biomedicina slovenica

"cardio vascular" : 3

  1. Pahor Artur
    Pojavnost zgodnjih znakov ateroskleroze in pomen vnetnih dejavnikov za razvoj ateroskleroze pri bolnicah z revmatoidnim artritisom
    [The prevalance of early signs of atherosclerosis and the role of inflammatory factors for atherosclerosis in female rheumatoid arthritis patients]
  2. Legan Mateja; Vraspir-Porenta Olga; Keše Darja; Zorc-Pleskovič Ruda; Zorc Marjeta
    Diffuse and distal coronary artery disease and infection with Chlamydia pneumoniae - our experiences
  3. Glavnik V
    Alergija na hrano
    [Food allergy]

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