biomedicina slovenica

"cardiac catheterisation" : 5

  1. Pareek Nilesh; Kordiš Peter; Webb Ian; Noč Marko; MacCarthy P; Byrne Jonathan
    Contemporary management of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in the cardiac catheterisation laboratory
  2. Martinjak-Dvoršek Irma; Leonardis Lea
    Srčni zastoj pri bolniku z Andersenovim sindromom
    [Cardiac arrest in a patient with Andersen syndrome]
  3. Šinkovec Matjaž; Grad Anton; Rakovec Peter; Meglič Bernard
    Klinične značilnosti bolnikov s sinkopo in diagnostika
    [Clinical characteristics of patients with syncope and diagnostics]
  4. Štajer Dušan; Tadel Špela; Ažman Katja; Bručan Andrej; Aplenc Primož; Zidar Nina; Horvat Matija
    Zdravljenje bolnika z akutnim srčnim infarktom v Ljubljani - kaj smo dosegli v zadnjem letu in kje so naše pomanjkljivosti?
    [Treatment of patients with acute myocardial infarction in Ljubljana in last year - our achievements and disadvantages]
  5. Drobnič-Kovač Doroteja; Černe Andreja; Kranjec Igor; Globokar-Zajec Mateja
    Effects of nonionic radiographic contrast media on renal function after cardiac catheterisation

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