biomedicina slovenica

ct=2.30 : 2.041-2.140

  1. Košnik Mitja
    Zbornik sestanka Aspirinska intoleranca in rinitis, 2006 apr 22; Golnik
  2. Rijavec Irma
    Zbornik predavanj Dokumentiranje v procesu zdravstvene nege kirurškega bolnika; 2006 apr 20; Ljubljana
  3. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 2nd Ljubljana refractive surgery meeting, 2006 apr 21-22; Ljubljana
  4. Posavec Anton
    Zbornik predavanj Strokovni seminar Imobilizacija s sodobnimi pripomočki; 2006 feb 10; Ig
  5. Kersnik Janko; Turk Helena
    Poškodbe rame in boleča rama, tendinitisi in druga kirurška stanja roke, hude poškodbe na terenu, anksioznodepresivne motnje, epilepsija, motnje razpoloženja, bolezni ščitnice, uporaba računalnikov in vaje iz oživljanja. Zbronik predavanj 6. Kokaljevi dnevi; 2006 apr 6-8-; Kranjska Gora
  6. Anonymous ;
    Svetovni dan zdravja 2006. Strokovni posvet Skupaj delamo za zdravje; 2006 apr 7; Ljubljana
  7. Mlinarić-Galinović Gordana; Katalinić-Jankovič Vera; Gjenero-Margan Ira; Vilibić-Čavlek Tatjana
    Respiratorne infekcije: epidemiološka i klinička slika, dijagnostika, terapija i prevencija tuberkuloze i mikrobakterioza. 3. poslijediplomski tečaj stalnog medicinskog usavršavanja I. kategorije; 2006 tra 20-21; Zagreb
  8. Anonymous ;
    Knjiga sažetaka 4. kongres Hrvatskog gastroenterološkog društva s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem; 2006 ožu 22-25; Zagreb
    [Book of abstracts 4th congress of the Croatian society of gastroenterology with international participation; 2006 Mar 22-25; Zagreb]
  9. Bošan-Kilibarda Ingrid; Grba-Bujević Maja
    Trauma: hitna stanja i algoritmi zbrinjavanja
  10. Elmenreich Wilfried; Kaiser Hans
    Proceedings of the Junior scientist conference 2006; 2006 Apr 19-21; Vienna
  11. Anonymous ;
    Focus on microscopy FOM 2006. Programme and abstract book; 2006 Apr 9-12; Perth, Australia
  12. Križančič Miran
    Zbornik izbranih tem Delavnice urgentne medicine 2004; 2004 apr; Ljubljana
  13. Križančič Miran
    Nujna medicinska pomoč. Zbornik izbranih tem Delavnica Urgentne medicine; 2003; Ljubljana
  14. Kozak Matija; Blinc Aleš; Šabovič Mišo
    Žilne bolezni in rak; 2006 apr; Šmarješke toplice
  15. Dolenc Primož
    Zbornik 12. strokovni sestanek Sekcije za arterijsko hipertenzijo; 2003 okt 25; Portorož
  16. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik predavanj 12. strokovno srečanje Zdravstvena nega težko bolnega in umirajočega varovanca v socialnem zavodu; 2002 nov 5-6; Kranjska gora
  17. Fras Zlatko
    Slovenski forum za preventivo bolezni srca in žilja 2006. Zbornik prispevkov ob 7. rednem letnem plenarnem srečanju Slovenskega foruma o preventivi bolezni srca in žilja; 2006 apr 1; Ljubljana
  18. Serša Gregor; Lah-Turnšek Tamara; Kos Janko
    Book of abstracts of the 4th conference on experimental and translational oncology; 2006 Mar 22-26; Kranjska gora
  19. Anonymous ;
    Zdravje na informacijski poti. Zbornik kongresa Slovenskega društva za medicinsko informatiko; 2006 apr 9-11; Zreče
  20. Tul-Mandić Nataša
    Zbornik predavanj Šola ultrazvočne diagnostike: ultrazvočni pregled med 11. in 14. tednom nosečnosti; 2006 mar 31; Ljubljana
  21. Ivanjac Miroslava; Živković Nenad
    Zbornik radova 2. nacionalna konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem Ocena profesionalnog rizika - teorija in praksa; 2005 maj 26-27; Niš
  22. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik prispevkov 11. rednega posveta o obravnavi in spremljanju bolnikov s tuberkulozo (TB) v Sloveniji; 2006 mar 24; Ljubljana
  23. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik predavanj 8. strokovnega srečanja; 2000 maj 30-31; Kranjska Gora
  24. Možina Andrej
    Dan ginekološke onkologije: rak jajčnikov. Zbornik 1. slovenski kongres o cervikalni patologiji s kolposkopskim tečajem; 2006 mar 9-11; Kranjska Gora
  25. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik predavanj Seminar za tehnike laboratorijske medicine; 1996 sep, okt; Ljubljana, Maribor, Rogaška Slatina
  26. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik obveznega seminarja za tehnike laboratorijske medicine; 1994 maj; Ljubljana, Celje, Šempeter pri Gorici
  27. Munih Jolanda; Kuralt-Štucin Dragica
    Okolje in okužbe. Zbornik predavanj 11. strokovni seminar; 2003 sep 13; Ljubljana
  28. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik predavanj (Hematološko društvo laboratorijskih tehnikov); 2001 okt 19-20; Portorož
  29. Krivec Štefka; Kozmelj Mojca; Kramberger Marta
    Zbornik predavanj Seminar za tehnike laboratorijske medicine; 2006 mar, apr; Celje, Jesenice, Ljubljana
  30. Krivec Štefka; Kramberger Marta
    Zbornik predavanj Seminar za tehnike laboratorijske medicine; 2005 mar, april; Jesenice, Ljubljana, Novo masto
  31. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik predavanj (Hematološko društvo laboratorijskih tehnikov); 1999 april 16-17; Radenci
  32. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik predavanj (Hematološko društvo laboratorijskih tehnikov); 2000 april 8; Ljubljana
  33. Anonymous ;
    Zdravstvena nega v stomatološki ambulanti. 9. strokovni seminar Sekcija medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov v zobozdravstvu; 2002 mar 15; Slovenj Gradec
  34. Pišec Andrej
    Z znanjem proti odvisnosti od nedovoljenih drog. Program 5. strokovnega srečanja; 2005 okt 20; Izobraževalni center Pekre
  35. Gibson Chris; Brancelj Anton
    Impact of climate change on fragile lake ecosystems. 2. workshop of International networking for young scientists; 2005 Oct 9-12; Ribčev Laz
    [Vpliv klimatskih sprememb na občutljive jezerske ekosisteme. 2. delavnica Mednarodna povezava mladih znanstvenikov; 2005 okt 9-12; Ribčev Laz]
  36. Toth Gabor A
    Auxology: to the memory of professor Otto G. Eiben
  37. Beltram Gordana; Vogrin Milan
    Zbornik razširjenih povzetkov Strokovni posvet Funkcije mokrišč za življenje in razvoj; 2006 feb 2; Ljubljana
  38. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstracts of the 48th annual maize genetics conference; 2006 Mar 9-12; Pacific grove, California
  39. Anonymous ;
    Strokovna doktrina stomatološke klinike. Zbornik 19. republiškega strokovnega seminarja DZDS; 2005 nov 10-12; Rogaška Slatina
  40. Stecher Adela; Šteblaj Simona
    Preprečevanje trombemboličnih zapletov, interpretacija testov hemostaze in zdravljenje motenj strjevanja krvi. Satelitski simpozij, povzetki predavanj 4. slovenski kongres anesteziologov z mednarodno udeležbo; 2005 okt 6; Bled
  41. Anonymous ;
    Peripheral nerve surgery - how to improve the results: abstract book; 2006 Mar 24 - 26; Vienna
  42. Trampuž Renata
    Zbornik prispevkov Celostna obravnava pacienta z rakom; 2006 mar 4; Nova Gorica
  43. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 10th International conference on Lyme Borreliosis and other tick-borne disease; 2005 Sep 11-15; Vienna
  44. Zupančič-Justin Maja
    Sonaravna sanacija odlagališč odpadkov. Zbornik predavanj Strokovno posvetovanje z mednarodno udeležbo "Predstavitev demonstracijskega projekta v okviru Life environment sustainable rehabilitation of the landfill site Life 03 ENV/SL/000557-Limnotop"; 2006 mar 7; Ormož
    [Sustainable rehabilitation of landfill sites. Proceedings of the conference with the international participation "Presentation of the demonstration project in the frame of Life environemnt programme sustainable rehabilitation of the landfill site Life 03 ENV/Sl//000557-Limnotop"; 2006 Mar 7; Ormož]
  45. Anonymous ;
    Raccolta delle relazioni, dei contributi e delle esperienze pervenute. Convegno nazionale Comunita e salute: il contributo delle cure primarie L'esperienza di Reggio Emilia; 2005 nov 21-22; Reggio Emilia
  46. Švab Igor; Kolšek Marko; Kersnik Janko; Berger Tatjana; Vodopivec-Jamšek Vlasta; Rotar-Pavlič Danica; Bulc Mateja
    Zbornik ob 10. obletnici Katedre za družinsko medicino
  47. Urlep-Šalinović Vera
    Zbornik za organizatorje krvodajalstva
  48. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts 4th World congress of the World society for pediatric infectious disease - WSPID; 2005 Sep 1-4; Warsaw
  49. Anonymous ;
    Microbes in a changing world. Abstracts of the 13th International congress of virology, joint meeting of the 3 Division of the International union of microbiological societies 2005, 11th International congress of bacteriology and applied microbiology, 11th International congress of mycology, 13th International congress of virology; 2005 Jul 23-28; San Francisco
  50. Anonymous ;
    Basic immunology research in allergy and clinical immunology. Final program and abstracts of the 4th EAACI GA2LEN Davos meeting; 2006 Feb 16-19; Grainau
  51. Kersnik Janko; Iljaž Rade
    Sočasne bolezni in stanja. 22. učne delavnice za zdravnike družinske medicine; 2005; Ljubljana
  52. Anonymous ;
    Final programme of the 12th international congress of the European association for endoscopic surgery (EAES) in co-operation with the Endoscopic section of the Spanish association of surgeons; 2004 Jun 9-12; Barcelona
  53. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings of the 6. Dreilaendertagung 2005 microscopy conference; 2005 Avg 28 - Sep 2; Davos
  54. Kramar Peter; Miklavčič Damijan
    Proceedings of the International scientific workshop and postgraduate course Electroporation based technologies and treatments; 2005 Nov 14-20; Ljubljana
  55. Nunar-Perko Andreja; Buček-Hajdarević Irena
    Zbornik predavanj 40. strokovni seminar "Lajšanje akutne pooperativne bolečine"; 2005 apr 15-16; Rogla
  56. Anonymous ;
    Biological assays: development and validation. Conference documentation of the IBC's 11th international conference, 4th time in Europe. ; 2005 Oct 18-19; Swissotel
  57. Kaatz HH; Becher M; Moritz RFA
    Bees, ants and termites: applied and fundamental research; (2005 mar 14-18); Halle, Germany
  58. Anonymous ;
    The 80th annual meeting of the american society of parasitologists: research and recreation on the Gulf coast; 2005 Jul 8-11; Mobile, Alabama
  59. Anonymous ;
    IFMBE. Proceedings of the 3rd European medical and biological engineering conference EMBEC'05. Vol 11; 2005 Nov 20-25; Prague
  60. Bricl Irena; Lampreht Natalija
    Zdravljenje s krvjo v gastroenterologiji in hepatologiji. Zbornik strokovnih prispevkov 7. podiplomski seminar Zdravljenje s krvjo; 2005 dec 9-10; Portorož
  61. Anderluh Gregor; Zupan Blaž; Stare Janez
    Zbornik 1. srečanje slovenskih bioinformatikov; 2005 dec 2; Ljubljana
  62. Palmstierna Tom; Nijman Henk; Oud Nico
    Proceedings of the 4th European congress on violence in clinical psychiatry; 2005 Oct 20-21; Wien
  63. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 23rd congress of the European society of cataract and refractive surgeons; 2005 Sep 10-14; Lisbon
  64. Anonymous ;
    Knjiga sažetaka 2. hrvatskog traumatološkog kongresa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem; 2005 stu 3-5; Zagreb
    [Abstract book of the 2nd Croatian trauma congress with international participation; 2005 Nov 3-5; Zagreb]
  65. Anonymous ;
    10th annual meeting of the Hungarian STD society and Alp-Danube-Adria 11. STD workshop; 2005 Nov 4-5; Budapest
  66. Šota Danijel
    Zbornik radova 9. kongres Hrvatske udruge djelatnika hitne medicinske pomoći; 2005 oct 20-23; Šibenik
  67. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the European meeting on molecular diagnostics; 2005 Oct 13-14; Hague
  68. Možina Andrej
    Mednarodni znanstveni simpozij HPV in preprečevanje raka materičnega vratu: kje smo in kako naprej; 2005 okt 7; Ljubljana
    [International scientific symposium HPV infection and cervical cancer prevention: where we now, what to do; 2005 Oct 7; Ljubljana]
  69. Tkačik Boris; Urbas Marina
    Komuniciranje z dajalci in uporabniki statističnih podatkov ter podpora EMU in Lizbonski strategiji. Zbornik 15.statistični dnevi; 2005 nov 7-9; Radenci
    [Communication with statistical data providers and users and support for the EMU and the Lisbon strategy. Proceedings volume of the 15th statistical days; 2005 Nov 7-9; Radenci]
  70. Fras Zlatko; Poredoš Pavel
    Zbornik prispevkov 47. Tavčarjevi dnevi; 2005 nov 3-5; Portorož
  71. Vizjak A; Ferluga D; Bruijn JA; Mihatsch MJ
    Programme, proceedings of the 20th European congress of pathology: nephropathology pre-congress meeting Updates in nephropathology and transplantation. ; 2005 Sep 3; Paris
  72. Anonymous ;
    6th international comet assay workshop; 2005 Sep 22-24; Warszawa
  73. Anonymous ;
    Global goals in gastroenterology. Final program and abstracts of the World congress of gastroenterology 2005; 2005 Sep 10-14; Montreal
  74. Anonymous ;
    Final programme and abstracts of the 11th Prague dermatology symposium; 2005 Sep 15-17; Prague
  75. Anonymous ;
    Academia dermatologica; 2005 Sep 10-14; Brioni
  76. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the AM's annual meeting on infectious diseases and 44th interscience conference on antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy; 2004 Oct-Nov, 30-2; Washington
  77. Anonymous ;
    Programme of the 10th congress of the euroacademia multidisciplinaria neurotraumatologica; 2005 May 19-21; Rotterdam
  78. Križman Igor
    Interna medicina 2005: novosti in aktualnosti. Zbornik predavanj 2. kongres Združenja internistov SZD; 2005 okt 21-22; Ljubljana
  79. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 14th meeting of the international society of haematology, European & African division; 1997 Aug-Sep; 30-4; Stockholm
  80. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the recent developments in the field of medical and technological interfaces ecooperation within the EU future region; 2005 Apr 22; Seggau castle
  81. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 1st international congress in "prediabetes" and the metabolic syndrome; 2005 Apr 13-16; Berlin
  82. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts, participants and lectures of the 2nd state of the art in chronic low back pain; 2005 May 10-13; Bodrum
  83. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 86th annual meeting of the endocrine society; 2004 Jun 16-19; New Orleans
  84. Anonymous ;
    Global goals in gastroenterology: expanding horizons in the 21st century. Abstracts of the world congress of gastroenterology; 2005 Sep 10-14; Montreal
  85. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik sažetaka 8. konkresa neurohirurga Jugoslavije sa međunarodnim učešćem; 1998 okt 28-31; Beograd
  86. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the George L. Wied memorial symposium; 2005 Sep 10-11; Vienna
  87. Avguštin Sonia Adriana
    Zbornik 4. konference slovenskih znanstvenikov in gospodartvenikov iz sveta in Slovenije; 2005 sep 8-9; Brdo pri Kranju
  88. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 3rd urological Alpe Adria meeting; 2005 Sep 10; Rijeka, Opatija
  89. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 6th international gastric cancer congress. Strategies for gastric cancer treatment in the 21st century: minimally invasive and tailored approaches integrating basic science and clinical medicine; 2005 May 4-7; Yokohama
  90. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings of the 6th meeting of the German neuroscience society and 30th Goettingen neurobiology conference; 2005 Feb 17-20; Goettingen
  91. Anonymous ;
    76th annual meeting of the Japanese pharmacological society and the 80th annual meeting of the physiological society of Japan; 2003 mar 24-26; Fukuoka
  92. Anonymous ;
    ISG 2003 - the annual meeting of the EASD islet study group; 2003 Avg 29-31; Brussels
  93. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstract book of the 6th international congress pediatric emergency and intensive care for physicians and nurses and 10th annual congress of the european society of pedistric and neonatal intensive care; 1999 jun 6-9; Padova
  94. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 38th annual meeting of the European society of paediatric gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition (ESPGHAN); 2005 Jun 1-4; Porto
  95. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik sažetaka 4. kongresa Hrvatskog društva za otorinolaringologiju i kirurgiju glave i vrata s međunarodnim učešćem; 2005 maj 18-21; Poreč
  96. Anonymous ;
    Days of molecular medicine 2004: integrative physiology and human disease, neurohormonal and metabolic pathways; 2004 Mar 18-20; Cambridgeshire, UK
  97. Huganir Richard; Jan Lily; Sheng Morgan
    Abstracts of papers presented at the 2004 meeting on channels, receptors & synanpses; 2004 Apr 21-25; New York
  98. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 2nd international symposium on triglycerides and HDL: role in cardiovascular disease and the metabolic syndrome; 2005 Jul 14-17; New York
  99. Baraga Andrej; Tonin Martin
    Program in zbornik izvlečkov 24. letnega srečanje Evropskega združenja za okužbe kosti in sklepov; 2005 maj 19-21; Ljubljana
    [Programme and book of abstracts of the 24th annual meeting of the European bone and joint infection society; 2005 May 19-21; Ljubljana]
  100. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 11th world congress on pain; 2005 Avg 21-26; Sydney

   1.141 1.241 1.341 1.441 1.541 1.641 1.741 1.841 1.941 2.041 

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