biomedicina slovenica

vo="animal" : 601-700

  1. Boggero A; Fuereder L; Lencioni V; Simčič T; Thaler B; Ferrarese U; Lotter A F; Ettinger R
    Littoral chironomid communities of Alpine lakes in relation to environmental factors
  2. Kos Ivan
    Problemi kvalitativnega in kvantitativnega vzorčenja skupine strig (Chilopoda)
  3. Trontelj Peter
    Načrtovana vetrna elektrarna na območju Volovje rebri - vpliv na ptice in njihov habitat
  4. Kos Ivan
    Strokovno mnenje o vplivu gradnje in obratovanja vetrnih elektrarn na Volovji rebri na velike zveri
  5. Jevšek Marko; Jaworski Alexander; Polo-Parada Luis; Kim Natalie; Fan Jihua; Landmesser Lynn T; Burden Steven J
    CD24 is expressed by myofiber synaptic nuclei and regulates synaptic transmission
  6. Bergant Aleksandra; Suhadolčan Lovro
    Množina in vezava acetilholinesteraze v motoričnih ploščicah podganjih mišic
  7. Kržan M; Schwartz JP
    Histamine transport in neonatal and adult astrocytes
  8. Drevenšek Martina; Sprogar Špela; Boras Ivana; Drevenšek Gorazd
    Effects of endothelin antagonist tezosentan on orthodontic tooth movement in rats
  9. Perše Martina; Cerar Anton
    Pravna ureditev poskusov na živalih in pogoji za pridobitev dovoljenja
    [Legal regulation on animal experiments and conditions for permit acquisition]
  10. Duh Darja; Slovak Mirko; Saksida Ana; Strašek Katja; Petrovec Miroslav; Avšič-Županc Tatjana
    Molecular detection of Babesia canis in Dermacentor reticulatus ticks collected in Slovakia
  11. Rajtar S; Feurle J; Schwelberger HG; Irman-Florjanc T
    Expression of histamine degrading enzymes in guinea pig tissues
  12. Lipnik-Štangelj M; Čarman-Kržan M
    Effects of histamine and IL-1beta on PKC-stimulated nerve growth factor secretion from glial cells
  13. Urbanija Jasna; Kralj-Iglič Veronika
    Giant phospholipid vesicles as a possible diagnostic system for the study of protein interaction with membranes
  14. Kerec Mojca; Bogataj Marija; Veranič Peter; Mrhar Aleš
    Permeability of pig urinary bladder wall: the effect of chitosan and the role of calcium
  15. Veranič Peter; Jezernik Kristijan
    The cytokeratins of urinary bladder epithelial cells
  16. Balatsouka Dimitra; Gotfredsen Klaus; Gundersen Hans Jorgen G
    Evaluation of bone-to-implant contact and bone density adjacent to titanium implants using a stereological technique on ground sections
  17. Radovancevic Branislav; Gregorič Igor; Tamez Daniel; Vrtovec Bojan; Tuzun Egemen; Keun-Chee Hyun; Moore Sheila; Jarvik Robert K; Frazier OH
    Biventricular support with the Jarvik 2000 axial flow pump: a feasibility study
  18. Cvetko Lidija; Turk Nenad; Markotić Alenka; Milas Zoran; Margaletić Josip; Miletić-Medved Marica; Plyusnin Alexander; Baranton Guy; Postic Daniele; Avšič-Županc Tatjana
    Short report: dual infections with Puumala virus and Leptospira interrogans serovar lora in a bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus)
  19. Vrecl Milka; Uršič Matjaž; Pogačnik Azra; Zupančič-Kralj Lucija; Jan Janja
    Excretion pattern of co-planar and non-planar tetra- and hexa-chlorobiphenyls in ovine milk and faeces
  20. Božič Bojan; Derganc Jure; Svetina Saša
    Blastula wall invagination examined on the basis of shape behavior of vesicular objects with laminar envelopes
  21. Trampuš Alenka
    Vpliv nikardipina in njegovih enantiomer na črevesno absorpcijo digoksina pri burdah in vivo
  22. Rituper Boštjan
    Elektrofiziološke meritve fuzije posameznega mešička s plazmalemo v primarni kulturi podganjih laktotrofov
  23. Wahl Miloš; Gadžijev Eldar M; Wahl Jana; Ravnik Dean; Pečar Jani; Pleskovič Alojz
    An experimental model of reproducible liver trauma
  24. Vrezec Al
    Krivokljun Loxia curvirostra
  25. Vrezec Al
    Srednji detel Dendrocopos medius
    [Middle spotted woodpecker]
  26. Koce U
    Gnezditvena ekologija malega deževnika (Charadius dubius) v Ljubljanski kotlini
    [Nesting ecology of little ringed plover (Charadius dubius) in Ljubljana basin]
  27. Zidar Primož
    The influence of zine on the accumulation of cadmium and copper in the terrestrial isopod Porcellio scaber (Crustacea, Isopoda)
    [Vpliv cinka na akumulacijo kadmija in bakra pri kopenskem enakonožcu Porcellio scaber (Crustacea, Isopoda)]
  28. Kos Ivan; Potočnik Hubert; Skrbinšek Tomaž; Majić-Skrbinšek Aleksandra; Jonozovič Marko; Krofel Miha
    Strokovne podlage za upravljanje z risom v Sloveniji: zaključno poročilo
  29. Urbanič Gorazd; Ambrožič Špela; Tavzes Branka; Hodnik Vesna; Sever Maja; Hrovat Mojca; Pavlin Maja; Weldt Sašo
    Vzorčenje in obdelava 40 vzorcev bentoških nevretenčarjev za določanje ekološkega stanja ter sočasne meritve izbranih osnovnih fizikalno-kemijskih parametrov III
  30. Urbanič Gorazd; Ambrožič Špela; Tavzes Branka; Hodnik Vesna; Sever Maja; Hrovat Mojca; Pavlin Maja; Weldt Sašo
    Vzorčenje in obdelava 40 vzorcev bentoških nevretenčarjev ter sočasne meritve izbranih osnovnih fizikalno-kemijskih parametrov
  31. Urbanič Gorazd; Ambrožič Špela; Tavzes Branka; Hodnik Vesna; Sever Maja; Hrovat Mojca; Pavlin Maja; Weldt Sašo
    Vzorčenje in obdelava 40 vzorcev bentoških nevretenčarjev nabranih na referenčnih mestih ter sočasne meritve izbranih fizikalno-kemijskih parametrov
  32. Urbanič Gorazd; Tavzes Branka; Toman Mihael J; Ambrožič Špela; Hodnik Vesna; Zdešar Katja; Sever Maja
    Priprava metodologij vzorčenja ter laboratorijske obdelave vzorcev bentoških nevretenčarjev (zoobentosa) nabranih v vodotokih in obdelava 70 vzorcev bentoških nevretenčarjev
  33. Gaberšek Kristina
    Morfološki opis prebavnih žlez med levitvenim ciklom mokric (Porcellio scaber, Isopoda, Crustacea)
    [Morphological description of digestive gland of terrestrial isopods (Porcellio scaber, Isopoda, Crustacea) in different moulting stages]
  34. Bizjak Danuša
    Pitje pri mokricah Ligidium hypnorum (Crustacea: Isopoda)
    [The uptake of liquid water in Ligidium hypnorum (Crustacea: Isopoda)]
  35. Denac Damijan
    Raziskovalni tabori DOPPS
  36. Denac Damijan
    "Quo vadis", navadna čigra?
  37. Denac Damijan
    Lesna sova Strix aluco in veliki skovik Otus scops
  38. Denac Damijan
    Črnoglavi galeb Larus melanocephalus
    [Mediterranean gull]
  39. Denac Damijan
    Sloka Scolopax rusticola in Pegasta sova Tyto alba guttata
    [Woodcock and Barn owl]
  40. Denac Damijan
    Reglja Anas querquedula
  41. Denac Damijan; Denac Katarina
    Koconoga kanja Buteo lagopus
    [Rough-legged buzzard]
  42. Tome Davorin
    Razprava: komentar na članek Mihelič, t. & Genero, F. (2005): Occurrence of Griffon Vulture Gyps fulvus in Slovenia in the period from 1980 to 2005. - Acrocephalus 26 (125): 73-79
    [Forum: comments on the article by Mihelič, T. & Genero, F. (2005): Occurrence of Griffon Vulture Gyps fulvus in Slovenia in the period from 1980 to 2005. - Acrocephalus 26 (125): 73-79.]
  43. Denac Damijan; Vrezec Al
    Tengmalm's owl Aegolius funereus found in bare karst area of Pag island (N Dalmatia, Croatia)
    [Koconogi čuk Argolius funereus najden v goli kraški krajini otoka Pag (S Dalmacija, Hrvaška)]
  44. Trontelj Peter; Polak Slavko
    Long-legged buzzard
    [Rjasta kanja Buteo rufinus]
  45. Vrezec Al
    Črni škarnik Milvus migrans
    [Black kite]
  46. Vrezec Al
    Ornitološke taksonomske novosti
    [Novelties in ornithological taxonomy]
  47. Milani Marziale; Drobne Damjana; Zrimec Alexis
    FIB in situ manipulation and imaging of biological samples
  48. Milani Marziale; Drobne Damjana; Zrimec Alexis; Bellerini Monica
    Focused ion beam 3-D ultramicroscopy and micromanipulation of Porcellio scaber (Isopoda, Crustacea) digestive system
  49. Kostanjšek Rok; Ramšak Lucija
    Psilochorus simoni (Berland, 1911) (Araneae, Pholcidae), a new record for Slovenian fauna from Postojna cave
  50. McLaggan Debra; Adjimatera Noppadon; Sepčić Kristina; Jaspars Marcel; MacEwan David J; Blagbrough Ian S; Scott Roderick H
    Pore forming polyalkylpyridinium salts from marine sponges versus synthetic lipofection systems: distinct tools for intracellular delivery of cDNA and siRNA
  51. Kostanjšek Rok; Fišer Cene
    New records of jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) for Slovenia
    [Nove najdbe pajkov skakačev (Araneae: Salticidae) v Sloveniji]
  52. Simčič Tatjana; Brancelj Anton
    Effects of pH on electron transport system (ETS) activity and oxygen consumption in Gammarus fossarum, Asellus aquaticus and Niphargus sphagnicolus
  53. Kavar T; Pavlovčič P; Sušnik S; Meglič V; Virant-Doberlet M
    Genetic differentiation of geographically separated populations of the southern green stink bug Nezara viridula (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae)
  54. Mohar Urša; Stanovnik Lovro
    Comparison on two methods for pA2 determination in two types of guinea pig isolated preparations, bearing H2 receptors
  55. Davanlou Maziar; Smith Donald F
    Unbiased stereological estimation of different cell types in rat cerebral cortex
  56. Hudler Petra
    Imunski odziv proti ustnim bakterijam v mišjem modelu kroničnega vnetja (bombažna past)
    [A mouse model of chronic bacterial lesions (a cotton trap) for studying immune response against oral bacteria]
  57. Pokorn Dražigost; Hlastan-Ribič Cirila; Cerar Anton
    Gastric content of the liquid test meals in rats with gastrointestinal neoplasias induced by N-methyl-N-nitrosoguanidineand 1,2-dimethylhydrazine
  58. Vučković Darinka; Abram Maja; Bubonja Marina; Wraber Branka; Dorić Miljenko
    Host resistance to primary and secondary Campylobacter jejuni infections in C57B1/6 mice
  59. Glavan G; Živin M
    Differential expression of striatal synaptotagmin mRNA isoforms in hemiparkinsonian rats
  60. Čemažar Maja; Pavlin Darja; Kranjc Simona; Grošel Alenka; Mesojednik Suzana; Serša Gregor
    Sequence and time dependence of transfection efficiency of electrically-assisted gene delivery to tumours in mice
  61. Potokar Maja; Kreft Marko; Chowdhury Helena H; Vardjan Nina; Zorec Robert
    Subcellular localization of Apaf'1 in apoptotic rat pituitary cells
  62. Sprogar Špela
    Vpliv selektivnega antagonista TBC 3214 na ETA receptorjih na ortodontske premike zob pri podganah
  63. Knežević Vladimir; Poljak Mario; Bradamante Želimir; Šerman Draško; Levak-Švajger Božica; Švajger Anton
    Yolk sac carcinoma derived from the rat epiblast as a renal isograft
  64. Čebašek Vita; Radochova Barbara; Ribarič Samo; Kubinova Lucie; Eržen Ida
    Nerve injury affects the capillary supply in rat slow and fast muscles differently
  65. Miš Katarin; Marš Tomaž; Jevšek Marko; Strašek Helena; Goličnik Marko; Brecelj Janez; Komel Rado; King Michael P; Miranda Armand F; Grubič Zoran
    Expression and distribution of acetylcholinesterase among the cellular components of the neuromuscular junction formed in human myotube in vitro
  66. Miš Katarina
    Colocalization of acetylcholinesterase, butyrylcholinesterase and choline acetyltransferase in rat spinal cord
  67. Schaefer Ralf; Knauf Ulrich; Zweyer Margit; Hoegemeier Oliver; de Guarrini Francesca; Liu Xia; Eichhorn Heinz Juergen; Koch Walter; Mundegar Rustam; Eržen Ida; Wernig Anton
    Age dependence of the human skeletal muscle stem cell in forming muscle tissue
  68. Stojan Jure
    Rational polynomial equation helps to select among homeomorphic kinetic models for cholinesterase reaction mechanism
  69. Goličnik Marko; Stojan Jure
    Transient kinetic approach to the study of acetylcholinesterase reversible inhibition by eseroline
  70. Cesar Simona
    Vpliv sepse na strukturo in funkcijo levega prekata podgane v diastoli
  71. Stroemstedt Maria; Waterman Michael R; Haugen Trine B; Tasken Kjetil; Parvinen Martti; Rozman Damjana
    Elevated expression of lanosterol 14 alpha-demethylase (CYP51) and the synthesis of oocyte meiosis - activating sterols in postmeiotic germ cells of male rats: erratum
  72. Cotman M; Ježek D; Fon-Tacer K; Frangež R; Rozman D
    A functional cytochrome P450 lanosterol 14 alpha-demethylase CYP51 enzyme in the acrosome: transport through the Golgi and synthesis of meiosis-activating sterols
  73. Jan Janja; Vrecl Milka; Pogačnik Azra; Gašperšič Dominik; Zorko Matjaž
    Distribution of organochlorine pollutants in ovine dental tissues and bone
  74. Oestlund Pernilla; Kilk Kalle; Lindgren Maria; Haellbrink Mattias; Jiang Yang; Budihna Metka; Černe Katarina; Bavec Aljoša; Oestenson Claes-Goran; Zorko Matjaž
    Cell-penetrating mimics of agonist-activated G-protein coupled receptors
  75. Floren Anders; Sollenberg Ulla; Lundstrom Linda; Zorko Matjaž; Stojan Jure; Budihna Metka; Wheatley Mark; Martin Negin P; Kilk Kalle; Mazarati Andrey
    Multiple interaction sites of galnon trigger its biological effects
  76. Liang Feng-Xia; Bosland Maarten C; Huang Hongying; Romih Rok; Baptiste Solange; Deng Fang-Ming; Wu Xue-Ru; Shapiro Ellen; Sun Tung-Tien
    Cellular basis of urothelial squamous metaplasia: roles of lineage heterogeneity and cell replacement
  77. Erdani-Kreft Mateja; Sterle Maksimiljan; Jezernik Kristijan
    Distribution of junction- and differentiation-related proteins in urothelial cells at the leading edge of primary explant outgrowths
  78. Grošel Alenka
    Vpliv kombinacije elektrogenske terapije S p53 in elektrokemoterapije s cisplatinom na humane karcinomske celične linije in mišje sarkome
  79. Kranjc Simona; Čemažar Maja; Grošel Alenka; Šentjurc Marjeta; Serša Gregor
    Radiosensitising effect of electrochemotherapy with bleomycin in LPB sarcoma cells amd tumors in mice
  80. Črne-Finderle Neva; Pregelj peter; Sketelj Janez
    Junctional and extrajunctional acetylcholinesterase in skeletal muscle fibers
  81. Serša Gregor
    Application of electroporation in electrochemotherapy of tumors
  82. Anonymous ;
    Program permanentnega izpopolnjevanja; 2005 nov 11-12; Rogaška Slatina
  83. Juntes Polona
    Prenosljive spongiformne encefalopatije (TSE): programi permanentnega izobraževanja; 2002 maj 23; Poljče
  84. Margić Krunoslav
    Cijeljenje povrijeđene tetive u raznim pokusnim uvjetima
  85. Margić Krunoslav
    Cijeljenje povrijeđenih malih žila
  86. Margić Krunoslav
    Early changes in dissected small vessels: experimental study on rat arteries and veins
  87. Sepčić K; Turk T
    3-alkylpyridinium compounds as potential non-toxic antifouling agents
  88. Fusetani Nobuhiro; Clare Anthony S
    Marine molecular biotechnology
  89. Vrezec Al; Kapla Andrej; Pirnat Alja; Ambrožič Špela
    Primerjava številčnosti govnačev (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Geotrupidae) v Sloveniji: uporaba popisne metode za hrošče z zemeljskimi pastmi na širšem območju
    [Relative activity abundances of the dor beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Geotrupidae) in Slovenia: a large-scale aplication of the survey method using pitfall traps]
  90. Kralj Jasna
    Parasite-host interactions between Varroa destructor Anderson and Trueman and Apis mellifera L.: influence of parasitism on flight behaviour and on the loss of infested foragers
  91. Zagmajster Maja
    Poročilo o delu skupine za netopirje
  92. Valentinčič Tine
    Olfactory discrimination in fishes
  93. Reutter Klaus; Kapoor BG
    Fish chemosenses
  94. Otis Gard W; Kralj Jasna
    Parasitic brood mites not present in north America
  95. Webster Thomas C; Delaplane Keith S
    Mites of the honey bee
  96. Hafner Tomaž
    Dolgoročna učinkovitost zdravljenja z imunoterapijo bolnikov, preobčutljivih za strup kožokrilcev
  97. Kotnik Primož
    Uravnavanje od antidiuretičnega hormona odvisnih in neodvisnih poti izražanja in znotrajceličnega kroženja akvaporina 2
  98. Jevšek Marko
    Molekularni mehanizmi vzpostavljanja živčnomišičnega stika pri sesalcu
    [Molecular mechanism of neuromuscular junction formation in mammals]
  99. Mohorko N; Kregar-Velikonja N; Repovš G; Gorenšek M; Bresjanac M
    An in vitro study of Hoecht 33342 redistribution and its effects on cell viability
  100. Serša Gregor
    Predstavitev Oddleka za eksperimentalno onkologijo

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