characterization and clinical role of cathepsin H in malignant diseases]
  11. Mrhar A
    From in vitro experiments to in vivo drug effects
  12. Osredkar Joško; Horvat Milena; Krsnik Mladen; Arnerič Niko; Kobal Darja; Ženko Bernard; Džeroski Sašo; Kobal Alfred B
    Occupational exposure to mercury vapour influence and the activity of pineal gland
  13. Baraga Matjaž; Medved Nevio; Kužner Jernej; Drevenšek Gorazd; Stanovnik Lovro; Duburs Gunars; Budihna Metka V
    The influence of cerebrocrast, a novel calcium channel antagonist on endothelium-dependent relaxation of isolated porcine coronary artery
  14. Kužner Jernej; Drevenšek Gorazd; Budihna Metka V
    Evaluation of ednothelial functionality and vasomotor dysfunction of isolated porcine coronary artery
  15. Perharič Lucija; Zorič Andreja; Golja Viviana; Dekleva Nadja
    Semicarbazide in baby foods in Slovenia
  16. Živin Marko; Milutinović Aleksandra; Šuput Dušan
    Ibogaine protection against quinolinic acid-induced striatal degeneration
  17. Cegnar Mateja; Kos Janko; Kristl Julijana
    "In vitro" toxicity testing of poly(lactide-co-glycolide) nanoparticles
  18. Pintarič Š
    Burdering of the environment due to the sanitation of milking equipment
  19. Bukvič D; Bajc Z; Šinigoj-Gačnik K
    Muscle composition and content of some metals in tissues of broilers fed with maduramicin
  20. Dolajš Helena; Doganoc Darinka Zdenka; Šinigoj-Gačnik Ksenija; Vadnjal Stanka; Cerkvenik-Flajs Vesna
    Residues of certain veterinary drugs in raw milk from restricted Štajerska region
  21. Zorec-Karlovšek Majda; Premik Marjan; Kragelj-Zaletel Lijana
    Monitoring of fluoride excretion in urine of children in Slovenia
  22. Bradač Mateja; Šmuc Tina; Lapornik Ajda; Kristan Katja; Krajnc Alenka; Gobec Stanislav; Filipič Metka; Lanišnik-Rižner Tea
    Effects of selected phytoestrogens on human recombinant steroid metabolizing enzymes AKR1C1 and AKR1C3
  23. Jan Janja; Sovcikova Eva; Kovrizhnykh Ievgeniy; Kočan Anton; Wimmerova Sonia; Trnovec Tomas
    Developmental enamel defects of deciduous teeth in children exposed to PCBs
  24. Drobnič Matej; Marš Tomaž; Alibegović Armin; Balažic Jože; Grubič Zoran; Bole Velimir; Brecelj Janez
    The influence of time and temperature on the post-mortem viability of human chondrocytes in an ex-vivo knee cartilage model
  25. Bolta Žiga; Vončina Ernest; Cencič-Kodba Zdenka; Križanec Boštjan; Jonozovič Marko
    PCDD/Fs and PCBs in the adipose tissue of the Slovenian brown bear (Ursus arctos)
  26. Rozman Janez; Bunc Matjaž; Drevenšek Gorazd
    Endocrine function of an intact and dysfunctional pancreas of a dog modulated by selective stimulation of the left vagus nerve
  27. Kolar Boris
    Exposure scenario HARETOX and risk assessment of plant protection products for brown hare
  28. Toman Michael J; Ciraj Marta; Pipan Blaž
    Are existing EU scenarios for risk assessment adequate for Slovenia
  29. Drofenik Jernej; Perc Andrej
    Organization of risk assessment and risk management of pesticides in Slovenia
  30. Mlinarič Aleš; Kac Javor; Žegura Bojana; Filipič Metka
    Possible mechanisms of antimutagenicity of fatty acids against 2-amino-3-methylimidazol (4,5-f)quinoline induced mutations in Salmonella/microsomal assay
  31. Vovk Tomaž; Bogataj Marija; Mrhar Aleš
    Activity of antioxidant enzymes in the pig urinary bladder wall
  32. Plazar Janja; Lah-Turnšek Tamara; Filipič Metka
    Oxidation of 2',7'-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate (DCFH2-DA) by heterocyclic amine IQ is independent of reactive oxygen species
  33. Poglajen Gregor; Kunej Tanja; Dovč Peter; Peterlin Borut; Petrovič Daniel
    Interaction between genetic factors (polymorphism of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma coactivator-1 gene) and environment and acute myocardial infarction
  34. Pereyra-Gonzales Adriana; Božič Janko
    Antioxidant activity of Slovenian honey
  35. Lenasi Helena; Randriamboavonjy Voahanginirina; Fleming Ingrid
    Effects of subchronic exposure to cigarette smoke on vascular reactivity in rat arteries
  36. Mohorko N; Kregar-Velikonja N; Repovš G; Gorenšek M; Bresjanac M
    An in vitro study of bisbenzimide Hoechst 33342 distribution between separated cell populations, and its effects on cell viability
  37. Miš K
    Targets of the organophosphorus compounds in the rat spinal cord; expression at the mRNA level
  38. Rajtar Simona; Irman-Florjanc Tatjana
    Characterization of the rat DAO and HNMT and the influence of antidepressants on the enzymes activity
  39. Štempelj Mateja; Ferjan Ilonka
    Efects of cannabinoids on NGF induced histamine release from rat mast cells
  40. Vrecl Milka; Pogačnik Azra; Fazarinc Gregor; Zupančič-Kralj Lucija; Jan Janja
    Toxicity of individual planar and non-planar hexachlorobiphenyls (PCB-169, PCB-155) and their mixture on selected parameters in rats
  41. Babnik Blaž; Iglič Aleš; Veranič Peter; Jezernik Kristijan; Fošnarič Miha; Kamin Boris; Haegerstrand Henry; Kralj-Iglič Veronika
    Membrane shape changes induced by dodecyl-maltoside
  42. Tetičkovič E; Menih M
    Role of 3D ultrasonography in evaluating carotid disease
  43. Rebolj K; Koklič T; Sepčić K; Maček P; Šentjurc M
    EPR studies of phase transitions in sphingomyelin/cholesterol vesicles and effect of binding of a cytolytic protein ostreolysin
  44. Mavčič Blaž; Babnik Blaž; Iglič Aleš; Kandušer Maša; Slivnik Tomaž; Kralj-Iglič Veronika
    Parallel transformation of individual giant phospholipid vesicles at high concentration of C 12E8
  45. Šeruga T; Markovič I
    Endosacular coil embolisation of unruptured intracranial artery aneurysms in the posterior cerebral circulation with GDC detachable coils
  46. Podkrajšek D; Eržen I
    Prevalence of chronic respiratory diseases among children from variously polluted areas of the municipality of Koper, Slovenia
  47. Uršič Simona; Eržen Ivan; Bošnjak Ksenija; Uršič Andrej
    Evaluation of cadmium and lead contamination of vegetables produced in municipality of Celje
  48. Janet Evgen; Horvat Metka; Kordež-Sušel Ana; Pavlič Helena; Tomažič Mojca; Horvat Saša; Celcer Bogomir
    Living with lead in upper Mežica valley
  49. Kladnik Aleš; Chamusco Karen; Dermastia Marina; Chourey Prem S
    Programmed cell death (PCD) in maize caryopsis - methods for observing PCD events in situ
  50. Žnidar Irena; Osojnik Mitja; Camloh Marjana; Vilhar Barbara; Kovač Maja; Ravnikar Maja; Marinšek-Logar Romana
    Assessment of DNA damage in potato protoplasts by the comet assay
  51. Šušterčič Dušan; Serša Igor
    Magnetic resonance microscopy of human tooth pulp chamber
  52. Benedičič Mateja; Božič Janko; Abramson Charles I
    Reduced dance activity of alcohol drinkers in honeybee colony
  53. Anderluh Gregor; Kristan Katarina; Maček Peter
    Mechanism of pore-formation by actinoporins, sea anemone cytolysins
  54. Žegura Bojana; Lah Tamara T; Filipič Metka
    The influence of microcystin-LR on intracellular reduced glutathione level in HepG2 cells
  55. Lobnik A; Kanič V
    First experience with iloprost in patients with coronary heart disease unsuitable for revascularization
  56. Flis V; Miksić K; Stirn B
    Carotid endarterectomy - results from the Maribor general/teaching hospital
  57. Kirinčič Stanislava
    Genetically modified organisms in foods. Nature, labelling and determination
  58. Dekleva Nadja; Sever Dunja; Mehikić Darko
    Rapid alert system for food and feed and risk management
  59. Fajfar Simona
    Risk assessment of chemical substances in EU and role of the competent authority - now and in the future
  60. Poljšak B; Plesničar S; Raspor P
    Decreasing the intracellular oxidation in the yeast cells: the role of ascorbic acid and Trolox
  61. Prezelj M; Krsnik M; Schara M
    Erythrocyte in free radical generating system hypoxanthin/xanthine oxidase
  62. Veranič Peter; Jezernik Kristijan
    The cholesterol reducing agents lovastatin and cyclodextrin affect desmosomal assembly
  63. Bavec Aljoša; Ličar Alenka; Zorko Matjaž
    An important role of cysteine 341 in the signal transduction from glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor to g-proteins
  64. Kobal Alfred Bogomir
    Occupational elemental mercury exposure in the Idrija mercury mine
  65. Murn Milica
    Good laboratory practice in toxicology
  66. Kožuh-Eržen Nevenka
    Ecotoxicity of avermectins and their degradation on sheep grazed pasture
  67. Trebše Polonca; Blažič Mateja; Drobne Damjana
    Effects of imidacloprid on survival, growth, AChE and GST activity of the terrestrial isopod Porcellio scaber (Isopoda, Crustacea)
  68. Drobne Damjana
    Sensitivity and relevance of biomarkers in isopod toxicity studies (Isopoda, Crustacea): a review
  69. Milani Marziale; Drobne Damjana; Zrimec Alexis
    Focused ion beam imaging and milling in biology
  70. Koželj Gordana
    The significance of instrumental chromatographic methods in analytical toxicology
  71. Štrus Jasna; Drobne Damjana; Žnidaršič Nada; Tušek-Žnidarič Magda
    Imaging and probing epithelial cell structure in moulting isopods (Isopoda: Oniscidea)
  72. Rebolj Katja; Berne Sabina; Sepčić Kristina; Plemenitaš Ana; Batista Urška; Šentjurc Marjeta; Maček Peter
    Cytolysins as potential tools in studies of lipid membrane microdomains: specificity of a pore-forming protein from the oyster mushroom
  73. Černe Katarina; Kristan Katarina; Zorko Matjaž; Stanovnik Lovro; Budihna MV
    Effects of whole honeybee venom and its peptides melittin and apamin on the isolated porcine coronary artery
  74. Šuput Dušan; Batista Tina; de Soussa Georges; Fajdiga Igor; Rahmani Roger
    Microcystin-induced apoptosis in human hepatocytes
  75. Perharič Lucija; Koželj Gordana; Zidarič Metka; Mehikić Darko
    Risk assessment of buckwheat flour contaminated with Datura stramonium alkaloids
  76. Drevenšek Gorazd
    Toxic effects and pharmacologic evaluation of potential new drugs
  77. Štok Edita; Družina Branko
    Hazard assessment for human health and the environment in case of terrorist attacks or chemical accidents
  78. Dolžan V; Breskvar K
    Genetic polymorphism of xenobiotic metabolising enzymes and susceptibility for envrionmental carcinogenesis
  79. Jamšek Marija; Šarc Lucija
    Role of poison control in prevention of childhood poisoning
  80. Možina Martin; Brvar Miran; Grenc Damjan
    Rational computer assisted system for monitoring national antidote supply and utilisation
  81. Serša Gregor; Čemažar Maja; Rudolf Zvonimir
    Electrochemotherapy - electroporation as a drug delivery system for potentiation of cancer chemotherapeutic drug effectiveness
  82. Franko A; Dodič-Fikfak M; Budihna MV; Kobal AB
    Long-term effects of mercury on kidney function
  83. Jeram Sonja
    EU biocides directive: development of environmental emission scenario documents
  84. Kolar Boris; Hulzebos Etje
    Risk assessment of the air pollution in Nova Gorica
  85. Sket Boris
    What is actually endangered in Slovenia
  86. Pečar Slavko
    Toxic nature of radicals
  87. Lahajnar Gojmir; Pečar Slavko; Sepe Ana; Serša Igor
    Influence of SH-reacting Au3+, Pd2+, Hg2+, and nitropruside on diffusional water permeability of human erythrocytes
  88. Turk Tom; Sepčić Kristina
    Natural compounds of marine origin, a possible replacement for toxic ingredients in antifouling coatings
  89. Horvat M; Kotnik J; Fajon V; Logar M; Nolde N; Ogrinc N; Faganeli J; Rajar R; Žagar D; Drobne D
    Mercury pollution in the wider Idrija region and the Gulf of Trieste, northern Adriatic
  90. Dodič-Fikfak M; Quinn MM; Kriebel D; Wegman D; Eisen E
    Exposure assessment to chrysotile and amphiboles for a case-control study of the risk of lung cancer among asbestos-cement workers
  91. Maček Peter; Anderluh Gregor
    Actinoporins - thirty years after
  92. Zidar Primož; Drobne Damjana; Štrus Jasna
    Effects of zinc and cadmium mixture on food consumption and metal accumulation in Porcellio scaber (Crustacea: isopoda)
  93. Zidar Primož; Padovan Ingrid; Trebše Polonca; Drobne Damjana
    Biochemical and behavioral response of terrestrial isopod Porcellio scaber (Crustacea) exposed to organophosphorous insecticide
  94. Lapanje A; Nikčević S; Perović A; Hollert H; Erdinger L; Drobne D; Zidar P; Štrus J; Pešić V; Kostanjšek R
    Application of the microbial diversity profiling in the assessment of the lake Skadar pollution
  95. But Igor
    Hospital urogynecology
  96. Mlakar B; Košorok P
    The anal conveen plug for patients with faecal incontinence
  97. Zore A; Lukanovič A; Mihelič M; Babnik-Peskar D
    Uretero-fallopian fistula after laparoscopic adhesiolysis of pelvic adhesions
  98. Pišek A; Ismaili H
    Abscess of the haematoma of the Retzius space after IVS operation - case report
  99. Weber V
    Retropubic hematoma post TVT: presentation of a case
  100. Meglič L; Korošec S
    Untreated advanced vulvar carcinoma

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