biomedicina slovenica

"cardionephrology 5" : 4

  1. Premru V
    Blood pressure postural changes, rhythm and variability in HD and PD patients
  2. Premru V; Malovrh M; Guček A; Kaplan-Pavlovčič S
    Office blood pressure measurements as an estimate of 24-hour blood pressure in patients treated with haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis
  3. Knap B; Južnič G; Noordergraaf A
    Cylindricality - a shape index for detecting the geometry of the left ventricle in volunteers and in dialysis patient with heart failure
  4. Timio Mario; Wizemann Volker; Venanzi Sandro
    Cardionephrology 5. 7th Assisi European meeting on cardionephrology; 1999 Apr 15-17; Assisi
    [Cardionephrology 5. 7 corso europeo di aggiornamento "Il cuore nelle nefropatie e nella dialisi"; 1999 Apr 15-17; Assisi]

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