biomedicina slovenica

"Journal" : 21.967-22.066

  1. Petričević I; Presečki V; Kuzman I; Soldo I; Draženović V
    Legionarska bolest u nas (epikritički pregled bolesnika)
    [Legionnaires' disease in our country (epicritic review of patients)]
  2. Štangl B; Bizjak M; Fortič M
    Preporuke za standardizaciju bronhijalnih provokacijskih testova nespecifičnim bronhokonstrikcionim materijama
    [Recommendations for standardization of bronchial provocation tests by nonspecific bronchoconstrictory agents]
  3. Dimčić Z; Tanurdžić S; Balaban J; Ðurić V; Tomašević L
    Uporedno praćenje nespecifičnog bronhijalnog odgovora pomoću kontinuisanog merenja ukupnih disajnih otpora i saturacije arterijske krvi kiseonikom
    [A parallel study of nonspecific bronchial response with continual measurements of total respiratory resistance and oxygen saturation of arterial blood]
  4. Balaban J; Tanurdžić S; Ðurić V; Dimčić Z; Tomašević L
    Uporedno praćenje spirometrijskih parametara i celokupnih disajnih otpora merenih Astografom kod nespecifičnih bronhoprovokacionih testova sa metaholinom
    [Parallel study of spirometric parameters and total respiratory resistance measured by Astograph in nonspecific methacholine bronchoprovocation test]
  5. Ðurić V; Tanurdžić S; Dimčić Z; Balaban J; Tomašević L
    Primena Astografa u nespecifičnom bronhoprovokacionom testiranju
    [Application of Astograph in nonspecific bronchoprovocation testing]
  6. Gruden-Gros A
    Preventivne mjere kod bronhoprovokacionih testova
    [Preventive measures in bronchial provocation tests]
  7. Grobovšek-Opara S
    Provokacioni agensi za ocenu nespecifičnog bronhijalnog odgovora
    [Provocative agents for the assessment of nonspecific bronchial responsiveness]
  8. Bizjak M
    Aparati za proizvodnju aerosola i depozicija aerosola u bronhijalnom stablu
    [Devices for the production of aerosol and deposition of aerosol in tracheobronchial tree]
  9. Mojsoski N; Pavičić F
    Ispitivanje bronhalne reaktibilnosti pomoću suhog hladnog zraka i eukapnične hiperventilacije
    [Testing of bronchial reactivity by means of the cold dry air and eucapnic hyperventilation]
  10. Trandafilovski P
    Intenzitet bronhijalne hiperreaktivnosti i evolucija plućne funkcije
    [The intensity of the bronchial hyperreactivity and evolution of the pulmonary function]
  11. Plavec D; Godnić-Cvar J
    Uloga nespecifične nazalne reaktivnosti (NNR) u evaluaciji inducirane hiperreaktivnosti bronha (IHB)
    [The role of the nonspecific nasal reactivity (NNR) in the evaluation of induced bronchial hyperreactivity (IBH)]
  12. Godnić-Cvar J
    Normoreaktivnost i respiratornim iritansima inducirana hiperreaktivnost bronha
    [Airway normoreactivity and by respiratory irritants induced hyperreactivity]
  13. Mežnar B; Kajba S
    Bronhijalni odgovor u hmeljarskih radnika
    [Bronchial responsiveness in workers of hop industry]
  14. Pavlović M
    Nespecifična bronhalna reaktivnost u kroničnih bronhitičara
    [Non-specific bronchial reactivity in chronic bronchitis]
  15. Grobovšek-Opara S
    Nespecifičan bronhijalan odgovor u asimpatomatskih žena pušača i nepušača
    [Nonspecific bronchial responsiveness in asymptomatic smokers and nonsmokers]
  16. Šušković S
    Modulacija nespecifične bronhijalne hiperreaktivnosti
    [Modulation of nonspecific bronchial hyperresponsivness]
  17. Grbac I; Knežević F; Bašić-Grbac M
    Uloga bronhalne cirkulacije u etiopatogenezi povećanog nespecifičnog bronhalnog odgovora
    [Role of bronchial circulation in the pathogenesis of increased nonspecific bronchial responsiveness]
  18. Ðukanović R
    Zapaljenje bronhijalne sluznice kao podloga za hiperreaktivnost disajnih puteva
    [Inflammation on the bronchial mucosa as a basis for airway hyperresponsiveness]
  19. Tanurdžić S; Balaban J; Ðurić V; Dimčić Z
    Etiopatogenetski mehanizmi povećanog odgovora disajnih puteva
    [Etiopathogenetic mechanisms of increased airway responsiveness]
  20. Luzar A; Bratko D
    Electric double layer interactions in reverse micellar systems: a Monte Carlo simulation study
  21. Banič S; Dragaš AZ; Fišer J
    Comparison of the efficiency of three methods for the determination of staphylococcal beta-lactamase
  22. Kržan M; Est M; Erjavec F
    Relation between Na+ K+ ATPase activity and cardiotoxic action of digitoxin in 1 week old and adult guinea pigs
  23. Budihna M; Maček P; Šuput D
    Effects of equinatoxin II on the isolated guinea-pig heart
  24. Budihna M
    Antiarrhythmic effects of some calcium entry blockers in the isolated guinea pig heart
  25. Preželj J; Kocijančič A; Andolšek L
    Dexamethasone and spironolactone in the treatment of non-tumorous hyperandrogenism
  26. Stanovnik L; Korošec L; Erjavec F
    The effects of calcium antagonists, verapamil and nifedipine, on secretion and on contraction of smooth muscle
  27. Korošec L; Erjavec F
    The effcts of epithelium on the sensitivity of the guinea-pig isolated trachea
  28. Mušić D
    Janez Vajkard Valvasor, njegova doba in medicina
  29. Brus A
    Vpliv informatike v zdravstvu na humanizacijo dela, strokovnost in motiviranost delavcev
    [The influence of health informatics on the humanization of work expertness and motivation of workers in health services]
  30. Golmajer J
    Zasnove sprememb organizacije in prenove Zdravstvenega doma Ljubljana
    [Schemes of organizational changes and renovation of Ljubljana health home]
  31. Žvan V
    Načela vzdrževalne nevroleptične terapije psihoz
    [Principles of the neuroleptic maintenance therapy for psychoses]
  32. Novak Ž
    Kako doživlja porod mlada mati
    [Young mother's experience of childbirth]
  33. Janežič P
    Porodniški posegi in porodne poškodbe matere
    [Obstetrical interventions and obstetrical injuries of mother]
  34. Blejec T; Kožuh-Novak M
    Nosečnostno varstvo
    [Pregnant women health care]
  35. Šijanec T
    Dileme v zdravstenem varstvu nosečnic
    [Some dilemmas about pregnant women health care]
  36. Premik M; Vrbič V; Toth M
    Socialno medicinska ocena oralnega zdravja v SR Sloveniji
    [Socio-medical appraisal of oral health in SR of Slovenia]
  37. Hojnik I
    Organizirane in spontane oblike pomoči in samopomoči za stare ljudi v bivalnem okolju
    [Organized and spontaneous forms of help and self-help for elderly in residential surroundings]
  38. Pokorn D
    Jedilnik varovalne prehrane
    [Menu of protectional nutrition]
  39. Kožuh-Novak M; Šelb J; Belec M
    Analiza desetletnega gibanja bolnišničnega zdravljenja prebivalcev, starejših od 59 let v Sloveniji
    [Analysis of ten-years trends of hospital treatment of population over 59 years of age in SR Slovenia]
  40. Nolimal D
    Temeljna izhodišča javnozdravstvene politike preprečevanja alkoholizma v Jugoslaviji
    [Basic strategies for public health policy of prevention of alcoholism in Yugoslavia]
  41. Nolimal Dušan
    Boj proti alkoholizmu danes
    [Fight against alcoholism today]
  42. Rant V
    Preventivna zobozdravstvena vzgoja nosečnic na območju občine Vič-Rudnik
    [Preventive dental health education of pregnant women in the Ljubljana community of Vič-Rudnik]
  43. Leskovšek-Denišlič T; Vrbošek J
    Akcija za čiste zobe med osnovnošolci ljubljanskih občin
    [Action for clean teeth in primary school children of Ljubljana community]
  44. Ustar-Latkovič M
    Vloga astmatične šole v vodenju bolnikov z bronhialno astmo
    [The role of the "School for asthma patients" in their management]
  45. Štrukelj-Brcar P
    Osmošolec in njegova spolna osveščenost
    [The eight-grade pupil and sexual awerness]
  46. Žagar-Slana A
    Kakšnega zdravnika potrebuje slovenski šolar danes in jutri?
    [What kind of physician for a slovene schoolchild is needed today and tomorrow?]
  47. Tekstor A
    Preventivni, vzgojno-prosvetni in organizacijski pristop v otroškem in mladinskem zobozdravstvu v občini Ljubljana-Center
    [Preventive educational and organizational approach in children and youth dental care in the community of Ljubljana-Center]
  48. Retuznik A
    Nekateri prispevki k zdravstveni vzgoji in izobraževanju
    [Some contributions to health education and training]
  49. Nose M; Mramor M
    Strokovna zasnova Centra za razvojno motene v Ljubljani
    [Professional scheme for Centre for developmentally disturbed children]
  50. Mramor M; Šajina M; Nose M; Valenčak D; Bencik D
    Študija optimalnosti načel dela mentalno higienskega oddelka otroškega dispanzerja
    [Study of optimality of work principles in mental hygiene department of children dispansaries]
  51. Latkovič B
    Stanje trajnega zdravljenja s kisikom na domu v ljubljanski regiji
    [State of the long term home oxygen therapy in Ljubljana]
  52. Kosta E
    Krvni pritisk pri študentih Univerze Edvarda Kardelja v Ljubljani
    [Blood pressure in students of University of Ljubljana]
  53. Bencik-Murko M
    Psihosomatske in adaptacijske motnje pri študentih Ljubljanske univerze
    [Psychosomatic and adaptation disturbances in students of Ljubljana university]
  54. Žorž G
    Epidemiologija, socialno-medicinski pomen ter preventiva bolečine v križu v osnovnem zdravstvenem varstvu
    [Epidemioloy, sociomedical significance and prevention of backache in primary health care]
  55. Golmajer J
    Množične kronične nenalezljive bolezni in sodobna dispanzerska metoda dela
    [Mass chronic noninfectious diseases and up to date dispensary method of work]
  56. Pečarič I
    Zdravljenje in zdravstvena nega bolnika na domu
    [Health care and nursing care for patients in their home]
  57. Armeni C
    Ljubljana kot središče republiške mreže nujne medicinske pomoči
    [Ljubljana as a republican network center for urgent medical aid]
  58. Kikl-Berginc A
    Problematika zobozdravstvenega varstva odraslih v mestu Ljubljana
    [Probleme of dental health care of adults in the city of Ljubljana]
  59. Rejc-Novak M; Babnik V; Grupčeva V; Lušnic M; Mokorel T; Sket M; Sušec-Michieli M; Šalehar M; Tekstor A
    Značilnosti oralnega zdravja pri otrocih in mladini v Ljubljani
    [The characteristics of oral health in children and youth of Ljubljana]
  60. Šalehar M
    Šolar v mestu
    [Schoolchild in the city]
  61. Stražiščar K
    Zdravje šolarjev
    [The schoolchildren's health]
  62. Stantić-Pavlinić M; Weibl-Mušič N; Babnik V
    Zdravstveno stanje prebivalcev in problematika izvajanja zdravstvenega varstva v Ljubljani
    [Heath state of population and problematics of health care implementation in Ljubljana]
  63. Golmajer J
    Sodobni koncepti primarnega zdravstvenega varstva
    [Modern concepts of primary health care]
  64. Kraševec-Ravnik E
    Zdravje kot družbeni projekt in strategije za njegovo ohranjanje in razvijanje
    [Health as a social project and strategies for its promotion]
  65. Golmajer J
    Družba in zdravje
    [Society and health]
  66. Bohinc F; Mramor M
    60 let osnovnega zdravstvenega varstva v Ljubljani
    [60 years at primary health care in Ljubljana]
  67. Metodiev B
    Šezdeset godina organizovanog razvoja Pneumoftiziološke službe SR Makedonije
  68. Poček B
    Analiza kretanja tuberkuloze i hroničnih nespecifičnih oboljenja u 1988. godini
  69. Fortič B
    In memoriam: prim. dr. Branko Korać (1909-1989)
  70. Anonymous ;
    In memoriam: prof. dr. Ivo Drinković (1908-1990)
  71. Furlan J
    Ambulantno lečenje astme u odraslih
    [Out-patients' treatment of asthma in adults]
  72. Opačić M; Šarac R; Mose J; Mihelčić-Dabo R
    Ultrazvuk u dijagnostiki bolesti pluća i pleure
    [Ultrasound in the diagnostics of lung and pleural diseases]
  73. Kuzman I; Petričević I
    Mycoplasma pneumoniae: epidemiološke i kliničke značajke, patogeneza, dijagnostika i liječenje
    [Mycoplasma pneumoniae: epidemiologic and clinical characteristics, pathogenesis, diagnostic procedures and treatment]
  74. Karabegović N; Petričević I; Mijatović M; Ðurić B; Považan Ð; Žafran N
    Primarni plućni rak u žena regije Doboj
    [Primary lung cancer in female population of Doboj district]
  75. Radošević Z; Knapić D
    Epidemiološka situacija kroničnih opstruktivnih plućnih bolesti u populaciji Hrvatske
    [Epidemiology of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD) in the population of Croatia]
  76. Cvitanović S; Grbić D; Zekan Lj; Petrović S; Vrdoljak E; Parpura V; Boban M
    Ketotifen i nazalni steroid u terapiji polinoze
    [Ketotifen and nasal steroid in hay fever pollinosis]
  77. Zimič D; Bizjak M; Štangl B
    Merenje transfer faktora pluća sa CO metodom ponovnog udisanja testne gasne smeše (TLCORB)
    [Measurement of transfer factor of the lung with CO rebreathing method (TLCORB)]
  78. Pavlica R
    Dijagnostika tuberkuloznog pleuritisa zasejavanjem obrađenog i neobrađenog patološkog materijala
    [Diagnostic of tuberculous pleurisy by culture of pleural biopsy specimen]
  79. Kumelj M; Rus A; Mušič E
    Uporedna in vitro aktivnost ciprofloksacina i pefloksacina prema sojevima izolovanim iz kliničkog materijala
    [Comparative in vitro activity of ciprofloxacin and pefloxacin against bacterial strains isolated from clinical material]
  80. Mušič E; Kumelj M; Prlja D; Paulin A; Potokar T
    Upoređenje amoksicilina i amoksiklava u terapiji respiracionih infekcija (RI)
    [Comparison of amoxicillin and amoksiklav in the treatment of respiratory tract infections]
  81. Košnik M; Remškar Z; Plevnik F
    Hemoptiza kod normalnog rendgenograma grudnih organa
    [Hemoptysis in patient with normal chest roentgenogram]
  82. Dvorski I; Bačani B
    Tuberkuloza srednjeg uha
    [Tuberculosis of the middle ear]
  83. Pongrac I; Roglić M; Orešković B
    Stanice hipernefroma u pleuralnom izlijevu
    [Hypernephroma cells in pleural effusion]
  84. Bošković S; Šušković T
    Purpura Henoch-Schoenlein s plućnim infiltracijama
    [Purpura Henoch-Schoenlein with pulmonary infiltrations]
  85. Dvorski I
    Tuberkuloza limfnih čvorova vrata
    [Tuberculosis cervical lymphadenitis]
  86. Adanja B; Vlajinac H; Jerebinski M
    Komparativno ispitivanje pušačkih navika studenata medicinskog i pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
    [Comparative study of smoking habits of medical and law students in Belgrade]
  87. Janković S; Slipčević J; Ðekić-Čado M
    Ugroženost zdravlja u procesu izrade celuloze
    [A threat of health in the production of cellulose]
  88. Popović V; Aranđelović M; Popović M; Vračević M; Ilić D; Jakubi S; Marković L; Momčilović O; Todorovska D
    Uticaj hemijskih štetnosti u elektronskoj industriji na stanje otpora strujanju vazduha u disajnim putevima
    [Effects of harmful chemicals in electronic industry on the air flow resistance in respiratory tract]
  89. Milović I; Oluić D
    Promene etioloških faktora, anatomske distribucije i životne dobi dece sa bronhiektazijama
    [Changing aetiology, anatomic distribution and age in children with bronchiectasis]
  90. Pongrac I; Roglić M
    Limfociti u sputumu
    [Lymphocytes in sputum]
  91. Mermolja M; Debeljak A
    Uloga citologije pleuralnih izliva u dijagnostici malignoma
    [The role of cytology of pleural effusions in the diagnostics of cancer]
  92. Fortič B
    Navika pušenja u lekara i njene posledice: preliminarni rezultati posmatranja 3595 lekara u Sloveniji u toku 15 godina (1972-1986)
    [Smoking habits in Slovene physicians and their consequences - preliminary results of the study of 3595 physicians during the observation period 1972-1986]
  93. Vidmar L; Tomažič J
    Infekcije Mycobacterium tuberculosis u osoba zaraženih HIV-om i stanje u populaciji zaraženih HIV-om u Sloveniji
    [Infections with Mycobacterium tuberculosis in HIV infected persons and its characteristics in Slovenia]
  94. Dušić B
    Subjektivnost in celovitost - novi dejavniki zdravja in zdravljenja
    [Subjectivity and integrity - new factors of health and treatment]
  95. Stambolović V
    K sprejemanju holografske medicine?
    [Toward accepting of holographic paradigma?]
  96. Moser I
    Ali so množične zdravstvene akcije še smiselne?
    [Are mass health actions still purposeful?]
  97. Latkovič B
    Zdravstvena vzgoja bolnikov z bronhialno astmo
    [Health education of the patient with bronchial asthma]
  98. Vegelj-Pirc M
    Problemi psihosocialne rehabilitacije med sedanjostjo in prihodnostjo
    [Problems of psychosocial rehabilitation between present and future time]
  99. Kohn N
    Triletne iskušnje delovanja regionalnega zdravstvenega informacijskega sistema v splošni ambulanti
    [Three-year experiences of regional health information system activity in a general out-patient department]
  100. Kožuh-Novak M
    Slovenska zdravstvena informatika v službi programa SZO Zdravje za vse do leta 2000
    [Slovene health information system in service of WHO global programme "Health for all by the year 2000"]

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