biomedicina slovenica

vo="dogs" : 210-309

  1. Zdovc I
    Vrste stafilokokov na koži psov
    [Staphylococcus species on the canine skin]
  2. Čop Z; Mehle J
    Botulizem pri psih
    [Botulism in dogs]
  3. Brecelj A; Kralj R; Zorko B
    Vestibularni sindrom
  4. Seliškar A; Simčič V
    Ultrazvočna diagnostika obolenj urinarnega trakta
    [Ultrasonography of urinary tract diseases]
  5. Bajc-Piškur S; Godnič J
    Diagnostični pomen bolezenskih znakov na očeh
    [Diagnostic consequence of the eye pathology]
  6. Valentinčič I
    Učinki nekaterih zdravil na želodčno sluznico
    [Effects of some drugs on gastric mucosa]
  7. Zaninović P; Tozon N
    Pljučna tromboembolija
  8. Tozon N; Zaninović P
    Filarioza psov
    [Canine filariosis]
  9. Stariha-Pipan S
    Veterinarjeva vloga pri izobraževanju lastnikov pasjih mladičev
    [The vet's role in educating puppy owners]
  10. Amon M; Gabrovšek J; Žnideršič L
    Zavetišče za pse in mačke in delo v njem
    [Dogs and cats shelters and management]
  11. Štuhec I
    Pomen zaščite malih živali
    [Protection of small animals and its importance]
  12. Mali M; Čop Z
    Pristop do agresivnih psov
    [Approach to aggressive dogs]
  13. Mills DS
    Pathophysiological causes of behavioural problems and their identification
  14. Bryden JS
    Food hypersensitivity in dogs and cats
  15. Dreier HK
    Gynakologische Operationen bei der Hundin
  16. Valentinčič I
    Endoskopska in histopatološka ocena kroničnih gastritisov pri psih
    [Endoscopic and histopathologic evaluation of chronic gastritis in dogs]
  17. Pavlica Z; Cestnik V
    Management of lingually displaced mandibular canine teeth in five bull terrier dogs
  18. Pavlica Z
    Laser in veterinary dentistry
  19. Pavlica Z; Pogačnik A; Šušterčič D; Skalerič U
    Application of laser therapy to dental treatement in dogs
  20. Petelin M; Pavlica Z; Ivanuša T; Toplak M; Skalerič U
    Periodontal and radiographic changes during experimental periodontitis in beagle dogs
  21. Butinar J
    Pulzna oksimetrija in kapnometrija - uvajanje novih metod monitoriziranja v veterinarsko anestezijo
    [Pulse oximetry and capnometry - an introduction of new methods of monitoring into veterinary anesthesia]
  22. Zdovc I
    Vrste stafilokokov na koži psov in njihova občutljivost za antibiotike in kemoterapevtike
    [Staphylococcus species on the canine skin and their susceptibility to antibiotics and chemotherapeutics]
  23. Pavlica Z
    Zobna pulpa pri psu in njeno radikalno zdravljenje
    [Dog's dental pulp and it's radical treatement]
  24. Galac S; Cestnik V
    Hipotiroidizem pri psih
    [Hypothyroidism in dogs]
  25. Simčič V; Tozon N
    Kemoprofilaksa kardio-pulmonarne filarioze psov
    [Chemoprotection cardio-pulmonar dogs filariosis]
  26. Pavlica Z
    Zobna pulpa pri psu in njeno konzervativno zdravljenje
    [Dog's dental pulp and it's conservative treatement]
  27. Stariha S
    Preveč dodatkov k hrani je lahko škodljivo
  28. Juntes P; Coer A; Pogačnik M; Šenk L
    Primerjava rezultatov AgNOR v tkivu normalnih in rakasto spremenjenih mlečnih žlez pri psicah, dobljenih z meritvami na dveh različnih sistemih za analizo slike
    [Comparison of results of measurements of AgNOR in normal and carcinomatous mammary gland in a dog made by two different image analysis systems]
  29. Kogovšek J
    Stabilizacija izpahnjene stegnenice s podpornim Westhuesovim vijakom pri psih
    [Stabilization of a dislocated femur with a supportive Westhues screw in the dog]
  30. Petelin M; Pavlica Z; Skalerič U
    Klinične spremembe obzobnih tkiv med eksperimentalnim parodontitisom pri psih pasme beagle
    [Clinical changes of periodontal tissues during experimental periodontitis in beagle dogs]
  31. Zorc-Pleskovič R
    Limfociti in tkivni bazofilci v črevesju psa po obsevanju
    [Lymphocytes and mast cells in dog's colon after irradiation]
  32. Obermaier G; Reihlen A; Dahme E; Weis S
    Morphometric investigations of the glial cell nests in the rhinencephalic allocortex of the dog
  33. Zorc-Pleskovič R
    Changes in some collon mucosal cells after irradiation
  34. Rozman J; Trlep M
    Multielectrode spiral cuff for selective stimulation of nerve fibres
  35. Rozman J; Sovinec B; Trlep M; Zorko B
    Multielectrode spiral cuff for ordered and reversed activation of nerve fibres
  36. Schara R; Brecelj A; Sepe A; Demšar F; Skalerič U
    MR imaging of periodontal tissues in vivo
  37. Geršak B
    Comparison between absorbable and nonabsorbable sutures in arterial anastomoses in growing dogs
  38. Geršak B
    Presence of calcium in the vessel walls after end-to-end arterial anastomoses with polydioxanone and polypropylene sutures in growing dogs
  39. Geršak B
    Fibrous changes and presence of calcium in the vessel walls six months after end-to-end arterial anastomoses in growing dogs
  40. Domanjko A
    Ehokardiografska študija disfunkcije levega srčnega prekata pri psih
    [The echocardiographic study of left ventricular dysfunction in dogs]
  41. Bernik S
    Hemodinamske, hormonske in biokemične spremembe med hemoragičnim šokom pri psih v splošni anesteziji
    [Haemodynamic, hormonal and biochemical changes during haemorrhagic shock in general anaesthesia on dogs]
  42. Galac S; Cestnik V
    Diabetes mellitus (DM) pri psih in mačkah
    [Diabetes mellitus (DM) in dogs and cats]
  43. Bavdaž-Solce M; Strmole B
    O dirofilariozi psov in modelu zdravljenja te bolezni
    [About heartworm disease in dogs and protocol of the treatement]
  44. Pavlica Z
    Pojav zobne gnilobe pri psih v Sloveniji
    [Carious lesions of the dogs in Slovenia]
  45. Martinka M; Mirt D; Kralj V; Huber H; Mali M
    Farmatan - sredstvo izbora u preventivi i kurativi proljeva domaćih životinja
  46. Rozman J; Zorko B; Nghiem T
    Isometric twitch contractions of selectively stimulated muscles in dog's leg
  47. Pavlica Z
    Sodobni postopki rahabilitacije pasjih zob - komparativna študija
    [Modern procedures for dog teeth rehabilitation - comparative study]
  48. Bajc-Piškur S; Godnič J; Zemljič T; Kralj R
    Zdravljenje keratoconjunctivitisa siccae pri psu
    [Treatement of KCS in dog]
  49. Pipan V
    Sodobna računalniška tehnologija izboljšuje razultate v praksi
    [The modern computer technology improve the small animal practice]
  50. Čop Z; Mali M
    Borelioza pri psih
    [Canine borreliosis]
  51. Škrap R; Butinar J; Domanjko A
    Merjenje krvnega tlaka v posameznih fazah splošne anestezije pri psu
    [Measurement of the arterial blood pressure at different stages of the general anaesthesia in dogs]
  52. Brecelj A
    Hemilaminektomija - kirurška metoda zdravljenja hernije diska v torakolumbalnem delu hrbtenice
  53. Bajc-Piškur S; Godnič J; Zemljič T; Kralj R
    Zdravljenje keratoconjunctivitisa siccae pri psu
    [Treatement of KCS by dog]
  54. Kogovšek J
    Keratitis superficialis chronica (ueberreiter)
  55. Martinjak M; Mali M
    Uporaba Farmatan kapsul za sanacijo diareje pri psih v Centru za šolanje službenih psov R. Slovenije
    [Usage Farmatan capsuls for sanitate scour at dogs in the Centre for schooling police dogs Republic of Slovenia]
  56. Mali M; Čop Z
    Posebnosti zdravstvenega varstva policijskih psov
    [Particularities of health protecton of the police-dogs]
  57. Domanjko A; Seliškar A; Juntes P; Šenk L
    Dilatativna kardiomiopatija pri psih - novosti ter naše izkušnje
    [Dilated cardiomyopathy in dogs - update and our experiences]
  58. Trstenjak I
    Diagnostika atopije pri psu
    [Diagnostics of atopy in dog]
  59. Valentinčič I
    Endoskopija zgornjih prebavil pri psu
    [Upper gastrointestinal tract endoscopy in the dog]
  60. Zaninović P
    Akutni gastritis - novosti v pristopu
  61. Čop Z; Mali M
    Borelioza pri psih
    [Canine borreliosis]
  62. Anonymous ;
    Zbornik referatov 7. simpozija o aktualnih boleznih malih živali; 1994 maj 19-20; Rogaška Slatina
  63. Rakovec P; Zupan I
    Tachycardia-induced left ventricular dysfunction: observations in humans and animal experiments
  64. Domanjko A
    Ultrazvočno vodena biopsija ledvice pri psu
    [Ultrasouns-guided renal biopsy in the dog]
  65. Juntes P; Coer A; Pogačnik M; Šenk L
    Uporaba AgNOR metode in polavtomatskega sistema za analizo slike za diferenciacijo žleznih tumorjev mlečne žleze pri psicah
    [The use of AgNOR method and semiautomatic image analysis for differentiation of mammary gland carcinomas in female dog]
  66. Pavčnik D; Wright K; Wallace S
    Percutaneous transcatheter placement of the aortic valve
  67. Rozman J; Sovinec B; Trlep M; Zorko B
    Multielectrode spiral cuff for ordered and reversed activation of nerve fibres
  68. Schara R; Brecelj A; Sepe A; Demšar F; Skalerič U
    Slikanje z magnetno resonanco v parodontologiji
    [Magnetic resonance imaging in periodontology]
  69. Ceraj-Cerić Klier Lj
    Utjecaj nekih efektora na aktivnost adenozin-3', 5'-ciklofosfat-fosfodiesteraze krvnih seruma različitih životinja
    [Influence of some effectors on the activity of cyclic adenosine-3', 5'-monophosphate phosphodiesterase in the blood serum of various animals]
  70. Capak D; Peitel M; Butković V; Stojiljković Z
    Function of the dog's elbow joint devoid of anconeal processus
  71. Grabarević Ž; Artuković B; Sabočanec R; Vuković S; Džaja P; Tišljar M; Čuljak K
    Četverogodišnji prikaz patohistoloških nalaza leukoza u pasa
    [Patohistological findings of leucosis in dogs over a four-year period]
  72. Anonymous ;
    Stress, basic and clinical research - gastrointestinal protection. 2nd symposium on experimental ulcer disease, Zagreb, Croatia, Otočec, Slovenia, 19-23 November 1990
  73. Feneley MP; Karunanithi MK; Michniewicz J
    Roght ventricular end-diastolic and end-systolic compliance: response to increased afterload in conscious dogs
  74. Heimisch W; Schad H; Mendler N
    Biphasic motion of the ischemic myocardium during early systole: from contractile to compliant action
  75. Jakupi M; Dreshaj IA; Mandura I; Haxhiu MA
    Efekat etanola na tonus izolovanog glatkog mišića plućne arterije
    [Effect of ethanol on the isolated smooth muscle of pulmonary artery]
  76. Sprung J; Cheng EY; Nimphius N; Hubmayr RD; Rodarte JR; Kampine JP
    Diaphragm dysfunction and respiratory insufficiency after upper abdominal surgery
  77. Fludernik B
    Vpliv operativne tehnike na endotelizacijo anastomoz in prehodnost venskega avtotransplantata
  78. Košorok P
    Testing of the valve for controlling the excretion of faeces and stomatherapy in the experiment on dogs
  79. Jelić I; Mijić A; Leskovar T
    Peroperativne mehanične poškodbe transplantata vene safene pri odvzemu za revaskularizacijo miokarda
    [Peroperative mechanical damage produced in the wall of the saphenous vein prepared for myocardial revascularization]
  80. Zaninović P; Simčić V
    Epidemiologija raka mlečne žleze pri psih
    [Epidemiology of mammary tumors in dogs]
  81. Brglez I
    Prispevek izolaciji dermatofitov pri mesojedih
    [A contribution to the isolation of dermatophytes in dogs and cats]
  82. Košorok P; Rauch I
    Razvoj zaklopke za kontrolo izločanja blata in nego izpeljanega črevesa
  83. Murn M; Salom L
    Preclinical toxicity studies of enalapril
  84. Schara R; Fajdiga M; Demšar F; Skalerič U
    Uporaba slikanja z magnetno resonanco v stomatologiji
    [Magnetic resonance imaging in stomatology]
  85. Banič J; Kogovšek J; Zorko B; Šubelj J; Frantar B
    Novi operativni posegi na hrbtenici, medenici in sklepih psov
    [New operative procedures on the spine, pelvis and joints of the dog]
  86. Kroustrup JP; Jorgen H; Gundersen G
    Sampling problems in a subsampling system
  87. Palka E; Cvitković L; Čuk Z; Vodopivec P
    Cefotaxime and desacetylcefotaxime pharmacokinetics in beagle dogs
  88. Zorc-Pleskovič R
    Morfološke in morfometrijske spremembe v sluznici črevesa po obsevanju in kemoterapiji
  89. Pavčnik D
    Merjenje ishemije srčne mišice z računalniško tomografijo takoj po zapori leve sprednje medprekatne arterije: eksperimentalna študija na psih
    [Computed tomographic evaluation of the natural evolution of myocardial ischemia after occlusion of the left anterior descending coronary artery - experiment on dogs]
  90. Vrbošek V
    Priprava zobne pulpe za gojitev
    [The preparation of the dental pulp for growth]
  91. Seničar M
    Analiza medeničnih zlomov v letih 1975-1986
    [Analysis of pelvic fractures in dogs from 1975-1986]
  92. Volner Z; Kudlek M; Sudić D; Šehić M; Čuljak K
    Tuberkuloza pasa kao antropozoonoza
    [Tuberculosis in the dogs as zoonosis]
  93. Vanlić-Razumenić N; Rastovac M; Erdeljan D; Tajfel D
    Hemijske i biološke osobine 99mTc-dikarboksipropandifosfonata (DPD). III. Upoređenje biomedicinskih osobina kitova različitog sastava
    [Chemical and biological properties of 99mTc-dicarboxypropane diphosphonate (DPD). III. Comparison of biomedical characteristics of kits with different composition]
  94. Duraković A; Duraković Z
    Promjene bilijarne kinetike nakon zračenja jetre gama-zrakama
    [Biliary alterations after gamma-irradiation of the liver]
  95. Duraković A; Duraković Z
    Studije funkcije srca nakon akutnog zračenja prekordija gama zrakama
    [Heart function studies in dogs after acute gamma irradiation of the precordium]
  96. Brglez I; Šenk L
    Dirofilaria immits (Leidy, 1856) Railliet et Henry, 1911, pri psu
    [Dirofilaria immits (Leidy, 1856) Railliet et Henry, 1911 in dog]
  97. Cvetnić S; Cvetnić V; Zdelar F; Batistić B; Sanković F; Stoiljković Z
    Elektrokardiografske i histološke promjene miokarda nastale zbog opstrukcije nosa u pokusu
    [Electrocardiographic and histologic changes of the myocardium due to the nasal packing]
  98. Penev G; Spasić P; Koteva-Penev L; Stojanović D; Mihajlović D; Gligorijević-Filipović J
    The condition of subcellular structures of kidney after application of aflatoxin B
  99. Geršak B
    Primerjava arterijskih anastomoz šivanih z resorbilnim in neresorbilnim šivalnim materialom
    [Comparison between asorable and nonasorbable sutures in arterial anastomoses]
  100. Vodopivec P; Palka E; Japelj M
    Farmakokinetične raziskave nifedipina in njegovih formulacij na psih
    [Pharmacokinetic investigations of nifedipine and its dosage forms in beagle dogs]

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