biomedicina slovenica

psychotherapeutic : 50

  1. Injac Stevović Lidija; Repišti Selman; Radojičić Tamara; Sartorius Norman; Tomori Sonila; Džubur Kulenović Alma; Popova Ana; Rojnić Kuzman Martina; Vlachos Ilias; Delić Mirjana
    Non-pharmacological treatments for schizophrenia in Southeast Europe
  2. Zupanič Sanja; Kruljac Ivona; Šoštarič Mojca; Drobnič Radobuljac Maja
    Adolescent with autism and gender dysphoria
  3. Pintar Babič Matejka; Bregar Branko; Drobnič Radobuljac Maja
    The attitudes and feelings of mental health nurses towards adolescents and young adults with nonsuicidal self-injuring behaviors
  4. Krajnc Nik; Savšek Lina
    Demenca: definicija, oblike in možnosti zdravljenja
    [Dementia: definition, types and treatment options]
  5. Škodlar Borut; Gram Henriksen Mads
    Toward a phenomenological psychotherapy for schizophrenia
  6. Benedik Emil; Burina Mihaela
    Odnos med ravnijo osebnostne organizacije in motnjami osebnosti
    [The relationship between the level of personality organization and personality disorders]
  7. Petek Davorina; Pušnik Ambrož; Selič Polona; Cedilnik-Gorup Eva; Trontelj Žan; Riou Marine; Le Reste Jean-Yves
    Semantic and cultural equivalence of the working alliance inventory short-revised scale for therapeutic alliance in family medicine
    [Doseganje kulturne in jezikovne ustreznosti lestvice za ocenjevanje terapevtskega zavezništva med zdravnikom in bolnikom v družinski medicini - slovenske izkušnje]
  8. Horvat Rauter Barbara
    Empirical evidence for transactional analysis psychotherapy for the treatment of chronic pain
  9. Blinc-Pesek Marjeta; Mihoci Janja; Perovšek Šolinc Nada; Avguštin Bojana
    Long term groups for patients with psychosis in partial remission
  10. Škodlar Borut
    Spiritual guests and psychotic disorders
  11. Vodušek V.V.; Parnas Josef; Tomori Martina; Škodlar Borut
    The phenomenology of emotion experience in first-episode psychosis
  12. Škodlar B; Henriksen MG; Sass LA; Nelson B; Parnas J
    Cognitive-behavioral therapy for schizophrenia: a critical evaluation of its theoretical framework from a clinical-phenomenological perspective
  13. Andriessen Karl; Beautrais Annette; Tekavčič-Grad Onja; Brockmann Elisabeth; Simkin Sue
    Current understandings of suicide survivor issues: research, practice, and plans. Report of the 1st International suicide postvention seminar, September 8, 2006, Portoroz, Slovenia
  14. Starovasnik-Žagavec Barbara; Jensterle Jože; Kogoj Aleš
    Terapevtski postopki v obravnavi starejših s težavami v duševnem zdravju
    [Therapeutic interventions in geriatric population with mental health disorders]
  15. Rus-Makovec Maja; Jakopič Jože
    Vožnja pod vplivom alkohola in prometna varnost: kaznovati ali zdraviti z alkoholom nezasvojene in zasvojene voznike?
    [Driving under alcohol influence and road-traffic safety: to punish or to treat alcohol non-dependent and dependent drivers?]
  16. Kos Nataša; Sedej Bogdana; Frangež Maja
    Rehabilitacija oseb s kompleksnim regionalnim bolečinskim sindromom tip 1
    [Rehabilitation of persons with complex regional pain syndrome type 1]
  17. Globevnik-Velikonja Vislava
    Psihoterapevtska obravnava poporodne depresije
    [Psychotherapeutic treatment of postpartum depression]
  18. Kocmur Marga
    Psychotherapeutic approaches in the treatment of schizophrenia
  19. Rahne-Otorepec Irena
    Erektilna disfunkcija - problem para
    [Erectile dysfunction - problem of the couple]
  20. Zupanc Z; Meh D
    Vpliv fizioterapevtskih metod in tehnik na spastičnost in funkcijsko sposobnost preiskovanke z multiplo sklerozo
    [The influence of psychotherapeutic methods and techniques on spasticity and functional ability in patient with multiple sclerosis]
  21. Gregorič Milan
    Klinična slika nevropatske bolečine in smernice za zdravljenje
    [The clinical picture of neuropathic pain and therapeutic guidelines]
  22. Rakovec-Felser Zlatka
    Emotional and neurovegetative pain reactions and psychological interventions
  23. Sever Alenka
    Okvara izvršitvenih sposobnosti po nezgodni možganski poškodbi - nevropsihološka ocena in terapevtski pristop
    [Executive functioning after TBI - neuropsychological assessment and therapeutic approach]
  24. Kociper Jožef; Kociper Lidija
    Kaj vpliva na proces zdravljenja odvisnih od alkohola? Ocene zdravljencev, svojcev in terapevtov - kvantitativna ocena
    [What effects healing process of alcohol dependent assessment of patients, their relatives and therapists - quantitative analysis]
  25. Čebašek-Travnik Zdenka
    Alcoholism treatment in Slovenia - from the past to the future
  26. Tekavčič-Grad Onja; Zavasnik Anka
    Phenomenology of bereavement process after suicide, traffic accident and terminal illness (in spouses)
  27. Židanik Miloš
    Multipla osebnost: prikaz primera
    [Multiple personality: case report study]
  28. Bucik Katja
    Plesno gibalna terapija pri otrocih z motnjami komunikacije
    [Using dance and movement therapy with communication impaired children]
  29. van Heeringen Cornelius; Audenaert K; Portzky G
    Risk factors for the repetition of suicidal behaviour: a 5-year follow-up study
  30. Ščuka Viljem
    Ambulanta za bolezni odvisnosti Nova Gorica: kritični pregled dosedanje dejavnosti in možnosti razvoja v prihodnje
    [The critical view to the past activities and possibilities of development in the future]
  31. Židanik Miloš
    Za razvojno fazo specifične naloge v diadnem, analitično usmerjenem psihoterapevtskem procesu: prikaz primera
    [Developmental-period specific tasks in psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy: a case report]
  32. Židanik Miloš
    Bojazljivostna (izmikajoča se) osebnostna motnja. Pikraz primera
    [Anxious (avoidant) presonality disorder. Case report]
  33. Živec Silva
    Doprinos delovnega terapevta v procesu psihoterapevtskega zdravljenja
    [Contribution of occupational therapists to the proces of psyhotherapeutic treatment]
  34. Krejči-Hrastar Marjetka
    Odnos mentor - pripravnik
    [Relationship between a mentor - physiotherapist]
  35. Židanik Miloš
    Disociativna fuga: prikaz primera
    [Dissociative fugue: case report]
  36. Kobal Miloš Frančišek
    Contribution of dynamic psychiatry to the psychotherapeutic use of focus
  37. Košiček Marijan
    Ljubezen in spolnost v starosti
    [Love and sexuality in old age]
  38. Kuliš M
    Bruksizem in protetična oskrba
    [Prosthodontic management of bruxism]
  39. Kobal M; Žagar Dušan
    An open forensic psychiatry ward organised as a therapeutic community
  40. Tekavčič-Grad O
    Counter-transference problems inside the group of relatives bereaving suicide
  41. Rojšek J; Pajntar M
    Personality characteristics of women with EPH gestosis: psychotherapeutic approach
  42. Štalc A
    Drugs for peptic ulcers: a short overview
  43. Lazić N; Lang B; Rugelj J; Bamburač J
    Ocenitev zdravljenja alkoholizma
    [Evaluation of the treatment of alcoholics]
  44. Rus-Makovec Maja
    Analiza terapevtskih učinkov pri zdravljenju bolnikov s sindromom odvisnosti od alkohola
  45. Kogovšek B; Škerbinek L
    Izkušnje pri psihoterapevtskem delu s skupino osebja
    [The experience with psychotherapeutic work in a group of staff]
  46. Kavčič-Kumer A
    Skupinska terapija zdravljencev sindroma odvisnosti od alkohola in njihovih svojcev
    [Group psychotherapy of clients with alcohol dependence syndrome and their relatives]
  47. Kocmur M; Zavasnik A
    Krizna stanja v psihiatriji
    [Crisis states in psychiatry]
  48. Sarajlić N; Kerčmar-Vojnić E
    Psihosomatika i dermatovenerologija
    [Psychosomatics and dermatovenerology]
  49. Kavčič-Kumer A
    Pristop k psihoterapiji alkoholizma na Idrijskem
    [Psychotherapeutic approach to alcoholism treatment in Idrija]
  50. Tomori M; Mrevlje G
    Specifičnosti tretmana agresivnosti u psihoterapiji adolescenata
    [Characteristics of the psychotherapeutic approach to aggression in adolescent]

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