biomedicina slovenica

ct=2.30 : 1.675-1.774

  1. Anonymous ;
    Kako do odličnosti 24 ur na dan. 12. forum odličnosti in mojstrstva; 2000 maj 18; Otočec
  2. Anonymous ;
    Limfedem - diagnostika in zdravljenje: zbirnik predavanj; 2000 okt; Ljubljana
  3. Petri Nadan M
    Book of proceedings of the 2nd congress of the Alps-Adria working community on maritime, undersea, and hyperbaric medicine; 2006 Oct 18-21; Zadar
  4. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of papers and workshops of the BGCI's 6th international congress on Education in botanic gardens; 2006 Sep 10-14; Oxford
  5. Kovarik Zrinka
    Book of abstracts of the HDBMB 2006. Congress of the Croatian society of biochemistry and molecular biology on the occasion of the 30th anniversary; 2006 lis 3-7; Vodice
  6. Tušar Helena
    Celostna obravnava bolnika z miastenijo gravis in novosti na področju diagnostike, zdravljenja in zdravstvene nege nevrološkega bolnika. Zbornik predavanj 6. strokovno srečanje Sekcije medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov v nevrologiji; 2006 okt 6; Ljubljana
  7. Anonymous ;
    Final program and abstract book of the 7th annual meeting of rehabilitation in multiple sclerosis; 2001 May 16-19; Copenhagen
  8. Anonymous ;
    Final program and abstract book of the 8th annual meeting Quality in MS rehabilitation; 2003 May 22-25; Crans-Montana
  9. Anonymous ;
    1st European laser Doppler user's meeting; 1991 Mar 24-25; Oxford
  10. Anonymous ;
    Glaucoma updade. 12. incontri internazionali di oftalmologia dell' Alpe Adria;1988 set 9-10; Trieste
  11. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts. 15. jugoslovenski simpozij biofizike; Beograd 1984
  12. Anonymous ;
    26th international society for clinical electrophysiology of vision (ISCEV); 1988 May 21-25; Estoril
  13. Brnjas-Kraljević J; Benko B
    Book of abstracts of the 17th Yugoslav symposium on biophysics; 1986 Oct 15-18; Kumrovec
  14. Anonymous ;
    Abstrakti 13 kongres SDFJ; 1985 sep 18-21; Skopje
    [Abstracts of the 13th congress of UYPS; 1985 Sep 18-21; Skopje]
  15. Anonymous ;
    Zdravstveni tim: nefrologija
  16. Anonymous ;
    Standards in anesthesia and intensive care medicine. Proceedings of the 10th symposium anesthesia Alpe Adria; 1997 May 16-18; Klagenfurt
  17. Battelino Saba
    Abstract book of the 11th Danube symposium international otorhinolaryngological congress;2006 Sep 27-30; Bled
  18. Rihtar Andreja
    Vloga fizioterapevta v zdravstvenem timu. Zbornik 2. simpozij fizioterapevtov Slovenije; 1996 maj 8-10; Otočec
  19. Anonymous ;
    FEBS / EMBO Workshop: 15th protein kinase meeting "Spatial and Temporal Regulation of Signalling"; 2006 Sep 21-24; Oslo
  20. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 2nd international congress on colposcopy and pathophysiology of lower female genital tract for the central and eastern European countries, 1st European course of colposcopy; 2006 nov 29 - dec 2; Krakow
  21. Anonymous ;
    Knjiga sažetaka znanstvenog simpozija Dijagnostika i liječenje raka dojke i vrata maternice; 2006 lis 6-7; Zagreb
  22. Neuwirth Jiri; Gleeson Fergus
    Final programe / book of abstracts of the 14th anual meeting of the European society of thoracic imaging; 2006 Jun 11-12; Prague
  23. Emri Igor
    Abstracts of the 11th international workshop on advances in experimental mechanics; 2006 Aug 13-19; Portorož
  24. Anonymous ;
    Seminar iz nevro-oftalmologije; 2006 feb 16; Ljubljana
  25. Anonymous ;
    Proferred papers of the 21st international meeting of Adriatic Society of pathology; 2006 Jun 24-25; Trieste
  26. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstracts of the 3rd national symposium of pathology "Victor Babes" national institute annual session; 2006 Nov 1-3; Bucharest
  27. Anonymous ;
    2nd inter-congress of the European society of pathology: focus on activities of the working groups and associated societies: slide seminars; 2006 May 24-27; Ioannina, Greece
  28. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstracts of the yeast genetic and molecular biology meeting; 2006 Jul 25-30; Princeton
  29. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 8th congress of the European academy of paediatric dentistry; 2006 Jun 8-11; Amsterdam
  30. Geršak Borut; Jenič Ksenija; Lindič Jelka; Varl Bojan
    25. Tavčarjevi dnevi; 1983 nov 9-11; Ljubljana
  31. Kresal Friderika; Veljić Irma
    Slovenska fizioterapija skozi čas. Zbornik 12. simpozij fizioterapevtov Slovenije; 2006 dec 7-9; Podčetrtek
  32. Anonymous ;
    Konferenca Od podatkov do informacij v zdravstvu; 2006 nov 23; Ljubljana
  33. Šulović Vojin; Vejnović Tihomir
    Kako zaustaviti belu kugu u Srbiji: uloga zdravstvene službe. Zbornik radova sa naučnog skupa sa međunardnim učešćem; 2006; Beograd
  34. Orešković Slavko; Barišić Dubravko; Raič Zoran
    Suvremeni pristup u liječenju žena s inkontinencijom mokraće i defektima dna zdjelice: priručnik. Poslijediplomski tečaj stalnog medicinskog usavršavanja I. kategorije; 2006; Zagreb
  35. Topić Elizabeta; Meško-Brguljan Pika; Blaton Victor
    New trends in classification, monitoring and management of metabolic syndrome. Handbook of the 6th FESCC continuous postgraduate course in clinical chemistry under the auspices of IFCC; 2006 Nov 11-12; Dubrovnik
  36. Žmavc Andrej
    Zbornik predavanj Simpozij o urgentni medicini; 2006 dec 1-2; Celje
    [Symposium on emergency medicine; 2006 Dec 1-2; Celje]
  37. Radunović Nebojša
    Simpozijum Novine u humanoj reprodukciji 2006; 2006 dec 08.-09; Beograd
  38. Anonymous ;
    Program of the 6th national conference Dialysis in 21 century; 2006 May 12-14; Pamporovo
  39. Bajt Maja; Gabrijelčič-Blenkuš Mojca
    Zbornik prispevkov Strokovno izobraževalno srečanje na temo promocije zdravja; 2006 nov 7; Ljubljana
  40. Anonymous ;
    11th winter school on proteinases and their inhibitors recent developments; 1992 Feb 26 - Mar 1; Tiers
  41. Anonymous ;
    12th winter school on proteinases and their inhibitors: recent developments; 1993 Apr 26-30; Tiers
  42. Anonymous ;
    13th winter school Proteinases and their inhibitors: recent developments; 1994 Feb 10-14; Krajnska Gora
  43. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 4th international symposium on proteinase inhibitors and biological control; 1995 Oct 4-8 Brdo
  44. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 4th international congress of plant molecular biology; 1994 Jun 19-24; Amsterdam
  45. Anonymous ;
    Povzetki 1. Slovenski simpozij iz rastlinske fiziologije z mednarodno udeležbo in okrogla miza Rastlinska biotehnologija;1993 sep 29 - okt 1; Gozd Martuljek
    [Abstracts of the 1st Slovenian symposium on plant physiology with international participation and round table discussion plant biotechnology; 1993 Sep 29 - Okt 1; Gozd Martuljek]
  46. Kenda Miran; Fras Zlatko
    Končni program in zbornik izvlečkov 14. kardiološki dnevi; 2006 okt 26-28;
  47. Anonymous ;
    33. strokovni seminar Dejavnosti v transfuzijski medicini; 1996 okt 11-12; Terme Zreče - Rogla
  48. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 10th world congress of endoscopic surgery and 14th international congress of the European association for endoscopic surgery (EAES); 2006 Sep 13-16;
  49. Glavič Peter; Brodnjak-Vončina Darinka
    Zbornik povzetkov referatov s posvetovanja Slovenski kemijski dnevi 2006; 2006 sep 21-22; Maribor
  50. Anonymous ;
    Kniha abstraktov 2. kongres slovenskych a českych dermatovenerologov s medzinarodnnou učastou; 2006 jun 15-17; Bratislava
  51. Anonymous ;
    Final programme and abstracts of the 36th ECLSO congress and contact lens educational course; 2006 Oct 5-8; Dubrovnik
  52. Anonymous ;
    7th winter school on proteinases and their inhibitors recent developments; 1988 Mar 5-12; Bovec
  53. Anonymous ;
    8th regional meeting of biochemists, biophysicists and biotechnologists; 1987
  54. Anonymous ;
    Programme and abstracts of the 7th Balkan biochemical and biophysical days; 1988 Apr 27-29; Dubrovnik
  55. Anonymous ;
    10th winter school on proteinases and their inhibitors recent developments; 1991 Feb 8-12; Brdo
  56. Anonymous ;
    Aspartic proteinases: biochemical, physiological and clinical aspects of pepsin, chymosin, renin and related proteinases. The 18th Linderstrom-lang conference; 1988 Jul 4-8; Elsinore
  57. Anonymous ;
    3rd international symposium on proteinase inhibitors and biological control; 1991 Jun 23-27; Brdo
  58. Anonymous ;
    Rezimei saopštenja. 5. kongres Saveza biohemijskih društava Jugoslavije; 1989 sep 26-9; Novi Sad
  59. Ribič-Pucelj Matina
    Book of proceedings of the 12th basic and advanced course on gynecological endoscopic surgery; 2006 Jun 5-9; Ljubljana
  60. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik radova 41. kongres studenata medicine i stomatologije; 25-29 apr 2000; Zlatibor
  61. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik sažetaka 42. kongresa studenata medicine i stomatologije sa međunarodnim učešćem; 2001 apr 17-21; Lepenski Vir
  62. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 17th international medical sciences student congress; 2001 May 3-6; Istanbul
  63. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstracts of the 2nd international scientific conference for medical students and young scientists in Lviv state medical university; 2001 oct 11-13; Lviv
  64. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstracts of the 9th Annual internationl ain shams medical students' congress; 2001 Feb 11-14;
  65. Anonymous ;
    Zdravstvena zaštita radnika u zdravstvu. Zbornik radova i rezimea 17 Somborski medicinski dani; 2002 okt 17-18; Sombor
  66. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik predavanj 1. šola za obravnavo bolnikov s tuberkulozo in pregledovanje kontaktov; 2006 nov 24; Golnik
  67. Anonymous ;
    11th RNA 2006 annual meeting: 2006 Jun 20-25; Seattle
  68. Buček-Hajdarević Irena; Nunar-Perko Andreja; Kramar Zdenka
    Zbornik predavanj 36. strokovni seminar "Dobra transfizijska praksa"; 1999 nov; Radenci
  69. Košnik Mitja
    Zbornik sestanka Zgodnja terapija alergijskih bolezni: zagotavljanje kakovosti v alergologiji; 2006 nov 18; Ljubljana
  70. Anonymous ;
    Od začetka do danes 4,9 milijona bolnica - let izkušenj; 2006 nov 22; Ljubljana
  71. Anonymous ;
    COST E 39 working group meeting; 2006 Nov 28-30
  72. Dolenc Primož
    Zbornik 15. strokovni sestanek Sekcije za arterijsko hipertenzijo; 2006 nov 30-dec 1; Portorož
  73. Zupančič Živa
    Knjiga abstraktov 1. kongres radiologov Slovenije; 1996 okt 10-12; Portorož
    [Abstract book 1st congress of Slovenian radiologists; 1996 Okt 10-12; Portorose]
  74. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 1st Macedonian congress on endocrinology and metabolic disorders; 2000 Oct 18-21; Ohrid
  75. Pernat Andrej; Voga Gorazd
    Zbornik predavanj Šola intenzivne medicine: 2 let.; 2006 nov; Ljubljana
  76. Kert Suzana; Tušek-Bunc Ksenija
    Vzajemna oskrba bolnika: bolečina v križu, bolezni venskega sistema, bronhopnevmonija. Zbornik 4. mariborski kongres družinske medicine; 2006 nov 24-25; Maribor
  77. Lainščak Mitja; Bednarik Jurij; Perhavec Andraž
    Obravnava nekaterih pogostejših simptomov in stanj. Zbornik predavanj Srečanje mladih zdravnikov; 2006 okt 7; Ljubljana
  78. Anonymous ;
    Učna delavnica: alergija v ambulanti družinskega zdravnika: povzetki predavanj
  79. Anonymous ;
    Life style. Abstractbook of the GUIDE early summer meeting; 2006 Jun 29; Groningen
  80. Štrancar Aleš; Glover Darryl
    Applications in biochromatography, bioconversion and solid phase synthesis. Book of abstracts of the monolith summer school (MSS 2006); 2006 May 28-31; Portorož
  81. Lokovšek Tjaša; Cafuta Vesna; Krofel Miha; Podvršič Boštjan; Stergaršek Jošt; Vukelič Eva; Jaćimović Vesna; Aupič Nataša; Čehovin Ana
    Dugi otok 2002: ekosistemi Dalmacije. Poročila s tabora študentov biologije; 2002; Dugi otok
  82. Roš Milenko
    Zbornik referatov Simpozij z mednarodno udeležbo Vodni dnevi 2006; 2006 okt 18-19; Portorož
  83. Fras Zlatko; Poredoš Pavel
    Abstract book of the European congress on noninvasive cardiovascular dynamics; 1995 May 28-31; Ljubljana
  84. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the international congress Vascular medicine; 1998 Jun 25-27; Graz
  85. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik povzetkov raziskovalnih nalog 29. srečanja mladih raziskovalcev Slovenije; 1995 okt 16; Ljubljana
  86. Vrtačnik-Bokal Eda; Jančar Nina
    Spolno prenosljive okužbe. Zbornik 3. spominski sestanek prof. dr. Lidije Andolšek-Jeras; 2006 dec 8; Ljubljana
  87. Anonymous ;
    Invitox 2006. Abstract book of the 14th international workshop on in vitro toxicology; 2006 Oct 2-5; Ostend, Belgium
  88. Anonymous ;
    Molecular and physiological effects of bioactive food compounds. Part 1 - Dietary phytochemicals and health: from molecular targets to biomarkers of efficacy. Part 2 - Physiological effects of thermally treated foods. COST 926/927 conference; 2006 Oct 11-14; Vienna
  89. Bohak Janko; Možina Miran
    Sodobni tokovi v psihoterapiji: od patogeneze k salutogenezi. 4. študijski dnevi Slovenske krovne zveze za psihoterapijo; 2005 jun 3-4; Rogla
  90. Sekulović Dragan; Maksimović Srboljub; Kišgeci Jan
    Proceedings of the 1st conference on medicinal and aromatic plants of southeast European countries and 6th meeting "Days of medicinal plants 2000"; 2000 May 29-Jun 3; Aranđelovac
  91. Pavlin Cvetko
    Pol stoletja organiziranega delovanja sladkornih bolnikov v Sloveniji (1956-2006). Zbornik Zveze društev diabetikov Slovenije
  92. Anonymous ;
    Funkcionalna inzulinska terapija in samokontrola sladkorne bolezni; 2005 feb 4; Ljubljana
  93. Anonymous ;
    1. kongres Hrvatskog društva za liječenje boli s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem; 2006 lis 12-14; Plitvička jezera
    [1. congress of the Croatian society for the pain management (HDLB) with international participation]
  94. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings of the international conference All about karst and water: decision making in a sensitive environment; 2006 Oct 9-11; Vienna
  95. Anonymous ;
    Scientific programme and abstracts of the 26th international congress on occupational health; 2000 Aug 27 - Sep 1; Singapore
  96. Mustajbegović Jadranka; Valić Fedor
    Radna sposobnost i životna dob. Zbornik 3. hrvatski kongres medicine rada me unarodnim sudjelovanjem; 2002 ruj 18-22; Brijuni
    [Aging and work ability. Proceedings of the 3rd Croatian congress on occupational health; 2002 Sep 18-22; Brijuni]
  97. Vukelić Mihovil
    Zbornik sažetaka 1. Hrvatski kongres medicine rada; 1995 lis 26- 28; Opatija
    [Book of abstracts of the 1st Croatian Congress on Occupational Health]
  98. Mustajbegović Jadranka; Dečković-Vukres Vlasta
    Knjiga sažetaka radova 2. Hrvatski kongres medicine rada; 1998 okt 24-26; Zadar
    [Book of abstracts of the 2nd Croatian congress on occupational health]
  99. Kempken Frank; Jung Christian; Sauter Margret
    Plant genetics. Joint conference of the German genetics society and the German society for plant breeding; 2006 Sep 20-23; Kiel
  100. Prešern Janez
    Knjiga povzetkov 1. slovenski entomološki simpozij; 2006 nov 4-5; Ljubljana
    [Booki of abstracts of the 1st Slovenian entomological symposium; 2006 Nov 4-5; Ljubljana]

   1.175 1.275 1.375 1.475 1.575 1.675 1.775 1.875 1.975 2.075  

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